The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 21, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    Christmas Candies,Nuts,Oranges,
And Cake Ingredients
We have used our best efforts to secure
an assortment that will please
Try Us and Be Happy
Why Fuss and Fume With Any other
Than the Electric Light.
No wick to trim.
No chimneys to clean.
No tank to fill with oil.
No mantels to break.
No pipes to leak.
Electricity Is the Best, Cheapest,
Cleanest and Safest Way to
Light Your House
Douglas County Light & Water Co.
"Upper Crust" Flour
'The Best Flour on the Matket"
It lis milled from Hard Wheat at
Waitesburg, Wash., from grain
grown on the company's own wheat
ranches. Every sack is the same
$1.50 PER SACK
And your money is refunded if sat
. isfaction is not given.
We Still give Dividends to Cash Purchasers
Milledge & Pickens
Perkins Building
We Have The Well Known
Cider Made From Choice Apples Only
Church Brothers
Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the
very best of materials. Try them once and
you will always be a customer
PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST.
Phone 195
Preparations were btdnj? made for tt
fun en 1 1 lu tUe Marmot in mil, v. Tin.'
IniUy of Betty Murgot, aged clhtPtHi.
vas to be hurled ut II o'clock, and ll
was now 10. A Rreut deal of sympathy
was a bow ii the family, for tliere weir
tery sad circumstances attending tin
young Klrl's deutu. lu fact. It was eon
slderud it case of suicide.
About a year before Betty betrnn tr
j show rIkus of despondency. Sue bad
I left school and was ready to take v.
j.iot-lal position ftmonj; the young peopii
of the town lu whic h she lived. U
j mother, partly to divert her from hi.
I couditlou of mind, did what -the con It
to Induct her to do so. Hetty riii-
not refuse to fro among those of ho
own age, but when with thetn. Instead
of being the bright, cheery girl or f
year before, uhe was listless. The you n:
men and maidens who had grown in
with her eudeavored for awhile t
draw her from her lethargy, but. (Inn
Ing their efforts futile, at last gave ut
The family physician was. of course
consulted. He talked with Betty, nxfa
ed her a great tunny questions, pre
! scribed a toulc to be taken "three times
1 a day before meals.' but told her moth
jer that he could ttnd no organic dis
i ease. He thought that change of seen."
might be bcnchVhil. but the MHrgot
could not afford to take the puling
' away. Besides, she said she didn't car
to go away. The doctor suggested thai
there might be a young man In th'
' rase, but Mrs. Murgot declared that
; her daughter had never showu any pre!
ierences for any of her male acquaint To this the doctor replied thai
Mrst love on the part of n young gii.
i from sixteen to twenty wns apt to as' cry situ::! in: lct".is lie I;..
trp:i(rw1 of tvii"i p'ivm pv'
ady which eventually bad turned
to be sit:;;'!.v toi v -lint s. One of 1.
patients b;;il h!:h-ym ot a bro.i:
ing down lu health simply because j.
could not make up her mind between
two suitors and had Anally eloped with
a third, to whom her parent had no ob
jection whatever.
One morning when the good lady
I wrii i-Uo her daughter's room with
the usual toast and cofi'ee she would
'not permit Betty to arise before 11
; o'clock the room was empty. The hei'
had not been slept in. The frightened
I matron rushed from the room, calling
! her daughter wildly. The household
! Betty excepted, responded, and even
, tually the whole tmvu wns roused,
j The .day passed with no word fron
; the missing girl. She must have do
i parted In the night, for no one hm
' seen her go. Kvery village In th-H
! neighborhood received telephone me
sages describing Betty's personal Hp
! penrance and Inquiring If she had bee'
seen. All her relatives far and neai
were notified. Not a hopeful wore
came from any point.
Mrs. Margot, after she became f"
! far cniined as to express an opinion u- 1
the cause of her daughter's departure
J said she believed t lint Betty's mlm
; hod been fleeted through some dl
ease which "that stupid doctor" ha
. failed to discover. The people of 1 h
! town had many and diverse oplubwo
j Mrs. GriiHn. across the street, who bi.
heard Mrs. Margot an Impatient, e
'citable woman scold her daughter
! averred that the latter had been drlvn
; nway by cruelty. Some of the nelirl
' Itors old maids or ma fried wome
who had adopted dogs Id lien of clii
j dren said that Betty had not be
j properly brought up and hiid gone I
j the bad.
j ,One day n fre::h Impetus wns gh-e
I to those conjectures by the discov.M
j of a body of a wonnn lu the river. I
wns bloated beyond recognition, but
i wns about Betty's betghi, and the hn'
j was about the same color as hers, 't'h
consensus of opinion wns that it wn
her remains: that in a tit of tempnrar
Insiinlty she hud escaped from hoiu
: and drowned herself. The sight 'n
l so awful that the parents were p
, minded not to look at it. An unib t
taker prepared it for burial, fl'id l'"
brings us to the bediming of our stor;
which is also the end.
Persons were assembling at the Ma:
; trot home to pay their Inst respect '
. the dead. The clergyman had arrive'
fhe undertaker wns going nliont wit'
' fft trend giving dlrertjons In a iikmIo
!nie.1 voice, when a young man itic
, rt-oiu;iti turned a coriitT and finidr
i ti view of the hearse and cnrriHL'e
j Grinding before the door. The huh
i sunk on the man's booin with n gap:
lint, recovering, the two pursued th"b
1 way to the house of ihe funeral. Tin
: lergytnatt was men! inning some lovel
! traits of the din-eased when the clilel
mourners uttered an exclamation ol
j surprise and made a ttolt for the hah.
' where stood the newromers.
i "Oh. Betty!" exnhilined both father
: and mother In n breath.
The ohsefpiles were niscoimnueo on
account of the apiwarance of the oh
Ject for which they were held, and n
great relief, n great Joy, reigned In
their stead. This was Betty'a explana
tion: "George met me when I was a
schoolgirl, and we loved. Then that
horrid Kate Baxter enrne between n.
and for a long while I was afraid she'd
got him awn from me. But one day
he wrote me that she had been telling
lies about me, and I concluded to go
and give her a piece of my mind. The
result was that George and I thought
we'd better be married. Ho, here we
a re "
The doctor diagnosis of the case
wa. -The Insanity of Juvenile love."
m .
(This matter must not be reprinted with- ,
out special pertulvalon.J t
If the turkey for the Thanksgiving j
feast came u bit high, remember that j
jour nine out ui evrjr u c
hatched die before they are six weeks
It la about time for the champion
corn busker to put In an appearance.
The best man oo the Job busked Id the
neighborhood of '200 bushels In ten
hours Inst season. Will the high man
this fall do as well?
A rule put In force some time ago
by the Internal revenue department
rates all butter as unlawful, from the
standpoint of its right to Interstate
shipping privileges, which contains
more than 1U per cent of moisture.
The burning of barns by the sponta
neous combustion of mows of nlfalfa
or clover bay comes as the result of
putting the hay up too green before It
is properly cured. This curing process
should take place In the Held while the
hay is in cock.
The homemade candles In which sor
ghum or New, Orlcaus molasses or
white sugar are used are economical
to make and satisfy the craving the
youngsters have for sweets. Besides
this the homemade artlcte Is all candy,
with uo harmful adulterations.
The power corn shredder la no dis
tlngulsher as between n husky stalk of
com and a man's hnud. Since this Is
so It Is a pretty good Idea fur thu fel
low who prizes the use of his hands
and Angers to keep them out of reach
of the rapuciuus maws of the unfeel
ing machines.
A friend who Is In the grocery busi
ness and who has had considerable
trouble with rats got tired of tho nul
Bance some weeks ago and ordered
three dozen of the snap or guillotine
traps. Lie baited all of these one night
and the nest morning there were six
teen rodents done for. Since then rats
have been a mighty scarce article in
A Pennsylvania gardener worked a
potato stalk overtime the past season.
In the spring the sop grafted a potato
plant with u sprig of a tomato plant
and inter In the season picked ripe to
am toes from the upper purtiou of the
freak and gathered potatoes from the
root system. The grafting succeeded
because the two plants belonged to the
same botanical family.
The winter Nells penrs that hnve
been on the market for some time and
which look none too Inviting in their
green russet jackets, should be bought
and put away In a dark und cool place
and allowed to ripen. When they
have turned to a golden russet yellow
and iiave liecotne soft, they nro not
surpassed In Juclness and Hue Uavor
by any pear that grows.
There may be some of (he good wives
who read this department who do uot
know that sticking a fork Into baked
potatoes and giving It a twist so as to
make a small opening Just as they are
taken from the oven will keep them
dry and mealy. This vent made with
the fork permits tho steam to escape,
thereby preventing It from condensing
on the inside of the potato.
The flock Island, Santa Fe and Fris
co railroads, operating In Kansas and
Oklahoma, make a business of hlrlnc
bird dogs during the quail shooting
season to ferret out suit cases of trav
elers containing the quail, which It Ik
unlawful to ship from one state to an
other. It Is snid the dogs sometime
get a point on n suit case containing
cold fried chicken, but they never sl;tp
one containing any of the dead game
It Is only when a strong and vigor
mis person Is con lined to bed with Hi
nt's or Injury of op sort or another
that he prizes at full value the very
common blessing of unimpeded power
of Wicomotlon. The writer remembers s
numtM-r of years ago. when laid tip
wltn typhoid fever, how he used to
Irsik from tit iwd to the school chil
dren as they p;icd bis home a fid
envy therii In their ability to frJsk huU
ploy at will
If there are coveys of quail ihnt are
making thetr headquarters tt the un
d'Tgrowtb In the nearby wiMd lots It
would lie n kindly service to these use
ful birds to sender little grain for
them now and then with the Iden of
gradually coax Ing them to the feed
lot and yards, where It will ls quite
an easy matter to give them a lift
lluotich the severe winter weather.
Th bobwblte eats a greater variety
of destructive insects than any bird
th:'.t frequents the average farm, and
fr is simply the part of good farm
innineetuf-nt to afford it every pro
tt f inn inmnlble.
Cheer Up,
Next time you'll send your Laundry
you'll not only get it back ON TI ME
butit will be done RIGHT.
We take as much pains with a hand
kerchief as with a lace curtain. That
is OUR WAY. WHO does your
laundry? Tr' us we always please.
Rosehurg Steam Laundry
438 N. Jackson Strccf
si -
Work equally well on Level land end Hillsides.
They are light draft and easy to operate.
We also carry in stock SulKy Plows, Gang Plows jf
and WalKing Plows with Stubble Bottoms, Sod a
"BreaHer" Bottoms and "Black Sticky" I
Bottoms. All good grades. S
Becauao our stock is comVlrto in
ieuiuro every time. 11 you are going out for a day or week
let us fit you out for the trip.
To bo sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with
tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch
auto tire. A goci chance to get a good machine cheap.
Plumbing, Sheet
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
Works. Telephone Z51.
Work Donp on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE
nnsln'wa and Resident Property.
Farms ami Stock Handles.
From Five Acrea to Ono Tliou
aand. From Five Dollars an Acre Up.
Fleal Kstate & Inanrance.
911 Perkins Building
Roscburg .... Oregon
We Guarantee
your shirts, collars and
cuffs to be perfectly laun
dered, when sent to ' our
laundry. We want more
work and are gunning for
yours. We give the best
finish to your linen, are
quick In deliveries and
charge only fair prices. A,
trial order will be appreciated.
Mr. Man!
Phone 79
all lines. Our prices aro a winning
Metal Work, Tinning
Keister Ladies' Tailor
ing College
I'vi-rytliJnif IVrtnfnlnir to lrtM
mnhinir aihI Tnllorhiir Tnuirht
We Invito ltm'ntlrrttion
Instructor and Mnnmccr
ltofim! -I ,