The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 24, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Editors and I'ubliKhers.
flubmrrlptloa Hate Daily,
Per year, by mail $3.00
Per month, delivered. .60
Per year $2.00
81k months 1.00
Entered as second-claes matter
November 6, 3 910, at RoBGburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3, 1879.
U'KDM'XDAV, HEIT. 21, lUI.'t.
The Portland nchool board has
been wreBtllnj? with a problem that
Hprlnpa up at variouH tlinea. In dif
ferent parts of the country, and
which Is fought for and against with j
wnx not ixdut.
COQIMLLR, Or., Sept. 24.
It Is underatood here today that
the grand Jury refused to In-
diet It. O, Graves, of Marsh-
field, whom It Is alleged played
an important part In the deport-
ation of Dr. Leach, a former ed-
Itor of a Bociallnt publication at
Bandon. It Is also rumored here
that the rfupreme court of Ore-
Ron has appointed a referee at
Marahfleld to Investigate the
charges filed BKainst Mr. Graves
In hope that he might be dis-
barred from continuing bis pro- 4
fpsslon as an attorney In Ore-
pou. It Is not believed here
that the grand jury will indict
any of thowe connected with the
affair save Leach, who may
be indicted on a charge of pub-
Unhing libelous; articles.
more tenacity than any one other)
proposition, when once opened up.
The perplexing question was the nl-:
The Pair Association is jumping
right Into the work of settling up the
many details connected with the clos-
IowImb of Hie rw, K -f lh Bible. ,g ()f ,. (.vnU iavn(t , )ircm
or any part of It. on Hie ikm.I.ik of , ,, awa,.(B Hn( n, ())H.r Mih
the dally homsIoih. of the HCh.H.ln. and ,,,,,.,.,, A Ulllilnl!M Hlirl, H ,)er.
. 11 ' .iiiim..ii lne,c(j ,. ,.ntre muff, aiiKiira
mlnlalors. That thoro In a wide
spread objection to this procedure,
was dhown hy the proluxta Kalnst It.
and by the Ktrong votn of tho board
liy which It wub rejected and HBttlod.
We have no doubt If the proitosl
lion of lining Home of the beautiful
thoughts and classical luiifc'iiaiie andjf
fiowerful rhetoric, were Included In
the text books, and lined n exnin
pled of perfect, conclne and lumin
ous literature, that no more objec
tion would be made to the excerpta
than there la to tho Iliad or Odyssey
f Hani or. But the groat religious
bodies themselves are divided upon
ttfe hidden meanings of that, book,
upon which all their foundations are
"built. The Protestant, the Catholic
Mid) the Jew, all draw their Inspira
tions, their doctrines and their moral
creeds from the snmo original source,
yet ench objects to tho version of
the other being used as a whole In
the schools where tho children of all
attend. If their combined opposition
had been mnde against tho rending
or the Kornn, or tho teachings of
Confucius, it might hnvo carried with
It a larger force of public opinion,
but tho result In Portland In only
a repetition of what has taken place
1n many other localities, and among
tho opposition enn bo round many
clllienii who cannot bo iktuimmI or
antagonism to accepted Christianity
or established religion.
well for the future, and will make
much easier tho management of the
succeeding ralrs.
The king of Greece Is finding out
that he cannot very well go to Ger
many and praiso their generals, giv
ing them nil tho credit for the vic
tories Ills armies gained In the re
cent war, and expect a very enthusi
astic greeting In France when he
gel s there. The Teutons and the
Onnls still havo a chip on their
shoulders, ns tho American school
iioy Is wont to any, and It don't take
much, to stir up the old antagonism.
Since It Is recognized that It takes
work to, rear a family of children,
and work! is but the other name for
labor, we are Inclined to think that
Bocretnry Wilson, of the cabinet, has
the rightly named ono, ns the ro
lwrts from Washington giving the
number of ohlnot children attend
ing the nubile sHiools there, credit
tho Secretary of Uilxir with five of
the ten.
Mr. Lawrence, or the Sunshine
Itnnch, spent tile afternoon In Hose
burg attending, to business matters.
Kred Pllklngton left for points In
the northern part of the comity this
morning where he will spend a few
days looking after business matters.
Itichard Morris, traveling engineer
for the Southern Pacific Company,
left for Portland this morning after
a few days spent here atteudlng of
ficial matters, .
Mrs. T. N. Humphreys, or Myrtle
Creek, passed through here last ev
ening enroute to Drain where she will
visit with her siBter. Mrs. Uuttor
field. Mrs. Kllzabetli Cobb left Mr Seat
tle this morning after n few days
silent In Koneburg visiting with her
cousin. Mrs. J C. Kullorton, or West
J. 11. King and wife went to Port
land this morning where Mr. King
will purchase a stock of groceries for
his new store, soon to bo opened In!
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 11, Doff loft for
their home in Washington this morn
ing after a few days spent in llose
burg vlBltlng nt the home or the
Termer's cousin, Mrs. A. I), llnuii.
Don't scrub your linoleum. Use
Perfection Dressing, It restores tin
colors. Use Ceduiine swapping com
pound It collects the dust. Kor wilt
by 11. W. Strong, Hoesburg, Ore
son. 157t-oct5-i
Charles llnrnnrd, of the loseburg
Marshrield Mage lines, left for Kii
geno this morning where he hns
business matters needing his atten
tion. Concluding his visit there he
will proceed to Portland.
S. J. Culver and wife, of Myrtle
Point, left hero this morning for
Raymond, Vsh., whore they will
Biiond a couplo of weeks visiting with
fffjends. Mr. and Mrs. Culver stop
ped over here to visit with their son,
.lohn Culver.
McGlnnls Brothers thin morning I
bean the task of paving the alley be
tween the Perkins building and the
Majestic theatre. The work Is being
rushed to completion ns fast as pos
sible and should be In readiness fnr
Hoseburg hns some wide-awake,
annppy real entute men. but that one
deserves the medal, who cinched the
wile n short time ago. bv saving thnt
the world is becoming crowded and ! traffic lute tomorrow.
1hut r0 yiMirs from now that artl-i The carpenters employed In ercct
liliir plat could not be bought for lug ttte residence of S. K. Krohn. on
nt least, fill limes as much and they ; Knst Douglas street, this morning
say It mirlted. Im-kiiii the work of finishing tho In-
When the cold winter days come, are ou prepared"
Cold weather need ahead of time and nii ate .uf Our shirk Is
now ready for your Inspection and we are sine that we will pise
you with our great variety of tnuelv supplies.
Monogram Hot Water Hotttes . .91. no to-lIA
Hexall Cherry Dark Cough Srup -iV ami rtlV
Kexall Khoiitmttlsm remedy . . ...vie anil SI. 00
Itexatl Grippe Pills S.V Itexall lli'.-f. Iron and Wine 7.V
Hexall Ilronchlal UueiiKers. . t.V Hexall Hiilihing on. , s.v Bm iVH.
Hexall Kmulsloii I.MI Itexall i'ol, Cream v
Hexall Cold Tablets !i.V T'ernic Kettles Q
Tho feoffi Store
KATIIAN Kl l.I.KHTON, Prep. Peiklm. 1tul,li,,K
We Chv S. & If. CiV 'n Trtxlmo timns
KOU KK.VP-3 tu i.tlv riirnUho.l I
'P rfVilIU fur l..iio..lf..iu.ln.r nl..x
also steein rooms. Apply to Mrs.
Aderlon, corner Iuie anPnrrott
'rcets. 934 !
terlor. The residence is one of the
finest In the city and Bhould be In
readiness for occupancy by October j
15. j
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Care tan, for-j
mer resident of Roseburg but of
late of Springfield, passed through
Roseburg this morning enroute to !
ininsmulr, California, where they will :
send some time In hope of benefit-!
tins Mr. Carman's health.
The case of the City vtf. Charles
Stark, accused of violating the traf
fic ordinance, was concluded in the
recorder's court late yesterday. Re
corder Wlmberly has taken the case
under advisement and will probably
render a decision late In the present
Simon Caro, the merchant, will re
move to his new business store In
the Umpqua hotel building, about
October first. In the meantime his
great removal sale Is still going on
as advertised recently.- Great reduc
tion in all lines have 'been made
and a considerable saving on mer
chandise Is effected by purchasing
now. ol
Henry P. Corneilson toda filed a
suit In the circuit court against Kl-
don Corneilson and others. Plain
tiff seeks that a certain tract of!
land, containing 80 acres be parti-'
lionet! and that the same be sold.
After deducting the expenses plain-!
liff asks that the proceeds derived!
be distributed among the heirs.
Tuesday, September 23, marked ,
another pleasant and instructive aft-j
ernoon for the '95 Mental Culture!
Club when Prof. J, W. Groves ad-;
dressed Its members on the subject of j
"Initiative and Referendum." Prof.
Groves explained the subject In a
clear and concise manner which was
enjoyed by all. On account of lack of
time only ten of the twenty-eight
names of applicants for membership
were voted upon, the rest being car
ried over till next week.
According to Mr. Heavens, of
Green, who arrived here at noon.
eight new houses are now In course'
of erection there. Most of these i
are being built by cannery workers
who contemplate making Green their I
future home. The cannery partially
ceased operations lust Saturday when !
tho tomato season closed. The can-;
nlng of ispples will commence 'in ;
about two weeks, when the cannery'
will again be operated nt full capac-'
Ity. Mr. lleaveiW states that the I
"annery will be enlarged prior !o next
season in order that the fruits may
be canned more readily than at pres
ent. A refrigerating plant will also
bo tarried to the equipment. I Al
though but a small part of the seas
on Heavens Brothers are highly elnt
ed with their success and contemplate
even greater things next year.
J. M. Abrams, the advance repre
sentative for the big New York and
Chicago success "Officer GGfl" which
tvlll open the theatrical season in
Roseburg Saturday night, October 1.
In the city completing arrange
mentrt with Manager Rloom of the
ntlers theatre for the presentation
of his attraction. This Is ono of the
besU comedies on ffio stage today
and Manager II loo in should feel
highly honored In securing this play
for the opening of his handsome piny
house. Owing to the opening falling
on Saturday the curtain will rise at !
p. m., the night of the performance.
The trial of William Dysert, of
Melrose, who was yesterday arrested
on a charge of using profane and ln
descent inngunge In the presence of
Mrs, Rrothers and Mrs. prcschern.
was called before Justice of the
Peace tt. W. Marsters this afternoon
Attorney . O. H. Porter acted as s-pee-ial
osecutor. while Attorney Al
bert Abraham represented tho de
fendant. A number of witnesses 7,'orc
examined during the progress nf the
hearing, some of whom testified re-
gardlng the queftlennble utttQtncot
aliened to have been made by ysert
Others testified to the effeet thai
; Insert made no unch statetnens. a'
contended by the witnesses for the
i prosecution. Most or th witnesses
were women, inclndimr those whe
cnised the complaint to be issued.
WANTKI) A steam holler Jt-l'J h. p. I
Address o L. . this otffce. sJ0-p
KOR SAI.K One span horses, good
reliable work animals, welghfcj
about l!ttH each; also wagon n
harness, cheap. Call at McCIallen
hotel. t!t30-if j
WAXTKU- Homestead or relinquish-1
ment on Pntpqua river hank; luust!
bi;v( some bottom land. Address
A. M. Kridl'.uiQUio-eb'.irg. gen. del.)
KOU RKNT - Two nice front rooms,
furnhhed or unfurnished; suitable
for dressmaking parlors, or deslr
jtb'f ?ir gentV-'inen's apartment?.
Inquire 431 Mill street or Phone
"The Frost is on the Pumpkin,
The Corn is in the shock,''
And you realize that you need a healing stove. Why
not buy now. Temper the stove with a little fire night
and morning. You know it is better for the stove to
begin with a small fire than a big hot one.
We have the line you are looking for. The good,
reliable Bridge and Beach: They have attained "God
an? Reliable" by long years of experience and effort.
Have also sieves as cheap as 2.00, but don't care to saj
much about them.
Churchill Hardware Co.
"Dispenses with soaj?,
Paste, powder and-
Makes all in the house mM&g.
It brightens a home
From cellar to dome,
And all but your coissia cteam'
to ofl? m
$mmn. M ft
1 n
" .m n . -T7. :)
Churchill Hardware Co 'I
I e t
s ' " "" " " " ' ""J'-r-po'-oT.rfsafas)
fx. . .
9 jf V.-:X;a5lPO'
r. . A 0M. - , i.. :M O AD VJ' L.V,VW -w jh. , UVl .li.. h
ISBO'.W! f inward fPEBKv iOzv T
LT "- ir ' KJ ;r-w.- ,, t
Why Did Peary and His
Associates Call Di. Cooh.
a Liar ?
Watch This Soacef!