your table. Knot Beer. Of our efforts to turn out puperiur drinks is Purity. We want our customers lo feel ubsuiutely assured of the high quality of our goods. Ask for our sodas nnd Carbonated Beverages u you want the best on Authored Bottlers of the genuine "HIRES " Do not forget us in ordering your sodas ROSEBURG SODA W'RKS. Phone iS6 Pine St. Just North of Cas3 "THE LURE" HIT New York Police Put Ban on ! Immoral Show. JEWISH PLAY CREAT SUCCESS FOR SALE! BEAUTIFUL ENGLEWOOD RANCH A splendid property, on the main Unipqua river, and having marvelously fertile soil and climate conditions, with splendid timber and excellent domestic water piped throughout house, barn and numerous lots and feed corrals. On account of the several sur gical operations and the recent hospital experience of Mr. Engle, making it necesary for him to spend much of his time in hospitals, and for financial reasons, he has concluded to sell , that splendid country estate. This Is not an ordinary or even an average ranch; but has all the requirements of a first class country home, where one can have the maximum of both comfort and profit, and live there under excellent climatic and all other most satisfactory condi tions. There are 870 acres, well improved nnd most productive, for general farming, stock, dairying and for all kinds of fruit and ber ries and la all garden land of the highest productiveness. Has about four miles of main River frontage. The river bottom lands have twenty feet or more of excellent soil. No overflow. Soil on slopes and benches Is also deep and rich, excellent for fruit and all farm and garden purposes. The parks of spreading oak, and the fir forests, all In an ex cellent parking system, are the wonder and admiration of all nature-loving people who see this splendid ranch, which is In a class by Itself. Write, phone or see J. M. Englo, or any of his family on the Englewood ranch for prices and terms, on part or all of the property. A very low price will be made for quick action. Don't miss the opportunity of your life to secure the best country home that may bo found anywhere around the globe. ENGLE, Kellogg, Or. Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Try them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. ECONOn Y GROCERY We handle a full supply of PRODUCE as well as all Kinds of FANCY GROCERIES. 8-We Give Si 2vC TRADING STAMPS K. !. MEAItS, Prop- rlmne 0.1 3U X. Jackson St. Suppi cwiion of "The Lure" and 'The I Fitiht' Han I'pset l'lans of Xevr ! Vurk Th'iTi. MlliiH!Mr. By BEAU RI ALTO. (Written for tho Unied Press.) NEW YORK, Sept. 20. The 1913 1914 season, as far as can be judged at this early stage, looks promising. The fall openings took place in the hottest weather of the summer, as j Christmas magazines are put togeth-l j er in June, hut tho weather seemed j f to. make' no difference to the crowds ! that jammed every first night. Tlie i Infant season has been brilliant, and! ; already many real successes have; . been scored, while the boues of but : few actual failures are bleaching i along the Great White Way. David Belasco, among the first managers : to start the season, scored an even j I greater hit with his 'A Temperamen. j lal Journey" than with his "Years of: j Dlscretion"'last season. "The Family; j Cupboard" ahvi has been given the I stamp of approval. They may be j I said to be the best dramas of t lie 1 f early season. William Collier scored , a comedy hit in "Whoa, Who," by I Richard Harding Davis, and among! the comedies "Potash & Pcrlmutter" J "Nearly Married." and 'Her Own , Money" are doing good business. Adele." Christie McDonald in "Sweet-! hearts" and )eWolf Hopper in "Lie-1 her Augustin" are among the best of the musical shows. Old favorites; still running from last season are "Within the Law," with Jane Cowl, j Laurette Taylor In "Peg O- My Heart," and Julia Sanderson in "The Sunshine Girl." i The tidal wave of red light melo dramas that threatened to engulf Broadway and sell the American dra-j ma bodily Into white Blnvery hus died a-bornin'. The brothel play Is not ! within the law In New York, and no! more will madatups and cadets stalk I the boards In Manhnttan. The police , put the ban on "The Lure" nnd "The1 Fight" and the Shuberts and the Hen- ry B. Harris estate, respective pro ducers, withdrew tho objectionable productions without a contest, but they did hot escape so easily. Magls. trate McAdoo Issued warran'3 for Lee Shtibert nnd William Harris, and the matter Is now in the hands of the grand jury. Purists said that both plays, the second acts of which were laid in disorderly resorts, wore unfit for women to see, and Commissioner Waldo sent police censors to see them. The police officials and Mag istrate McAdoo condemned both plays unreservedly. The suppression of these two plays have upset the plnns of almost every Broadwny manager, for It wns an oi en secret that a veritable avalanche of lurid dramas were In preparation, some of them going even further than "The Lure" and "The Fight", the settings, lines and actors! of which left little to the imagination of tho audience. Nu. Some of these here, now, rab bis y' understand me, have made It a kick that them cloak and Biilt manu facturers, "Potash & Perlmutter." now in partnership b wholesalo at the Cohan Theater, make It a Joke alrefi on the Jewish race. Schmooes. Wndda y' mean, make It a . ike on tho Jewish race? Alnt them fellers truej to Jewish life, the same like they was these here moving pitcher films? And didn't a Jew write the stories which they made It tho play from, already? Sure. And wasn't it Jews that made from the stories the play? And alnt Jew managers putting the play onto the stage in a theater which Is owned by Jews, with most of them actor fellers nnser leute And aint 75 per cent of .the audience every night Jews anil don't they laugh? Gewlss. Do them as sees It get sore? Osnr a stuck. Wow, make It a Joke on the Jewish race. I betch er. I,Pt the rabbis, olav hasholnm. complain, unt? fertlg. lch geblbbel. .VNSC0 FILMS ARE BE FREE a ALL ANSCO FILMS w a BOUGHT OF US " WILL BE DEVELOPED , 03 S FREE - UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE O GET THE BEST y CO CLARK & CLARK ST z CO o O WEST ROSEBURG GROCERY We can sava you money on your grocery bill. Our stock is FRESH and COMPLETE. Phone your need. Prompt delivery and satisfao tory assured. All! our goods guaranteed. DO WELL & FOSTER PHONE 29. Y. ANSCO FILMS ARE BEST did on the opening night, but a mem- i her or mo oompnny is on too verge; of collapse. On several nights lately the dog, which is a most important ; character in the piece, has been in-! disposed unci unable to go on. They ' have a regulation understudy for the i dog-actor, and the understudy has.; done much of the work tho last few j nights. I IDOYOUDOITYOURSELF i Calapooya Saline Condensed smile of Calapooya Mineral Water, the wonder of nature, for Headache. Biliousness, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Kidney, Liver and Blood Disorders Cures disease, sweetens the temper. Sold by Johnson, Hamilton, and Krohn Drug Stores, also Roseburg Soda Works Roseburg, Oregon. Calapooya Springs Company London, :: Oregon 1 Forty-elpht street. Manhattan, la ' the home of trustfulness or the hot- bed of dare-dovlltry it Is hard to tell ! which. The manager or tho Lodk i acre theater there opened his brand j new house with "Adele," a musical. show, and the nex'. day, whn the , critics had spoken kindly, he blazon led an advertisement of the piece nil lover the sidewalk, painting it on the bricks with pigments. A block away the new manager or the Forty-elKht street theater adver tised nil over town that "your money refunded instanter' If patrons do not like "Kiss Me Quick." the Hartholo mae farce which the critics unani mously condemned as a rank "bloom er." So far. say the box office men. they have received no demand for money back and the play Is still run ! ninff. Lee Rhuhert is the guy who put "The Lure In purld, but old MaKiftrnte McAdoo, he's the guy who put "Thei Lure' and "The Fight" likewise "In Dutch." H. I. DENN TKAAaFKIl AX I) STOKAGK C Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a general transfer business. Bagfjnse checks called for. . All goods carefully handled, and stored at reasonable rates. Ofiice P. 102 Res. P. 308 RIGE & RICE Tho atmosphere la hot and heavy now and nild-suimner Is upon us, so it behoves you to tnke your linen to a laundry that will do It up In such a manner that you can depend upon Its retaining Its stiffness nnd freshness as long as possible. Wo will delight your heart with the cellars, cuffs, shirt fronts nnd colored Bhlrts that we laundry for you here. We launder everything, tahle cloths, napkins, towels, under wear collars, cuffs, shirts, sheets, pillow cases, shirt WRistB, ducks, In fact we do tho family wnshlng from start to finish. Just call us up and get away from the drudgery of wash dny. , , Roseburg Steam Laundry 433 N. JacKson Mreer Phone 79 REAL ESTATE -AND- INVESTMENTS Insurance and Notary Publlu. We solicit your business on our past record. Wo have a fine line of all kinds of investments: Farms, Fruit Farms, Berry, Stock and Dairy Ranches, City Property ami Business Chances. Severn..' good businesses for sale: Rooming Houses, Butcher Shop, Confection ery Store, Drug Store, Art Store, Grocery and many other .good bargains. If you can't come In write us for full particulars. RICE & RICE Rubber Goods When you buy rubber good Uiero Is only one kind Hint you should buy, and that Is rubber goods of the very lest quality. When you buy one. of our guaranteed Fountain Syr inges we return your money if it Is not satis factory Jn every way. Osburn Pharmacy Opp. New Unipqua Hotel Obey that impulse ! The fine joy of automobile ownership may now be yours. Ford prices are down within the easy reach of the untold thousands who have waited for the coming of the right car at the right price. Fivo hutulreil dol'arc ft tho mw ptico of the Fnrrt run about; the tmirinti enr Is tve ft ft) tho town car seven fifty nil f. a. b. Detroit, complete with equipment. Uot cut a log nnd particular from (1. V. Humett, Koiehurg, Orgon. D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. numbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorHs. Telephone 251. Work Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE, I Fern Island Greenhouse ji 1 i 5 Mrs. F. D. Owen. Prop. Rosibarjc, Ore. Phone 9FI2 i They varied 'he prouram on Broad, j way thee other day by annonnefne ! the demolition of two theaters. 80 many new playhounea have been built i within a stone's throw of Lonearre I square within the past two years ' that the announcement of the clos- ! Inz of two came an a novelty. A I ' la-story hotel la to be erected on the' 1 block on the eaat aide of Broadway I1 between Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth ( streets, whero tho New York and Criterion theatera now stand. j Laurette Taylor look as frch af-: ter playing "Pea; 'O Mr Heart" for1 nearly a solid year at the Cort, as sh ' i t ut Mowers, Potted Plants. tuneraJ lNlKn. Wedding Ito j Mini, nr. ! i Just Keceived a Fresh Supply ot 1 J Frrasot All Kinds;; On Bala at The Rose! Confectionery air '00CIt0OOOIMfl fcj Are You Loyal? Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom? The best on the market for the money. They will last longer, and your work will be lighter. You will be helping a home enterprise and making a greater Roseburg, Every merchant in Roseburg is selling them; so be LOYAL and demand the home Jpro--duct. Whist Broomsatall jDrygoods and.'l Drug Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee. Free Seed For Planting. ROSEBURG BROOM FACTORY