THFPpMfl FXP0S1 TION 1915 ItKLIAHLi: MKIICIIAMHKB i:i:r,iHir,K mkthoiw "The Bell Millinery" FAMi MILM.VKKY in splendid army. t TAIIiOIiKI) HATS, HKKSS HATS, und STIIKKT HATS In the smartest styles at popular price Authoritative Fall Modes in Womens Coats, Waists and Dresses Underwear needs ore best supplied here. Splendid showing of new full CorseU, Hole Proof Hosiery, Girls' School Dresses and Hats, Bell Sisters Building RgS? Are You Loyal? Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom? The best on the market for the money. The' will last longer, and your work will be lighter. You will be helping a home enterprise and making a greater Roseburg, Every merchant in Roseburg is selling them; so be LOYAL and. demand the home pro duct. Whist Brooms at all Drygoods and Drug Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee. Free Seed For Planting. ROSEBURG BROOM FACTORY o ,'stj 0 - w f W tm 3 r a ta, r II a . fig I Thousands of visitors will be in San Francisco at the time of the Fair. Hotel accomodations will be at a premium at that time. We have perfected a plan so there will be no inconven ience to you. We provide transportation, ho tel accomodations and everv conceivable com fort, etc. We look after everything and make it very easy for you to acquire all the privi leges of our contract by paying a small amount monthly. See A. T. SCHUBERT, Agent, Grand Hotel, - Roseburg, Oregon "oi'l' K l.u an;; "Officer GGli," the pity that, hn been written and tulkcd abc'.'.t. nior thuu tl to olker theatric:'' pi-ryue tion launched in the ainUFemeni fxM In many years, will he preheated l. the Antlers Theatre Saturday night, October 4. The piece, by Augustin Macilugh, Is full of extraordinary gurprUcs and clean fun that keeps it- audience En a constantly expectant attitude and ulinost continuous laughter It Is, In fact, a melodramatic farce quite out of the ordinary, and furnishes r--c thrills and tonso moments than ' realise r.u emanating from a' iin.'S'.e evening's entertainment. ' it Is a clean play, presented by an ;:(Iii!irab3e company of comedians and j cmrdlc-nnes, and played with a rap idly that threatens to break the! weed limit, and it is filled to Ihej l.:lm with logical trick? mid swiftly moving surprises that keep the In terest of the auditor at concert pitch throughout Its enactment. In short, I It Is a charming farce, charmingly I presented and as full of laughs as' the small hoy Is of Ice cream after j cumins home from a church festival. You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See SPEND A FEW DAYS AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR September 29 to October 4 Tiie I () I SUNSET I lOGDtNtSHASTAl I "The Exposition Line 1915 will htivo in elToct from nil stations Main Line and Branches the following low ROUND TRIP FARES Woodburn $ .70 Harrisburg $2.15 Albany 1,10 Junction City 2.30 Corvaliis 1.55 Eugene 2.80 All Other Points One and One-Tliird Fare SALE HATES September 25 to October 4 in clusive. Final Return Limit October 8, 1013 All Trains Direct to Fair Ground Further purtirutarH relating to faros, train .service from nny Ajjt JOHN M. SCO IT, Oen'l Passenger ARt Portland LYCKIM COlliSK. I The Lyceum course will he con ducted thiB year by Prof. Groves. j He Is the proper one to have charge of an educational nffair of! this nature. A choice selection of tal ent has been made. Every number will he high class. The lecture fea ture will be made very prominent this yeur. Edward Vance Cook stands ot the head of lcctuie entertainers. Harold Kramer, "The Philosophy of Life." hnB one of the greatest mcs Ki'ses ever delivered. Or Thomas K. C.:ocn, the prd cc of oralors. will he here. He ha late, ly made a tour of the world. Ilia lec ture on "The Harden of the Nations" should be hoard by nil. The Kloyds are magicians equal to tho great Hermann. Ha ndii II is a cartoonist on the or der of Packard. The Commonwealth .Male Quar tette Is the only musical number this year, nnd they have no superiors. Mr. Groves thought that as musi cnl numbers had been tno main fea tures heretofore, he would try to vary the course somewhat this year and put on more lectures. He cer tainly has made a wise selection of talent. To the old patrons we will say that the Lyceum Is worthy of your support. These great lecturers and entertain ers can be heard only in this way. To now people in Roseburg wo wish to say you should Join the Lyceum army and help Prof. Groves In this worthy undertaking. He ready when he or his representative comes to you to wiy yes, I want a ticket for each metn. ber of my family. It will be the best educational investment you ever made. Tho Ministerial union will give Mr. Groves Its hearty support. J, N. McConnell, Former Manager. duly verified, as by law required.' within six months from the first pub- Mention of this notice. I Dated this 1st day of September,! 1913. - i d-s30 WILLIAM P. BRIGGS, Executor, i P A T For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidew&lKs and Cement wort of any bind. I hare five or six housei I will Bell cbeap, aa I want to use the money In other business. Bee my burglar proof window lock, Its O. K. See Pat'B Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. we build, move or repair your bouses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER NOTICE OF (iKXEKAL CITY KLKCTIO.V. C. JACOBSON Telephone 21 ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN': j j That, n General Election will be hold j in Hie City of Pokeburg. Oregon, on' ! Mouda.v, October tllh, l :::;, between' j the hours of 9 o'clock A. .M. and ti I ; o clock P. M. of said day ( provided : i that the judges shall h:ive tho power ! I to adjourn for one hour at noon) ; I at which said election the following ' j officers will bo elected, to-wit: j j One .Mayor to serve for two years. ; One City Recorder to serve fori PanitoFium Dye Works All work fully guaranteed. Goods called for al dcUvewi. fntc-ti-Hl dyeing and clcnnini: of all kin of Xdtlps' fiimr OMk Jng, Craveuettes nOd Portlers. .mi ,v r.'-f -i tiHi:i: OA 11. 3 KXK( TTOK'S XOTK'K TO CltKOITOHS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the mntter ot t:io estato of William F. llrlgp, deceased. Not In Is hereby given that the j undersigned was by the above entitl ed court by order duly made uii thei 29th day of August, 1JU3. appointed j Kxecutor of the above named estate,! wherefore nil persons indebted to j sii Id estate are hereby notified to; make payments to the undersigned at) his resilience nt rnnynuvMIe in said' county nnd nny nnd all persona hav-j log chirus against the same are , hereby required to present the sain- Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving Hauling and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220' - nn "i-c-i two years. One Treasurer to serve for two years. 1 One Councilman from each of the four wards uf the City, each to servo i for two years. j One Councilman from Ward No. 1 1 to serve for ono year. Said election will be held at the; following named pollli peaces, and ! conducted by the following named .lodges nnd Clerks, or their duly se-! lected substitutes, to-wit: First Ward Polling Place, Court, House: Judges, Wm. Carstens, F. W. Dillard, T. A. Raffety; Clks, Belle Good, Emma P. Cardwell. Second War Polling Place, Umpqua hotel; Judges, A. A. Bel lows, M. Jeanle Buick, W. E. Mars ters; Clerks, F. P. Brown, Mabl Van Buren. Third Ward Polling Place, nose burg hotel, Judges. J. P. McKay. Rita K. Cobb, A. S. Buell: ClerkB, Edna Wharton Emma J. Chambers. Fourth Ward rolling Place, City Hall; Judges, Ida C. Giles, W. I). Hnnimltte, G. V. Wlniberly; Clerks, Addle Josephson, Mnyme C. Hicks. Notice Is further given that at snfd1 election Ordinance No. 515, entitled "An Ordinance licensing, taxliiK. and regulating businesses, occupations.' professions, callings, traces and em ployment? within the corporate llm i(s of the City of Roseburg, Oregon, und regulating tho manner of Issuing licenses, and providing a punishment for the violation of any provision of. tMs ordinance, nnd repealing Ordin ance No. S t.t, passed ly the Common Council on the 13th day of June, 1910, nnd all ordinances amendatory thereto or in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency," passed by !ho Common Council and approved :y the Mayor of the City of Rose burg on tho 23rd day of December, 1912, upon which the referendum has been Invoked, will bo submitted to the vote of the qualified elector" f said City fur their approval or re jection. The torm In which said referendum will he submitted on the official ballot Is as follows, to-wit: Proposed by Referendum, Ordin ance No. M.'i, to license, tax and regulate certain occupations, etc.. providing a penalty, repealing Ordin ance Number 313, and declaring an emergency." 300 Yes. 3"1 No. CARL E. WIMBERI.Y, Recorder of the City of Roseburg. Oregon. S3 I'lion 24f Iftmmoi, Ifrc. . e9aiiMMM ET THE BEST JU Ji 4 II -13 n U DoucurceufiT! cpm PATRONIZE A HOME INDUSTRY" -e- IT IS EASY T7- To'buy groceries if you come to our store or call us up over the phone. Try it once and be satisfied. "WK PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PBont'C.F" eJVor'! Side GroleVy 807 N. Jackson Street