Sleep Warm You will soon be wanting to replenish your bed ding for the winter. You can get anything you want at LILBURN'S Complete showing of Blankets, Comforters, Spreads, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Pillows, Mattresses, Springs, Brass and Iron Beds Best Quality of Merchandise, Lowest Prices A. J. Lilburn & Son Complete House Furnishers ! ClTif NEWS iC.WLUOAIl V TIIK hi:. "; ILL I IK lll'ILT. Two Ami (Mn-lla!f Year To Wail. Tim railroad to tin; Kea will Iih built or co mm en red In two and one balf yeurn. Work an noon an wnn i meiiced will be )iislic(l rapidly, itnt owing to riehiyw In male rlnls 11 will not bo flnlKliud beforu nearly two jeurs. I 'o iiodilnn or Importance In the coiiHtriictlou of the new roud, but it Is hardly necessary Tor me to outline t ho niniierouH benefits Unit KoseburK will derl vo from It. It will also open up Iniid that at this time In not brlnglm; forlh what tt pliould bo. It will help KoMi'bnrK con siderably In IncmiHlntf its population. "M any of the coast people who are not prepared to jnalie an exlemtlvo tnt?o Irlp will Hiirety visit hero and locate finally. Itosebiu;! Ik an Ideal tlr.tle city and mien a thitiK art "go Tiackward" will never befall It. A fire-ermine nhould be bought, how ever, or sunm other means made for t);tt'r f 1 io protection, iih this would Calif., and they will soon see what a nice place Itom-burg is to live In. Letis than 100 degrees or beat Is con siderable better than 112 degrees thai l.os Angeles bad last week in the sun. This statement was made by .Mine. Pearl Tang ley, the lady who Ts appearing uL the Majejtlc tueatre this week, In a psychic performance, advising her questioners on all sorts of things. Ir you want to know any thing Just go there and ask her a tiuustiou. i'Yiday she will bold a spe cial meeting Tor the ladies only. Hor rid man Is barred. Altl OF THANKS. ? t V r r 4 Wo wish to express our thanks to the friends who aided uij in our be reavement by their services and kind expressions of sympathy. Also for the. many heautirul floral offer ings. .MRS. ( M. MAI IN, AM) FAMILY, .1. W. liansom, wife and sou, of j Kiddle, paused through Itosehurg yes- ! terday arierinion enrouio to Salem and other northern Oregon cities where they will enjoy a brief visit. ; They are milking the trip in Mr. Han sum's iuimtnnliile and atiiii-ipale a . very enjoyable outing. Heroine here from lifddle the bnikes on tin- car , lo respond while descending a --leeii grnde. and Mr. Ransom en- , countered considerable difficulty In j keeping the machine on the road. In order Ihut he might have the b-akettj te-ieil, Mr. It in smn and fiiiniiv re-1 in. lined liei'e c i' n ' i; li t . b.iving fori t l;e nei ) h i ii's morniiig. j ( IT 1 1 I : rk Hill iM-gl it tit t be j (iile prune peeking lumse Mori- j lny. AM kidy fjieein pb-ii-e be on j bund nt that lime, ! lite .it i-h mi. I er rbeni take .1 tr'p rrid hut rc.ilh ;iieite. i 1 i I'Mieaie ,mniui Sun U"t n n ei the iHlbt thai ri! i- INSURE in Tin-: Mutual Life or m:v youk. (Mdes! in Anieriea ; S( rmitiest In (lie World. Lead in Oregon In 1 : I -. I. u west net cost to on. I.:iruit retuin-i to yen. No slock holders. Kor full particulars see .1. !. Itt'TCIl ASOX, Insliict Manager. Koinn I 1 Perkins Phone 11 7 SNSURE YOUK TEETH lty using ilv b,';;t Suoih p.isn eh t ;r.n able, t.mtii p.tsie Vs" Pon'l use ordinary Q Dike's Dentaseptic Cream Tills is no ordmai v tomb pa -te It is a real tooth preser vative --by using OentMsept ie I'l.'nin you are giving your teeth every cluuee ou ;ue iu-in int; them giving them the best protection posi(jy Dike's Dentaseptic Cream SwiM'ti'iin ttio hri-Klh. bt-iK'tlis ilio f whlti-ns llio ti-Mh ro mrclliii! d.-ony- It ilni' not wrntrh i1hTim'(1i hot ttio flllinRS. I)iki' l)ontutttic. I'rciim com tn Ihk collHtmlhlo tuh. 2rr. roconimoni! its ws for cMMim Rnd grown ms. KROHN'S PHARMACY STREET I'or huliej only Friday afternoon, i 2:ttO Mine. Tang ley will give a speeiaJ ; matinee for ladles onJy at Majestic theatre. i Mr and Mrs. W. J. Ogelsby and child passed through here last even- mg enroute to their home at Grants I Pass after a few days spent at Co- qullle and other Coos county cities. Thomas D. Guerln, former ownr fo the Guerin hotel at Myrtle Point passed through here this morning en route home after a few days spent at Portland and other northern cities. Baxter Robinson, who recently re turned here after a few monthB spent on the coast, went to Winchester this morning. Mr Robinson says he Is satisfied with Coos county and will return there to reside at , an early date. K A. Fuller and wire left for Eu gene this morning where they will attend the Lane county fair. They re cently returned here from Marshfleld where they participated In the Wild West stunts pulled off under the di rection of Mr. Grfder. Lane Morley, one of Uoseburg'3 well known young men. today receiv ed notification that be was success ful in the recent postal railway ex aminations held at. Eugene, Mr. Mor ley has many friends here who are glad to learn of bis success. Mac, the tailor, can make you a suit of 'clothes any stylo you desire. You can see the goods manufactured Into a suit if you wish. Wo make your suit In Hoseburg, Oregon, not tn the Windy City. We don't make cheap truck, but make good clothes any style you wish. We are tailors ut 127 Jackson street. olp Robert Leadbetter, the real estate agent, left for Salem this morning where he will spend a couple of days. Ho wbb accompanied by Harry Ad ams, u traveling salesman. The men are milking the trip in Mr. Leadbet ter 's automobile and hope to reach their destination this evening. Simon Caro, the merchant, will re move to his new business store In the I'mpqiia hotel building, about October first. In the meantime his great removal sale Is still going on as advertised recently. Great reduc tion in all lines have been made and a considerable saving on merchandise- Is effected by purchasing now. ol Henry Mavis, aged KI. and George Temple, aged lli, utter eight days out from the Chemawa Indinn school, were sent hack to their home yesterday. They were caught in Eden hower two miles north of Koseburg. after having smcii) the night sleeping beside the railway track. Itoth were glad to give up, half frozen, as the last two nights have been cold and fogey. --Salem Statesman. Thomas ('. Mui ke. coliec.or of cus toms with headquarters at Poit'and passed through here this mevnlny en route home after a few days spent in Coo eounty. While on the e:-ast .Mr. Ilurke took oeraMon to hivsti mile mar hie com! it inns and foil nd t hat many of t be laws regulatini: na im'.t !on were being viola led. These viobtt inns were called to l he attention of Mr. Hurk's deputy there ami arrests will prohnMv follow. .lodge J. S. (V- was- awakened about f o'clock t Ills morning by someone who w:is trying to get Into his house. He got up and canie down stuirs but meanwhile the prowler ! went across and was- trying jo get into the back door ef the home of tiobt. Marsilen .Ir. .luiie Coke "hollered" at him and he made a hasty departure. Then Judge Coke telephoned the police, bet Night Of ficer St utsniii" went to t be wrong place and iluP no cateb himP Coos Hay Times. Georgt' 1 in me: te. lot ill agent for the Koid niiioL-.iuhile. has leased the old A brali;. in building, situated on Oak street at the rear of the Church, ill hardware store, and will cmjver' the smite into an up-to-date sho-v room. With plenty of floor space upon which be can exhibit bis cars, M r. Pu met te will purchase several carloads of !,rd automobiles t his fall that he ma have them en ha O when business opc ns in t be spring. Whether Mr. Hmnetie will etm.ige in a geneinl garage business has not bt en -decided n.i et. l-'i'i Grant, of Portland, virtual ly announced here today that be will be a candidate for attorney -enerai on the republican ticket, when, after iv conference with Attorney-General Crawford, he stated that be would become n candidate- lor the office if Crn w ford did not spek re-eKet ion. As It Is well known in inner politic al circle that Crawford will not be a candidate for re-elec:ion, but that If he seeks nn office at all at the next elecion, it will be that of o,v ernor. the statement amounts to a' positive announcement, U is believed that during the conference Crawford' assured him he would not bo a can-, didate to succeed htmnelf. Grant nerved fity attorney f&r Portland six years, retiring when Mayor Albee was elected mayor. Portland Tele-1 gram, What a more valuat.;e tban money i Maynard'a lota at the present prices. S Phonu 3tfF2. rl For Indies only Friday afternoon, 2::J0 Mine. Tangley will give a seciaJ matinee for ladiett only at Majestic theatre. ! Lafe Lewis left for Newport last! evening where he will spend a few) days enjoying his annual vacation.: He will be Joined by Mrs. Lewis on , Saturday. Mrs. I. M. Ijooney, who spent the past month at the home of Mrs. P. J. Bond left for Kansas City this ; morning. She resides at the latter, city. Mr. Godfrey, Southern Pacific 1 agent at Oakland, spent last evening! In Hoseburg visiting with his wife; who conducts the "Antlers" room-) ing house. . j 1 F. E. Alley and Carl D. Shoemaker! returned here last evening after a1 day spent at Eugene attending the! Lane county fair. They report good' races and liberal exhibits in all de- , partments. j .1. G, Cotchett left Tor his home at j Weed. Cal., this morning after a few j days spent In Koseburg visiting with ' Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. McCllalen. Mrs. j Cotchett r-ieently underwent an op-; eratlon from which she Is slowly recovering. NOTICE Work will begin at the (fie prune packing house Mon day. All -!(1y facers pleuM lo on baud at that. (line. Tonight-All Week PeailTangky ('nine ir-k the wonderful .Modfmn any (iiestion. It you want to know she wilt advise you. LAHII S MATIXF.K I lillV tonight a Tt)Mti:i:ov KXTItAOKDINAKV 1 KATl KK 'Tapped Wires" ITS WONDKIMTI. io(,l Joke Desvrvcs Another. Admusnii, 1020c V IMP i.r j lit n ! PALACE THEATRE o !, P. .1KWKTT. Mct. Thursday and Friday WRATH OF OSAKA l eatining Maurice (Ktello $100 ELOPEMENT Fili-Min Conicily. Victim of Heredity K a lent Great Hriuim. Athletics in France l'aee f IntereM In CtiKiraifc. Admission 5c and 10c r-OMIXfr MtlllAV SATrHDAY VAI OKVII.I.K AtT. School SSioes Of a Variety and Quality never shown in Roseburg before We are making a special feature Of Children You will find them rightly pri;d and s special attention given to fitting. -- Roseburg Boeterie PERKINS BUILDING PHONE 125 SOSEBVSG. OREGON i , s Ttaalr n Wti Bit's Building OPENING OF THE SEASON Sattrd&y !?ig'ht, Oct 4h B A Laugm 1m Rolls Irto A Thousand j W DIRECT FROM 2 YEA3S RUN Ki CHICAGO AND NEW YORK CITY i fMf S3? flh&T'QjPy THEATRE-MERS g m Mi05mes5r C!TY AND VICINITY I WM gfo i 'fflff lAMHOrm mff. Cohan & Harris, mm &M& & foremost cf pro- I Bb3 I'-;-:'?'f JngBt&$L ducers,arosend- I tFfm'ditMts H18 to cur eity 9 fynM Xffiflff fWgtfTS ne'o-drarnatic EM mW J k$I F? fere: of thocen- Q 'WiimJu i ffl rtT tury and I want ij WM 'irnim i h HI a to greet them G' Curtain Rises at 9 o'clock Advance Sale of Seals at the Grand Hotel Thursday, September 25th at 10 a. m. ion t a 7 :n in vain isean For Millinery Suits Coats and Dresses For Ladies, Misses and Children With Right Styles and Right Prices Like The Leader