O. A. C. Two Principals at Odds Over Monticello and the Homestead Pure Buckwheat Flour CADET BAND r; s? as "3 -AND- MAPLE SYRUP ; CONCERT IAt the armory ilonday, Dec. 30th, At 8 o'clock, p. m. A benefit concert for the 4th Company ot the Coast Artillery, 0. N. G. The Cadet Hand of (ho Oregon Ag ricultural College is so well and fav orably known throughout the State that to mention its appearance here should bo sufficient to Insure a lurge audience. Como out and hear this great Hund Concert. Admission 35 and 50 cents L 1 , . i s Four times as much in first cost j and five times as much in after ! cost you are asked to pay for I r i i cars no more comfortable, sure or speedy than the Vanadium built Ford. A rather expensive tribute to false ride isn't it? RUNABOUT TOURING CAR TOWN CAR $525 600 800 These new prices, f o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment. An early order will mean an early de livery. Get particulars from Ford Agent for Douglas County. G. W. Burnett, Roseburg, Or. Education That Pays You are positively loosing from (20.00 to (30.00 for each hour of your spare time UNLESS you are qualified, or are Qualifying yourself systematically, for the highest position In the line that you wish t:- follow. $20.00 to (30.00 per hour, think of It. Maybe You Don't Believe It. f not 1 will POSITIVELY PROV E IT TO YOU If you will mark and !ijrn the coupon and mall It to. D. O. NEWTOX, Mgr., Eugene, Oregon. International Correspondence Schools Scranton, Pa. Please explain, without further obligation to me, how I can qualify for a larger salary In the position, trade, or profession before which I have marked X. ..Salesmanship ..Contracting and Building ..Advertising Man ..Structural Engineer ..Show-Card Writing ..Architectural Drafting ..Window Trimming ..Heating and Ventilation ..Bookkeeping . .i'lumblng ..Stenography ..Civil Engineer ..Agriculture ..Bridge Engineer ..Poultry Farming ..Railroad Construction ..Commercial Illustrating ..Surveying ..Lettering & Sign Painting . . MlnlngUnglneer ..Mechanical Engineer ..Chemistry ..Mechanical Draftsman ..Textile Manufacturing ..Sheet-Metal Worker ..French . .Electrical Engineer .German . .Electric Railway Work ..Spanish . .Telephone Expert . .Civil Service Exams. . .Concrete Construction . .Automobile Running . .Architecture Name ' ' Street and No City State RS. MARTIN W. LITTLETON and Heprcsentiitlve Jefferson M Lew of New York faced the season of "nem-e.ou earth, good will to f S men." ut swords points over Monticello. Representative Levy owns Jefferson's homestead and liurial place, nml Mrs. Littleton has Itceu waging a crusmle of publicity to induce congress to authorize the purchase of the property so as to preserve it as n national shrine. She has used many methods, presenting long petitions and using full page advertisements In the Washington newspapers. She was opposed by Mr. Levy's fellow congressmen from New York state. The senate passed n resolution providing for the ap pointment of a joint commission to look into the matter, but the house re jected it. Mrs. Littleton will fight on. VriCKillT I'l.VXO tj!0O. During our holiday rush wo took In exchange for the famous Iltisli A1 Lane Piano, several second hand pianos, which we can sell as fol lows: One for $00; another, only slightly used, $145, and stlil anoth er, almost new, for $.158. Another, a Victor, which you can hardly tell from new, $11)0; also a few organs nt your own price nnd terms. O r stock of Bush & Lane pianos is still complete at prices you will pay elso where for cheap, unheard of pianos, and our prices are not inflated to al low us to take in "old dead horses ' or "chips and wetstones". We have sold Bix car loadB of Hush Ai ljino and Victor pianos In Roseburg and Doug Ins county, and we do not know of a dissatisfied customer. I'uy a good one nnd end your piano troubles for a life time, four credit Is good at TOUR'S MUSIC HOUSE. CATTLE NOTICE. Next Lyceum Number JANUARY 6 Jubilee Singers , 25c and 50 cents All persons are hereby nottfleu that all cattle running at large on the Umpqua Land & Water Com pany's property without permission will be considered tresspassers and will be Impounded according to law J. C. ALEXANDER, tf K. S. WATERMAN. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. 8. Weather Bureau, local office. Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 6 a. m., December 28, 1912. Precipitation In Inches and hun iredths: Highest temperature yesterday 42 Lowest temperature last night 32 Precipitation, last 24 hours ... .18 Total precipitation since first of month 3.23 Normal preclp. for this month 6.92 Total preclp. from Eep. 1, J912, to date 12.50 Average preclp. since Septem ber 1, 1877 13.34 Total deficiency from Septem ber 1, 1912 84 Average precipitation for 35 wet seasons, (Sep. to May Inclusive) 33.28 WILLIAM. BELL Observer. -Redifer Dining Room is now located at 110 N. Main Street, Just bark of New York Store. Meals 2.1c; Hoard and ltoom per week $3.50, POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory DIARIES FOR 1913 Teachers Bibles Testaments Prayer Books New Year Cards Birthday Cards Baby .Record Books Wedding Certificates Blank Books Filing Cases Office Supplies THE Roseburg Book STORE 5P 1 ap o1 7hat is more delightful for VV breakfast than Buckwheat Cakes and Maple Syrup. They make one feel better contented for the day. Onr Buckwheat Flour is pure and comes from Ohio; the famous Buckwheat State. Our Maple Syrup is. in. two grades, the pure maple and the blended. "Try Them." MILLEDGE & PICKENS Perkins Building Phone 195 TO THE PUBLIC:- Wethank you for your liberal pat ronage during the past year in our new location. We appreciate your business and trust that our methods and service will 'warrant a continu ance of your trade for the year 1913. Krohn's Drug Store Maccabee Temple Bldg., Cass Street Phone 145. All work flmt-cUM Commercial Abstract Cc Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property Perkins 'Inlldlng ROHKRCRO. OKROOM Thirty Tonsof Flour Strictly First-grade Eastern Wash ington Hard Wheat Product $5.00 pe Barrel "I rnn Stock of Crockery and Hand P 1,3UU painted China will be sold at Absolute cost to make room for our increasing grocery business. 15 lbs. of Sugar $1.00 STOVE BARGAINS We have just received a car of the fam ous Wedgewood Stoves and can supply you with a regular $45.00 Range for $32.50 We do not belong to any Trust or com bination, and fix our own margin on all goods that we sell. Campbell & Matherly jjj V. ;'.--. r !n ti'-' i'.-.tit rt Ffiih 'a mtfo rtwij'u Dln't'Ty, t'imnil':il If ! m bullani ST.' rirr.fJ".FL . j B. r. PflK .. F TT.K 111 N. Jackson St. Phone J36