Bicycles, Bicycle Tires. Base Ball (jnpds .Titftt M'f i'ive. h larxe shipment of Bicycles. Bicycle Tires and Bum Hall Goods. Cull and see what I bave before you buy , elsewhere. If you buy thu . Blcvrlu now, I can make It an ob wt to yuit. J. H. Syke's Gun Store OIM'OKITK ro.STOKKlCK ItOSKIIUIID. (XtKGON FOR SALE! BEAUTIFUL ENGLEWOOD RANCH A splendid property, on tho main Umpqua river, and having marvelouBly fertile Boll and cllmalo conditions, with splendid timber and excellent domestic water piped throughout house, barn and numerous lols und feed corrals. On account of the several sur gical operations and the recent hospital experience of Mr. Engle, making it nccesary for blui to spend mucb of his time In hospitals, and for flnunclul reasons, he linii concluded to soli that splendid country estate. This Is not on ordinary or even an average ranch; but hus all the requirements of a first class country home, where one can have the maximum of both comfort and profit, and live there under excellent climatic and nil other most satisfactory condi tions. There are 870 acres, well Improved and most productive, for general farming, stock, dairying and for all kinds of fruit and ber ries and is all garden land of the highest productiveness. Una about four miles of main Umpqua River frontage. The river bottom lands have twenty feet or moro of excellent soil. No overflow. Soil on slopes and benches Is also deep and rich, excellent for fruit and all farm and garden purposes. The pMiks of spreading oak, and the fir forests, all In an ex cellent parking system, ure the wonder and admiration of all na-ture-luv.lug -people who see this splendid ranch, which Is In a class ly itself. Write, phono or sco J. M. Englo, or any op his family on the Knglowood ranch for prices and terms, on part or all of the property, A very low price will be mado for quick action. Don't miss tho opportunity of your life to secure the best country home that niny be found anywhere around tho globe. EN OLE, Kellogg, Or. THE EARLY CPAWFORDS are ju& right now, and are the favorite peach for canning. We have a splendid Stock of Superb Crawfords at only FIFTY CENTS A BOX Any reduction in price met T HER OGHDALE STORE PHONE 145 CITV NEWS I Pure Jersey cream rroin the Cal tins ranch, fresh every day. The I lee Hive. if I B. K, Jones has returned from trict Is divided upon the question of employing an instructor, and as a result, they find themselves unable to open the hools. Mr. Huntington believes he will be able to settle the dispute and thereby harmonize the board to the extent that work in the schools can be commenced at an ear ly date. Douglas County Creamery butler Is the best on the market. Insls: I Portland, where he spent a few days your grocer supplying you with this j attending to business mattors. j product, which is always strlct- I Save money no by buying your 1 iv Iresh and tuarnnted. Tivr nmmrt 1 i;iuiiico, uuis aim nuues m Diuion CaroB. ff Effie Ingram left last night for Dil lard, where she will spend a few days j visiting with friends and relatives. J. B. DeVoro and C. C. Beale, both I of Canyonville, were visitors in Rose i burg for a few hours yesterday after- noon. roll, 85 cents. tf Ben Huntington, school supervisor, O. C. Brbwn. county school superin tendent, and Mrs. Brown will spend Friday evening at. uiendale. where they wiil attend a rally to be given by the pi. rents of the Southern town. Tho people of Glendale evince much pride in their i&hoolH. and frequently hold get-together rallies. By so doing the parents become 'better acquainted with the instructors and harmony prevail!). Hoy Booth is down from Yoncalla visiting during the fair week. Eu gene Register. U'.WTKD Kaceis 10 commence put-king: at Draper Fruit Comnunr on Witliicstluy, Kepttmler tMtli. S-23 Peaches Canning TUANoKKU AND STOItAOli (t llousehuld goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a general transfer business. Baggage checks called for. All goods carefully handled, and stored at reasonable rates Oftice P. 102 Res. P. 308 Blanche Williams, of Portland, ar- i rived here this morning to spend a ! fow days attending to btiHineHB roat ! tera and visiting with friends. ! "The Southerner," by Thos. Ulxon; "Laddie," by Gene Stratton Porter; "The Iron Trail," by Rex Beach, are among tho new books on sale at the Hoseburg Book Store. If An Inventory of the estute of the Lite William Brings was filed In the probate court today. The estate com prised $1046.64 In cash and real property valued at $fl"0. Buy bread made In Roseburg none better. You could do your banking In Portland; laundry could be sent there; dry goods bought! there but It Is not good business ; policy. Spend your money at home. tf Glenn Wlmberly. assistant sec re- tnry of the recent county fair, is busy j these duys squaring accounts with! the successful entrants In tho various competitive departments of the fair. The prize winners have been notified, and many of their number are call lug on the assistant secretary for their warrants. Dr. J, L. Callaway, osteopathic j physician, is now located In the new' building of the First Trust & Savings Bank at the corner of Oak and Jack son Btreets. Phones: Office 108, res- ' idenre 149-J. tf I Mr. Letter, of the Morning Oregon Ian, who litis been spending the past j few days in Hoseburg visiting with K. B. Alley, left today for Kugene, j where he will spend a few days at-: ! tending tho Lane county fair. Mr.i Leitur is a newspaper man of wide j experience and pronounces Roseburg j 010 tUg the 8oIIf (ho otJe. soiIs tw one of the best towns he has ever till! o I visited. Mr. Leltor was accompa- nled to Eugene by F. K. Alley. It you want a swell, up-to-date j tailor-made suit, place your order j with G. W. Sloper, of the KoHchurg 1 Cleaning A Pressing Works, who handloa the world wide A. B. Rose samples, from $15.00 up. A per j feet fOguarantoed. Freeh dry clean ing a specially. Suits pressed while 1 you wait. Hats cleaned and blocked. 308 Jackson street. Phone 47. oJ Him Huntington, school suner- Whiit is the difference- letveen an honest farmer and h thipf P fflTT iTTi iimii hi M"-i-fne5an an VIS. Li w.iuiu uc wiii speim a uupit m uujj ..Abksiiiig in butuutfc u uiiucitiLy iiv . otiiiUiutlig t,.u binOui ujuiq ui i4tUt ulttll .Ct. il'CUl lliilg lU .ill', llUUUll,,. Lull tuu SCliUul UuuiU Ul lUO lliUJi U.w- u.-t.Vl x neurit to conuueiu limiting ui uriifeci' i i'iia cumtj.( WE DISLIKE TO MENTION THE FAS i With Such a Dftroputnhlo ' Chnructer, but the i m C T SlnQfla In Comparison! We. V1& Ml Farmpfc to $&ww Tlint Wo Vett TIIKIR C-()ICK.T Stt(fc IIIDI S A.l TAItlttiqp, ! For Which ! 'l! I'.VY MAUKHT I'ttll ', t 5SU i lMb 9 IfflE ECOMSi AttUft go. oiii.hag8. Pwp. Calapooya Saline Condensed smile of Calapooya Mineral Water, the wonder of nature, for Headache. Biliousness, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Kir ney, Liver and Blood Disorders Cures disease, sweetens the temper. 0 Sold by Johnson, Hamilton, and Krohn Drug Stores, also Roseburg Soda Works Roseburg, Oregon. Calapooya Springs Company London, Oregon THE If Al m We teraite pane testiiB3i) m .JT mW WIWII HI inr -r" it u II M I S tkb "OS'S ik?x08Efi yoafs jtiui afidD Qe ,s an estaat?. Wltj ami! iput "ieiltit.itj ttsyoat rtobatap. dts Ctte Tn?31 asr toblxgbb 5035 &an;S3.0 3 P lib 0 1 OODM AN toa.ii: ,-,r That O Q O o o o LIVE WIRE WATCH THIS SPACE A