The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 26, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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It HI JA I! 1 .10 M 10 ItC'l I A X 1 1 ISE
Ki:i,l.I!I,i: Million
"The Bel! Millinery"
FALL MILM.YKIIY In tlendUl array.
TAIIjOHKK hats, imi:ss HATS, nnd btkkkt HATS in the
smartest stylo at popular prices.
Authoritative Fall Modes in Womens
Coats, Waists and Dresses
Underwear needs are beet supplied here. Splendid showing of
new fall Comets. Ilolo Proof Hosiery, Girls' School Dresses and Hats.
Bell Sisters Building "figs?
Of our efforts to turn out
superior drinks is Purity.
We want our customers
to feel absolutely assured
of the hih quality of our
Hood. Ask for our sodas
and Carbonated Beverages
if you want the best on
y.rir table. Authorial liuttlers of the tannine "HIRES"
Knot Heer. ()j nc' forget us in ordering your sodas
Phone ISO. Tine St. Just North of Cass
Peaches Canning
are juft right now, and are the
favorite peach for canning.
We have a splendid Stock of
Superb Crawfords at only
Any reduction in price met
4 !
lilK vaudeville, ui t at I'uluce thcu-;
l tr tonight and tomorrow iiitfht. i
; Mrs. K. K. Hillis returned to Suth-j
I crlln yesterday afternoo nafter spend-!
1 lng the morning In Rosehurg. I
What 8 more valuat.te :iian money .
; Maynard's lots at the present prices. '
i Phon 39F2. ff
Mr. and Mrs. V.. R. Moose, of Myr
i tie C.'ch'. wore looking after busi
i ness niattorH In Roseburg today.
Miss Kthet Davis arrived here yes
; terday afternoon from Myrtle Creek
; to visit with her friend, Klla Rhoad
man, Miss Kva Worthlngton returned
" hero yesterday afternoon after a!
month spent at Cunyonvllle and Days!
; Creek. I
I Hazel Hunt went to Oakland yes-l
terday afternoon, where she win i
upend a few days visiting with rela-
: lives, j
j Man, the tailor, can make you l
suit of clothes any Htyle you desire.
I You can see the Roods manufactured 1
tnto a suit If you wish. Wo make
vour stilt in Rosnhtirg. Oreeon. not!
in the Windy City. We don't make!
cheap (nick, but make good clothes;
jiiiy style you wish. Wo are tailors'
nt 127 Jackson street. olp!
According to Recorder Carl Wiiii-j
body, the complaint recently filed ;
ngiMnHt the Southern Pacific Compa-'
ny by John Busenlmrk, of Melrose.:
accusing the company of blocking !
the Lane street crossing for more !
than 10 minutes, will he served uponj
the corporation within the next few!
Douglas County Creamery butter
Is the best on the market. Insist on)
your grocer supplying you with this,
homo product, which is always strict-'
ly fruF.1i and guaranteed. Twc pound;
roll, 85 cents. tf j
County Commissioner Jefferson
Wiley, of Myrtle Creek, arrived here
yesterday afternoon and will leave
tomorrow for points In the northern
part of the country for a tour of In
spection of the roads. Pass Creek
canyon will bo visited, as well a.s
other points whero the roads are in
need of Improvemnt.
Detected while In the act of at-J
tempting to dispose of several knives
taken from the store of Hay Pearce, !
a stranger giving his name as Nolo
Butcher, was arrested late Wednes
day by Marshal Kenton and remand
ed to the city Jail. He was later turn
ed over to the county officials to
answer to the charge of potty larceny.
When arraigned before Justice Mars
ters this morning he entered a plea
of guilty and was sentenced to a
term of 25 days In the county jail.
Butcher was loitering about the store
of, Mr. Pearce Wednesday afternoon'
under the pretense of waiting for a j
fanner who had arranged to metf
him ther While Mr. Peare was
stundlng In front of his store talk-1
Ing to friends, Butcher opened the
show case and appropriated three
knives of considerable value. Leaving!
the store Butcher went to the Smith!
livery barn where lie succeeded in I
selling one of the knives to Gus Mc-'
Culloch. Another knife he attempted
to sell to Mr. Smith. Noticing that!
Mr. Pearco's name was stamped on I
the blade of the knives, Mr.' Smith
called up Mr. Pearce by telephone
and Informed him of the Incident.
Mr. Pearce then went to the livery
barn, and peculiarly the thief at
tempted to sell him one of the knives.
Mr. Pearce recognized Butcher as
the fellow who was seen loitering
about his storo and notifed the offi
cers. His arrest followed. Butcher
fs a middle-aged man, and claims to
have come to Rose burg in search of
The J. Frank Company, of San
Francisco, has filed a suit in the jus
tice court against W. S. Howard. The
plaintiffs seek to recover the sum
of (1 34.31, alleged to be due for
material furnished the defendant by
the plaintiffs. Attorney A. N Orcutt
represents the complaining com
Simon Caro, the merchant, 'will re-!
move to his new business store in
tie Umpqua hotel building, about
October first. In the meantime his!
great removal sale Is still going on'
as advertised recently. Great reduc-j
tion In all lines have been ntade
and a considerable saving on mer-!
chandise is effected by purchasing;
now. ol
The members of the local K. of P. j
lodge were quite agreeably surprised
Wednesday evening when they were'
paid an unexpected visit by I,. R. j
Stlnson, Keeper of Records and !
5'e ils, and James Guiun, Grand Chan-
ff'IIor of the order. Mr. Stinson re-;
fides at Salem, while Mr Guinn is a;
resident of Pendleton. The grand !
officers were returning hnmo after i
attending the district convention of;
I ho lodge at Marshfield and chanced;
to arrive here on the regular meet-j
Ing nightDof the local lodge. Fol-
lowing the business meeting, which;
was brief, the grand officers address-j
ed the lodgemen at some length.
Both ment are fluent and interesting
talker and are well versed in the
doctrines advocated and practiced
by the K. of P. order. On account of
the visit of the grand officers being
a complete surprise, the local lodge
men were unable to prepare a ban
quet as would have otherwise been
(TICK--V-k will lH'i at tho
Gilo prlne pcki hoso Mon
day. All !!- fiicess jtffaKC Ie on
liutfd at tin; (inc.
k Ftrabtaffid fatifttise
I M8. P. ft, towm hm. j
1 :
VW nwurr, Pulled I'lnm.
rmimM IWMtyMH, WediMtig l--oai'IN.
J lecM4 Prssh Supply ol
Hrrm All Kbits;
(hi Hair m
Coafccttonery I
Children's Heavy Fleece Lined
Arrived Today
Splendid values that mean money
saved on your Fall supply
4 to 4 years, only
Men's Sweater Coats, 49c and up
The Golden Rule Store
Roseburg, Oregon
Electric Fixtures!!
In that new house 'of yours you want
Electric Lights and other Electric
Conveniences. Call me up and let
me give you an estimate. Why not
put electricity in your old home. Its
the best way to light your house.
. , ....