Cleve Sumerlln, a former resident of Coos county, passed through Rose, burg this morning enroute to the coast after a year spent in Alaska. Although somewhat partial to Alaska Mr, Sumorlln says he la glad to get back to Oregon where the climatic Are You Loyal? Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom? The best on the market for the money. They will last longer, and your work will be lighter. You will be helping a home enterprise and making a greater Roseburg, Every merchant in Roseburg is selling them; so be LOYAL and demand the home pro d uct. Whist Brooms at all Drygoods and Drug Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee. Free Seed For Planting. ROSEBURG BROOM FACTORY Let "Kelly" Do Your jMoving, Hauling liritliTl 1 I; 'WmUW WE conditions far surpass those of the northern region. Dorothy Veatch returned here last evening after a few days spent at Cot tage Grove and other northern cities visiting with friends. WANT The News Office can use a con siderable quantity of wood this OCD winter. I here area number of subscribers living in the country surrounding Roseburg who have wood for the market. We will accept wood in payment of sub scriptions and will credit the full maiket price of the wood on aP rearages, renewals and new sub script ions. Where the amount due us is less than the cost of the wood we will pay the difference in cash. Bring in the wod be fore the rains come. We want the wood. You, who owe us for subscripts ns, need the credit. Oct busy and let us have OOL). The'News S3 CITY NEWS Wicker chairs, any price. See B. W. Strong. The furniture man. s23 Dr. DoLaiip returned here late Sunday after two weeks spent at points In Washington. j Attorney John T. Long left for Ra i lem yesterday where he today argued a case before the Oregon Supreme Court. If you want to have fun go on that auto tour around the world, September 23. The first auto will leave the Christian church at 7:30 p. m. s23p J. M. Eugle, owner of the Engle wood ranch, near Oakland, spent the day in Itor.eburg attending to various business Interests. Clean Comfortable Furnished Rooms Gentlemen Only, 126 North Kane s20p Mrs. Ralph Fisher Is spending a few da yd in RoBeburg visiting at the home of Attorney and Mrs. O. P. Coshow. She is accompanied by her tittle son. The Christian Tennis Club will give an auto tour around the world September 23. Watch the store win dows for display cards. Remember the date. s23p Evelyn and Irvine Smith, who have made their home In Roseburg since the death of their father several months ago, left this morning for Eastern Oregon where they will re side with their grandmother, Mrs. George Irwin. Mrs. Irwin recently arrived here for a visit and Is) ac- and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220 3 CiO companylng the -children !to new home. ) Pure Jersey cream rroio the Cal kins ranch, fresh every dav. Tin f Beo HJve. ' L. H. Cnldwin and wife left for1 Green last evening after a day spent: in Roseburg. Savo money now ty buying your clothes, hats and shoes at Simon Caros. tf C. La n dam went to Roseburg this morning on the stage. Marshfield Tinea. Mrs. Charles Fisher left for her home at Eugene this morning after u tew dayB spent In Roseburg visit! with friends. R. B. Matthews and wife, of Glen dale, spent tile day in Roseburg visit ing with friends. They made the trip here In Mr. Matthews automo bile and report a delightful journey. Buy bread made in Roseburg none better. You could do youi banking In Portland; laundry coult be Kent there; dry goods bough there but It is not good business policy. Spend your money a' ho:rr ti Attorney Albert Abraham and wife, S. J. Jones, F. E. Erlckson, Lyge Sieber, Roscoe Gibler and W. K, Mar. sters were among those who returned here last evening from Yoncalla after attending the funeral of the late Charles .Mann. The funeral was large ly attended, while the floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Fun eral services were conducted by Rev. J. N. McConnell, pftur of the local Christian church, and were very im pressive. U you want a swell, up-to-date tailor-made suit, place your order with G. W. Sloper, of the Rosebur Clrniiliig Pressing Works, who handles the world wide A. B. Rose3 samples, from $15.00 up. A per fect fit guanfcteed. Freeh dry clean ing a specialty. Suits presged while you wait. Hats cleaned and blocked. 30S Jackson street. Phone 47. 06 WAXTKI) Kncers to commence packing ut Ilrager I'lgit Company "ll Wednesday, September lilKli. X OT I CIO 6 F ; K SK 1 1 XL Cl T Y KLKCTIOX. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a General Election will bo held In the City of Poseburg. Oregon, on .U8ulay, October Ctll, 1913, between thu hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and (; o'clock p. M. of said day (provided tli nt the judges Bhall have tho powei to adjourn for one hour at noon! at which said election the following officers will be elected, to-wlt: One Mayor to rerve for two years. One City Recorder to serve for two years. One Treasurer to serve for two years. One Councilman from each of the four wds of the City, eacto serve for two years. One Councilman from Warfcojl to serve for one year. Said election will be held at the fogowlng nanSd polling places, and conducted by the followir. named Judges and Clerks, or fc'ielr uly se lected substitutes, to-wlt: First Ward- Polling l'lnco. Court House; Juugcs,Vm. Carstens. V. I Dillar. T. Iiiffety; Crks. I llolle Good, Emma P. Cardwell. Second ft:M-rl PrinA) IUn 19t,, I l'pqua hotel; Judges, . A. B1 ! lows, M. Jeiii Buir. '. E. ars j Clerks, 9. . Hin, obi-l ! Van $ur$i. ! .Third Ward P,g AlaoA - burg hotel, JOlgcs, Ulla K. C.b, A. S. Huell; CierU, Kdna wAirton mmil.I Calibers. Konrth Ward Polllu, all; Jul:p. I,M C. Ciiles, CB. D. HamiiSsS O. V. Wlnikly; Clerks, Addle Josephson, ayme C. I's. Notice is further gi'C-nt a!J election Onlinanco No, 515, C0t,led "An Ordiiiie licensing, taxiT.fc:i( i'cp ting liusiness'Q occupations. I professions. c.-iQugs, traflS9 anim ! ploj mt'iits within the corporate lim- j lis o the City of RosWurg, Oregon i and regulating the manner of Issuing j liises. aril provfdQg n punishment j for T,i.' vioMiiou of a) provision ol tun oru;nu(, and repenliDRrdln-' nice ioi. 31 a. PaS)jl by the Comiilo Connw on n-e l!Pf!i day r.lune 11' 10. and allVinl:n:ittces amendator; 't'ertto or In cenflt herewi;b. and Vi-hring an oinerMiu-y." paw l i );.e Coniineti Council and appr-vt by the Q.yor of the City of frose ::irg oiie -"rd d;y of nncernber 0 '.' ti. ui'iii which the 9'fereiid been Invoked, will be submitted ! 'o tile vote of the qualified riector' :if said Ci'y for thiir approval or r?- legion. T''. lor:n inliiih salt: ; -rferer.du,:!! w:! be rtthm.ttcd en the i 'ffieial bjllot Is S3 follows, to-wlt ! "i-":i.ved by Heferendiim. flj"' j tice No. 5 1".. to licence." tax Vn' j -';-:;ia:e ci-iiain occupations. e:c. j rov'.illn? u " ""ii!y, lopealinjt Or.llll i J Nmiilu r 513, a;,,l declaring ai. I .i:iy." ."ill Yes.O 3 HI No. CARL E. WIMBER1.?, Recorder of tho City of Roseburg, Oregon. ' t23 thefir I . 1 TMMSIT10N1915 Thousands of visitors will be in San Francisco at the time of the Fair. Hotel accomodations will be at a premium at that time. We have perfected a plan so there will be no inconven ience to you. We provide transportation, ho tel accomodations and every conceivable com fort etc. We look after everything and make it very easy for vou to acquire all the privi leges of our contract by paying a small amount monthly. See A. T. SCHUBERT, Agent, Grand Hotel, - Roseburg, Oregon You Dftnt'. Have to PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement cSewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foun&jftiora gnd thjmnej blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement work of any Kind. I have five or six houBei I will sell cheap, as I ant to use the money in other busings. See my burglar proof window lock. Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. wB build, move or repair your houtfis. Buslne buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. 9 t f. f. vunwm COKTKJSftGR and MJILDE& 0. JCOIiSO All worf fully gufesf ntvsrl. Goods callitl for lint rieliciQ$l. Itrfc tliI dyelaS lnd clef oir o VI tnds of IliiV nflC;(i Chill ing, Cruvenettes tffol VottinW. - -- - - -. - Phnt Tobuy i;au-orics if store or call us up Try it onc a be r . ''murrnirnrnirmimn riminnniu'wiiiii liiTuIap'jfayjl 9 j n-Kiffmnririenii mitninxm i w iiim i'im , nii-tu j3 I iGETTmmsfi-1 If Tl BUTTER H J' mm wuu mimt T : ' Oil . -- a . . IT' IS. EASY' : J o L "VH PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY Pftoni'Cn' TheJforllfsTde Grocery Go to Sea to See Telephony 2UH I totw . All warfe fil-cl9i iSoot E4:. you come over.the satisfied. to our phone. 807 N. Jackson Street