The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 27, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    SiKXK IX "OFFKHIt MM" AXTi.F. 'iliKATliK S.tTl'KHAV XI:. Hi". ( TOIlKlf. 4.
Thousands of visitors will be in San Francisco
at the time of the Fair. Hotel accomodations
will be at a premium at that time. We have
perfected a plan so there will be no inconven
ience to you. We provide transportation, ho
tel accomodations and everv conceivable com
fort, etc. We look alter everything and make
it very easy for you to acquire all the privi
leges of our contract by paying a small
amount monthly. See
When Officer fi(i" appears at tho)
Antlnru theater October 4th local the
otreKoorH wilt have afforded them the'
opiKirtunlty of wltiU'HHinR ono of the
KraeatPHt fiirce comedy hiiccobhcb if)
New York's past rfcanoii. Com Irk hero,
nliwiHt direct from its year run at
the (lately theater. New York City.!
the oRKUKomont of "Officer 000" will;
douhtlesH prove the comedy hit of (he,
Iireaent aeasoti. This comedy, henna.;
tlonnl In the laughing success lt:
achieved on Broadway, Ik by Aumiatln;
MuclIuKh, and in its three uproar-:
ioim acts of clean, wholeaomo merrl-1
tiient, the author, has crowded tonus!
brilliant dialogue, KtrtktiiKly original i
eharacterH, a novel story evolved
from an intricate but conaistent plot,
and a perfect whirlwind of absurdly
funny situations' and bowling farci
cal complications, which It appears
are hnpoHslble of entangling and
straightening out. Tills is said to be
one of the charactei htic charms of
Mr. MaciiiiKh's work. Me always does
the apparently Illogical 'ling, for just
n the audience has decided that a
cerLalu course of action is bound to
follow a certain complication, he In
genlusly makes' iiso of one totally dif
ferent and more effective. Following
the present dramatic rra'e for "crook
plays," "Officer GOtl" is built around
a crook, but from a basis of comedy.
This crook is ono Alfred Wilson, an
expert picture thief, who has plotted j
with a butler to obtain Illegal posses-'
sUm nf the most valuable paintings in;
the collection of Travels Gladwin, a;
millionaire art collector, who at thej
beginning of the conspiracy if; in I0u-
rope. To better accomplish his do-j
sign, Wilson poses as the absent Glad-,
win, falls in love with a lovely girl,:
who consents to elope with him to ps-;
cape a hatefl forced marriage with;
another. With this double plan about
to be consummated, Gladwin f.ecretly
returns, learns of the butler's treach
ery and the girl's danger. Falling In
love witip her himself, he and his
friends determine to frustnMe Wil
son's double plan, but in such a way
as to avoid newspaper publieitj for
the girl's sake. To do this he dis
guises himself as a policeman and be
comes known as Officer 666. With
this background of mistaken Identi
ties and conflicting motives the two
men battle for the picture and the
fdrl. First one of them and then the
other gain a momentary advantage,
which includes Gladwin's arrest as
the real thief, but any certainty as to
the ultimate outcome is. skillfully hid.
den until ihe final scene. A superb
cast of metropolitan comedians and
a lavinshlngiy adequate production
will be Important factors in the in
terpretation of this thief comedy of
continual laughter.
ip iii mi ii ii iimiafifframirorawaaiaHi
We can Bavo you money on jour grocery hill. Our stock is FRESH
and UOMI'LKTH. l'hone your need. Prompt delivery ami satisfac
tory assured. AIM our floods guaranteed.
htad of cabbage.
I.eon ICvans, Fioseburg, $2.r,0; cabbage.
Are Made Public by Secretary
Dixonville, $2.50;
$2.r,0; 1
To the highest bidder I will sell at public auction,
beginning promptly at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
Tuesday, Sept. 30
""Household goods, t'ruit jars, dairy supplies, milk
ina miMf hot ee in ! e n er arm cans, z viueiar
barrels, pickle barrel, washing maclrne. 7-h. p. ;
gasoline engine, wuu ieeu mm, pump, auuui
feet pipe and 50 gallon gasoline tank complete,
root cutter, 2 disc plows, harrows, cultivators,
mower, hay rake, wagons, buggy, horses, cows,
hogs, three brood sows, chickens and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
TERMS Amounts of $20 or less, cash; larger
amounts, cash or bankable note, interest 10 per
Sn rctary ;'iiko Xoum'T Works
Ovcrthuo roiopiliiiK l.!st ol Pr te
Winners n( County l iiir Held
Itcceiitly in lEoseJiiu-K.
I-1 I T V-SK 1l A X X I' A h
Oregon State Fair
Sept. 29Ocl 4
A whole week of Hoa.-mro mnl pnifit.
$20,000 Offered in Premiums
on Asrli'iiliural. l.lvi.ioik. l'oiillry, Texlllo
ami other exhibits.
Horse Knees. ShnmQiK Tournnment,
Fireworks, llnml I'l.noerts. Ktmenies Kxpotltlon.
Children's I'laytironiul ami other Free AttraiMWis,
IniitlillliK l'oul anil Ogle's Dne lllnu ("liens.
Free ('ami (ti'ountls. Yon are Invited.
Send for Premium Mat timl Knery II hi n ks
llethteed rates on all railroads
For Particulars address
Salem. Oregon.
KoIIowIiik is a complete Hut of
Iho prize winners at the recent coun
ty fair hold In this city:
For collective exhibits by schools:
Fullortoii school, HoscburB, $25.
Brain school, Drain. $1',.
Myrtle Creek chool, $10.
For individual collective exhibits:
l.ydlli Drctzke, Dixonville, $10; 12
nrllclea art exhibited.
Leslie rtutiier, Hoeburg, $5;
vegetables, 8 varieties,
Ailo nutnnr, ItnieUlHi, vege
tohle, e VHilfctles.
Mnry Ackley, HosbuiK, $r; six
l.ydiu liretzke, nixonvlllo. $:i; 10
ears field corn.
Ivan llnrker, Drain, $:! iTlierchan
dlse order Instead of $a cash I 10
ears field corn.
Helen Clrey, Wilbur, $:!; ; 1 Oears
.field corn.
Alfred C. Anderson, .Melrose.
$-.50: ;10 ears popcorn.
Leslie Butner, KoseburK, $2
(Mlse. orderl;; 1 Oears popcorn.
Clarcne Holiday, Drain, $2.50; 10
ears popcorn.
Mark Ilutner, HoscburB, $2 (.Mdso.
order); 10 ears popcorn. I
Alfred C. Anderson, Melrose, $:t: j
10 ears sweet corn. i
Klhert Ashworlh, Rosebury, $1.50; '
10 ears sweet corn. j
Leslie Ilutner, KoseburK, $1; 10
ears sweet corn. j
Mark Ilutner, Hoseburij. $2. .Ml; 10;
ears sw-eet corn. j
Mark Ilutner, Hosebnrj!, $2..0;
Alfred C. Anderson, Melrose,!
$:i.50; uittskmelons.
Hay Kvans, HoseburK. $:i; musk-!
melon. j
Mark Ilutner, KoseburK. $1.50;'
Alfred ('. Andersttn. Melrose,
$2,500; squash.
I.ydl.i llietzke. Dlsonvllle, $$1.50; !
squash. j
Theo.loie Ilurr, Kosoburir. $1;
Hubbard squash. :
l.yjla llret?.k?. Dixonville. $."..00; i
( Mdse orderi; pumpkin. i
(lladys Tsylor. Uoselnirs. $2.5: !
(Mdse. order); pumpklu. i
I'V.Vert Ashwolth, Roscbur;;, $1.00;
ptimpkln. I
Alfred C. Ar.-l
10 potatoei--.
I.vdla Ilretel-.
t Milse. rrder I ; 1
Leslie Hut net',
Ma.-k Uulmr, 1
1 1 .GO
instanee Hendricks,
I.ydia Ilretzke,
1 jrnl. unions.
Harold Krase, Hosebur
Kill, rr.irr.z.
Ciarcnro Church, Ruselnirg, $1.50;
1 tal. of onions.
Mni'k Ilutner, Roseburs. $1; 1 gal.
of onions.
Vernon Hoivarth, Drain, $ti; bird
Joe Xee, Rosebur?, $1..'.0; bird
Hay Kvans, noseliurg, $1 (Mdse.
order) ; bird house.
Leslie Ilutner, Roscburg, $2.50;
pink asters.
Helen Campbell, Roseburg, $2.50;
Mae Burr, Hoseburg, $5; loaf or
Ethel Watson, Roseburg,
loaf of bread.
Lois Geddes, Iloseburg,
.Mdse, order); loaf of bread,
I.tlfllle Ullindre, tIU'br.W.
loaf of bread.
Mas Burr, Roseburg, $5; two jars
of fruit.
Lydla Bretzke, Dixonville, $.1.00
(Mdse. order); canned fruit.
Lydla Bretzke, Dlxonvlle, $5; Jel
ly, 6 glasses.
Marjorie Bron, Roseburg, $1.60;
2 glasses Jelly.
Mary Whit, Rosburg. $1; crab
apple Jelly.
Ruth Bradford, Roseburg, $3; 14
glasses Jelly.
Lucy White, Roseburg, $2 iMds
order) ; 6 glasses jelly.
Mable Edgerton, Roseburg, $3.50;
hand made, nress.
Loretta E. Xcfcvnian. Canyonville.
$2.50; hand made dress.
Dana Dixon, Drain. $1.50; hand
made apron.
Vernlta Kohlhagen, Roseburg, $1;
hand made npron.
Claudia Kltiin, Myrtle Creek
$3.5(1; hand made apron. j
Anna Kluiii, Myrtle Creek, $2.50;
hand made apron. !
leona Anlnuf, Myrtle Creek, $l.5n.
hand made apron.
Lydla Brotzke, Dixonville, $5.00; I
machine made dress and apron. j
Gladys Joslyn, Drain, $2; machine j
made dress and apron. j
Stella Krohn, Roseburg, $1; ma
chine made dress and apron.
Leona Beam, Myrtle Creek, $3.00:
(Mdse. orderl; machine made
Mary Ackley. Roseburg. $3: ma
chine made dress and apron.
Helen Campbell. Roseburg, $5.00:
(Mdse. order); table cloth, 2 pair
Harold Kruse, Roseburg. $5: watch
charm. Indian Runner ducks.
.loe Xee, Roseburg. $2.50; two
barred Plymouth Rocks.
School Fair Winners 2
Weldon Bradford. Roseburg.
$2,".0; white Wyandotte.
Harold Kruse, Qoseburg, $,1.00:
While Orplntcns.
LouU Kohthaaen. Roseburg. $;t;
Rl'oile Island Reds.
irnld Kruse. linyeberif, $2.50:
b'uiiT, $2.5ti; to: (Mdse. order: Rhode Island Reds.
Harold Kruse. Rcsebnrg, $3: Hufl
F.rncn Barnnm, Roseburg. $3.00
$ 1 : po-
' A. T. SCHUBERT, Agent,
Grand Hotel, - Roseburg, Oregon
A splendid property, on the main Umpqua river, and having
marvelously fertile soil and climate conditions, with splendid timber
and excellent domestic water piped throughout house, barn and
numerous Iota and feed corrals. On account of the several sur
gical operations and the recent hospital experience of Mr. Engle,
making It necesary for him to spend much of his time In hospitals,
and for financial reasons, he has concluded to sell that splendid
country estate. This is not an ordinary or even an average ranch;
but has all the requirements of a first class country home, where
one can have the maximum of both comfort and 'profit, and live
there under excellent climatic and all other most satisfactory condi
tions. There are 870 acres, w-e!l improved and most productive, for
general farming, stock, dairying and for all'kinds of fruit and ber
ries and is all garden land of th0 highest productiveness. Has about
four miles of main Umpqua River frontage. The river bottom lands
have twenty feet or more of excellent soil. No overflow. Soil on
.slopes and benches Is aiso deep and rich, excellent for fruit and
a!! farm and garden purposes.
The parks of spreading oak, and the fir forests, all in an ex-'
celient parking system, are the wonder and admiration of all nature-loving
people who Bee this splendid ranch, which is in. a class
by Itself. Write, phone or see J. M. Engle, or any of his family
or. the Englewood ranch for prices and terms, on part or all of the
property. A very low price will be made for quick action. Don't
miss the opportunity of your life to secure the best country home
that may be found anywhere around the globe. ENGLE, Kellogg, Or.
l'hone SMS
All work first-class
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstract of Titla. Filing Pspe Prepared
Insumnce, Etc.
0 Bonds ot all Kinds Furniiad
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Rear First Trust Ravings Dank Hid);
ltOSKIll'JtG, OHKtiON"
To'.buy groceries if you come to our
store or call us up over the phone.
Try it once and be satisfied.
The North Side Grocery
Phone 324 A ....' J
807 N. Jackson Street
$ 1 .M); 1 0 potattnw.
fl!nds T:ltr, lipsebnr
(('(jntinued on page 3.)