The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 17, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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Yesterday's Highest Temp . 89
Last Night's Lowest Temp - 55
Fa.r Toj ijrht and Thurs
ihiy; C !)lei' Thursday.
No. ava
Gov. W est Makes Plea For
MoivsParm Development.
3IeIrose a d South llcer Oeck (iran.
Ses Hi to Excellent Displays-Pi-od
ft'ls Shown Are -Muny
a ail Various ideal
Provide ,r.e seems to have smiled
upon the ipening day of Fair week
in this cy, for neither a sign of
cloud nor probable rain was in evi
dence whi a the morning broke for
the first . Jay of Douglas County's
first annu, , fslr In fact the weath
er conditi ,ns are perfect and prom
ise to con Inue so during the entire
Teams egan to arrive at the
ground as mrly as seven o'clock this
morning a ul from then on till after
noon a coi :inuous stream of wagons
buggies an I autus made their way to
and into :he grounds. By noon
fully 1500 people had assembled in
various pt ts of the beautiful fair
grounds. Here ar,di there under
trees and 1 i the shade along the lit
tle stream hat wends its way quiet
ly through the park could bo seen
' groups of happy contented people
eating the: i' noon-day lunch. Many
children v. re in evidence, most of
them havii 5 come from the country
jtrt rural districts with their par
ents to en: py tie Grangers' Day.
The mor ing program consisted of
an address by Governor Oswald
West. He rrived on the 9:30 train
from the n rth and was met at the
depot by i fiw of his personal
friends and then whisked out to the
grounds in bounty Judge Rico's ma
chine with the judge at the wheel.
Governor V est spoke briefly on the
value of th farms to the state and
the possibll lies tor more energy di
rected towa d the farm. He praised
the Grange s for their effective or
ganization hd told them to keep
; the got 1 work. The governor
dwelt at so, e length on the need of
more peopl to fettle and develop
the untillec land of the stato and
said that th ough county fair exhib
its people ould really learn what
kind and 1 anlity of 'pro.ducts the
soil of Oreg. 1 could raise.
The racei started at promptly 2
o'clock thlB fternoon. The program
for today e isisted of a 2-yera-ol.l-trot
with a iufso of $150.00. There
were only fc ir starters. Man of War.
Miss Weilad f. Bonnlola and Valcen.
Ttte second, bco was the 2:30 pace
with a pun 1 of I2BQ.O0. In this
race there 1 ere nine starteds. The
third race 1 s a 2:15. trot with a
$30ti.00 pur e. Flight horses only
started. In lddltion to these Hire
barnePH race there was a half mile
running raci and a two mile relay
race, each w! h a purse of $100.00.
to lions Item IMrkcd lp nnil Cut
Short ft r Eany Digestion,
OAKLAND Cal.. Sept. 17. As the
latest devek pment in Oakland's
antl vice cms ide. orders were Issued
for the cloi.Ii: ; of the restricted dis
trict by Jnnu. ry 1. 1914.
i,OS ANGt LES. Sept. 17. Frank
.1 Heney ha- announced his candi
dacy for the V. S. senate to suc
ceed George 1 , Perkins, whose term
expires Marc1 4. 1915. Heney be
came n the Pacific coast
through his f;i,ion with.the graft
prosecution lr a Francisco. He Is
a progressive .i an ardent supisirt
er of Governf : Johnson.
SAN HER. RDINO, Cit.l.. Sept .
17.- Wearinf I'mr suits of under
wear, seven ; tlrs ol stocking two
of them women's silk hose and
three suits l clothes, John Kulnz
wfi4 arrested and held for examina
tion. When lenrehed. officers went
through 5 7 picket.
1X)8 -AX5f LE8. Sept. 17. Peti
tions to Inlet; te an antl-prlze fight
lisw in CRllfo - ila are being circulat
ed here with 'ie Uicking of the con
srtitHtions o 1 00 Iia Angeles
htwehes. Tl tusands of signatures
have been aff i"d.
LONDON. -yi'l- 1"- D Is now es
timated that Priiice?.( Mary. King
G"'i'!e's datlfMer. nia not after all
aepear ftfi brl' smald to her cousin,
the Duchfss o Klfe. Queen Mary In
sists that thi flncess should have
(So po&t cf I' mor, hut the duchess,
who has. hu.. ''ery little to do with
the arrang.o:m for the wedding,
de-'larea that If younger sister.
Princess Mst I. ought to be -hler
bridesmaid m ficr nearest relative.
PORTUAN" , Sept. 17. For de
scending; 60 eel into, a well filled
with (taa Iron an exploded charge
rf dvnamlta ,m' rcnlng Ahraham
liiidebrand a 1304. William i
Reidy, a carpenter, has been award-!
ed a Carnegie hero medal.
WALL WALLA, Wash., Sept. 17. j
With a pile of straw a sa bed and
with no one to give her attention but '
her husband, Mrs. C. W. Campbell i
gave blrt h to a seven and one half I
pound boy nenf Weldon station on
Hie .Northern Pacific While waiting
for a train the stork arrived. Mother
ana child are doing nicely.
PORTLAND, Sept. 17. That Eng
land and Germany certainly will be
represented at the Panama Pacific
exposition at San Francisco was the
declaration here of C. S. Fee. a fair
director, and passenger traffic man
ager or tile Southern Pacific. He be
lieves that England and Germany
cannot sit idly by and sea France
gobble the honorB.
Crew of Train No. 17 Discovers and
Kvlluguislics Itlnze,
What Came near being a very dis
astrous fire occurred last night 'when
the Calapooia trestle situated about
a mile north of Oakland, caught fire
last night. When train No. 17 came
along about 9:40, they found the
tristle burning fiercely. The fire
man and engineer, with the assist
ance rendered by the rest of the
train ciew soon subdued the flumes
The passenger train then went ncross
but all other trains ero hold until
Hie bridge could be repaired
all about twenty ties were humeri
out and the rails and many of the
larger beams badly twisted. As a re-
uit or the damage train No. 17
was about three hours late and Nos.
IB. 14 and 11 were also sllghtlv de
layed. ,
Two Thousand Dollar Fine is
Added to Sentence.
Fine of anno Att,li,i t,, liner's
Sentence .lodge Dcihuiiii iil
Society That Winks at
Hncli Affairs.
(Special to The Evening New.)
iiiuge van Fleet. In pronouncing
sentence upon Maury I. Dlggs and
urew camtnettl Mr transporting
Marsha Warrington and Uila Nor
rls to Keno for Immoral purnosea,
did not devote much time to the two
convicted men for the part Ihev plav
ed In the transaction, hut In scathing
terms the learned Jurist denounced
the condition of present day sorlety
which winks at so lax a state of mor
ality among the ieople that arfalrs
like the Dlggs and Camlnettl rase are
possible. In no uncertain terms
Judge Van Fleet also called parents
Into account for so grossly neglect
ing their responsibilities a to rea.
ner u possible for Marsha Warring
ton and Uila Norrla to mil Into the
hands or their despollers Dlggs and
Camlnettl. The two convicted men.
who were tried and round guilty of
white slavery, were dealt with brief
ly by the court, who sentenced Dlggs
to two years In Han Quentln and
Camlnettl to eighteen months' Im
prisonment. The former also as
fined In addition the sum of J2.000,
while Camlnettl had added to his
prison sentence an Jinno fine. Doth
men were (minted a ten-dnys stay of
execution and released on bonds.
. Sorry They lictt.
SAN DIEGO, Sept. 17. Derlarlni;
that they were sorry that they had
left their ranches and property in
the hands or the Mexicans when they
believed that there was little reason
for fleeing, 139 men, women nnd
children errlved here on the United
States cruiser Buffalo today. These
people state that they left Mexico on
the urgent appeal of the Wilson ad
mlnloratinn, but expressed a deter
mination to return to their farnia and
property at the very earliest, possible
date. They profess to be hlehlv In
censed because they say that the
condition or affairs were misrepre
sented to them. They prepared a
statement while entente on Ihe cruis
er in which the blame tor their hur
ried flight from Mexico Is placed up
on the Wilson administration. They
declare that they had not been dis
turbed by the .Mexicans.
All Odd Fellows are urged to be
present at funeral services of late
Bro. C. S. Smith at the undertaking
parlors at 10:00 o'clock Fridav a. m
Will meet at I. O. O. F. hall at :3o!
Full attendance at requested.
1 Gen. Rel. Com.. I. O. O. F.
Wins Penant For Accuracy of
Her Gunner?.
Ihuig'tei', Thinking She Is I
With Her Father's Clerk,
Whisked Away In Dad's
NEWPORT, R. I., Sept.
r roni the great mast of the
S. 8.
Idaho there flies a little triangular!
tnat tne.otircers and crew
gaze upon with nroiid reverence. For
this Is the badge that announces to,
test w?trhdh!!ai """w "
test with the dreadnaughts of l'ncle
Sam's fighting fleets, has proven I
nerself the peer of all. From the.
rnrhoil,i hn.t wri i i , ...i
..... ..... t ,,,,,,, , ,, ,,,, i,
is auove water), from the submarine'
A-2 float similar banners, showing;
that they are the cracks of their ill-
The navy has just finished Its an-1
nual battle practice, and the stand-i
ings have been added up. Gunning!
f,!'d .,riBl,:eer'"B-8h?0,in,R.ft,,d l""" -
I ".""V'11.1" ha,vo i'.fP the trials and thej
rlvnlry and eflfciency of this year,
" " -iiiwea 811 ine otners.
., i1 aU,.es',.l,.)., 'i'",88
,", , ,, , ' " ,:, "a ,ouu 1 n ntn.
...... mo Lian, juu pur cent in en-i
."tlr.-'"," '"mat 87.818 which'
..... ,,.,t,,u fti.t, sui till HS INI! IM'Sl
handled craft. The Idaho's perfect
gun score of 100 as against the
Utah's of 80 per cent won It tho
margin, however. Tho other vessels
In the first division were: Michigan,
86: New Hampshire and Florida. 78,
and Maryland and Delaware. 77.
In the torpedo class, the Whipple
scored 95.893 per cent The Am
nion. Truxton, Stewart, Henle, .louett
nnil Warrington all ranged from 85
tii.r to till ..i I
., I ,,,i.,7. . s.iiio.iih
In the .iii. ,,,.;io ii, . .
low ranging 09 down to 10 ier cent I
r-3 made 1110 In gunning but was
..... u.-m u.e,,.,,!.
Elopes In Dad's Auto.
I1EUI.IN, Sept. 17. Frauleln My
ra Goersen's father, a wealthy mnnu-
tncturer or rreptow, huvlng refuse-'
to let her marry Jacob Xavler, h
former clerk, the young lovers plan
ned to elope. Herr Goersen discov
ered tho plot, but craftily kept si
lent. At the appointed mldnlgh
Myra atoalthily opened the hall doot
nnd hopped Into a wnltlng motor-cm
at the wheel of which, much miirtiet'
up sat, as she supposed, her Jacob
With ringer to his Hps be quietly
atrered the car out into the darkness
Alter an hour's ride the machine
emtio to a- midden stop at Myra's
own door. Her companion stepiied
out, removed hla goggles, and laugh,
ed. It was her rather. Just then
another car dashed up, bringing the
real Jacob, whom Papa Goersen had;
SJ" rt
- ss-r:2
Copyright by International New,
service; lupplled by new procesa elec
tro corporation, N. Y.
The Jingo ores, will . a.a'
-k.ek .. . " '"""I
celved from The Hague I
The nan nlsreri Z' j
The H.M hu attract tb -UeS ,
tion of th; Wtern World The rlV
rewntatlve. of lb MfkodafwJ ot
misled as to the hour by a fake;
message. Myra, promptly' deciding
that a lover who was so stupid would
probably bungle matters as a bus-)
baud, dismissed him on the spot, and
entered the house obediently 011 her
Fiithor'u Hrin
itiis-ian kiiis wire. i
Moscow, sept. 17.- Entering the!
fashionable Tc.irkln restaurant here,'
J. .1. Groshev, twenty-six year old!
son of a wealthy merchant, ordered
""."!:o:::in,,!i,i::,;Lwl,.h,:,'T1:-' -:"
"""""(i "in-, m.t.'iii-ii l.- ll
death In the presence of the inan
nger who had poured out the eham
palgue In which ; realtor bad pre.
viously toasted his wife. The tun- j
slclans having been ordered to play!
Tchalkowsky's Autumn Song, and'
the Kcsi'lun song "Forgotten Is the!
tender rose." Greshov pledged hlsj
wile and then killed her lie made!
attempt to evade arrest. It Is:
stated Hint the cause of the crime
was that he feared '.hat hi. wife In -
...1 ,i 1.... 1.1...
- J
rwo-vear-old-trot. nurse tir.0
n,,,, ,, . f1Bt ., hmi, hiM Mnn
.... .. ,. .. . . . , . ,
W,r '""''I "' ' "'" '
'i'd heal. Va 1 second In first
heat and third In second heal. Time.)
llnt i.,.., ... .,1,i i,,,.. ......i !
ilnnnhll. wlnnl.ta l,,h heV. ihJ
., was won. Ilonnlol. I. Fm..,i, i
' Alley's horse and com... iron, "h"
rm Honndny Slock farm, cast of
1 n.jn ,. i,IINA i!so.tfit.i 1...1
number In front of horse, nam. In-
. ,r,, pnslllon at finish of heat I,
. 1.. 1,.. g Ainv Ii.v' 1 Hi-,.,., v-
; 'J ""hXXZu
.1 1 in : . Admiral Toga: 7. Wnhke:
8. Victor Hell; . Win A Wing.
Second lnt 1. I.o l.o: 2. A m May;
3. Wnhke; i. Mysterious .11 in; 6,
Helen Mistletoe; U, Admiral Timn
Victor Hell, Wing Wing and Grace
N were distanced In the first heat
and did not sinti In the acrotid
Time of first anil second heals was
2:22 even.
2:15 trot, purse $:iinl FtrM heat
' ".'', n r, ,
Mduv; 4. St. Michael S. ,i
'Sle. - ta: n. Dollv Mi Klnney;
, enn. i line :
Starter I.
W. Diamond, of Mcd
Dr. Seely, Harry Sin-
ford Judges,
,.. .,,,., r ,
I I"'
j Timers C. Faltas. of Portland,
Gene Pnrrott and W. W. Csrdwell
The iwo year old trot urokw the
Northwest record in so tar thai nev r
Sofore have rolls In this class ever
made a mile on a mile or a hilf mile
track In less than !:30. The thin
today a 2:211-1 In the second and
winning heat of the rar.
Mrs P. I, Wade, of Ashland, ar
rived In this city this afternoon for
a visit with relatives.
A petition was tneAy filed nom
inating Wj. S Powell as cnuni'ilinan
from the third ward. Mr. Powell Is
well and favorably known In ibis reeling toward him. In commenting
city as one or the proprietors of the on the returns this morning Gover
Powetl ft Hamilton -cond hand ; nor Sulrer etrlalmed: "Thak God.
store. Without doubt Mr Powell
will poll a large vote from the ward
in whirh he resides
. l
.'1 .V
I. -J
J(V..J,SM,, MKi
rs k i W
t& I fj
whom are shown here on their way
to the Peace Palace, entered fully
Into the spirit of the congress, to
""""aiion or all present.
most conspicuous action was
, "?"'" moe Ihe delegates
from the United Slates, the object of
uZuT th lZ nilUonB vhom TBlB'
'0n,thll, "tly w. , .en.itive
TNd thr0Ushoul the c,vi1'
Had Revelation to Engage
murdereb says he is sake
- j
- i ... .... '
"""" 1 "'Kciicimui .lueses
III- ( llent ht Ih-Ullic Den.
list Deities knowledge
Of IIm fllmo.
I again t his morning Priest Schmidt
jtudav further denied to Hi. ,'
. " " 111 "'u I""""!
ihM Dr. Mure,. In whose house thej
counterfeiting plant was found. nud
with h whs supposed to partly belong !
J to the denllst, knew anything about!
I HO llllirilernr Aiiiim Airiiull.. .i.....
the murder of Ann. Aun.i.11.., -h..
. .
r " uonc priem diHtiiember-i
, "er he l,d killed the girl. On
h other hand Dr. Muret, who la,
"" ''' 'nrr.Htig conceal-1
r"lH"'- vehemently denouni-ed :
"""" """ h,",M""
!" n'". V" lv. '""' ' ronnec-j
'".uIWT ""
Clrl, but that he was entirely Itnor
ni of the rountnr'eltlnii Imslnens.
The pollc.. are of thn opinion thai
tho priest la a degenerate, nud it
he had not been ruptured would have
soon developed Into one or tlui mas
ter crlmlnnla or the age. They al
lege dint from hl voiith up
probably had a degenerate mind.
Sees Friendly Feeling of People
For Him.
lr. I4nlrr Will l:pliiln II. m Tain
many I. ci I Her to Nh-i Him,.
In Order to IiivoIik
(Special to Tho Evening News.)
AM1ANV. Kept. 1 7.- Ilctnrna
from veaterdiiya primaries through
M ork suite demonstrated that
the s-'iillm.'iit was decidedly against
the Tammany ring that has attempt
ed to unseat Governor H.tlrer. and
onroqiicntly It evidences a friendly
the iiblttlral bosses are hearlna fiom
tNe p.V.iile at last." On Ihe rv or
the foual arraignment of hlmacll
In tbe lllits-arhment pror ee.llngs
j GovernoASuUer Is a.parently confl-
, dent of aif., ultimate victory over his
enemies, th machine politicians or
hotn old parlies. Mrs., It Is
exieted, will tell the high court In
her own way of how she Indulged In
sMH'ulatiiina which thn Tammsnltes
have charged against her husband
and will assert lhat she was led Into
them as a result of the gigantic plot
that was laid by Tnmmativ to In
volve her hhshaMd
lliiiit-l''or Honitt .Maker.
I.OS ANlkJ.EH, Kept. 17. - Secret
service tn.! tollce and detectives
admtti this afternoon lhat so rar
they hHl erfuade little progress lit
their effoifs to rind the pi rsnn wbn
tnali'-d the dvnumlte bomb to Gener.
Ill Oils, iiublisber of the lis An
geles Times. The bomb was discov
ered by bis Jap servant. All at
tempt is being made to track the
package containing the explosive
and by tracing It through the
oflfce discover where It was inalied.
It Is also desired to leant where the
maker or the bomb secured the dyna
mite. Hot At Ishi Angclc.
UtS A.VGKI.KH. Sepl. 17. The
incrruiy hnlbatetl a temi.i'ralure of
lot; at eleven o'clock tills morning J
This is Hie hottest day of the season
for this -ecflon of the stale, At San
Francisco, yesterday, the mercury
registered 1U2. the hottest dav on
arccord for that place. Sacramento
was 101.
n.wgi ! r ru (io !:io.
v I iM'M Mru InfiM-tiilii r
t f nutilrvhcfl (iu'tm n( t 'niKitn
llot' l TotifKlit,
A ijfliKtift will he Klvcn (IiIh wen.
Inx at oitrJit n'clofk at. thn now Vm
qua hot I ly thp biixtw'sa nwn of thin
rltv in honor of fiovernor Went and
othor notflblH who wr;re vlHtom nt
th Fair today. Uovernor Wt will
make a tulk to hit hontn a will I'm
frJMfwr Wytheoomhe of the Agrlrultu
ral cllf arid ProfRaaor OeorKO Ho
bec Of the Kxtenslon Buiuau of the
lln.verHttv of Oregon. Other ipeak
era will be preaent and make nliort
and that It la only it, keeping with
his past actions for him now to feign
ItohlxMN Kill Watchman,
CHICAGO, Sent. 1 7 !.,.
j hers broke into the. Mandel Bros., de-
in L,"m""'',.'..'"."l'B "nrt 'ir
I k.lllng .MUhael Waschuk. the night
! watchman, who evidently resisted
! the tittcinpt of tho men to rob tho
i store, blew open the stife and took
"' "z:
me naming mai n thai
j -, y
1 miKiiiiixi Htlicvcs In Americans.
I'AUIS, Sept., 17. "I have suffle-
lent faith la the open inlndeduess of
Hie American people to enable ..... .
sail for New York us orlnlnallv In
tended. I certulnly have no thuuglit
or altering my plana on account or,
the stories afloat concerning the atti
tude or the American people' toward
me." wn tho declaration ninile to
day by Mrs. I'ankhurst, llrltlsh mif
frnglst. who will soon take her de-
inkiiurs" fur her said
!.. expect to he detained at Elh 1
land any letiKth of time, and thai
rv''? " n,'l,l ''"' " " not afraid
. . .
..V. . " immigration or-
iiiiata cannot deport her sh.i .1
,.K.,i ni ,h 0rf leiii rnui,! iii,..
cu, " " , 'J" " u',,f ' ''r
unn.sirabla or a fugitive,
,,..., ., ,
" ' 111 ,,K ' '"' I K Nt'llool KAIIU
S.-.-...UI Annual K. j.hh! hlm,v.
Inn lil Tea. hem (Vnilu, ( t
Last hut no least among the aev.
oral reecent school fairs of Douglas
county wax tho Myrtle Creek district
school fair held on Tiicl,..- r n,i.
j week. To this i.-ogressivo ilttle cltv
eeiongs llie iiistliictlon or having hold
the rirst school fair In Douglna coun
ty a ,ear ago, and th s la their sec
ond In many respocta this was a
heller fair thnn lust year, and a
credit to the school children of the
Myrtle Creek vicinity. It differed
from the oilier school fairs of tho
county In that It was distinctly a
select exhibition of products prepnr.
ed by the school children under tin
eighth grade.
The fair was conducted hv thn
Myrtle Creek teachers and Its ue
ccsm was, In a largo measure, due
to their mulling efforts, during' the
vacation months. Tho fair board
was composed of Miss Orllla Pnlera,
president, and primary teacher in tho
school; Miss Abbln llond. serretary.
and teacher or tho Intermediate
grades; Miaa Edllh W. Htoolflrn,
treasurer, and assistant principal of
the high school. They had full
charge or the organisation and nr
rsiigenient of thn local achool fair
for Oils season nnd Inst.
The fair exhibits were displayed
In a tacaut room of the Weaver
llrother!!' brick building, permitted
for use or tlm ralr hoard Iroe of
charge. Many excellent entries of
exhibits were made. Those deserv
Iiik of siM'clul mention were In tha
poultry and needlework aectlona.
The fowls exhibited were of excel
lent grade.
The prlnea awarded by the judges,
Mrs. 8. 8. Johns. Mrs. F. B. Smith
and Mr. A. A. Piper, were as fol
lows: For 10 best eara of mrn. 1st
prire to Vernon Cosine, $
For 2 dozen best potatoes, 1st
prlue, to Vernon Conine, 12.60; 2nd
to t'orvln Heard, $1,110.
For best watermelon, 2nd prlKe to
Corvln Heard, lon.
For besi ien chickens. 1st prlxe
to Hammond Aahley. .?1.a; 2nd
prlxe to Claud I'raihilrk. 1 i.
For best chickens, trio, 1st prlxe,
to Olaf Newton, $1.00,
For best pig, 5 or II months, 1st
prlre to Kenneth Henm, $l.f.0.
For best butler. 1st prize tij I.d
ona Iteam, 8 1.50.
For best bread, Ixt prize to Hulh
Jenkins. $l.r.n; 2nd prize to Dessle
Lyons, $ 1 .00.
For best article In manual train
ing, 1st prb'.n to Hoy Allen, $1.00;
2nd prize to Kenneth Ileum, $1.00.
For best Jelly, 1st prize to Itulh
Jenkins, r.or.
For best cake, 1st prize to Ruth
JcnkllH, $1.00; 2n dto Deasin l.y
one, 501'.
For best a ears pop corn, 1st prlzn
to George Jenkins, fiOc.
For best sewing (hand work)
primary and Intermediate grades. 1st
prize to Anna Khun; 2nd to Claudia
K h mi. Seventh and eighth grades.
1st to Wi tin Ashley; 2nd to l.eona
Kir brut fancy work , aine n
Hhovf, 1ft prit in ('apttolit Oyer;
iu pri.f to KriH A'-kfri; lirtl prlKj
to Khv Cnllop.
Kir h'-frl iiiarlilnt" work, Huinn im
ahovp, 1st prlp to I ami n a McMtni; 2nd
prlo to Wllhi Anlilny.
For Im'hI- Hhlrt walHl, 1t piMze tn
1)ph( Tvodh.
For ht'St. n-lcry, I Ht jirlssft, to Hoy
Mrn. OforK KohlliHKcn, Lola Wil
lla and MIhh Uorothy Kvana rett,rntd
hor todav from Newport, where they
have Kpf-nl tho punt two month
at the Hoashore,
The '95 Montal Cnlturo Club held
a v,ny InterestliiK aelon Tuesday
afternoon when Mrs, Hlter, Mm.
KlUhln and Mrs. Wharton nave an
Instructive leauon In domestic artenrt,
aervlnt! Mexican dlnhen. About 30
petitions for nieiitiilterahjp were read
which Indicates the Interest d are I op
Ins lr: tho club for Dm present year.