WANT ADVS GET j Ol'SON A. FOIIY, Vocul iyetuinna. Studio 312 ft Roecbiirg Cass Street. 4 Phone 191-J -Ore. a it :; x a MKS. CHAI1LES S. HEIXLIXE sj Pianoforte Instructor ft ft ft Muslcul Kindergartener ft Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R ft DR. D. E. SXELL ; ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Diseases of Women and C1U1- dren a Specialty. Phones: Office 119, Res. 138-L. 301-3 Perkins Iitiilding ROSEUURG, ORE. DR. J. I,. CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physician Graduate Anterlcan School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo., un- 4 der founder of the science, Dr. 4 A. T. Still. Upstairs over new First Trust & 4 Savings Bank Building. Corner 4 Oak and Jackson Streets. ft Hours 0 to 12 a. in.; 1 to 5 p. m. ft Phones: Office- 82. 110-J ft ft ft ft dr. gi:o. i:. iioitiv Physician and Surgeon ft ft Office rerkins Bldg., Phone 3. ft Roseburg, Oregon. O ft ft ft DR S. li. l)i'LA!'P ! T'ltlne Physician ? Os Successor f: ft v DU. .1. L-. CALI.WVAT PcrUns liiilldlug i Office Phone 119 CS Night Phone 215-J ft ft "" ft Office Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5 ft DR. P. H. IIOGGESS. ft DR. LOUISA IIOGGESS ft Chiropractors, r- Spine and Nerve Specialists ft Rooms 5 and 6, over Bell's Mlll- ft Inery, 137 N. Jockson Street, ft Residence 608 S. Stephens St. ft Calls answered at all hours. ft DR. SEELY, fc ETHER & STEW- ft ft A ft j ft Physicians and Surgeons. ft ( .Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, Phone 307 j Roseburg - Oregon j q? 44444i' DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER PhylidnoQnd Surgeon Office Roor 209-210 Perkins Bu'lding. ,0n03 Residence 417-R 45 Office $ A V AXIDERMIST AXI) EXPERT TAXXER Prices Reasonable Work Guaranteed P. O. Box 207, Roselmrg, Ore. ft REAL ESTATE FARHS From five acres to twelve hun dred acres. Largo tracts, some with fine Improvements. $10 to $30 per acre. Bargains In city property. Timber lands. GEORGR RITER Sf I PERKINS BMHJ. ROSFIintO . - . OHKfiO' QUALITY MILK The VERY BEST. We will deliver it to vou if you so desire. PHONE 3 F 22 RALPH K. WCOD ra SON WANTED. WAXTErjOnewa"ltriBaT McCIal len hotel at once. Must be exper ienced. lS9G-tf WANTED Man to take job shingl ing by the thousand. Phone BF13. B. F. Chilson. Roseburg. 1895-tf WANTED A cook; I will pay good wages for a lady cook. Write C. De F. Bartrum, Tiller, Ore. 9-16-13S30 WANTED Plain sewing either at home or out, children's garments a specialty. Address 1126 Military street. 1857-o4p WANTED Team, harness and wag on to keep through winter. Will give references. Address Rt. 1, Box 112. 1894-ol5p VS-TED 50 tier of black oak sotve wood cut at once. Cash Job. Address E. A. Kruse, Rose burg, Ore. 1893-s22p WANTED TO BUY A good farm, and pay for it one tentli each year until paid for. Name lowest price and describe fully. L. D. West full, Tulatin, Ore. 1732-tf WOOD WANTED The News will gladly take on subscription wood for office and residence use In any amount, Ca1! at The News office. tl WANTED Two experienced men to operato prune drier. Apply to B. S. Woodruff, Brockway, or pnor-e 2K24. 1773-tl WANTED Good house and gar den in or close to Roseburg on easv terms and cheap Describe fnllW. Address L. D. Westfall. Tualatin, Ore. 1904-tf! WANTED Good grazing" land near Roseburg. Send price and full de-i scription. No agents need an swer. A. R. Moore, Elsluore, Calif., Riverside Co. 9-1C-13-S30 !'(i; lurvr. r-Oll RENT Large furnished front room. Close in. Inquire 312 C Cass. 1347-tf FOR RENT 5 room modern cottage on N. Jackson, furnished. Inqulro of Dr. Gray, 324 E. First avenue, north. 1905-tf FOR RENT 10 acres well Improved and close in. Inquire at News of fice. 18S6-tf FOR RENT Two outside rooms, well furnished. Board ,furnlshed T0 TRADE For horse buggy and if desire In private family. En- harness preferably, a high power quire 410 W. Douglas. 1900-S22 -ed motorcycle, Just out of shop FOR RENT Furnished house, 837 Miller street. Inquire at 617 W. Lane Btreet or of Mrs. Margaret Jennings, Soldiers Home. 1881tf FOR RENT The large back luom o j my barber shop, w-ith entrance o I Rosd street, or if desired will giv front entran-gj on Cass street. Als furnished front room at residence A. S. Hunt, 130 Cass street, cor ner r.ose. 1754-tf I-1 lit S A Lie. FOR SALE Six criddle rooking ranger-heap; iron porch pump. 309 .E.Douglas. 1314-0-4-p EDENBOWER OPPORTUNITIES Will give rent of Btore and two I rooms in exchnnge for board. A. I I W. Ferguson. 191 7-s26p j FOR SALE S5 or 140 ncri s of good bottom land, two creeks running! through the place. J. M. Thomp-! son. i. ama!i auey, ur. iic-oii FOR SALE Rams, pure bred polled! DeLalne McrinoB. Barnes, Ton Mile, 18F35. Address, J. G. . Ore., or phone j 1858-05 ANGORA BUS FOR SALE Be81t blood and good Indlvldual;,regl tcred. Address, J. I. Chapmaa Wilbur. Or. 1755-tl FOR SALE Five thoroughbred All registered R. F. D. No. 1 1709-tf i Shornshire rama, stock. H. B. Reed, Roseburg. I FOR SALE Draft team, weight 3, 200, good workers. Will sell at a I bargain. Address box 492 or phone ' 27F14. tf-1714 ' FOR SALE CI IE A I1 , gentle, 8-1 I year-old horse ighlng 1 H'O lbs. ! Single and double driver. See. A., ; ii Voegeleln. near Green. lnni-tr - rUVKil BOTTOSl' LAXBT hoite' tract, fronting on river, all tillable. ; cIopo to town, the kind that Is iK'iaily held at from $210 tr ?2r,0 i the acre, for fsle. Will be f-ld at price so cheap Rnd un K.-rms thnt will take away your breath. Afl'W hot S5, or inqulr Vrw office. 1715-tf; t I FOR SA1.K Household Roods. In-: quire 217 S. Stephens St. 19CG-tt rOH SALE Household goods, 5: room bungalow. Cheap if taken; at once. Phone 357-J. lS46-tf KOIt SAL13 OP. RENT Coed gro- j eery store doing nice business; now j location. Inquire of this office for ) particulars. 1 559-tr KOIt EXCHANGE Five room cot-. tage, or. paved Btreet, will trade j for good vacant lots, price $1,150. Coast Investment Co. 151S-tf: FOR SALE Fine Studebaker surry. ' slightly used, with almost new double harness, at a great reduc-; tion. See J..F. Barker & Com pany. lS07-tf r'ARM FOR SALE 205 acres, good soil, adapted to general farming This Is a snap. Write or call on 1 G. Barnes, Ten Mile, Oregon oi phone 18F35. 1582-oct5l FOR SALFGoodgentlemllchc6w. Also good work horse, weight about 1300 and set farm harness. Inquire E. B. Perrlne, real estntc office. 1SS5-U FOR SALE If you are looking for a big bargain in a paying general merchandise business in Douglas county, answer this ad. Z, care News. 1710-tf FOR-SaXe 8 room house close In. 114 lots worth $900. House prac tically new, sewer assessment paid. electric lights, gas and water. Price S1500, $250 cash balance like rent. Address S care News Olfice 1702tf FOR SALE 40 acres one mile Iron town. Good road and telephone Team, harness, wagoa, buggy, t( Jersey cowb and chickens go wit' place. New house. Family oi chard' bearing Good terms fo 'quick sale. Box 653, Roseburg Ore. 1360-t oil SALE The best automobile In Douglas county for the money. Combined runabout, truck nnd 5 passenger tourist. Every bearing new, at Fishers Paint Store, corner Oak and Rose. 1735-lf A UUOU 1'UOl'KKTl' CllEAf dix lots, small house fruit trees, big oak shade trees, city water, garden plot, beautiful location and view of city, close to paved streets, and a rare bargain at $1,000. inquire News- office. 1733-tf SEED GRAIN Blue steam wheat. . six row barley, white, grey and, black oats Good clean seed and grown at homo. First class in ev ery way. Phone 19F13, or ad- e dress W. D. Snyder, Rt. 1, Roso burg. Or. 1872-oS FOR SALE Pa?r of theTrchard Valley Fruit Farm", 8 and 10 year old Spitzenberg and Newton apple trees, at $200 per acre. An unusually good bargain for cash. H. H. Olcott, owner, Canyonvllle, Oro. ' 1737-n!4p nnu use new; iwo speeus anu clutch; magneto. One of the class iest machines In county. Inquire of News. 1908-tf FOR SALE 5-room new cottage, two &u-root lots, near paved street, l beautiful view. A bargain. Terms, j Address Box 55, Roseburg, or in- qutro News. 1911-tf! FOR SALE DniTt colts, good ones; j two yearlings and two 2-year-olds. Driving team, matched bays, 5 , yearB old; work horse, mare, price $50. Hull, Red Polled, registered, two years old. Sheep, seventy-five yews; sheep pure bred Polled De lane bucks; ranch, 160 acres for sale or rent, terms. Isadore M. Irvlu, Ten Mile, Orenny. Phone 1RE34. 1SU7-Q1 fKlVlfAOO'AiTfc VIEW "LOTS Ut us show you the most beautiful view Iofs in Roseburg, new Etrcets now being graded, cly water in. large oak trees on cych let, v.e have a few lots (i(lx280 feet that we can sell at $375 each, on easy terms, splendid free soil. Const Investment Co. 1519-tfi j FOR SALE Land In small and la;x tracts; suitable for orchard, berry. grain and poultry ranches. Onvjy. P. R. R., 6 miles from Roseburg. Within mile of cannery, &, the new growing town Green. Reas- i onable prices, and easy terms. Ad-! dress, L. O. Maddux. 229 S Main St.. Roseburg. Ore., "-T Q Phone l70"-'( VIENNA Js Cleaning and Pressing 407 CASS STREET Telephone 303 lirinK vour clothes here. Thev rome home Ct.K A N KI and CI.F.A N We are hanly to depot an'l stnae. Ccme in and r;et fixed up after your journey. Ladies' WorK a Specialty A S"UBre Deal I 'Oil SAL!?. MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guna rabored, stocks matte, etc. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, Locks aud t'mbruMas repaired. Also saws filed, keys made, razors, sissors or any other kind of grinding done her All work guaranteed at Crouch's Hardware Store, Pine street entrance. H. E. SCHOENFELD Both the American and Eu- ft ropean phtns will be In use at ft the Hotel McClallen after this ft ft date. Luncheon and dinner only ft 40 cents each. Special rates to ft ft guests by the week or month, ft ft Sunday dinners 50 cents. tt ft ft ft ft ft I-OTS FOR SALE. Lots tnt are located right, with no objectlonal features. Roseburg's finest home sites. Prices right with terms. May nard's Harvard Avenue Addi tion to West RoBeburg, the pluco. Call phone 39F2 for auto or Information. C. D. J1AY NARD, Owner. tf ft ft HOUSES TO RENT I nave a ; ft number of good houses to ft ( r"i:t; n'-xo l'urnislied rooms. It' you have houses or rooms v tl M:l!I. 1IS.L Willi It. H. ft I I..-,i.lbfttor, Phono 152. Cor- I. i. u . iV .Invkpon luu-u c ft 4 ft MIKS CORA GOOD.MAX ft 1 v i-aie or i uicugo i ft l'lf lt'i'ssioitiil VnrjilKt. Will sing for lodge entertain- ments. Granges, receptions, af- i?"'0"11 'ci,a .""'l. fun-nla. v ruoue m'l ror neians. PUPILS DESIRED ft Inftructions in Voice and Piano, ft SPECIAL NOTICli If tnken within tho next few days this is what you can get for $2,000.00. Just outside of the city lim its. 16 nice lots all fenced ond with a brand new 5-room house barn, chicken house store room. Tills is one of tho very Bpecinl bargains we have to ofrer the homeseeker. Seo Rice & Rice nt once. s34p NOTICE. Contrary to reports that have been circulated recently Tho Queen Insurance Company Is still doing business In Rose- burg. It Is represented by 4 Dimes & Oliver. Office adjoin- 4 ins Grand hotel. oil ft ft o .MISl ELLA MiOUS. ' NOTICE I register Uady prune facers please . for coming season's work ! j which v.ill slurt about Soptember j 15. Drngor Fruit Co. 1847-tf j LOST lanh storm robe for buggy. Finder please leave at New of- fico. . 1849-lf ' FOUND Purse containing endors- fd check on Douglas National I "aim. Ownl-r call Xews of-1910-B25 'ho. LOST Brown Indian hand bag on hlliside nt Fair grounds. Dollar and ome small change and two handkerchiefs Inside. Finder please leave at PewB office. 9-H27 LADIES LISTEM Something that j every woman between sixteen and j sixty wants. Send name and ad-; ; dress to Jessie M. Russell, 930 8. Jersey St., St. Johns, Or. ISIO-oI . LOST lietween the Thornton ranch and Dixonvllle, telescore grip, : containing boys clothes. Return lo Mrs, H. W. Evans, West Rose-' burn, or Kldds Grocery. 1898-.22 LOST Howard watch anil fob, ' Hunting cose, Initials, II. M. on charm, case No. 82005-4, move-' mrnt No, 922384S. Ixist between' Hoover hill on Ten MI!o road, and ; Brocway on Olalla road. Finder j leave at News cTIcc and receive j liberal reward. 1871-dswtf1 I Wicker chairs, any price. See 11. W. Strong. The furniture man. s23 I If you want a swell, up-to-date tailor-made suit, place your order , v.iih Ct. V, Sloper, of the Roseburg I denning & Pressing Works, who ! handles the world wide A. B. Rose j samples, from $15.00 up. A por , feet fit guaranteed. Freeh dry clean I Ing a specialty. Suits pressed while I you wait. Huts cleaned and blocked, j 208 Jackson street. Phono 47. oil FOR THE TRADE MAR l The Sign of the Toilet and Medicinal preparations of tho American Drug & Press Assn. A mutual organization of tho druggists and newspaper men of the country, formed for the purposo of providing for the general public an absolutely guaranteed, dependable lino of Remedies and Toilet Articles A preparation for ouch specific purpose, tlio composition of which is known to every druggist It nnd money buck without (Uieation to the customer who buys It If ho Is not satisfied. Wo have joined this association because we believe in tho "Mentor ItenicriteH; becauso wo know there Is nothing better. We have the exeluslvo ngency for Meritol goods. We Invite you to call and see this splendid line. Johnson's Drug Stor AT "ml ai' Aiiurlenn T('ltMl!H No. ; t EAR SEZ: "Whene'er I'm entertaining And wish to please my guest, I buy things of the grocery store Where I'll obtain the best. ilfliL Is A. T. MARSHALL Roseburg Wants Factories We want n woolen mill for yarn blankets and cloth. Wo want us largo applo cold storage as Medford has got, and for making all kinds of applo products. Wo want n box fiuttory for making fruit and berry boxes. Wo want a furnllure factory, any of nbovo fac tories can secure free building niton on rail and water. Addross Urapqua Land Water Company FARMERS PUBLIC MARKET OPEN TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS O CO'i.VKIl MAIM AM) WASHINGTON KTitKKTH Owing to the meeting of the Pomona Ornngo nt 10 a, m., patrons are requested to como enrly Saturday. (.'l:T VOl'liH TIIKKK AMI It' lll'CM TIIK CX)KT OK !,IVI. 4 450,000 First Class Quality Trees APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, PRUNE, CHERRY and a full assortment of other stock. To sell thorn we will have to put the PRICE VERY VERY LOW Hate to cut prices for high class stock, but a slack demand with OVER PRODUCTION REQUIRES IT Southern Oregon Nursery, Yoncalia, Oregon i;osi:i;i lit; kmpiymk.t and ItHALTV A(ii:.('Y. Work for .Men and Women, (.'om Hteut Workers Keirt. Lifted. Exceptional lhu-guiii.u only in Keitlly l.lne. I,bft. your ntiiiiv lnenlH in LAXI) or LAItOlt. Plionn 1(10 :t2H N. Kane St. Opu. South Pvont of t'ouit House? PUBLIC HEALTH DmtCiV Proust Aumtcltit ion North Itoftt'hitr j IC7 Where Campbell's Soups, a dainty fare, And canned and fresh fruits are And vegetables of every kind Both staple and in the jar. For Good Groceries Go To