The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 20, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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White pickling on!on now on
lata at the Hochdale store. t24
Mrs. O. JJ. Iloldredge left today tor
her home at Yoncalla after a short
viult In this city.
Just a reminder we can supply
your grocery wants. The Bee Hive,
of course. tl
Kuth Chapman lert today for her
home at Wilbur after a few days
spent In this city.
A sure tly killer for cr ws, horses
and other livestock for tl a gallon
at the liec Hive, or course. tf
U F. Bentley left today for his
homo at lluod river, after a few days
spent In this city.
Have money now oy buying your
clothes, hats and shoes at Simon
Caros. tf
aim. H. 1j. McXabb and nieces Ruth
and Anna McNabb left today for their
home at Oakland.
Pure Jersey cream rrom the Cal
kins ranch, fresh overy day. The
Ben Hive. tf
M. Lewis left this afternoon for
Cottage Urove, where he will spend
a few days attending to business mat
Mrs. Lea Barrett of Dillard arrived
In this city today for a visit with
Mrs. Clydo Fuulkner left today for
Portland and Aberdeen where she
will spend a week or ten days visit
ing with friends.
Clean Comfortable
Furnished Rooms
Oentlomen Only.
126 North Kane s20p
Arthur Browu left this afternoon
for Kugene, where he will spend a
fow days attending to business mat'
If you want to have fun go on
that auto tour around tile world
September 2.'l. The first aufo will
leave the Christian church at
7:30 p. m. s2::p
Chas. 1). I'isk left today for his
homo at Suthorlln after a day spent
in this ctly attnediug to business mut.
The Christian Tennis Club will
Rive an auto tour around the world
Boptombor 23. Watch the store win
dows for display cur '1b. Remember
tbo date. s23p
Mrs. Fred Beard and Mrs, E. H.
lloldredge. who have been visiting In
thiB city, left today for their home
at Yoncalla.
A tour around the world for 50c
this Is what I lie Chrlstinn Tennis
Club offers you Tuesday, September
23 Children under twelvo half
price. s23p
Itohort Leadbettor, aRent for the
Travelers Insurance Company, today
received a check In the sum of $1000
In payment of the policy on the life
-3 - days till 8 a
D vj r j i4 u a a ii & n c o j
One of the finest houses In the
jclty. New, 10 rooms, large lots, 28
1 fine oak trees, fine view of city and
Of country. Open stair case In .ecep
13 tlon hall large cobblestone fire
-"jilace; dining room has built-in buf
ret china cloeets, plate rail and panel
j work. Built-in book cases and writ
ing desk in uea. Dutch kitchen.
Hcreen porch; all modern conven-
j j lences, mimt be seen to be appreciat.
ed. A bargain if Bold at once. P.
3!0. box 251, or phone 173-Y. At
i ' home Saturday and Sunday, week
and afer 6 p. in.
of Alexander Armstrong. The cheek
waK mad t payable to George Neuner,
administrator of the estate.
White pickling onions just in and
on sale at the Rochdale store. s24
Mr. J. L. Green left today for a
visit with friends and relatives at
Mrs. E. R. Marsh of Kiddie arrived
in this city today for a visit with
friends and relatives.
Mrs. James Ambrose, Jr., who has
been visiting in this city, left today
for her home at Yoncalla.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Hesse, who
hav been visiting in this city, left
today for their home at Portland.
h. F. Tercinski, assistant cashier of
the First Savings and Trust Com
pany of .Milwaukee, Wisconsin, left
for his home last evening after
spending several weeks with his
brother, C. II. Tercinski, of this city.
Mr. Tercinski is very enthusiastic
over Oregon, and says that Itoseburg
1b us pretty a place of Us size as can
be Hen anywhere. He will, In all
probability, return here later and lo
cate permanently.
It you want a swell, up-to-date
tailor-made suit, place your order
with G. W. Bloper, of the Itoseburg
denning Pressing Works, who
handles the world wide. A. B. Rose
samples, from $15.00 up. A per
fect fit guaranteed. Freeh dry clean
ing a specialty. Suits pressed while
you wait. Hats cleaned and blocked.
308 Jackson street. Phone 47. 06
Charles Stark was today arrested
and arraigned before the city record
er on a charge niado by D. H. M:r
ters of violation of the automobile
traffic law. Stark pleaded not guilty
and his trial will be held Monday at
10 o'colek. It Is claimed that In
turning the corner of Lane and Main
streets that Stark went to the left
Insteitd of the rlghht, and In doing so
sruck a buggy belonging to Mr. Mars-1
lers and occupied by himself and a
friend. As a result the buggy was
considerably damaged, although nei
ther of the men were badly hurt. 1
Mac, the tailor, can make you a
suit of clothes any style you desire.
You can see the goods manufactured
Into a suit If you wish. We make
your suit In Roseburg, Oregon, not
i'ln the Windy City. We don't make
cheap truck, but make good clothes
any style you wish. We are tailors
at 127 Jackson streoi, olp
Notice ok gexeualc;ity
notice is hereby given:
That a General Election will be held
in the City of Poseburg, Oregon, on
Monday, October 6th, 1913, between
the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 6
o clock P. M. of said day (provided
that the judges shall have the power
to adjourn for one hour at noon)
at which said election the following
officers will be elected, to-wlt:
One Mayor to serve for two years.
One City Recorder to servo for
two years.
One Treasurer to serve for two
One Councilman from each of the
four wards of the City, each to serve
for two years.
One Councilman from Ward No. 1
to serve for one year. j
Said election will be held at the;
following named polling places, and j
conducted by the following named!
Judges and Clerks, or their duly se
lected substitutes, to-wlt:
First Ward Polling Place, Court
House; Judges, Wm. Carstens, F.
W. Dillard, T. A. Raffety; Clerks.
Belle Good, Emma P. Cardwcll.
Second Ward Polling Place,
Umpqua hotel; Judges, A. A. Bel
lows, M. Jeanle Bulck, W. E. Mars
ters; Clerks, F. P. Brown, Mabel
Van Buren.
Third Ward Polling Place, Rose
burg hotel, Judges, J. P. McKay,
Rita K. Cobb, A. S. Buell; Clerks,
Edna Wharton Emma J. Chambers.
Fourth Ward Polling Place, City
Hall; Judges, Ida C. Giles, W. B.
Hammitte, G. V. Wiraberly; Clerks,
Addle Josephson, Mayme C. Hicks.
Notice is further given that at said
elecUon Ordinance No. 51b, entitled
"An Ordinance licensing, tasfvs, and
regulating businesses, occu pat Ions.
professions, callings, traces and em
ployments wlt'jin the corporate lim
its of the City of Roseburg, Oregon,
and regulating the manner of issuing
licenses, and providing a punishment
for the violation of any provision of
this ordinance, and repealing Ordin
ance No. 313, passed by the Co mm or
Council on the 13th day of June,
1910, and all ordinances amendatory
thereto or in conflict herewith, and
declaring an emergency," passed by
the Common Council and approved
by the Mayor of the City of Rose
burg on the 23rd day of December.
1912, upon which the referendum
has been Invoked, will be submitted
to the vote of the qualified electors
of said City for their approval or re
jection. The form in which said
referendum will be submitted on the
official ballot Is as follows, to-wit:
"Proposed by Referendum, Ordin
ance No. 515, to license, tax and
regulate certain occupations, etc.,
providing a penalty, repealing Ordin
ance Number 313, and declaring an
300 Yes.
301 No.
Recorder of the City of Roseburg,
Oregon. s23
1 he News Office can use a con
siderable quantity of wood this
winter. There ore a number of
subscribers living in the country
surrounding Roseburg who have
wood for the market. We will
accept wood in payment of sub
scriptions and will credit the full
market price of the wood on ar
rearages, renewals and new sub
scriptions. Where the amount
tine us is less than the cost of the
wood we will pay the difference
in cash, lh ing in the wood be
fore the rains come. We want'
the wood. You, who owe us for
subscriptions, need the credit,
r.etbusv and let us have WOOD.
The News
1. O. K Rosetmrg I.oage, io
326. holds regular coiuuiumcu
tions at their te-nnie on hhcoiw
and fourth Thursdays ol eacl
month. All members request,
to attend reguiarly and all vicittut
brothers arr cordially invited
attend. A. C. Seely, E. R.; H. S.
Slocum, Sec.
' burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets lc
Eagles' hall on Jacksan street,
second and fourth Tuesday even
ings at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting
brothers Invited to attend. George
Neither, Jr., Dictator; H. O. Parge
ter. Sec,
Circle, No. 49, meets on first and
third Monday evenings of each
month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis
iting members in good standing
are Invited to attend. Mrs. Mlnni?
MattbewB, Q. N.; Clara Cawlflold.
I pie No. 4, meets every Wednesdaj
j evening In I. O. O. P. Temple.
Visiting members always welcome.
Mary E. Houck, M. E. C; Anna
W. WImberly M. of R. and C.
0. K S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8
holds the'r regular meeting on th,
first and third Thursday In each
month. Visiting members In good
standing are respectfully Invltei
to attend. Mrs. Norah Flint, W
M.: Free Tohnson. secretary.
Camp. No. 125, meets at the Od
fellows' Hall In Kosenurg, jver
. first and third Monday evening
Visiting neighbors nlwava wei
' come. J. A. Buchanan, C. C; M
M. Miller, clerk.
1. 0.6. F. PMietarlan LodgerNT
8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple,
corner of Jackson and Cass street
on Saturday evening of each week
Members of the order In good
standing are Invited to attend. F.
E. Erlckson. N. G.i M. M. Miller,
F. S.: M. L, Whitney, R. S.
I. O. O. F. Rising Star Lodge W3.
174, meets In Odd Fellows Templt
every Friday evening. Vlsllinr i
brethren always welcome. R. C. j
Agee N. 0.; W. S. Powell ;
; R. S : M. Fickle. F. 0. j
; YKOMKN- ?.ic Nebo Lodge No i
' 1828, mets every second and ,
fou-:h Wednesday of earh montl 1
at the r--ie- hall. Visiting broth ',
j ers and sisters welcome. Rlchnm ;
J Sttibbs, F. M.: S. E. Krohn. Cor. .
: I. O. O. F Union Encampment No
; 9, meets In Odd Fellows' Temple
every Thursday evening. Visitine .'
brethren always welcome. 3. G.
j Stephenson, C. P.; O. L. Johnson,
R. 8.; James Ewnrt. F. S.
: U O. T. M Roseburg Hive, No. 51,
holds regular reviews on secom
I and fourth Thursday evenings In
M u-eabee hall. Sisters of otbet
hlvej viiitlng In the city arf
! '.'"Hnily United to attend our r
I views. Mrs. Harry Pearce, lady
j com.; Jessie Rapn. R. K.
! A. F. A. M. Laurel
I K' y ' No- hold"
' regular meetings on tc-
i N,' second and fourth W,d
j' nesdr,' of arh nvnri
Sojourners Invited to attend. J.
' droves. W. M. ; W. F. Harris. Sec.
EAGLKS, Ro?ehrg Aene meets In
; their hRll on Jackson street, 2ni
; and 4th Monday evenings of eaet
i month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth
j ren In good standing always wel
come. 0. P. Lewis, W. P.; B. F
Thousands of visitors will be in San Fraucisco
at the time of the Fair. Hotel accomodations
will be at a premium at that tune. We have
perfected a plan so there will be no inconven
ience to you. We provide transportation, ho
tel accomodations and every conceivable com
fort etc. We look after every thing and make
it very easy for you to acquire all the privi
leges of our contract by paying a small
amount monthly. See
A. T. SCHUBERT, Agent,
Grand Hotel, - Roseburg, Oregon
You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See
For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and
chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement
worn" of any bind.
I have five or six houses 1 will sell cheap, as I want to use the
monoy In other business. See my burglar proof window lock, its
O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move
or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty
years experience in building.
Telephone 21)3
Panitorium Dye Works
All work fully guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. Prac
tical dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Ladies' and Gents' Cloth
tag, Cravcncttes and Portiers.
Roseburg, Ore
itoo N. llr,h rll COH.VUIi OAK,
Phone 248 AU work first-class
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title . Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Perkins Ilulldlng ROSEBURG, OREGON
Tolbuy Kroceries if ym, come to our
store or call us up over the phone.
1 ry it once aid be satisfied.
TJLForth Side Grocery
807 N. Jackson Street