The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 24, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Again the season suggests to us
the pleasure of extending our
hearty good wishes and, ever
mindful of past pleasant business rela
tions, we wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New
The Leading Clother
Frank Cain went to Rlddlo this
irternoon to spend ChrlstmaB with
W. II. Jones, of (Hide, spent tlm
daf in Itosebiirg attending to busi
ness matters.
Sam Swlckard left for Albany tills
afternoon wlioro lie will spend Christ
marl with relatives.
Wl Miu in Wlilpplo left for Ills home
t Drain llils afternoon where lie
will spend the next week.
Mrs. II. J. RnhiiiHon loft for Port
land this afternoon where sho will
remain until after Olirlstinim.
All outstanding votes must
be In liy Thursday night Dec.
26, 1912.
Now colorod votcH will be is-
sued Thursday morning.
afternoon to spend Christmas with
her parents. '
Mrs. L. X. Itooney, who has been
spenidng the past few days in Roso
burg visiting at the Parrott home
left for Eugene this afternoon.
Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Ilamar and Mr.
unci Mrs. Arthur Fllhaucr, of Port
land, arrived hero thia morning to
spend a few days vlsllng ,ut the
Urolllnger homo.
arte n,,, i . " " "I"'" Sl''-ff TLomas Laws,,,,, of
afternoon whero'sho w sunnil thru,,. I
next few days vlsltiim wifh -imivn. . 1 l" "ay "' UoB"Ur,!
loosing nner business matters. Mr
Lnwson recently returned from Port
land where ho w,as called on a uusl-
next few days visiting with relatives.
Miss Ilulda llrowil. of llle Inenl l,.l.
ephono exchange, went to Wilbur this I neas deal.
Oranges Nuts Coftee Candy
Grape Fruit Fresh Vegetables
We wish to all our patrons a very
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
We thank you for your patronage
and trust that the service, quality
and prices that prevail in our store
merit a continuance of it.
Milledge & Pickens
Perkins Building
Phone 195
Mr. Houghton, of Eugene, arrived
here last evening to spend Christ
mas. J. M. Kngle, of Oakland, came ov
er last evening to spend a couple of
days with friendB.
Dave Clements returned to Port
land last night after a few days spent
in Koseburg.
Mrs. Bowcn left for Portland this
morning where Bhe will spend the
holidays with friends.
Henry Jones left tor points in
Montana this morning where he will
remain until next spring.
Mrs. L, Roach, of Eugene', arriv
ed here this morning to spend
Cnrlstmas visiting with relatives.
Winnie Gaddls and J. W Perkins
were among those who left for Port
land last evening to spend Christmas.
Walter J. Scott arirved here this
morning from Portland to spend the
holidays with his parents In Eden-
Mrs. M. J. Tucker and son arrived
here last evening to spend Christ
mas visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. liarry Pearce.
Miss Lottie Pengra, of Eugene
arrived here last evening to spend
Christmas visiting at the homo oi
Mrs. Ole Ollsson.
Miss Nellie Cilshman, of Portland,
arrived here luBt evening to spend a
few days visiting at the home of
O. Osborn, tlio druggist.
Miss Clayto Burrows, of Portland,
arrived hero last evening to spend
Christmas visiting at the home of her
cousin, Miss Allle Black.
Mrs. Ilattio Shaum, of Salem, ar
rived here last night to spend a few
days visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mote Howe.
Mrs. W. J. Robinson arrived here
last evening from Portland to spend
the holidays visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McMullon.
R. K. Smith, of the First Trust &
Savings Hank, returned hero this
morning after a few days spent at
Portland and other northern cities.
C. M. Pago and wife, of Drafn.
came over last ovening to Hpend
Christmas at the home of the form
er's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
The Grand Commander of
Oregon requests each command
ery In his Jurisdiction to as
semble In Its asylum on Wed
nesday, Dec. 25th, 1912, at 0
o'clock a. in. to participate in
the Christmas observance.
All members of Ascalon
Commandery No. 14 and all Sir
Knights sojourning within our
jurisdiction, are courteously
invited to lie present and Join
in the Christmas observance.
R. JI. C. WOO". Commander.
Roseburg, Or., Dec. 24, 1912.
Have You
An ample supply of
our Carbonated lev
erages on hand for
Christmas? If not, do
not overlook order
ing a case. All flavors In the manufacture of
these beverages only the purest ingredients are
used and our plant is sanitary and up-to-date in
every respect, as an inspection will convince you-
Phone 180
; Justus I'eland, or Montana, arrlv-
ed In Roseburg last evening to Bpend
the holidays visiting with his par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. I,. A. Ueland, of
West Roseburg.
Mr. Mrs. R. W. Wooderson,
of Portland, arrived here this morn
ing to spend Christmas visiting at
the home of the hitter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. liarry Williams.
E. A. Kruse received a $26 M. B.
torn from J. M. M ungor. of t)e Kalb,
I 111., nlso a hen to match. The sire
I of this torn scored 99 points. Kruse
gets the best there Is.
Tho "Sutherlln Wine Company"
filed articles of Incorporation with
the county clerk this morning. T. B.
Cannon, Alfred Wollenberg and Dr.
C. L. Pearson wore named as tho In
corporators. The company will mnke
its headquarters at Sutherlln and
will engage In a general liquor busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Osnion, and
little daughter, who hnve been
spending tho past few days in Rose
burg visiting at the home of Mrs.
Osmon's sister. Mrs. Joe Papo, left
for Los Angeles, California, this
morning where they will spend the
winter. Mrs. Osnion has been in 111
I health for some time and sho be
lieves a change of climate will result
beneficially. j
From Oklahoma cornea a striking i
tribute to the work of the Portland
Commercial Club. A homesceker j
there, who has his eyes fixed on the:
Pacific Northwest, writes as follows: J
"A number of us Oklahoma people ,
wrote to various places In the West
for Informal inn. Some that we'ro-j
celved we doubled and some we dls- j
believed. We therefore wrote to tbej
I'nlted Slates Department of Agrl-j
culture at Washington. D. C. asking i
where we could write to obtain ab
solutely accurate Information shout
the Northwest The renlv naiil- Tnr
general Information write to the
Portland Comerclal Club; for local
.information, write the Roseburg
Commercial Club.' " Oregonian.
Harry Phillips, of Portland, ar
rived here last evening to spend
Chirstmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Phillips.
Louis Hlmes, of the Himea &
Oliver Real Estate Company, return
ed here this morning after a few days
spent at Medford and other southern
Oregon cities.
James Orton, of Portland, arrived
here late lust evening and loft this
morning for Glide where ho will !
spend Christinas on the Mt. Alto j
C. T. Colt last evening sustained
a number of serious bruises as the
result of being kicked by a horse.
Dr. Stewart was summoned and the
patient will probably recover rapid
ly. Among the arrivals at the Grand
hotel today are tho following: Fred
S. Fisher, Sandusky, O.; Chas. F.
Madison. Kellogg; J. R. Morgan,
Sutheiiin; .Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Weav
er, Riddle; W. C: Brown and wife.
Miss L. Splker, II. Delay, M. S. Ling
ley and wife, Arlot Smith, C. 10.
Johnson; H. M. Shearer. J. L. Win-
chell, Glendnle: Geo. Peebler, Wcod-
burn; Mabel Wilson, Gardiner; Eu
nice lliirch, Roseburg; J. F. Church
ill, Coles Valley; G. Mayhew. Port
land; u. B. Hnines, Dixonvllle; F.
C. Lauer, Sunshine Ranch; F. A.
Golf and wife, Elkton: S. M. Phelns.
Sacramento; A. E. Broadburg, St.
LouIb; Pauline May, Grants Pass:
Mary Furlong, Perdue; Susan Fur
long, Perdue; R. M. Hull, Glenhrook
Ranch; C, E. Cook, Canyonvllle; L.
I). Ilenducks, Phil 'Flood. E. A.
Stevenson, Geo. W. Davis and wire,
Portland; F. J. Coppock, Salem;
L. Hoffman, Chicago; T. M. Bush
and wife. New Orleans, La.
The New
York Store "
Wishes its many patrons
a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year. May
the future bring happi
ness and wealtn to every
one. We shall make it
our duty to make our pa
'trons enjoy the best of
buying priveleges during
the year a913.
Miss Bc-ulah MeCord, of Isadora,
spent the day in Roseburg visiting
with friends.
J. M. Englo, of the Englowood
ranch, leaves for Portland tonight
where he will spend Christmas with
friends. ,
Miss Vera Roberts left for her
home at Myrtle Creek this morning
after spending some time in Rose
burg. Rudolph Harness and wife went to
Yoncalla this afternoon where they
will spend Christmas with the letter's
Goqdon Burnette Jeft (for Vort
land last evening where he will
spend Christinas with friends and
Mrs. W. B. Hunt, of Myrtle Creek,
arrived here this afternoon to spend
Christmas visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. Georgo Burnette.
Accused of the crime .of assault
with intent to kill, Edward Lough,
who resides on Deer Creek was
brought hero late last evening and
lodged In the county jail. The com
plaint was preferred by his wife. Ac
cording to the story told by neigh
bors Lough made a vicious attack
on his wife early yetserday, knocking .
her to tho ground and pulling hnnd-
i lulls of hair from her head. A 15
j year-old daughter rushed to . her
mother's assistance with a stove
shovel and struck her brutal father
a blow over tho head which laid op
en his scalp and rendered him un
conscious. Lough was later brought
to Koseburg and turned over to Sher
iff George Quine. lie was arraigned 4
in the justice court this morning,
and the hearing was set for Friday.
Being unable to furnish bonds In the
sun, of $500 Lough will probably
spend the next few days in the coun
ty jail. Lough has been drinking
quite heavy of late and according to
Mrs. Lough has consumed two ga-
s of whiskey since November 19
He has frequently threatened to kill
his wife, and had it not been for
the timely assistance of her daughter
he would have probably made good
his word in yesterday's melee.
A Merry
To the People of Roseburg
and Douglas County .. ..
May ye be just as happy
As ye like to see anybody
Hislop the Shoe Man
: : Perttins Building', Roseburg
Phone 125