The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 18, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Mid. W T. Iady left lust nfKh for' a
Tier homo' ut Itolo after a few days:,,
apent vialtinn liere.
What a mute valuaf.o titan money: j 1
Maynard's lots at the pro-Hem prices. j
Mrs. Harry Stevenson, who has
been vlaliliiK hero left yesterday for
her home at Dole.
Just a reminder We call supply
your grocery wants. The Bee Hive,
of course. tl j
W. C. Sellwnr anil wife left tills;
iiiornlii',' for Ailuiny where they will
visit for a few days.
A sure fly killer for cows, horHes
-.1 I .....I. tl .. (rnllnn
unu ui.,Ki "
at the IJeo Hive,. of course. tr j
Anna SUmon who has been visit-
.mL . I' h St ., Sit r or
her homo at Curiies.
AnnlH Morgan l;f r this morning
for CorvalllH wneru hIio will attend
school for the winter.
ls, w. ieiiiim aim wn ,nu
lieen visiting in this city left today
for their home at Albany.
Kred Hell, of Portland arrived
last iiluht from Portland for a visit "
with friends and relatives, -
H. W. Oliver and wife left thU at Kiddle,
morning for Cottage drove where j H. A. Griswoid, of Portland, who
they will spend the winter. i has been visiting in this city left last
Mrs. George Kohlhagen returned , night for Grants Pass where he will
last night from Newport where she, spend several days attending to busl
has been &iemllng the summer. j uess matters.
A, Barllett left today for Stith- On that auto trip around the world
erlin where he will spend a few days' you will visit Hawaii. India, Africa,
looking after business Interests. j North Pole and Pannma Canal. Klrst
Mrs. H. Drolllnger left thlH morn-' auto leaves Christian church at 7:30.
lug for Irving where she will spend .
a few days visiting with her mother.!
Miss Met, untie, who has been vis-!
itlng with friends In thia city, left
last night for her home at Medford.
Clean Comfortable
Furnished Rooms
Gentlemen Only.
120 North Kane s2ftp
A, Henry and wife left this morn
ing for Portland where they will
upend a week or ten days voting
with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Hattio Kchnum left this
morning for Portland where she' will
visit for a few days before going to
her home at Halem.
Huy Itoseburg bread. Every tlmo
you pny 5 conts for a loaf of bread
not mndo In Roseburg you send 4
cents of the 5 cents out of your
town. tf
Mrs. James Conn, Mrs. Charles
Churchill and children, of Roseburg,
and Mrs. K. II. Crane and children,
f Melrose, left for lted Hluff. Cal.,
this morning and will proceed from
there to Tuscan Springs where- they
xpect to remain for a period of one
month for tho purpose of bettering
1he health of Master Henry Crane,
whoso condition has been very un-
HaliH,(.lory aurlng the past few
,.,n..,l,u Iw, .... tho f..Un..A
Save money now by buying yo"''
clothes, bats and shoes at Simon
Caros. tf
Mm. A. wilaun le.rt last night ror
her homo at Green after a day spent
in this city.
pure ,jor8ey cream from tlie Cal
h . T
i Ueo Hive. tf
A. M. Haley, who has been in
this city looking after business in
terests loft yesterday for his home!
Tuesday September 23. a23p
lOmma Thompson, formerly em
ployed as bookkeei?r at Manners'
drug store left today for Corvallis
where she will attend school at the
O. A. C. this winter.
Dr. J. L. -Ciillaway. osteopathic
physician, is now located In the new
building of the First Trust & Savings
Hank tit the corner of Oak and Jack
son streets. Phones: "Office 108, res
idence 149-J. tf
If taken within the next few
days this is what you can get
for $2,000.00. !
Just outside'of the city Urn-
Its. lfi nice lots all fenced and !
with a brand new 5-room house !
barn, chicken houmi store n.oin.
This is one of the very special
bargains we have to offer tho
homeseeker. See Kice & Rice
at once. n34p
'1 he News Office can use a con
siderable quantity of wood this
winter. There ore a number of
subscribers living in the country
surrounding Roseburg who have
wood lor the market. We will
accept wood in payment of sub
scriptions and will credit the full
mai ket price of the wood on ar
rearages, renewals and new sub
scriptions. Where the amount
due us is less than the cost of the
wood we will pay the difference
in cash. Hrittg in the wood be
fore the rains come. We want
the wood. Vou, w ho owe us for
subscriptions, need the credit.
CvX busy and let us have WOOD.
The News
. E. H. Heading left today for his
home at Drain after a few days spent
E In this city attending to business
I Mrs. J, I). Woodrow left this niorn
j injr for Winchester where she will
' upend a few days visiting with rela-
W tlvCB.
A. II. Carsen left for his home at
Grants Pass last nlKht after a day
spent attending to business matters
In this city.
Lulu Willis and Dorothy Evans,
who have been spending a couple of
weeks at Newport returned to their
homes here last night.
Don't scrub your linoleum. Use
Perfection Dressing It restores the
co,ors- UBe Cedarine sweeping com-
pound-it collects the dust. For sal
by B. W. Strong, Roesburg, Ore
gon, 1674-oct5-p
That a General Election will be he,ld
in the City of Poseburg, Oregon, on
Monday, October Cth, iyi3, between
the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 6
o'clock P. M. of said day '(provided
that the judges shall have the power
to adjourn for one hour at noon)
at which Bald election the following
officers will be elected, to-wlt:
One Mayor to serve for two years.
One City Recorder to serve for
two years.
One Treasurer to serve for two
One Councilman from each of the
four wards of the City, each to serve
for two years.
One Councilman from Ward No. 1
to serve for one yenr.
Said election will be held at the
following named polling places, and
conducted by the following named
Judges and Clerks, or their duly se
lected substitutes, to-wlt:
First Ward Polling Place, Court
House; Judges, Win. CarBtens, F.
W. Dlllard, T. A. Raffety; Clerks.
Blle Good, Emma P. Cardwell.
Second Ward Polling Place,
Umpqua hotel; Judges, A. A. Bel
lows, M. Jeanle Butck, W. E. Murs
ters; Clerks, J?. P. Brown, Mabel
Van Bnren.
Third Ward Polling Place. Rose
burg hotel. Judges, J. P. McKay,
Rita K. Cobb, A. S. Buell; Clerits,
Edna Wharton Emma J. Chambers.
Fourth Ward Polling Place, City
Hall; Judges,' Ida C. Giles, v B.
Hamraltte, G. V. Wlmberly; Clerks,
Addle Josephson, Mayme C. Hicks.
Notice Is further given that at said
election Ordinance No. 515, entitled
"An Ordinance licensing, taxing, and
regulating businesses, occupations
professions, callings, trades and em
ployments within the corporate lim
its of the City of Roseburg, Oregon,
and regulating the manner of issuing
licenses,, and providing a punishment
for the violation of any provision of
this ordinance, and repealing Ordin
ance No. 313, passed by the Common
Council on the 13th day of June,
1910, and all ordinances amendatory
thereto or in conflict herewith, and
declaring an emergency," passed by
he Common Council and approved
by the Mayor of the City of Rose
burg oa the 23rd day of December,
1912, upon which the referendum
has been invoked, will be submitted
to the vote of the qualified electors
of said City for their approval or re
jection. The torm in which said
referendum will be submitted on the
official ballot is as follows, to-wft:
"Proposed by Referendum. Ordin
ance No. 515, to license, tax and
regulaite certain occupations, etc.,
providing a penalty, repealing Ordin
ance Number 313, and declaring an
300 Yes.
301 No.
Recorder of the City of Roseburg,
Oregon. s23
,. P. O. lfi RoaeuiTB Losge, Isu
326, holds regjlar communica
tions at their ten ule on secunc.
and fourth Thursdays of eacl
month. All members request-!1
co attettd rcgurarly and all vialUns
brothers firt cord lull v fvltp '
attend. A. C. Seely, E. R.; H. S.
Slocum, Sec.
burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets Id
Eagles' hall on Jacksan Btreet.
second and fourth Tuesday even
ings at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting
brothers invited to attend. George
Neuner, Jr., Dictator; H. O. Parge
ter. Sec.
tt'OM E X QV WOOIcnA FT Lilac
Circle, No. 49, meets on first and
third Monday evenings of each
month In the I, O. O. F. hall. Vis
iting members In good standing
are Invited to attend. Mrs. Minnie
Matthews, G. N.; Clara Cawlfleld,
I. O. O. F. Phlletarian Lodge, No.
8, meets In Odd FellcwB Temple
corner of Jackson and Cass street
on Saturday evening of each we"k
Members of the order In feood
standing are invited to attend. F.
E. Erlckson, N. G.: M. M. Miller,
F. 8.; M. L. Whitney. R. S.
ple No. 4, meets every Wednesday
evening in I. O. O. F. Temple.
Visiting members always welcome.
Mary E. Houck, M. E. C; Anna
W. Wlmberly M. of R. and C.
O. K S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8
holds their regular meeting on the
first and third Thursdays in each
month. Visiting members In good
standing are respectfully Invited
to attend. Mrs. Norah Flint, W
M.: Free 'ohnson. secretary.
Camp, No. 125. meets at the Odr
Fellows' Hall In Hoseourg. ever'
first and third Monday evenings
Visiting neighbors alwavs wel
come. J. A. Buchanan, C. C; M I
M. Miller, clerk. j
I. O. O. K. Rising Star Lodge No.
174, meets in Odd Fellows Temple
every Friday evening. Vlsitlus
brethren always welcome. R. C. i
Agee N. O.; W. S. Powell. ;
H. s.: M. Fickle. F. a. !
.I.tll III IIIIOOII I). ,MI'.l(ll AS
YF.OMK.X- Ml. Nebo Lodge Xo
1S2S, meets every second ant j
fourth U rtilnesditv of eueh motltl '
at th" hall. Visiting broth '
ers nnd sisters welcome. Richard j
Stulibs, F. M.: S. E. Krohn. Cor j
I. O. O. F. I'nlofi Encampment No
9, meets In Odd Fellows' Temple
every Thursday evening. Visitins
liroihren always welcome. .1. Q.
Stephenson. C. P.; O. L. Johnson.
R. S.; James Ewart. F. S,
U O. T. M. Roseburg Hive, No. 51.
hut da regular reviews oa secom
and fourth Thursday evening Ic
Mnocfioee hall. S'eters of othet
blves vNltlng In the city art
'I'tiallj Invited to attend our re
views. Mrs. Harry Pearce, mv
com.. JpfHo Rapt). R K
A. V. A A. M.Lanrel
l.'KtKrt. :o 13. holdl
recuUr meeting on H j
second and fourth U"-s I
- - irh ni'nt I
Sojourners Invited to attend. J. W
li.ivrs, V. M.; V. K Harris. Sec j
KiAOLKS. Hosebuig Acne meets Ir
llielr hall on Jackson street, in
and 4th Mon.Hy evrnlnizs of eat'
month, at S o'clock. Visiting brotn
ren In pood stnndlr. alwavs
come C. P. Lois W P : ' '
(V.nltvxn. W. See. Phone 1S5
Thousands of visitors w. 1 be in San Francisco
at the time of the Fair. Hotel accomodations
will be at a premium at that time. We have
perfected a plan so there will be no inconven
ience to you. We provide transportation, ho
tel accomodations and every conceivable com
fort etc. We look after everything and makf;
it very easy for vou to acquire all the privi
leges of buv contract by paying a small
amount monthly. See
A. T. SCHUBERT, Agent,
Grand Hotel, - Roseburg, Oregon
You Dont' Have to
For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and
chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement
worb of any kind.
I have five or bIx houses I will sell cheap, aa I want to use the
money In other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its
O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for lesky roofs. We build, move
or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty
ynars experience In building.
Panitorium Dye - Works
AU work fully guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. Prac
tical dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Ladies' and Gents' Cloth
ing, Cravenottes and Portlers.
N. iua-ml al. tUK.NLU OAK.
Phone 218 AU work first-class
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title f iling Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
Perkins Building HOSEIlUltG, OKKGON
To'.buy Kro.-eries if
store or call us up
Iry it once and be
Go to Sea to See
Telephone 203
Roseburg, Ore
you come to our
over the phone.
s'de Grocery
807 N. Jackson Street