The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 24, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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Today's Highest
Temperature, 42
Haiu Tonight & Wednes
day. V -A IV,
No. 43
Says Government Case is
Purely Circumstantial.
l-resident Tuft and Party Arrive at
Colon Are Accompanied Uy
Members of tlie Canal
(Special to the Evening News.)
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. 24.
Kerns, who today argued in ithe
trial of the laborites, this afternoon
declared that the charges against
Tveltmoe and Clancy were ridiculous.
"These two men are charged with
dynamiting the Times offices in Los
Angeles," said Kerns, "but yet they
were not indicated under the Juris
diction of the California courts. The
volume of evidence presented to date
has nothing, whatever, to do with
'the case at Issue. As I understand j
the case the men ore charged with'
Illegally conspiring to transfer dynn-1
mite, yet from hearing the evidence ;
one would naturally think they were I
being tried for destroying the Times ;
office. The charge Is ridiculous." :
Kerns opened the arguments for
the defense, and in preliminary du-:
clared that the government's case!
was circuinstantlnl. The uncorro-
borated portions of Mcllanlgnl's rd-j
" In order tlmt The News force
may enjoy Clirfstmas with tlielr
families, no puHr will be pub-
lished tomorrow.
: perk-angrv SAFE IS SECURE
markable piece of fiction, Kerns de
clared, damns the whole tale.
Tart In Panama.
COLON, Panama, Dec. 24. Presi
dent Taft and party landed here at
eight o'clock this morning, accom
panied by the members of the canal
Word was received here this
morning to the effect that F. G. Ml-
celli and wife have left Italy on their
return to Oregon and should arrive
here not later than January 10. They
have been absent from Roscburg for
about five months.
At the home of J. Foglesauger, on
Cobb street, last evening, Mr. Oliver
Allen and Miss Mary Deasley were
mjarried. Rev. W. H. Eaton officiat
ing, me wedding was a quiet one,
witnessed only by a few friends.
Both bride and groom are well
"in young people, bo... having
' con uorn and raised in Douglns
county. They wi.. be at home at
once In Looking Glass, where both
Have lived lor several years.
hearty congratulation:
wishes of their many
follow them in this voyage on the
matrimonial sea.
Scores The News and Ridi
cules Appointees.
when informed last avpnlne
! of the manner in which Mayor
Joseph Mlcelli ridiculed tha re-
port of the fire commissioners
(From Tuesday's Dally News.)
Occupation Tax Is Paccek By Council
Micelli Attacks Every Prop
osition Brought Up For
, The
and best
friends will
Apparently realizing for the first
time since be became a "power" in
Roseburg that the people of this lo
cality are opposed to "one man" rule
and that they will no longer toler
ate the dictation of a man who
conducts the affairs of the munici
pality to suit his own personal fan
cies, Mayor Joseph Mlcelli last
night showed his hand, when ho play
ed on the defense and attacicea each
and every proposition called to the
attention of the municipal body.
The first question to come up for
consideration was that of selecting
a councilman to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Robert
Farnsworth, of the first ward. Re
corder Wlmberly read a lengthy pe
tition, in which H. M. Bullwlnkle was
endorsed as the logical man to as-
presented at last night's meet-
j ing of the council, J. W. Per-
' kins expressed himself as In-
dignant. "I cannot understand
why Mayor Micelli should con-
tlnue to 'knock' the very men
who are attempting to build up
the town." said Mr. Perkins,
"and most especially the men
who have taken an active in-
terest in Improving the present
fire department. I must say
that I am disgusted with his
conduct. The report submitted
at last evening's meeting of the
council was an
the entire hoard of fire com-
missloners and should have been
so received,"
Bandits Overlook Package
1 containing $200,000.
San Francisco Woman Is Arrested
Whllo Puruding Soutlicrn City
In Male Attire Get
70 Letters Kuili,
1 Thinking of a new suit or overcoat for the Holi
days Now is the time to bay Never have we shown
so many handsome patterns of stylish suits and over
coats for $15.00.
You cannot afford to miss looking at the exception
al values. Beautiful Grays, Browns and Tans, strictly
hand tailored fit perfectly. You would guess them to
be priced $20.00 it they were not priced at '$15.00.
Don't forget these suits and overcoats are kept pressed
free ot any charge to you too. Means much to you in the
end of a year. Nearly the price of a suit.
sume the duties recently abandoned
by Farnsworth. This petition wns
signed by a large number of names,
and represented the almost unani
mous selection of the voters and
property-owners of the ward from
which the councilman wa3 to !be
Just prior to advancing a motion
authorizing Mr. Hullwlnkle's election
as counclluinn from tho first ward,
Mayor Mlcelli in his usual sarcas
tic manner peered about the room,
arid In a moment of Intense anger
made a questionable and almost
"pitiful" attack on The Nowb Amoim
other things the mayor said that a-
local newspaper, meaning, of course,
local newspaper, had published
an alleged Interview in which
it wns stated that ho (Mlcelli)
was considering the appointment of
S. E. Krohn as councilman from tho
first ward. This Btntement on the
pnrt of the mayor was, indeed,
wrong, considering that The News
never said er even Intimated that
Joseph Mlcelli was considering S. E.
Krohn as a prospective successor to
Farnsworth. The News did say,
however, that It was rumored about
the streets that Krohn was being
'menioned for the nlace. and the' nmn-
agement can prove this assertion any
time the mayor desires. Micelli also
KANSAS CLY, Dec. 24. Officials
noting of the "'""" express company to-
;pression of I ' adm,tted that the bandits who
,f fi- A.ilast nlght neld u Chicago & Al
ton Express train, near Springfield,
failed to force open a snfe contain
ing approximately 1200,000.
The express clerk says only a pack
nge ot currency was missing at the
time he checked his car after leav
ing the scene of the holdup. It Is
believed that tho bandits are pro
fessional train robbers.
On Fishing Trip. X
SEATTLE, Dec. 24. The halibut
fishing steamer Chicago Ib today on
her wny to the fishing banks in an
effort to brenk tho halibut fisher
men's striko. Tho strike has tied
crooks and suspicious characters
than ever before in her history. Har
ry Smith, Dertilllon operator here,
declares he has "mugged" core men,
two to ono, during the last thirty
days than in any similar period be
fore In his experience. A recent
roundup of suspects netted the po
nce 30 in one night.
Seeks Big Estate.
KINOSTON, Dec. 24. After work
ing in a cigar factory here for tha
past year at 4 a week. Miss Ester
Elelght, 19, is today on her way to
Vancouver, B. C, to claim her por
tion of the estate of her aunt Mm
Charles Vandewater, worth millions.
Woman Is Arrested.
had considerable timet and I thought
it won worth the money," remarked
Mrs. Ethel Marks, pretty Los An
geles matron, after being arrested In
the Barbara coast district garbed In
mnn'a nlnlluu
Girl Is Struck.
CHICAGO, Deo. 24. Dr. B. P.
Roller, the Seattle wreBtler. la hrnV.
en henrted here today over tha death
of little Mary Kurnlck, 8, who was
Struck and fntnllv iniurnri l.v nn at
owned and dilvvon by Roller. Roller
rushed the child to the hospital, but
she died a short time tftor h4 ar
rival thero.
Tuluux'o n rrarenative.
PARIS, Dec. 24 M. Wench main
tains tobacco la the most effective
preventative of cholera known.
(Continued on page 4.)
Just received a new lot of Black and Tan Velvet
hats which sell for $2.50. Also new lot of
Stetsons in Black Velours.
Harth's To
The Ideal Gift Store
Dec. 24
Tomorrow is
We desire to express to
our friends and custo
mers our sincere appre
ciation of the patronage
bestowed upon us dur-.
ing the past year.
We wish you a Merry
Christmas, and hope the
New Year will bring
you peace and plenty.
"The Ideal Gift Store"
Our Greetings:-
A. Merry Christmas to you all. 1
May your surroundings be joyful and those
you love be near you.
Nathan Fullerton
Henry Richardson'
W. P.Thomas
James Goodman
The Rexall Store
up every fishing steamer oil Pugot
Sound and sent the price of halibut
soaring abovo ten cents a pound, to
the great profit of the independent
fishing crari.
(JiH-xtloiinhlo 'liai-nctcrfl.
TACOMA, Dec. 24. It Is stated
Tacoma Is today harboring mora
Wench Is a noted scientist. During
the recent epidemic In Hamburg ha
noted not a slnglo employe of tho ex
tensive cigar lactones thord were af
fected. He claims tobacco amok
kills In five minutes germs In saliva.
Watch Us
Xmas Bargains
"No Leavin's