The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 20, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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MmyroN i. shoemaker
Editors and Publishers.
Hulitcrlptlon Jtutes Kallf .
Per year, by mall $3.80
Per month, delivered BO
Per year $2.00
Six months 100
Enttrod as second-class matter
November 5, 1910, at Itoscburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3, 1879.
A six-o'clock dinner will be
served at the new Uuipqua ho-
tel tomorrow. Take your dinner
cor.vrv .nt imimiiossions.
The Douglas County Kair for 1913
has passed Into history, and it may
not bo amiss to make some careful
observations, draw como compart
Konu. give credit where due. and criti
cize freely where criticism Is thought
1o bo necessary or will be of future
benefit. That there Is foundation
both In material and production, to
make In time a fair In this county
of which any community can be
lirotiil. and at which every person can
find his entertainment and amuse-
inont, his pleasure und education, and
where he can have his esthetic, or his
sportive tastes gratified, will not be
doubted by any one who has attended
this fair, once or every day this
week. That there was a paucity of
exhibits of some things thut this
eounty is certainly strong In, wad
very evident to any one who gave the
subject any attention or scrutiny,
and It should be the aim of those
who will succeed In the manage
ment, or huvo it in charge In the coin
ing years, to fortify these weak
places by special effort and by turner
and more Humorous premiums. Tak
ing up the departments separately,
and noting more particularly thotie
that would seem to need the greater
nurturing, tho almost total luck of
live slock, such as dairy cows, cattle,
hogs and sheep were most tn evi
dence. In fact, wo did not overlook
any, there wero but two milch cows
shown and but three pens of swine
aa also, out aide of mohair breeds,
only two liens of sheep. Now In a
great grazing and dairy land like that
of Douglas county exhibits of this
Kind should bo prominent and the
undoubtedly grow to the proportion
or such a necessity. Kcr a county
that Is the home of such magnlricent
rliworu pven nriw rim dlsnhtv WUH
! iiifilinf.rA mid dlKSliDnintinif. The
features under the class of Hc.hdol ex
hibits have alread been noticed, und
it wi!i not be necessary to more than
state that this Is n new but grow
ing Idea, that will gain force, by be
ing shown at county and state fairs.
There was no display of merchan
dise or machinery, two very salient
and Interesting ortions of a local
and general fair, non-competing as to
premium 'money or ribbons, but a
moat effective manner of bringing
State Deartment of Kdnration Makes
i'ublislier Come IKnvn in i'rlee.
The following letter, received from
the suiierlntendent of public Instruc- i
tion, Mr. J. A. Churchill, Is self ex-!
plsnatory and may be the means of ;
saving money on books already pur- j
chased by local school children. The j
letter follows: j
Salern Ore.. Sept. 18, 1913.1
To the Editor of The News: i
Dear Kir: in our contracts wttn
the various school book publishers
tho law requires the state board of
education to take the prices as re
Iiorted to us by the state text book
In our contracts, however, we add
ed a clause to which all of the pub
lishers agreed and signed without
protest to the effect that the pub
lisher will not sell any book at a
greater price than Is charged for
such hook In any other state in the
United States
This department discovered a
the Palmer
premiums liberal enough to warrant ' Tim mnnnirpment for this vear de
the trouble and hnzazrd of their be-! serve unstinted praise for what they
ing shown. ThlB Is as 'much a live j have accomplished, It is a thankless.
Block as an agricultural and racing , hard-working Job and one that is not
association, ami tneso particular ex- Bought after.
niniis snoum lie given greater encour
agement. We wero Informed Hint the
law (aslnlno as It was called), re
garding the tubercular lent of all em
tio before being allowed to enter for
exhibit, waH the main cnuse of so few
lielng there as the trouble and ex
pense oven with free oxnnilnution was
pilllllCUV l' 1IIWB i:iM!fj "i ricij iaj . . .. .,
L.. In ih.-hi.rn. nnrl nn the farm Short time ago thut
Probably the most conspicuous fea- Writing Lessons for primary grades;
tare of all for Its ubsence. was the ' selling In other states for 15;
absolute lack of any form of amuse-1 ". whle the contract price In j
ment for both young and old. there ! 'his state Is 20 cents. The higher
were no merrv-go-rouuds, no mid. hook, known as Palmer Method of
way no free or paid attractions, no Business Writing, Is seHing in ChlcaJ
mountebanks or Punch and Judy, no so for 16 cents while the contract
barkers in front of painted canvass Price In this state Is 25 cents. We
to lure one Inside, where the abso- took this matter up with he palmer
lutely greatest wonder of tho world I people and after threatening to
was to be seen for a small admit- I bring suit on their bond we got them !
lance These features are among the ! to Instruct their agent In this state I
best of the drawing enrd of the i to notify all dealers that these books j
mnui successful fairs iieonle get tired w-ottiu ne soio tor id cents ana 10
of wandering all day through the
halls and stables, and also seek other
forms of recreation beside the race
track. Pairs need crowds, need paid
admissions, and such things as men
tioned above, when well seierted, are
crowd drawers and keepers.
We believe that the managers of
our fair will make no mistake by ar
ranging for some forms of entertain,
men In the future und, as the an
nual event grows as It will, these
concessions will bo bid for and be-
omo a source of revenue. That Ore
gon is a state of horses and racing,
was properly attested when the races
were called, for grand stand and
shady hillsldeB were covered with
cheering enthusiasts urging on their
favorite during every heat.
Douglas county has most beautiful
nntural grounds for staging each
year n growing and successful fair,
nature has done much for It and It
i' now up to man to improve the
opportunities and no pail of the
slate will bo able to show any better.
cents respectively. If any of tho
children in your community have
paid a higher price than this they
should tnke the books hack and ask
for the difference. The J. K. Gill
Company, agents for the publishers
Informs me that the publishers will
make the amount good to our local
dealer. .
That the patrons' of the F.ehoolB
aiiay know the yneed not pnv these
high prices, I will appreciate your
announcement of this notice.
This department is endeavoring to
do til that Is possible in securing for
the boys and girts of Oregon, hooks
at as low a price as they can lie se
cured anywhere in the I'nlted States.
We will continue our investigations
on every book contracted for use in
our schools.
Very truly vours.
J. A. CHl'RCHIL!,,
Supt. Public Instruction
We are having very favorable
weather for harvesting prunts. The
driersi are working full capacity and
are turning out fruit of a No 1
Oeorgo Marsh has installed a gas
engine In his drier.
The Misses Mundt went to Port-
Visitors at the floral hnll of the ! land the first of the week.
' r,,lr Ihlu week, worn attracted bv the - Biormquost lias Ills new House
I election of subjects nnd the superb j under roof and expects to complete
' manner or finish or the display made building soon,
i... .... ..n.. nr ri..t, i. mnL- h, Ed Johnson, or Roseburir. hns nur-
too much and also that the premiums i i i .' ..i. ! chased tho blacksmith shnn or Chan
h..2Z - . ""V"', ', Bll0"ld I and panoramas, etchings and photo- l-awson and Is now doing business
however, not be Inferred thut prem- , .. wUl nt (k.Mcate t the old stand.
Inm mone alone Is the only In-1 ,,. ,, i, ,i i K r light and ' '"ire Is hauling lumber
ren lvo for making an exhibit and Bnilow ,, , v attained ly the;from Arnold & Deasley's mill for
that a poor .peclmen If the only one ; ,, nm, ,, ,, mnslr ar(,Bt George Hest.
present Khould tak etln, coveted r b-' , Manv Looking Class firniiirprs at-
InstllutloiiB where betterment It the
di-iderntiini to bo striven for. nnd
For Your Past Patronage
And in order to demonstrate in a more practical manner than in mere
words, also to induce you to continue your esteeme.l favors, we have ar
ranged to give some one of our customers a present consisting of
PxiHTiViiro. Wi nrp inriirniPil Mit I tnled til county fitlr Grunge Day.
none of tlitd exhibit Ih or was Hpeclal-I September 17,
i- . ,.-j ...... i... i.. Mr. Williams, of St. Paul. Minn..
-whoro on can ueo the better thlngH j ork lnat rumotJ 0f d'aiiy buHiness, I sl)e,lt a fmv (,HV ,nHt week looking
y ... uiKniK.rB kkhi or p ,(, ,,( u-orelnre all the more worthy
attention or e ..ration, ami by rom- of B(lloctlon nnd rewar.linK with th.
- ii V 'ins , mum rtbbrm of honor
nl'" nirnu iiM-llHJtlH U 1 1 II III I 111'
Banio eyellonee. Another notlreatile
fcMit.uro or the exhibits of aKtieiiltn
rul prodiietH whh the lark of the many
Imltvlttual exhlblotrn,, iih most of thn
rt)lon(ll(! BhowliiKs of the yield of
mother enrlb wero ninny nrtlclrs
KPoiiikmI together, either as wranwe
xhit!t8 OS aB that of one person, tlnis
limiting oomHtltion to the few hi
nt end of the many. It wiib not 1111
hhiihI to heiir, while nttnultnu nenr
theuo dlBpluy, tn have Rome farmer
nay, "Why I have us r.ond or belter
corn or ontn or fruit or veKetuhlea as
them" and they were bl(;h elnnn pro
durta they wero talking about. We
believe that thin fair will Rive tin lin
petiij to the Individual pnwltieer
In another year, and hoiuo of these
very crltlrn will be anHuiit them. It
1 not the ttilentio.: of Ihin arllrle to
lake up the fulr tiere by piece, hh
that ha bi'n taken rare of else
where, Imt in pnss .ii; wo riuiiuM re
Traln from iftuarklnR upon the many
beautiful nr(trlr in the flornl hnli,
nntde by women with the needle, the
hook and the brush. This Hpnre
mould in (lie coui-ko of time
nsed entirelv fur these articles
Bep:iriti, Mil 1 uti-- jiui nit t'T fool;iui
It Ik renllv a
pleaHiire to know that rihl here in
our initial that wu l.uve bouib o:u
. :io c:i!i not only equal, hut ran
even do better work of this kind than
tho studios of the largest cities, and
that this is true 1b evidenced by the
fart that then artists have nev
yet failed to take first prl7.e at everv
fair whuro their work has been on
exhibit Iciii and where they have come
In direct competition with the tore
most, artists In the Htate. These Ren-
leii'en have probably one of the hest j
equipped studios on the count, in J
fart they have the largest nnd most ;
powerful camera and lens that Is In
use for thin work nnd thn nnlr nt her . 'l'1
one Is in San h'ranclsro. They cer
tainly deserve every medal and dis
tinction they constantly receive.
over his orchard tract, and attending
; to other business matters here.
' Elijah K. Olllvant, of hookinc:
; (JhisB and Miss Caroline Toleman. of
: liot'L-burK. were' united In marrlaKe
'Saturday, Rev. J. N. McCouncIl of
. flclatliiK.
; The Misses Kvn and Vesta Cozard
' have none to Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Sradden, of
Ilosehuri?, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George Best.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mies, of Suth
, erlvln, have been visiting Mr. nnd
j Mrs. J. U. Musgrove
Siewnrt Taken Clnu-ge of
I'resm AsMiH'tatUm at l-"risco.
mid veKi:ible. both of which will
Say, thut fellow with tho niegii-;
phone at Die races was a poach. Did :.
you bear him announce the results
something like this: Heat won;
b y R i o o m V a n l y k e e e
s e e o n d d T r i I b e t h 1 r d d
h I t e e " i n g h s n d i h-
l,p ' a n c e d d . T 1 m e B:M'4.
and j J1 ftll,H going a o in e e.
we now have on exhibition. The value of this instrument is $400, and it
is guaranteed b the maker for a period of ten years. We cordially invite
you to call at our store, inspect and try this beautiful instrument. You
have as good a chance ol obtaining this valuable gift aVanyone. Come to
our store and let us explain our method of
Giving Away this Piano
Also we desire to call your attention to the many splendid values which we
are now offering in every department.
P. S.-
To help you on this we will give FIVE votes in place, of one on all
granite ware sold duiing the week ending September Zfi-
v V,
SAMOLINE No acid or grit or poison in it, and naught to scratch or
corrode, and nothing therein to injure the skin, nor any benzime boexplode.
Churchill Hardware Co
the past few years, ye haa bad im
portant potiitiona In both the New
York and Chlcaso offices of the U. P.
and waH tn charse of the UoKton
bureau for two years before coming
to tile Pacific coast.
Following Is th.i stundinc of con.
testants up to Wednesday night:
112 .'. . .1104.750
15 1 15.825
136 210.112
179 87.500
142 208.000
52 322.315
31 05.500
50 310.820
29 1 17.200
88 375.000
171 225.000
70 104.350
75 KiO.350
3 148.000
4 1 350.800
212 '. 387.600
5 138.305
2(19 391.400
' Contrary to reports that haye
been circulated recently The
Queen Insurance Company Is
st ill doing business In Rose-
burg. It Is represented by 4)
Itimes & Oliver. Office adjoin- 41
ing Grand hotel. oil 4
Take your Sunday dinner at the
new Umpqua. starting tg-morrow
It will no a pleasure to yourself and the
whole family if you take home a box of
the Delicious Chocolates just received by
us. Just a glance at our window will
convince v.m.
nouncement of an important change
In tile Pacific coast division of the
Vnited Press Associalion wus made
here tod.'y when Charles P. Stewart
succeeded Fred J, Wilson as division
mnnauer. Wilson, wtio has been in
charge here for about three years,
goes Kast to tnke the New York
Charles P. Stewart, one of Chica
go's best known uewspnper men. for
A porter, apply ut Hotel j a number of years before joining the
1 9 1 7-tf ! t'nited Press.' has had an exception-
j ally varied and interesting career
I with the association. Following
period of service as foreign editor, lnBt iRht. transient
In the New York office. Stewart w:ls
sent to London In 190S to take the
general managership of the Kurope
an division and etTect a reorganiza
tion of the foreign bureaus. After
three years spent In this field he re
turned to Ne York just In time to
receive the (..'toignmcnt to eoxer the
Chinese revolution for the Fnlted i
Press. At the end of the war Stew-1
art was sent to loklo to take charge
of the I'nlted Press bureau there, re
turning to the T. S. something over
a year ago to become editor of the
9 Chicago Press.
F.ditlng a newspaper was too tame
ft vocation for S'ewart, however, af
ter the action of ttte press associa
tion fvrvlce, and he returned to the
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
96,200; of Billy Umpqua, deceased, has filed
his final account as such adminis
trator with the clerk of the County
Court for Douglas County, State of
Oregon, and that Monday, October
13, 1913, at the hour of ten o'clock
In the forenoon, at the County Court
room in the Court House for said
County at Uoseburg, In said Count)
and state, has been appointed by
Honorable Dexter Rico, Judge of said
Court, as the tinqr and place for the
hearing of objections, if any, to said
final account, and the settlement
mis notice dated at Uosohnr
. 108.300
. . 81.400
, . 200.805
. .322.500
. .180.240
. .377.500
lie Give S. it- . Cnrn Trailing Stamps
... .., ...
t .iic n?
Perkins llulldln
We want tiic
name ol every
young man who
is ambitious to
mil we want to bear from ev
I nucil Press a finv neks npn. twins1 ery business mnn who wishes
Assigned trniiorarlly to tho CMcatro
'oftirtv Slnv!iit.0tn addition to being
one of tho hrtt read nnd host ln-
fonmnl mon in the new ;wiir same,
! fnd in addition to lien r;i tsc-iay
ver writor. :tnd "n'ws num." has n
' ir nhis for oru: '!i:;:i Un and detail
mu has osiifi-iallv qualified himself
j for his variou i important nssicn-
'iii-nis. Kr.d .1. Wilson, whose rffl
! .'ii-tit management of the I'aeifte coast
j division has earned him his ;iresent
'. ,T-,..i.itl.m io W..:,. I
I o.-rne to the top very raiddly during
!hat he knew BUS US' LSS LAW.
1913, with first puhliciition thereof
on September 8, 1913.
B. I. Kddy returned today from Orecon. thu o
Coos Hnv where he has been attend-) . . tl , ' M'lemuer
lnj: rourt for n few days.
In endeavorlnK to jump from the
top of the Shasta Limited to the tci
of a freight on the siding at Drain
giving; the
name of George Qulnn. fell to the
cround nnd was rendered u neons
clous He was put on the train and
brought to this city where hla In
Juries were drewod. Although he
was badly scratched nnd bruised lie
wan not badly Injured.
WHI lJa bim Ul 111 jra haw w kawa4a lanin
aal at aaatlrl, ,,,.. mr )a(t ny raala
.l.-a a. atlh Ut. A; tt.-l a . hrt i lataiaaaa
farm I lata. Tkta imUJ jrara a, ha
raUalP aa mH bar mibim'Ww IM la
I 8 CarMn4 T ItrarK. a..r, a : ftntpi m,
. . L-rn 1 1 r"ir "rwwjii-(-11 titt
I Ofl-w v f. .:'( tit ft rp ttdf. 4
C) iir I rr, i w, 1 :.1nnl buHti-at
Ut Com fir PuiLita Be. fi-td
Cut ah'.lt ttf I -w trH, and tk' .. (11, p.-,-i a tfc-r-tfc
a-, wUca af IV In ! i - i
tuiii ' ! prf 1. 1 . .1. trJiii Tarmal
lain l-r haa lM (.Ulaj- laJ
..dim u)4ai. BMnftV Bi
in tne circuit Court of the state
un-Bun ftir umiciHB Lountv
Jettie K. Feppnrd, Plaintiff, ' '
George E. .Myers and Florence Mvers
hla wife. Defendants.
To George K. Myers, one of the
above named defendants
OK OHEOON: You are herehy'
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed acainst vou n the
aboye entitled court and cause on or
, a 3th ,,a!' of "' toher.
1913. being six - eeks from the date,
of the first publication of this sum
mons, and If you fail to so appear
and answer said complaint for want!
...r,,, pminiii. win appty to the
U...I .i.r ,ne renet dcn.anded in
said comidamt a succinct statement
of which Is as follows: for a decree
foreclosing the mortice executed In
the defendants to plaintiff on the
28th day of April. 1 !.. on ,np fp).
n-ius iifscrinoa real proper
wit: Beginning at n point
mains west or tne N. R
.Meridian, thence South 23 chains to
mfddle of county road, thence along
CBiitor line of said road N. 71 de
Brees 30 minutes West 17.85 chains,
thence South 44 degrees W. 6. S3
chains, thence South 4 degrees W.
7 chains, thance leaving road South
17 degrees W. 12.60' chains to
Southwest corner of aroresaid D. L.
C. thence Nonth 39j.30 chains to
Northwest corner of said claim,
thence Bust 30.22 chains to place of
btginning, containing 67.69 acres
more or less. In Sections 17 and 20,
all in Douglas County, Oregon, for
tho purpose of paying the sum of
$500.00 with lnterosfc at six jier
cent per annum from the 28th day
of April, 1910, and the further sum
of. $60.00 attorney's fees, and the
costs nnd disbursements of this
suit, and for a decree that the de
fendants, and each of them, be for
ever barrtd and foreclosed of any
right, title, or Interest in and to
the said real property except the
equity or redemption provided by
This summons Is served upon y ni
by publication thereof In the Umi
qua Valley News a newspapeT of '
general circulation published in
Uoseburg, Douglas County, Oregon,
by order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton.
Judge of the above entitled court
made and entered of record on the
l"th day of September, 1913, the
first publication is of date the ISth
day of September. 1913, and the jjist
il be date the 30th day of October,
1913. making the full period of six
weeks the time prescribed In said
" Attorney for Plaintiff.
i", to
10. IS
Hie west half of the S. Ii. Hriu-Ks
n. L r. No. 4Z in Town
South, Range 5 West, Wiiume;i'e
In the County Court for Douglas
County, Oregon.
In the matter of the- estate o!
George II, Stevenson. Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given- that the
undersigned, Clara B. White lias!
been appointed by the County Court
for Douglas County, Oregom. admin
istratrix of the estate of George H
Stevenson, deceased, and has duly
qualified as such.
All persons having claims again-U
aid estate are hereby notified to
present the same to the undersigned
at her place of residence at Mvrtle-
Creek. Douglas County, Oregon, with
proper vouchers and duly verified.
within six monthB from the flr-it
publication of thlB notice.
' ,Admlnlstratr:T.
Date of tlrst Imbllcivlon Sep
tember 15, 1913.
Hate of last publication October
19". sw-olJ.