Bicycles, Bicycle Tires, Base Ball 0ods .!u4 M-rclvod a largo nhl'ment of Blsycles. Bicycle Tires anij Hlm Boll Goods. 'Call and ace what I have before you buj Hai'wtiero. If you buy thai Hlcyclo now, I can make ll an ob ject to you. J. H. Syke's Gun Store ( ) I T )S I I' K l' STr ) V K I C ! ItOSI.ISL'llG. OKhttO.N I 8EATTMC KIHTOR FA1M3 TO HACK HIS CHALLKN'tiK, H ANSCO FILMS ARE BEST Fit KB CTRIC COOKIN There is no need now to bother with Wood, Coai, Gas or Gas oline. Cook by Electricity, the cheap, the convenient, the mod ern way. The rate is reduced so that it can be used for ; all purposes. tf $ f DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT & WATER COMPANY WHAT'S THE USE OF chasing all over Rose burg or Douglas Count' when you want to buy something, to sell something, to rent something. If you have lost something and want to llnil it, if you have found someting an ! want to lind the owner, if you are looking for a job, if you are looking for help, why worry and wear yourself out when for almost nothing you can reach ail the people in Douglas county and those wanting what you have to oiler will come to vour door and get. Noting is too small lor this little business getter. Try putting a classlled ad. in The Kvining News. 'The News" Want Ads Get Results ALL ANSCO FILMS BOUGHT OF US WILL BE DEVELOPED l-IIEI-i UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE GET THE BEST CLARK & CLARK SIMMONS. SEATTLE, Waah., Sept. 16. A'a j larse crowd cheered and applauded ; 33 i Congressman .lames W. Bryp.n'B j a ! sptMv.-h here last nitfht at Dreamland . pavilion. In vhlch he attacked Col- onel Alden J. Blethen, editor of the! Seattle Times, accusing him of stag-i ing the Potiach riots, and of being1 tho ally of the vice Interests. Blethen i J had challenged Bryan to prove; against him one immoral act "in the.1' ryes of man or God." q Bryan accepted the challenge and o offered to give HU-hen an equal ' co share of time at the meeting. Bleth- y. en did not accept Bryan read a ; letter from Blot hen to ex-Police A N S C O FILMS ARE BUST Chief WaiMX'iiHteln, now in the peni-i ! lentlurv lor bribery. In which thei "ditor betrayed a keen interest in', the welfare of the Arcade dance hall,' a notorious resort. 1 lnn Circuit Conn of the State lie also accused Blethen of faking' of Oregon for Douglas County, an Immoral photograph of Dr. M. A. J,'uio I'eppard. Plaintiff, MitlhcwK, moderator of the Presby-i vs- teri:in church. : George E. Myers and Florence .Myers. The meeting passed resolutions" "ls "'" DelendantH. general circulation published in Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, by order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judge of the above entitled court made and entered of record on the 15th day of September, 1913, the first publication is of date the 18th day of September. 1913, and the last wil be date the 30th day of October, 1913, making the full period of six weeks the time prescribed In said order. A. N ORCUTT, o30 Attorney for Plaintiff. The Roseburg Fire 'Depart- men assures you a good time at their Douglas County Fair G II A X II BALL at the Armory, Wednesday night, September 17. Come and help the fire- fighters sl7 boycotting tlte Times, OTIS CiHTS A IIO.MIt. l:C4-OII'jlt ,SUlliriollH, Turned Over to llnx dice. 10.. -Ilarrt- To George V, .Myers, one of tile above named defendants: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer tho complaint Hied against you in the above entitled court und cause on or hefom the .'iotli day of October, 1913, being six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum- I1K ANGELES, Scut son Grav Otis, publisher of the Loa niz"ifs i i i, i ,:i -fcf i v t-ti uiiMUKii iir- .,.,, ,i it c.ti , mall a t'uekaKO containing a box of wnr K!1j, ',,., f, ' ' ' nt dynamite, enu pped with a cap nnd th(irfi((f IlUff wiH' v , lP fusu to explode when tlie box W!ls court for Upi'lUMI. It was turned over 1o the police. Otis, when lie received the pack age, Ktispof'tc-tl that it might contain an Internal machine, and refrained from removing the cover which con trolled the cap. Me sent for police detectives, who carried the box awav. Dynamite experts 'opened the pack ago by drilling through the bottoui of tho wooden box. They found a quantity of high grade dynamite which thev curried to on isolated point outsjdo the city and exploded to test its strength. Tho charge tore u large bole in the earth. TJuy bread niado in Uosehurg none better. Yon could do your banking In Portland; laundry could, bo sent there; dry goods bought j there but, it Is not good business policy. Spend your money at home, ' tf WiPiTS W m)htfWM ,ce ww; a u WAV i i i m ! n - L JvV.,i til THE MERRIAiil yr.BSTEn? the relief demanded in said complaint a succinct statement of which is as follows: for a decree, foreclosing tho mortgage executed by ; the defendants to plaintiff on the: 2Mb day of April. 1109, on tho fol- lowing described real property, to wit: Ueu'inning at a point 10.18; chains wes'l of the N. K. corner of' the vest half of the S. B. liriggs I), i,. C. No. 45 in Town. 30 South, Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, thence South i!3 chains to middle of county rond, thence along, center lino of said road N. 7 1 de grees SO minutes West 17.85 chains,: thence South 4 4 degrees W. (i.9:? chains, thence South 4(i degrees W. ; 7 chains, thence leaving road South 17 degrees W. 12.(10 chalnH to Southwest corner of aforesaid D. I.! C, thence Noij'h HfHO chains to Northwest corner of said claim, ! thence lOast n 0. 22 chaltiB to place of I beginning, containing tf7.i!t acres more or less. In Sections 17 and -0, all in Douglas County. Oregon, for - the purpose of paying the sum of Oflj.OO with Inteil':!. dft isix tper nt per annum from the 2Mb day; of April. 1!10, and the further sum of $(i0.0f at.torney's fees, and the foriH and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree that the de-: feiidants, and each of (hem, be for-' ever barrtd and foreclosed of any right, title, or interest in and to the said real property except the y!,fllty or redemption provided by j I Tliis summons Is served upon you by publication thereof in the Ump- j I ciua Valley News a newspaper of j r,. Because J" NEW CRBA- i . . , l jviiiik every ucia ci i -.o vcvM'a laouKiit, octton, onft cuP-.:ro. 5T.'io culy ( ir unnbndncd dictionary In many yoiun. BeC8'"C l dftlnps over 400,000 . V.'ord.-f moro than ever befcro nrrcirtd btwcon two covers, a 700 1'itgvH. Coon XI lustration., cailS? lftbe only dictionary vi 'j tho now d.viduU p-iito. A "btroho of GoniuB." pprnnrA It In commended by tho 1 ou-Z CcurtJ, Uo Loaooia, nnd tho r ( aa the 0110 supreme nutlmriy. Bee nee ' nr knows n'nx i lift t l.o 1 ua tell vou about this now work. e m iWaiTfi for ' mtM or ih mw dtndd vt. c & c. rrr.u: iCT.pnb:: rr. ;PrtrM!, mm. I M -iilon tM 1 p, iciri"RKK IMI rf ppekitmapi. MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns raborcd, stocks made, etc. Type writers, Sewing Machines, Bicycles, hawn Mowers, Locks and Unihrellng repaired. Also Baws filed, keys mado, razors, sispors or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed nt Crouch's Hardware Store. Pine street entrance. H. E. SCHOENFELD NOT GUILTY! Thi Is the unnuimmi verdict of tho cinpumildl Jury in tbo cjino ctf the City of Uosehurg ngiiinst It. 1. Stiigx"- StgH V Son tll give you wlmt you buy hiii) at u loner price. After the tiiui lr. J. I. Meiiinnis epre?.s4Ml the liiglu-Nt revunls for Mr. It. Ia Stags und n.Hsiirotl lijin of n cniinuiitl'n of hit fuel busim s In lh fuuire. H. R.STAGGSSON Kcc.l, Kin-1 mill Supply Co. Wo iiuarantre Full Wclgfitu nrt FARMERS PUBLIC MARKET OPEN TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS rO'i.VKH MA IX AND WASHINGTON STIIKKTS Owing to the meeting of the Pomona Grange at 10 a, m., putrons are requesled to come early Saturday. HT VOI KS TIIICICK A.VI) UK KCf'K TIIK COST OK LIVI.Mi Roseburg Wants Factories We want a woolen mill for yarn blankets and cloth. We want as large apple cold storage as Medford has got. and for making'all kinds or apple products. We want a box factory fur making fruit and berry boxes. We want a furniture factory, any of above fac tories can secure ;re hiiUdlbg siltn on rail and water. Aildreas Umpqua Land Water Company BEAR SEZ: The old man loves his business and the business loves him. He says our joods are quality goods and quality talks louder than a phonograph at the breakfast table Bear is right. Our goods are quality goods and are sold as low as conditions permit. Xo matter what you buy here you get what you pay for. Try our Folgers Extracts and Spices to obtain satisfaction. EVERYTHING GOOD AT A. T. 'MARSHALL The Popular Store For Good Things. m j G7 FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRADE MARK The Sign of Hie Toilet anil .Medicinal preparations of the American Drug & Press Assn. A mutual organization of the druggists nnd newspaper men of the country, formed for the purpose of providing for the general puhlir an absolutely guaranteed, dependable line of Remedies and Toilet Articles A preparation for each specific purpose, the composition of which is known to every druggist who sells it and money back without question to the customer who buys it If he is hot satisfied. Wo bve joined this association because we believe in the 'IViitnlM l.cmcOies; because we know there is nothing better. We have the exclusive agency for Meritol goods. We invite you in call and sec this splendid lino. u Johnson's Drug Store M intern Ant 'rirnn Phis .fc !r;'j AiKint Ion T.K ihnno No. :U North Itom bur Electric Fixtures!! In that new house 2of yours you want Electric Lights Jand "other Electric Conveniences. Call me up and let me give you an estimate. Why not put electricity in your old home. Its the best way to light your house. MtHlsurea,' Phono JW S H. GOODMAN CORNER MAIN OAK 6TS. THOSE 37