The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 26, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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K. IX. Meese and wfo returned to
Myrtle t-reek last evening after a
day spent In Koseburtf. Mr. Meese
yesterday disposed of li Is ranch, near
Myrtle Creek, and expects to leave
Tor the Kast shortly with a view of
Buy bread made in Roseburg
none better. You could do your'
hnnkine in Portland: liiundrv Pdiilrl' CIT NLW S.
be sent there; dry goods bought
Both the American and Eu-
ropean plans will be in use at 4
policy, homo.
-but It Is not igood business :
Spend your money
To the highest bidder I will sell at public auction,
beginning promptly at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
Tuesday, Sept. 30
Household goods, fruit jars, dairy supplies, milk
cans, milk bottles, bottle filler and caps, 2 vinegar
barrels, pickle barrel, washing mach;ne, 7-h. p.
gasoline engine, with feed mill, pump, about. SO
feet pipe and 50 gallon gasoline tank complete,
root cutter, 2 disc plows, harrows, cultivators,
mower, hay rake, wagons, buggy, horses, cows,
hogs, three brood sows, chickens and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
TERMS Amounts of $20 or less, cash; larger
amounts, cash or bankable note, interest 10 per
the Hotel McClallen after this
alace thai- i uw' ""cumuu "inner only
i cents eacn. special rates to
UeStS bv tha Wnelr nr mnh A
.Mrs. Kinnlcutt arrived here last ev-U ,.,, h, Kn .. '
ut vnmleviiio ac t at
tf i tre tonlujit o;.l tomorrow nlht.
enlng from Oakland.
Ilig vaudevillo act at i'nlnco thea
tre tonight and tomorrow night.
-Mrs. W. O. PaBie. of Oakland, Cal.,
Is registered at tl.e l;;n; qua hotel In
i'als city.
Pure .tersey cream rroin the Cal
kins ranch, fresh every dav. The
Beo Hive.
L. P. Chlncne went to Creens this
j morning after a couple of dayB spent
In Koseburg, 1
were much impressed with Roseburg
and vicinity.
Dr. J. L. 'Callaway, osteopathic
physician, Is now located In the new
building of the First Trust & Savings
Rank at the corner of Oak and Jack-
I(jsnn streets. Phones: Office 108, res
idence 143-J. t(
Mrs. Peterson, of Eugene, who has
been spending the past three nlhs
I'l 1'T V-H Ut t)X I) A X N UA b
Oregon State Fair
Sept 29Oct. 4
A whole week of plenHitro and profit
$20,000 Offered in Premiums
on Agricultural, LfvoHtoek, Poultry, Textile.
and other exhibits.
Hujhp Uncos, Shooting Tournament,
Fireworks. Hand Coneertw, Underlies KxpoBlti.,
Children') i'luvurouud mul other Kreo Attractions,
including Iluyd and Ogle'n Ono ItltiB Circus.
Free, Cnnip (iroundH. You aro invited.
Send for PnO-lmn and Knery units
Keduced rates on till railroads
For Particulars address
Salem, Oregon.
Just a reminder we enn supply
your grocery wants. The Bee Hive, j
or course. tl
Sam Miller spent the day at his
ranch near Lillian! attending to busi
ness matters.
Dr. Pearson canio over from Suth
eriin last evening to look after busi
ness matters.
S. J. Jonea leaves for Salem Sun
day where he has accepted a position
during tho state fair.
J. H. Booth and wife left for Sa
lem yesterday afternoon, where they
will attend the slate fair.
Rev. Oliver came over from Yon
calla last evening to spend a day or
i two attending to businoss matters.
Mrs. K. Hall, of Wilbur, was
admitted to Mercy hospital yesterday
morning, where she will undergo an
Mrs. Lafe Lewis leaves for New
port Saturday where she will Join her
husband who left for that place yes
j An Inventory and appraisement of
i the estate of William O. Kelso, gu-
ceased, was filed In the probate
! court this morning. Q
I Flno writing paper and envelopes
, at moderat
in Han Francisco will arrive here this
evening to spend a few days visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Edward Sin
gleton. School Supervisor Benjamin Hunt
ington pabsed through hero this
morning enroute from Drain to Glen
dale where ho will attend a banquet
to be given by the parents of the lat
ter city tonight. Qhe banquet H
given in honor of the teachers of the
filendale schools. Mr. Huntington
was joined here by County School
Superintendent O. C. Brown, who Is
scheduled to deliver the principal ad
dress during the banquet hour.
County School Suiwrintendent O.
C. Brown leaves for Salem tonight
where he will have charge of as
sembling the exhibits of the child
ren's iluatrial fair, to be held in
conjunction with the state fair nJ!
week. Mr. Brown will not return
here before late next week. During
Mr. Brown's absence Mrs. Brown
will ljve charge of the school sup
erintendent's office in this city.
Thousands of visitors will be in San Francisco
at the time of the Fair. Hotel accomodations
will be at a premium at that time. We have
perfected a plan so there will be no inconven
ience to you. We provide transportation, ho
tel accomodations and every conceivable com
fort, etc. We look after everything and make
it very easy for you to acquire all the privi
leges of our contract by paying a small
amount monthly. See
A. T. SCHUBERT, Agent,
Grand Hotel, - Roseburg, Oregon
Are You Loyal?
Are You Useing a Roseburg ilfooffi?
The best on the market for the 6ionev.
They will lst longer, and Qour work
be lighter.
You will be helping a home enterprise
maki:ig a greater Roseburg,
Kverv merchant in Koseburg is se
thi'in; so be LOYAL and demand thedK'ine pro
duct. Whist Urooms at all Orygoods and ' Drug
stores. All are sold with money-bai.(i$ (guarantee.
Free Seed For l'lgyiting.
si ii irua ui nit; iiUM-uui g
Book Store. We give S. & II. green
trading stamps. tf '
S. P. Siinimervllle, of Portland,!
Mrs. W. II. isher's father. Is expect- Slocum, Sec.
ed here tonight for a visit with hisguJfAl. oi;ii;k"oI
llev. I.. Johnson, of Ten Mile, left
for Eugene tills afternoon to attend
the annual conference of the Meth
odist Kjiiseopul rhoicll.
II. Faulltner nud wife returned
hero last evening after three weeks
spent at .'QiTiloen, Idaho. They re
port a most lOloyable time.
W. II. Al(Tvon, of Illinois, who
spent the past few days In Koseburg
left this morning for points in the
Southern part of the county.
Don't scrub your Itnoieum. UfO
Perfection Dressing, It reston the
colors. Use Cedarlno sweeping com-
i pound it collects tho dust. For sale
j by B. W. Strong, RoasliurK. 0'
on. 1!7t-nrt5-n
K. Way and wife, who recently
arrived hero from Sl'vei'ton. hnvo
rented a residence anil wl'! probably
H0lce Roseburg their fulu:" home.
' Buy Koseburg bread. Every time
you pay 5 cents for a loaf of briil
not ma' Q Roseburg you send 4
! cents of the S cents oQ of ftr
town. t
I .Magazines, non t give your money
to iinknovn persons ami frauds,
leave your iQbscrlpt ion villi the
Itoseburg Book Store. We are mem
bers of the Am-Hoolisellei-s Mni:;i:'ino
Agency Co. and giinrantc you will
receive the nuigaziue or refund your
money. We give S. & II. green
trading stamps. O tf
It jjjou want a swell, up-to-date
tall"lt mile salt, place your order
with O. W. Slopcr, of the INim'Iiimi:
( b-miiiii; .V- IJyrssiiiK 9orl.s, who
Ivm Mes the world wide A. !1. Rose
32d, holds regular couimumcn !
Hons at their te-uole ou Bticoih ;
and fourth Thursdays ol eacl i
Jiontli. At: iiitiuuviii lequeMLt-i j
lo attend reguiarly and all vinUili!, I
brothers an coruHilv iin-ite" i :
attend. A. C Seely, E. R. ; II. S. I
Miiuaii. llostr
hurt Lodge No. 1037. sheets Id
Eagles' hall on .lacksan street,
second and fourth Tuesday even
ings at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting
brothers Invited to attend. George
Neuner, Jr., Dictator; H. O. Parge
ter, Sec.
Circle, No. 49, meetPon first and
third Mon:'o' evenings of eacli
mouth I the I. O. O. 1'. hll. Vis
iting Kmb fn anil in
t lUt tl'a. ainlt
Oilth.ftft 9. .; C!: Cllill
P"TIII N OS LBii uVf em-
!! No. meett Mry Vednesda
n t i I. Oo 0. F. Temple.
.liMl tnliQrs 'Vy. welcome.
'0ry I. Wock, O E. C; Anna
W. Xiihl M. of t and C.
mmm ikglewood much
A splendid property, r the main Umpqua river, and having
marvelously fertile soil and climate conditions, with splendid timber
and excellent domestic water pi J throughout house, barn and
numerous lots and feed corrals. On account of the several sur
cal operations and the recent hospital experience of Mr. Engle,
making it necesary for him to scnd much of his time in hospitals,
and for financial reasons, ho has concluded to sell that splendid
country es$te. This is not an ordinary or even an average ranch;
but has all the requirements of a first class country home, where
one can have the maximum of both comfort and profit, and live
there under excellent climatic and all other most satisfactory condi
tions. There are 870 acres, well Improved and most productive, for
general farming, stock, dairying and for all kinds of fruit and ber
ries and is all garden land of the highest productiveness. Has about
four miles of main Umpqua River frontage. The river bottom lands
have twenty feet or more of excellent soil. No overflow. Soil on
slopes and blenches is also deep and rich, excellent for fruit and
a!! farm and garden purposes.
The parks of spreading oak, and the fir forests, all in an ex
cellent parking system, are the wader and admiration of all nature-loving
people who see this splendid ranch, which is In a class
by itself. Write, phone or see J. M. Engle, or any of his family
on the Englewood ranch for prices and terms, on part or all of the
property. A very low price will be made for quirk action Don't
miss .tho opportunity of your life to secure the best, country home
that may be found anywhere around the globe. ENGLE, Kellogg, Or.
samples, from $ I r. . 0 0 up. A tier-'
tVr fit guaranteed. Freeh dry clean- i
lug a specialty. Suits pressed w h 1 1
I you wait. Hats cleaned and blocked.!
nos Jackson street. Plume 47. 0 0r, .
('orb M. Sarehet and wife. '()
former of whom is Oklahoma rorres
1 poSnt for the St. Louis. Dallas, Chi-1
. cago. Citli'luiK'ti, New York, Boston.!
Pittsburg. Ni.w Orleans. Pbllml'dphin :
, and f.alveston newspapers. It ft fori
l n in u'ii iw'ui lift ii ,jji ri in (-t1)
j stato his: evening after a few days'
I spent in icoseimrg. .Mr. aijn Mrs.!
Snrehet are touring the Vitt and1
O. 6 6 HOIii UKpte-r, No. t i
holoji tr elll -tlng on th.
rl tklrd Pttrrtay If eucl
aiontn. Vi:likft oe. fibers in gooi
xlaiGjln art r.-gp'-ctfully Invlf'i
j icco ff.. North Flint. W
M.: Free tohnson. veretnrv
"TimmYmT . . i ii h" o'i;'i.i-.r
Camp. No. 1 2 ." . nieois at the Odi
Keliows' Mali In iO'-'-euurg, .'er
first and third Muuday evenlnic
Vlsliiug neighbors always o
come. J. A. Buchanan, C. C. ; M
M. Miller, clerk.
O. O. 1'. Phllet'arian Lodge, No.
S. rai'f'a in Odd Fclle$ Temple
corner of Jackson and Cass rtirttti
on Saturday evening o: eai a v-V.
M. a. tiers of tie -u ier in -ro'
standing are Invited to nttor.G. F.
K. EricIOon, N. 0.; M, M. Miller,
F. S.; M. L. WlO.ney, H. S.
O. ii, i- It'ising Siar I.oi.e No.
1 i 4 . me"ts In t-tit Fellows Tempi
every Friday veninc. Visiting
l.thren always ivelcome. R. C
Ar,"e N. o.; W. . fc..ell
-; ".t Fil l,-!., v r.
Phone mta AU work flist-clasi.
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title- tiling Papers Prepared
Insurance, Et:.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Picperty
Iti'ar First Trust Savings ISmik BMg ItOSKIIl lt(i, OKF.OOX
; I.
t.M li I Ullvn in t ii- . . ,
'VKDMKX- Mt. .Who l.o.ig.
IS'.', m -ets io0y SlcoiC)
rem nil Wcilne! May of ig.-h monll
ej ,... . i...-- nt visltinir broti
ers nnd sisters welcome. Richard
Stubhs. F. M. : s. E. Krohn. Cor
Let "Kellf to 0U5 Mm, ffircHffg ffitfi TP4Pmn)
Phone 220
IiDlI4 J i j wm?&
I. . O. F.-l'nliO Kncaminnent No.
9. meets In Odd Fellows' Temple
(gd'ry Thursday evenli(fc Visltins
brothr. n:iys elcon J. G.
Stephenson. C P.; O. L. Jolnn,
m) (f) o. T.- t. U. 8 61.
I holds r(grg)- i0 ci
(j)nl fourth Thui.'9y (i(8) In
(ffit()Cill. $m of otiS)
ntsm) v(a)ihg) tl(e) city )
ci'Miinlly invrrrd to attend our ri
vl.(5i) Mrs. llnrrv Pearce. IStl!
Q) com.; Jessie Rapn. R K.
rm w FJr,
A. F. V A. M. Laurel
hnUe. :n. 13, boldi
remirjr n'tfnKs on tb'
Bpoonj And fiuirth WW
!).. i -i v of nrh tnontt
ojoiirnrrs Invilrd to nttond. J.
r.rnvrft, v. M.: W V Hnrrid. Sc.
AtiLKS. Rosn'hmi; Aene nnt p
tefr bad on .liu-kson stroet, 2nd
nnd ith Mon.lny evening r.f eacti
month, at S o'rlock. Vlsittnn broth
rn In pond p'nntllng always w?.
come. C. P I fwist V. r.; B. F
Coodiun, W. Sec. Phone 183.
i i
t ' rr ' ' j
I .
I IT IS EASY'.' rTa,r-j Q rr,
j ' . " " J Ci O
I ft
ill v
fo.tniy rrrcKeries if you com to our
store or call us ) over the phone.
. Try it once and be satisfied.
TJiLNorth Side Grocery
Phone 324 - ...
q 807 N. Jackson Street