Help us Move Vo? imon fl OVA Help us dXU Move REMOVAL SALE NEARING ITS END Not a mere trade boosting event but a sale of necessity, Preparations for entering our new store compel Extraordinary Price Reductions AS FOLLOWS: Shirts and Underwear . 15 per Hats . . . . . 20 per Shoes from . . . . 10 to 20 per And all other goods in Proportion Will move into our new store on orbefore October 1st, 1913 We pay Parcel Post Charges on Purchases of $5.00 or over per cent off cent off cent off cent off AltMOHY IlKAltY IX FAH.U lUX'KlTION AXJ) KMOKKK FOK j (iOYKHNOK AT THE IMPOt'Aj More than a hundred of Rose-j burg's most substantial business and: professional men met in the spacious I and elegant lobby of the newly op. ened Umpqua hotel last night aud tendered a reception and smoker to the governor of Oregon. Oswald West, on the occasion of his attend ance here at the county fair, now in progress. By 8 o'clock the great corridors of this new pride of all the citizens of the city, was crowded with well Broomed men whose appearance would have been a credit to any metropolitan gathering. At about nine the doors of the dining room were thrown open and the guests filed In taking their places at the tables, 'whilc-H Jhnd been arranged in the form of a square, at the head of which sat the guest of honor with prominent officials and citizens on cither side. The tables were beauti fully decorated and presented a bril liant appearance, and the managers of the hostelry had made every ar rangement for the comfort and con-! venience of all that were seated. A splendid ten course meiAi had been prepared that elicited continual praise from each one fortunate enough to have been present. Inas much as the hotel had such short no tice of the event, and workmen are still engaged In making the final finishing touches to the interior, the remarkable ease and efficiency with which everything was managed, re dounded greatly to the credit of the men In charge of this place. Every course was served, every duty per formed with the speed and perfec tion of an old long established busi ness. After coffee and cigars had been passed, and every one had set lled back In their seats. Judge Rice, who acted as toastmaster, called first on Judge Hamilton who responded after certain legal pleasantries had been exchanged between them, much to the edification of the others. Ev erybody in Douglas county knows Judge Hamilton, and also know when he says anything ft Is some thing that will be well said and well worth hearing, and this was no ex ception. Governor West in his re marks next, did not attempt any reg ular set speech, but confined his af ter dinner talk to those things that one tells best to close old-time friends, and In that conversational ma unci- Uii. is plea&ing on such oc cas'jns as this wns intended to be. The longest speech of any was that made by Prof. Rebec, of Eugene, and was confined largely to university extension matters. These were very well received and the closest atten tion was given throughout the entire time. This ended the talks and the reception closed In tlme to allow the party to catch the train north. t Mac, the tailor, can make you a suit of clothes nny style you desire. I You can see the gooda manufactured j Into a suit if you wish. We make your suit In Roseburg, Oregon, not i in the Windy City. We don't make I cheap truck, but make good clothes any style you wish. We are tailors ' . 127 Jackson street. olp CITY NEWS It. C. Dement left this morning for Hubbard where he will spend a week or ten days attending to busi ness matters. A tour around the world for 50c this Is what the Christian Tennis Club offers you Tuesday, September 23. Children under twelve half price. b23 W. A. Wilson, who has been visit ing at the home of S. J. Henry In North Roseburg, left today for his home at Omaha, Neb. Douglas County Creamery butter Is the best on the market. Insist on your grocer supplying you with this homo product, which Is always strict ly fresh nnd guaranteed. Tftc pound roll, 85 cents. tf Plans lie Propjirvd and Work Started ( Another Year heft'Kv ClllU'tN Dr. Houck today received a letter from General Kinzer concerning the armory to be built next year which reads as follows: Portland, Or., Sept. 17, 1913. Cuptain George E. llouck, Roseburg, Oregon. Dear Captain: At a meeting held by the general staff recently, it was declared to go ahead and complete ine plans for he armory, asking for bids as sloon as practical after they are finished. The idea is to go ahead and complete the foundation this fall and allow the contractor time enough to build the upper part of the building next spring, if he finds it necessary to do so. We are anxious to have the work finished at the earliest possible dale. 1 am writing Mr. Knighton todax with reference to the 'matter. Very truly, W. E. FINZER, Adjutant General. Word was also received from Ar chitect Knighton to the effect that the plans and specifications would soon be finished and sent here. The contract will then be let and the foundation completed. NOTICE. Contrary to reports that har been circulated recently Tiw 4 Queen Insurance Company is still doing business In Rose- burg. It is represented by Hlmes & Oliver. Office adjoin- Ing Grand hotel. oil ' White pickling onions now on sale at the Rochdale store. s24 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. Jettie R Peppnrd, Plaintiff, vs. George E. Myers and Florence Myers, his wife. Defendants. To George E. Myers, one of the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OK OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear nn'i aiuvor ,tho complaint filed ugaii-ibt you In the above entitled court nnd cuuao on or before; ,the 30th day of 'October. 1913, being. six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to so appenr and answer said complaint fur want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint a succinct statement of which is as follows: for a decree foreclosing the mortgage exeenteU 1y the defendants to plaintiff on O 2Sth day of April. 11)0!), on the fol lowing described real property, to wit: Beginning at a point 10.1 chains west of the N. E. corner of the west half of the S. B. Urlfrcr D. Ij, C. No. 4 5 in Tow. J South. Range 5 West. Willamette Meridian, thence South 23 chain to middle- of county road, thence alone center line of said road 71 de grees 30 minutes West 17.85 chains thence South 4-1 degrees W. 6.9J chains, thence South 4G degrees W 7 chains, thence leaving road Son Ik 17 degrees W. 12. HO chains to Southwest corner of aforesaid D. I. C, thence No-.l'h 3.30 chain to Northwest corner of said claim, thence East 30.22 chains to place of btginnlng, containing 67.69 acres more or less. In Sections 17 and tO. all !n Douglas County, Oregon, for the purpose of paying the sum or' $500.00 with inters!, a,t isix (per cent per annum from the 28th day of April, 1910, and the further sum of $60.00 attorney's fees, and hm costs and disbursements of this suit, und for a decree that the de fendants, and each of them, be for" ever barrtd and foreclosed of any right, title, or interest in nnd- ti the said real property except tha equity or redemption provided by Statute. This summons 1b served upon yoa by publication thereof In the Ump qua Valley News a newspaper of general circulation publish d In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, by order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judge of tho above entitled court made and entered of record on tha 15th day of September, 1913, thn first publication Is of date the .STh day of September. 1913, nnd the last wll be date the 30th day of October. 1913, making the full period of six weeks the time prescribed In sal order. A. N.'OaCUTT, oSO Attorney for PlulnUft. BELL MILLINERY FALL OPENING ENGLISH AUTUMN HATS In small close fitting; shapes of soft dull velvets, plushes, brocades in shades of mid-night blues, ap racot yellows and hunters groen, trimmings of ostrich whips and buttorllies. AUTHENTIC MODES In Womens and Misses apparel now on display. REASONABLE PRICES Complete stock of Hair Coods Hoys Hats, Coats and Sweaters Bell Sisters Building . Roseburg, Oregon mm 2, -nVrflWa fr;..---, l-.--. is To the Front Edenbower and Prosperity WATCH THIS SPACE