V YOR SALE OK EXCHANGE. ' One of the finest bouses In the city. New, 10 rooms, large lots, 28 fine oak trees, fine view of city and country. Open stair case in recep tion ball large cobblestone fire place; dining room bas built-in buf fet china closets, plate rail and panel work. Built-in book cases and writ ing desk in den. Dutch kitchen, screen porch; all modern conven iences, must be seen to be appreciate ed. A bargain if sold at once. P. O. box 251, or phone 173-Y. At home Saturday -and Sunday, week days till 8 a. m. and after 6 p. m. 1013-s2Gp "The Southerner," by Thos. Dixon; Lac'die," by Gene Stratton Porter; "Tho Iron Trail," by Rex Beach, are among the new books on sale at the Roseburg Book Storo. tf I Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. D. Owen. Prop. :) Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9FI2 Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, funeral Ieaigiu, Wedding Bo quets, etc Just Received a Fresh Supply ol Hmw of All Kinds'- On Sale at I Ttle j Rose Confectionery ut our et torts to turn our, superior drinka is Purity. We want our customers to feel absolutely assured of the hiRh quality of our goods. Ask f'r our sodas and Carbonated Coverages if you want the best on Authorial EiUlera of the genuine "HIRES" Do no forget us in ordering your sodas ROSEBURG SODA W'RKS. Phone 133 l'ine St. Just North of Cass your table. Hoot Heer. Ill . FUOST AXl FREEZE COMINO. "Will there be very cold weather this winter?" This question was asked Pearl Tangley, the Seeress, last evening at the Mnjostlc Theatre,! where she Is appearing all this week. The clever Utile witch replied "There will be severe frosts on October 3rd. j while not much damage will be done, ( still I see a freeze between January i Sib and lfiib, that will cause much damage by frozen water pipes and will also make many homes very tin-; Kt 12... V ,V A f 1 r&H. 7 "The Wardrobe" This is (Iio unanimous verdict of the empanelled jury in the case of liie City of lCuseburg against It. h. Stiijis. StttjrpH & Sn will give you what you buy and at a lower price. After tho trial Mr. ,T. I McGinnls expressed the highest regtmls for Mr. H, lit Stages and ussau-ed him of a continuation of his fuel business in tho future. fi. E.STAGGS SON Feed, Fuel and Supply Co. We Guarantee Full Weights and Measures. Phono CO Phono 50 -.'oiiifcrisMf by nut being prepared i for the quit. change. iv.y true?" was also ri.-kprt by a little short heavy-set : I.uJy, who signed herself 13. "Yea he is trwo, and you kuow it, but you also j;now yuu uro not true fo hhu. Mow dare ou utile audi a question when you know your own faults. Fri day afternoon she will give a ypec'al i;oi foi iviance for the ladies, no men will bo allowed WiYAX HIV AX $H M'ZZV 11 AT. WASHINGTON', Sept. 22. Secre tary of State Hryan ha a new luu. He entered a hat store today Intent upon buying one of the broad brim med variety for which he litis beeonie famous, or which he made famous. but Instead when he came out he was I wearing one of tho latest velours a I real fuzzy one. The hat cost $S, but I this was not connected In any way ! with the fact, that the secretary Just i closed the lecture tour witich nutted ' him $C,500. WASTING UOAD FUNDS. L1 CTRIC COOKING o nr. 9 is no need now to '.bother thWood, Coal, Gas or Gas oline. fook by Electricity, the cteap, iKeconvenient, the mod ern waj. The rate is reduced so that it can be used for "all purposes. df ' p Q DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT & WATER COMPANY The office of Information of the United States department, of aricrul ture lias made tho folIowinK state ment relative to road building fum'. "Statist icainnn have found that t ! though tlie average expenditure on tlie improvement of roads exceeds ' one million dollars a day, n In rf.-t ; portion of the money in the United States Is wasted because of the fail ure to buMd tlie right typo of road to meet the local requirements or f.iiiure to provide for the continued ni:ifntennce or the improvement." ".Maintenance and effective repair' c of equal importance with the ac- i tu:l improvnnnt of had road. In-, vestment of money In new roads does iKt become real economy until pro-, vrtrion is made for heepinn these now roads In condition after they are built. If a new road is built. a:i then allowed to fail Into disrepair, much ' of the original Investment is simply; B) wasted." i "ICnrope, generally ffpeakifSKf 1 f ahead of the United $t(&tcs In the! matter of road Improvement, hut Great Britain is stniKKHng with a problem similar to the one that con fronts the people of tho United Stai'3. In Knglnn. Scotland and Wales there are no fewer than 2.140 separate au- thorlties who between them, adniiuls-J ter 17"), 487 miles of road, or an . erase of only 82 miles apiece. In' Scotland, apart from the big cities, there are over 200 burphs, one-half of which have but 10 miles of road apiece to maintain." 407 Cass Street Formerly the Vienna. Having bought out the place and reno vated premises, am prepared to do all cleaning and pressing work at shortest notice. Re pairing a specialty. Phone 303. C. F. Williams, Prop. WEST ROSEBURG GROCERY We can save you money on jour grocery bill. Our stock is FRESH r"j and COMPLETE. Phone your need. Prompt delivery and 8atiafa& tory assured. Alll our goods guaranteed. nnAFM I X pnc:TFR PHONE 29. It Solves the Problem i Lit a How shall a woman wear a watch? This has long been a vexed question. Some have carried their watches in handbags, some have used chatelaine- pins, others have employed neck chains. No one of these methods answers all the purposes of convenience nnd adornment. Tho Wrist Watch solves tho problem of how a woman should wear n watch. It's decorative, convenient, practical and stylish. Uuy your wife one for Christmas Solid gold Elgin like Illustration 9 $55.00 and Up Same In silver $33.00. In gold filled (slightly larger iu size) aa low as $18.00. A S. Huaj Co. ltosi'hurg's leading Jutw'liTn. DOYOUDOITYGUBSELF The atmosphere Is hot and heavy now and mld-summor is upon us, so It behoves you to take your linen to a laundry that will do It up In such a manner that you can depend upon Its retaining Its stiffness and freshness as long ns passible. Wo will delight your heart with tho collars, cuffs, Bhlrt fronts and colored shirts that we laundry for you hero. W'e launder everything, tablo cloths, napkins, towels, under wenr collars, cuffs, shirts, sheets, pillow cases, shirt waists, ducks, In fact we do the family washing from start to finish. Just call us up and got away from the drudgery of wash day. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 N. JacKson Street Phone 79 RICE & RICE REAL ESTATE eND liESTMBITS Insurance nnd Notary Public. Wo solicit your business on our past record. Wo have a fine lino of all&inds of investments: Farms, Frnit FiJShns, Horry, Stock and Dairy Ranches, ?lty Property and IlnineF Cliances. Severn lsood lniSineseS(2 for sale: Rooming Houses, Butcher Sho Confection ery Store, Drug Store, Art Store, Grocery and many other Kf)d bargains. If y; can't come In write us for full particulars. RICE & RICE - '.-f JJtCf J.t.v s i ! .fv Obey that impulse ! The fine joy of automobile ownership may now be yours. Ford prices are clown within the easy reach of the untold thousands who have waited for the coming of the right c&r at the right price. Five liT?ndr(!.l dnl'ari t Ui now prlcn nl Hit) Pont run nlMtut; lllo tourlnit 'tr in ttvo Ally: Hie mwn car flevun llfly--ll I. o. b. InnroU. r'nnplutw Willi t'ritiii.munt, Uut rninliit; niiil litrtli'iilnr. (rum (!.'. fturnott, HnivliurK, ()r..Hi)li. , n 111 rTumbing, Sheet Mctl Worll, Tinuing and Tieating S'ort)cJac2sSi) Strt, t?Jjoinlng Peoples Marble WoVEs. telephone 251. JfoivK'niJiDaonShort Notif ROSEBURG, ORE Douglas County Creamery butter is the best on tho market, insist on your grocer supplying you wilb this homo product, which is always stiid ly Infh nnd guaranteed. Tvc pound roll S5 cents. tt KXKtTTOH'S NOTICE TO CItKDITOIM. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. i In the matter of tlie estate of William F. Drlggs, deceased. , N'otlri Is hereby given that tho undersigned was by the above entitl ed court by order duly made on the 29th day of August, 1913, appointed Executor of the above named estate, wherefore all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notiried to make payments to the undersigned a, his residence at Canynuvllle In said county and any and all persons hav ing claims against the same are hereby required to present the amo duly verified, as by law required, within six months from the first pub lication of this notice. Duted this 1st day nt September, 1913. WILLIAM V. BRIG08, d-s30 Executor Rubb er Goods When you buy rubber good there I only one kind that you should buy, and that In rubber ko!s of the very IkhI imlity. When you buy on of our uuaraiiteeri Iwttintnin Syr- liiKn we return your money If ft In not mUh-fiu-tory in every way. Osburn Pharmacy Opp. N'-w Umpqiia Hotel Church brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Try them once and you will always btOa customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. pF I wcaujgwwaaMgiSnBMira mi m im i iiw l D. II. MABS'FERS' PLUMBING SHOP. ECONOHY GROCERY We handle a full supply of PRODUCE as well as all Kinds of FANCY GROCERIES. ft We Give 1 "TRADING STAMPS K. M. MKAItH, Prop. I'lione OS 8-14 X. Jacluoa Ht.