The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 25, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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Yesterday's Highest Temp 82
Last Night's Lowest Temp 41
'air Tonight and Rriday
No. sw
Over Technicalities in Sulzer
wssub striie m vmm
Taro-S"J!Djr jtnajjrfE A,'Ii l.-UrmJira'tloJi
of ScIiirfS' TriHiioUJ Kai
tJi:TVKio MlfiHierci! t'l.&irA'a'l
:fpoclal to ThC'KiCai:i'tf KfcrtSl)
ALBANY, ET.-pt. 25. When tas
Sulzer i;jr.::N.chment count resumed
Or. j t-ifi AO'i!i,i, it 0S. tAR&
rviiSj ttot.t' t!f$ ait.i.i. ie t:-j';$V.-ul
'yw-nld 5 v',i,?lh,: fiCwt-'-'i'HTio.
h'. t't'.iy-'iiU- .; ?Xlgs ?vaA- nad
wrnty 5f fti.', k.W i-
nmily objected to tM, C!Mif
H-.t' Culte. tj utloft ua
A ;,V!t. ;wf!t. '?. A .;-fa, )
if4::.-;43 ka. ivtist C., fi
"!' tA Cu., VP SLfJ. 'V-iW p-
dgS.wfcy & HwKii'.i'at, V tk
It-iS f'icall, &&& U.t vfclla h
lievjfi, tbl lar.wt t. M:
ht wiS: ot pcitivs. I
After a jangle over the .dmissahil-j
Ity of testimony offered by Former j
President Tekulsky, of the New Yorfc;
Retell Liquor Prlers Association,.
vhh as opined by SuWei0 Ha
vers on the ground that ther -a
no reference in the impeachment to
any contribution front the associa
tion, the court ruled that all evidence
wa admissable that the prosecution
has to offer, whether it referred to
the articles of impeachment or not.
T!" r entire financial history of the
Sulzt-r campaign will now become
public property , and every couiri-f
bution sent wit! be added to the;
I-TiiMd tol: I of the contribuions, j
whilo SulKcr wilt l-e required to ac
count for every cent of the sum that
'a- turned over to him.
( imiImjii 'iunuri Whli Murder.
it. ou!st)n. who has been held In
hiil fur the last week, was today
formerly charged with the murder i
of William Acker and George Kov- l:tst evening to visit wrth friends. Lat
nck. men wnom i.e shot last Friday ' er she will go to Cot county whore
a1 they were lunching at the garage! she will spend a couple tti weeks,
with Coulson's common law wife, j Mrr. K. C. Ostrmidnr Kft for her
Mre. Katherine Gallagher.'- The wo- old home in Wisconsin this morn
mnn was also wounded, hut it is be-1 liiK where she will pen- a month
lleyed that she will recover. Coulsonj or more visiting it ablatives,
give hlmper up to the San Francisco1 .lames Petree, 0 nuMiher of the
pniice Saturday.
N Suicide Shlaiil;y lui(Jerr.
SUKBOYOAV. Mich., Sept. 25.
TNCieving that t he yorng man who
last night suicided here h? Joseph
KHis, the supposed murderer tif Jo-
spj'h Shalansky. of IndinnapolK Jus-!
t'Ve King has teieirraphed to the In-!
('iiMiauoiis officers for a complete de- i
st-ription of tho man wanted. The
(:;icide resembles the published pic'
: '.".res of Kills, ind popeis found !
in bia ieckets bear out the t henry ;
that, the body is that of the person!
N1-S3 Mcintosh left for Med-!
f-r this morning where she will visit
with friends.
ii. AiuiMici, oi .uyrtie i.recK,
was a visitor in Roseburg for a few
hours yesterday.
R. H. Stokes, of nunsmulr. Cal..
arrived here this niornlnit to visit
wlih relatives.
G. R. Hurt, of Portland, arrived
here this morning to look after bust.
nM matters.
n. I.. Tornow, ofortland, arriv
ed here this morning to look after
business matters.
J. F. Luse, of Sutherlln, transact
ed business matters in the city for a
few hours today.
".. P. Frose and family, of Salem,
arrived here this morning in search
of a location.
Dick Baldwin left foij his home at
Canyonville this morning after a
few days spent in Roseburg.
Olive Davis returned to her home
at Myrtle Creek last evening after a
couple of days spent i;.. Roseburg.
Rev, Charles. Wilson Br (lnt
to Drain this mortnj to -vpenrt the
day Ioo'Mro(Vfter buil&3!v
Richard Hail, of Gfr nbrco'i:, ho
has beea jpndiaS' fv rf-ity J,t
Portland, retuiniSi Sr tHi? :iio.
ina. i'i. J. HlcneTtcJln, of F-U'-Jifc. i?pi?t
the d hi Itoseljur .dtnr'iftci". to
lon bi'inc intiit
W. H. Davi and ir !-.iy tv
T?ortlaftG th'i rwcjRjii !;v,;j t'.jy'
-jill visit wIta lKtlvn
,1. 3l. Don ne 11 vent to aUra t!-V;
mornirtff vpUe fee 'S-ill 6rit-nS a iri9-
d.. A VSU 'iw tjh, wJ
.rr bC with t pi.oba,t jdvj. j
:.firaf-!, WtWi
I'ji'X?., ,i.iT-rft h tern' YiuR;i:ap fpun
l. tMr. tlclalty.
the d'ify In. KimiIai'4', U.vlAft
4r: tin! evitftifrj?.
Mrs. U. K. H of C?1".
are . eoupl i
ifcr.t.b'sraf vltll fciwii'd.
JMf, K-t'ctwft, foT'WH.mwt boiler
'ftir.'tljl-fcv, imnt y'wtry Ift Hose
br li:te.ting tV- ?i-inthern Pacific
ruili'oti.-C qtiip-mt&.
Mrt. GioK A. itaasflold left
'iMie.'d' fo :wttthrii California
f.'here ghe 'jMH vfjsit Jmh a couple of
eeis. Stf;fc .irui
r. 4n. V. Coi-heilson, re-
erntly frn ViniVH mt:s left for
Myrtle Cro M.W. Iv?j,iBg where they
will visit Vth friend.
F. Heull.v 4n ffiflt-, who have
hepn spending 1 1 past montl at Sa- j
lorn and othr northern oitiea. re-j
turned here lst Evening. j
Mrs. Briift? ffSfphcnSon and child I
reiurnea nere last evening aner vis-j
Ming with rel$tlv rt Wood burn.!
Kalis City and Portland. J
j 1. C Mather an arrived here j
f tliis morning 'from JEtigmiP to visit 1
! at the home of the former's brother,!
W. II. Mather, of tiller.
j ,),V. Shuck mother, of Coos j
1 co u in. v. passed tHrouh hern this t
! niorni'i enroute 3 Creswell where j
i they will viKt it Ipives.
Clara WorthingtiA font to Kiddle,
j Oregon Soldiers' Hom, lft Tor Port-
land tis inorn!n $htre he will
spend a few days ith .friends.
! Dr. F. H. Vincll returned from
Oakland It evening hee he spent
a few hours aMenftl n aged gen
i tleman by th Intley,
j Mrs. R. ft. 9nnff psd through
here la ;t QQ(kiii noue to their
' home at Grants I0 a few day
spent nf0 'o$iii!; t iui other
const e!t:'$.
W. 0:-B&.. rainier,'1
was ar:i9'f rt TUflay ao
curnd (!) ': 0rut on lA sf'ts.
Vnon licint fiTi irday he
pl'nded iitftvrft filial t$j. Tnia
Tlie 0i,,f,, wiil Tn-
(iiiiffl wli9 a 40 M tht iff.crfae over
last year in)tih L'houl enrollment.
one-fon rt.ft V At iJtidanco
,0fng the hlgt -hool department,
Two Fnity 'fMOtffft men head
, the schools this yer Alfred Powers !
us nunt-ruij-nut'iii uuu ubuirb "
j Schantin S? prlncipjig) of the hlgln
' school. A Illness co!ir?e, tearhcrs'
I rainlnB. KeoinRy andj two courses in
botany have been aiUkd to the hiKh
school curriculum, while mailal
training, sewing, folk dances and cal
isthenics, dramatics etiquette letter
writing and nature study. Including
te ltienunerfuon ny common name
of nearly all local flowers, will sup
plement the three R's In the grade
department. One novel Introduc
tion In the school Is a system . of
memory 'raining based upon tb
principle of the association of Ideas.
Oregon lan.
Conj?iessman Wculd Prevent
Slaughter of Calves.
., . n-Kv...'.r. ......w r..r
Sill PfiiSI DIS Mm FfeE
11 i-fitfr.o I'.'ofiJrf?
V-Musi-h lo
(I'i-.t'.lj.I't- liiiftMTs'.i VtKffcf
(ip'sici.".! to -?-hf. ;3veuinr?; Ngv;)
WASHli'CJTOiv, & 2i. Ait-.v
t'ifrta voi'. h$xjil:t$ -li-f -"oft o'j 111-,
ta eeoftt x previous concern 1
jifiU f ftiilA-.t'l lifr. tii ye.'A in
vaU f ttolArt li:-f. 5. M.;-t o-(.
tft Awwlcaa Tjxclera A?ltIo. .
U"' f,i1 f
lUi" 4 " '
m iw y twauny r-irrw,-e vui
vs iit,i''4:ed lavas' tte'how (?
aateiT hy WaresniiitAtiT .fedar.feMa
ceo;ww l4, innvMkk th fcilling: '
K p:9f'.nt t'A (? v't
turn. gm tU t Ajot!iir.. It'iwwlt?
i ffr Violation of tW Ml !o -l?5
fiij oy tiJi i;w.fttl-.i i:irlit.;.4t o
C;a4-iii?9(a Ihierta's CwIUi-.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. Wash-
ingtOn officialdom is of the opinion
that the nomination of Foreign Min-
Ister Gamboa for the presidency of
4 'R'f
1 f '
it w -
Capt, Roald Amundsen,
Discoverer of the South Pole.
Cail. E. B. Baldwin,
Commanding the Baldwin
Ziegler Expedition
Mr. L. C. Bement
Capt. J. E. Bernier
Mr. Henry Biederbeck
Prof. W. H. Brewer
Dr. T. F. Dedrick
Prof. L. L. Dye he
Mr. E. S. Entricken
Cea. A. W. Greely, U. S. A.
Commander of the "Ltd
Franklin Bay Expedition."
Mexico means the definite elimina
tion of Huerta's candidacy. It is also
believed that Gamboa will ba con-
i trolled by Htterta.
lii'iine Fatlior Shoots rhlld.
wallowa. or., sept. 25. iu a
fit of temporary insanity, said to
t have been brought, atom through
Jealousy of a :.omi man In the,
nelgliborliood. James Barnes today
shot and .orloi-gly injured his daiiKh-!
ter. Uuhy, ased lti. and after at-!
1 tempting to shoot an cider daughter
8Uicided. The Barnes family live on
j a rrieh near here. The girl was
j Phot in the lungs and hu a fighting
I chance for life.
M.r.'.r.; $wr l.ijjVdo:?, l''vo- !-
m-Tm lijettef- t'uriffe i'EoStc.
.(s,:ei.lal. Residents of Lotion
h've hired surveyors to locate a road
Pttc to Butlv?,-!!,., c.'c-s-j
v-ar-.proif. Range a point
where the headwaters of th Ccrt
"Jfr'ft f"C00Il CtJi'te Rtsi;yy .lT-ft
i.d t VaW'.' is wM Oft I;tv a loV
'VA oVi'iect of thff tiwy f..t. i
W. I'aclflc lifjfhvay cljans..! ta tVts
:-otJf cigph! o& knttef rooi
atvuct?ivij tlva tlA iwejffi-xt hih
Ay through Pass Crook Canyon! It
U all tki.t t 'frxtw tax cs lot
.!uita tit ffn'-ire dim nee.
ile 9C Rh.;V l(...:n MIk'
very Uectf weetift t their
In thin city on Tueiday erenlmtf. Fol-
lowing the business meeting dellc-
lout; refreshments were served.
r t v f
Mr. J. Knowles Hare
Mr. Theodore Lerner
Hon. Jules Leclercq
Prof. Georges Lecointe,
Secretary of the International
P.ureau of Polar Research.
Mr. Maurice McConnell
Capt. John Menander '
Prof. O. Nordenakjold
Mr. Albert Opertl
Capt. B. S. Osborn
Prof. Jullua Payer
Rear-Admiral W. S. Schley,
U. S. N.
Commander of the Greely
Relief Expedition, .
jtunli.,il i ii r, i.-,.. .... -Ttn. f .hi"!,- aifJiarii - ,i ,
CASE DROPPED Jury Fails to Indict
, .
Proprietors of 11Iuihh Hotel mid
Chop HoiiMe, at Mui'sht'ield,
IjIoiioi1 To liitorN.
(Special to The Evening News.)
! COQUILLK CITY. Sept. 25. Af-
ter examining nearly 100 witnesses
regarding the recent deportation of
Dr- Le!'ch- rnier editor of a social
in publica tion at Baudon, the grand
yiry th?3 tm reported In
the circuit court and a'.ed to b ox-
ladlct awy or thopj allegAi t knvtr part la th- atra-;-?. 2w-Hhr..v
did th x?a'aA Jury tmnko amy co:
:.,;t. re;ar4Iit:ff the . V-i?ji--tat f-xi , t;r
thMKf iHrttelpatlftB.
Yh- tsT tlyf Lca-alii via
jwrtlitlow i)egan about two weeks
iVt aiWa tfr-at tltww K-a-r-ly HDui
wltneswa were called awd ojwiT-tt'aetl
by Dltr-t .U:toiy G-rors?!? 5-.t.
Syown. "Many of ttu-sw witnesses
came from a JisJanc, kovm v.owAnft Pav i l'ortlaiMi. Ttno x
tmiaatln of- ltH-fi was tliurough
and the pnweduns of the gratnl Jury
in failing to indict those implicated
v j i
r-'i'- o-
' s 'V't,
n- 'IE
Mr. Ralph Shainwald
Dr. Middleton Smith "
Mr. Robert Stein
Capt. Otto Sverdrup, 1
Discoverer of the SverdrW
Mr. F. F. Taylor
Mr. Dillon Wallace
Mr. I. S. Warmbeth
Prof. G. Frederick Wright t
Author of the "Ice Age p
North America."
Mr. Ceor;e Vright, Jr,
if ''if
M 4
Is received with satisfaction.
Aviator Steele Vails, '
TOLlilX). Ore., Sept. 25. Aviator
Steele, who is flying from . North
Bend to Yaquina In hi hydro aero
plane fell Into the ocean at the dis
tance or about 60 feet this afternoon.
KancherB who witnessed the accident
hastened to the scene and rescued th
aviator without difficulty.
Hofi'1 Men Arrwteil.
M-ARSHFItiLD ,Or., Sept. 25.
The proprietors of the Blanco hotel
and Chop House were arrested here
late this afternoon accused of selling
liquors to minors. They will be tak
en to Coqullle tomorrow where they
will he given an opportunity to plead
before Judge Coke.
Steamer l.f Wrecked.
MAUSHK1KLIA Or., Seplt, 26.
The Stoamer Iaques was wrecked oft
Point Arena this nfternoon. The paH
ae agora were transferred to a pass
lug steamer and were saved.
Slow Kri.iN'o OS
I'"iTo Ciil'l'tion On 8mH
KAt.KM, Or.; Seirt 23. Carpenters'
unci buiUI'oi'a of homes were hit to
day, when the- supreme court, In
a (taetetaa written by Justice Eakln,
Iwt'jl tfca-t a I'Meeh'Anlc's Hen could not
Ite ewforcp.J on a homestead valued at
f.1500 or Icbs unless exeinption has
.)cm wnlvcsl lu favor of It, which
KtKt bo tint hy husband o.nd wife.
I't Ih the first time the question has
h fecl.iwl hy the Oreson Su
preme Court, mid It Is believed It
wtll hnvo a fur. reaching effect on
1 !! e
i 1 ha ( Inlon was
MiKoi' county. The
court savs:
I 2 r Is Oickjii Laws,
lirurMea: 1 hs hnraortcncl of any fnm
l;v I, cni)( froni Judicial, Bale
fnr il.p Rj-iwfactlon or a:iv Judgment
0 f I la o R II n 222 pro-
1 ' I r 1 si ill not ex-
i i n
-"cslloM. 2: sn.-lflcs that the net
shall not spplr to ccci'ocs for the
f r I
of mvv
r.;ort(jar;', hut thnt
it l? executed by
After citing mi
., the c-ilnlon con-
r ( i
t d I If
rem 'xt:ury.l
I I it 1 1 1 ( r I r liar, irie:! the case on the
!.;cin t.;:t.t .in;v:-i-:4t,'n -1 Is not ex
v;ivpt frtim ll.;.iintv mechanic's
In-,. .. i-.i-.-V B .rKini'ily nilBht
In In a i-iiso 1-. co this If the homn
8i, -ml ivi'i-i.. i f urcaicr value than
Jh'.'i I'i !. .i.ov ;-.. -scary now to (ln-
I ei-.-:.. ,!;... . ,. ',
J M iiutimi at
i H III if Kant.
,,ii.',ii.-,t vilouiu. of t.h m?-iv Ant
lers Iheiit-e. which will hold Its
.rii.ii-, lorniil opening oh October 4th
ylta ,i , pri'senliitloii of "Ofriror (ICO,"
this inornliiK hi'Knn the snle of seats
for the opening ongiiijcinent. Over
Itifl thJjH were noli! before noon to
day, orrieer fi Is it clean, whole
oint, coinedy ami Manager lllooiu Is
fortuffntn In securing this for the
opeiiing date. lth the exception
if the hint, four rows the downstair
souls will sell Tor t2.00. The laBt
four rows are $1.50. The flint row
In the haliony sells for $2.00 per
Ri-at. The s-ouri and third rows will
soil for $l..Ml, The lust three rows
of the hali-oriv and the first row in
the gallery will sell for $1.00. hunt
air rows In the gallery will sell for
75 cents. Thu hoxc are being
for $2.51) per chair. The seat salt!
'b being conduct,'!) by Mr. Illnnni In
the lobby of the (Irani! hotel where
seals may be obtained up to noon
en Kalurdiiy of this week. After
that time they will be on sale at
the box offlco
Miss IKidnon, of North Mend, Coos
county, spent yesterday In Roseburg
attending to business matters before
the United States land office.
J. I). Zurcher, of the Commercial
Abstract Company, leaves for Port
land Saturday where he has busine
matters din his sHenilnn.