The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 17, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    your table.
Root Beer.
Of our efforts to turn out
puperior drinks is Purity.
We want our customers
to feel absolutely assured
of the high quality of our
goods. Ask for our sodas
and Carbonated Beverages
if you want the best on
Authorized Bottlers of the genuine "HIRES "
Do not forget us in ordering your sodas
Phone 186 Pine St. Just North of Cass
A splendid property, on the main Urapqua river, and having
marvelously fertile soil and climate conditions, with splendid timber
and excellent domestic water piped throughout house, ham and
numerous lots and feed corrals. On account of the several sur
gical operations and the recent hospital experience of Mr. Engle,
making It necesary for him to spend much of his time in hospitals,
and for financial reasons, he has concluded to sell that splendid
country estate. This Is not an ordinary or even an average ranch;
but has all the requirements of a first class country home, where
one can have the maximum of both comfort and profit, and live
there under excellent climatic and all other most satisfactory condi
tions. There are 870 acres, well Improved and most productive, for
general farming, stock, dairying and for all kinds of fruit and ber
ries and is all garden land of the highest productiveness. Has about
four miles of main Umpqua River frontage. The river bottom lands
have twenty feet, or more of excellent soil. No overflow. Soil on
slopes and benches Hs also deep and rich, excellent fcr fruit and
all farm 'and garden purposes.
The parks of spreading oak, and the fir forests, ,all In an ex
cellent parking system, are tb8 wonder and admiration of all nature-loving
people who Bee this splendid ranch, which Is in a class
by itself. Write, phone or see J. M, Engle, or any of his family
on the Englewood ranch for prices and terms, on part or all of the
property. A very low price will be made for quick action. Don't
miss the opportunity of your life to secure the best country home
that may be found anywhere around the globe. ENGLE, Kellogg, Or.
Church Brothers
Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the
very best of materials. Tr' them once and
you will always be a customer
PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST.
We handle a full supply of PRODUCE
as well as all hinds of FANCY GROCERIES.
It We Give
K. M. MKAK.S, Prop.
Plmne 0.1
311 N. Jackson St.
Condensed smile of Calapooya Mineral
Water, the wonder of nature, for
Headache, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sour Stomach,
Dizziness, Kidney, Liver and Blood Disorders
Cures disease, sweetens the temper.
" Sold by
Johnson, Hamilton, and Krohn Drug
Stores, also Roseburg Soda Works
Roseburg, Oregon.
Calapooya Springs Company
London, :-: Oregon
Is Now the Great Excitement
In College Circles.
Wiivlews Tests Frwii Airshls Made
With Success I.alKr Unionists
Kifiht Hoosiers Want
Ci. A. K. l.eaiersliip.
We can 8ave you money on your grocery bill. Our stock is FRESH
and COMPLETE. I'hone your need. Prompt delivery and aatisfnc
tory assured. All! out oods guaranteed.
I T 1 ... C . I
laiapooya sanne
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., St'pt. 10.
With Charley Urickley anil hie fur-
fumed, "educated" drop-kick-toe. in i
best of trim, and Boh Storer, who I
scooped in) n fumble and made him-1
Uclf famous by scpiing the first j
touchdown utwiinst Yale in ears, act-j
inn as captain, the Harvard football
squad started fall training hero to-i
day with a rush.
The crimson has the best outlook -
; in many years. Even though several ;
j of last year's championshii) team vet-!
j erans have left, the prospect is ex- j
ceedmgly bright Tor a relation. The
seventy-five men who were on hand
today have attended Conch Percy D. ;
lfaushton's correspondence school
during tle summer, and the usual 1
tiresome chalk talks and set-together,
"buzzos" were not necessary. Percy '
Wendell, last year's rutapuult cup-!
tain; Sam Felton and Gardiner, hav
ing graduated, will have to be re-!
placed this fall. Felton has prom-'
ised to spend quite a bit of time
teaching another his wonderful "fade
away" punt spirals. Frank Bradlee.j
Wendell's sub last year: "Tracks"
Hardwick and nil the other veterans!
were on band today. Among some
of the brightest hopes was Mahan, j
whose high sctiool work and fresh-'
man playing last year give him aj
record even more sensationally brill-i
lant than that Urickley brought wlt!i
him. Mnhan, like Brickley, is an un-
erring drop-kicker and broken field
runner. He wilHTbe tried out at
IjalMtr Unionists Exect Fight.
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Sept. 16.
What was expected to develop into j
uiih of the stormiest meetings in the i
history of the Michigan Federation i
of Labor, got under way here today ,
when the annual four days' conven-;
tion was called to order. The typo-!
graphical union was expected to lead
a bitter fight against the proponed
re-election of President Claude O.
Taylor, of Grand Rapids, and Secre-:
tary Homer Waterman, of Kaluma-i
zoo, who, the "typos" charge with
failure to work, for the best Interests'
of the laboring men they represent.)
Failure of the federation officials to :
adopt a militant policy In regard to
the strike of the 15,000 copper!
miners of Northern Michigan, was,
also to be advanced as a reason for;
their retirement. j
Reports submitted today showed I
that In twenty-four years the Mlrht-j
gan Federation has had as rapid a ;
growth as any state department In
the union, increasing front twenty-;
five locals In 1889 to 250 In 1913.
The convention will be in' session
through Friday when the, election Df
officers is scheduled. Many cities to
day bid for next year's convention
which will bo the sliver anniversary
of the federation.
I'lilludelphlii Fight inn (Jamx Politics.
"Beat the Gang; Oust the Boss," i
wt.t the slogan today In Philadelphia
where primaries are being held to
nominate candidates for county of-!
fites. The big fight is centered on
the election or a district attorney.
Samuel Rotan, present Incumbent of
that office Is the ninchlne candidate
to succeed himself. Independents
and reform leaderB have named a
fnslonn ticket to beat the machine
and the situation here is not unlike
the New York situation, On the
baliot for nomination today were
nanm of candidates for the office of
reglBter of wills; receiver of taxes,
and seven magistrates. Two Judges
of the suiwrior court; nine Judges
of the new municipal court; three
judges of the court of common pleas, :
and two members of the state com
mittee for each party also are being
voted for. i
After (i. A. It. lcaderslilp.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sept. 16.
Indiana mcmberi of the Grand
Army of the Republic which Is hold
ing Its forty-seventh reunion and en
campment here, today launched a
carefully planned campaign boom
ing Orlando A. Somen, of Kokomo,
aa a candidate for Commander-in-chief
of the veteran organization.
The Indiana department. It was ar
gued, has a membership of 13,000
in the O. A. R., yet they have only
once had a commander-in-chief of
the organization. Somers, who has
attended almost, every encampment.
Is widely known In every state do-,
partment of the O. A. It.
BROOK LINK. Mam., Sept. 16.
The greatest aggregation of golfers
ever to start in a match in America!
! gathered here today when play In
the American open cnampionsnip r.
gan on the links of the exclusive
Brnokline Country Club. Added in
terest attached to the present til ir
sion headed by General Delarue, be- j
tweon Buc and Villachoubluy aero-i
dromes Airmen over Orleans, more;
than 100 kilometres away were!
easily communicated with, while tin-!
other airman, over Blols, 130 kilo-i
metres from Hue repeated his form-j
er success of receiving and ackuowl-l
edging instructions by wireless, j
General Delarue said today's exbibl-j
tion does not represent the limit ofi
communication. !
fi J. DENN
Household goods, piano, bag
gage, lumber, wood and a
general transfer business.
Baggage checks called tor.
All goods carefully handled,
and stored at reasonable
Oftice P. 102 Res. P. 308
Tho atmosphere Is hot and heavy now and mid-summer is upon
us, so It behoves you to take your linen to a laundry that will do
It up In such a manner that you can depend upon Its retaining lte
stiffness and freshness ns long as possible. We will delight your
heart with the collars, cuffs, shirt fronts and colored shirts that
we laundry for you here.
We launder everything, tablo cloths, napkins, towels, under-
wenr collars, cuffs, shirts, sheets, pillow cases, shirt waistB, ducks, In
fact we uo the family washing from start to finish. Just call us
up and got away from the drudgery of wash day.
Roseburg Steam Laundry
438 N. JacKson Street
Phone 79
Insurance and Notary Public. We
solicit your business on our past
record. We have. a fine line of
all kinds of investments: KamiB,
Fruit Farms, Kerry, Stock and
Dairy Ranches, City Property and
Business Chances. Several good
businesses for stilo; Rooming
Houses, Rutcher Shop, Confection
ery Store, Drug Store, Art Store,
Grocery and many other good
bargains. If you can't come In
write us for full particulars.
When you buy rubber
Kh)! there is only one
kind Mint you should buy,
and that In rubber goods
of tho very Itent quality.
When you buy one of our
(fiutraiitood Fountain Syr
liiKea wo return your
money if it is not sntin
factory In every way.
Opp. New lniM(ua lintel
Obey that impulse ! The fine
joy of automobile ownership
may now be yours. Ford
prices are down within the
easy reach of .the untold
thousands who have waited
for the coming of the right
car at the right price.
Flvo lninlro! doPnrn lit tho now vrlce of tho ForO ruci
about; the touritiir cur in 'Ive fifty; tho (own car nevon
fifty-nil I. o. b. Putroit, completo with equipment, 'tot
cnidloji ntnl pjtrticularb from U, W. Burnett, Itoscburd,
Oregon. ,
"Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marbl
Works. Telephone 151.
WorK Done on Short Notic ROSEBURG, ORE,
competitions because of t
the presence S
Varden. Kd- w
2 rem Island lireenhousj g
Mrs. F. J). Owen. 1'roo. I
fit Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9FII
as eomnetltors of Harry
ward llav. Wilfred Held, and UmH
Tolller. of Bani(ead Downs, Eng
land. Vardon l England's, greatest
golfer, and he is conceded by- Eng-
Huh and American Kolf experts to be .
one of the greatest players the an-i
dent game has ever produced. Golf
enthusiasts on both sides admitted ,
that Kngland has In the golfer;
mentioned, an excellent chance to lie
revenged on the Yanttoes for loss of
the polo title and the Davis tennis;
cap. i
Aeroplane Wlrvle Train iUuii'.
PARIS, Sept 18. Wireless test,
from an aeroplane were resumed j
here today, by the military commls- '
Cut Flowers, Potted Plant,,
funeraJ IN?tgnN, Wedding Uo
tiief, etc
Jual Received f-resh Supply ol
Fifni of All Kind,"
On Bale at
,Rose! Confectionery X
uoci aKKiHiooni
Are You Loyal?
Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom?
The best on the market for the money.
They will last longer, and youi work will
be lighter.
You will be helping a home enterprise and
making a greater Roseburg,
Every merchant in Roseburg , is Jselling
them; so be LOYAL and demand the home pio
duct. Whist Brooms at all Drygoods2.'and Drug
Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee.
Free Seed For Planting.