The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 20, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    Christmas Candies,Nuts,Orange s,
And CaKe Ingredients
We have used our best efforts to secure
an assortment that will please
Try Us and Be Happy
Why Fuss and Fume With Any other
Than the Electric Light.
No wick to trim.
No chimneys to clean.
No tank to fill with oil.;
No mantels to break.
No pipes to leak.
Electricity Is the BesO Cheapest,
Cleanest and Safest Way to
Light Your House
Douglas County Lights Water Co.
"Upper Crust" Flour
"The Best Flour on the Maiket"
It lis milled from Hard Wheat at
Waitesburg, Wash., from grain
grown on the company's own wheat
ranches, livery sack is the same
$1.50 PER SACK
And your money is refunded if sat
isfaction is not given.
We Still give Dividends to Cash Purchasers
Milledge & Pickens
Perkins Building
We Have The Well Known
Cider Made From Choice Apples Only
Church Brothers
Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the
very ''est of materials. Try them once and
vou will ahvavs be a customer
'hone 195
105 W. CASS ST.
A New Year's
House Party
We were two boyH ind three girls In
jour family, the youngest flteen. the
(eldest twenty-six, wbeu we gave the
I New Year's bouse party that proved u
turning point In my life. Every room
iu the bouse was occupied, some ot
! thcin by three persons. We had Bcarct
: !y got together when we Ixkd a st
! riea of practical jokes on one anothtT
at which the girls were far mini
j adept than the boys. The very tin,
i uight the sheets In every fellow's bee
were scotched, and the next day ti
i luncheon there were cream cakes
I the table filled with cotton provided h;
t the girls. One fellow swallowed hl
cake, cotton and all. rather (ban con
; fuss himself stung.
' We sat up so late nights and some ot
' its were stirring so early In the morn
Aug that we were ready to fall asleep
I at any moment. One evening when
! playing the game of "twenty que
j tlons" I was sent into another room
I while the others chose something foi
j me to guess. There was no light It'
! the room where 1 waited, but then
j was an easy chair. 1 snt down Id tbi
chair and fell asleep.
! 1 was awakened by a kiss. I grub
! bed a girl, but she got awuy from me
: though only after a fierce struggle
When I bad once lost her It was mil
easy to Bod her, though the rustlluc
: of her skirts was a disadvantage
I her, while my greater weight, render
Ing my tread heavier, was constant!
betraying me. She dodged me foi
I some time, when all became quiet
I Then suddenly 1 heard the door open
laud close. Since the adjoining room
I was also dark I knew that the other.'
hud turned off the lights to enable tin
; girl I was after to escape. The escape
! li-M-Inz lee!i effect nd. I wont tn t!
, ui' In k oil I. 1 found 11 IjcUlU.
; li was fcu.:ie U:i luluutiw before 1
was oper.rt. nnd 1 Jotwd the othc
the room hiivtna tn.-n reunited. I c.i.
my eyes fium one gin to another wit
a view to discovering who had klst-
, me. The tirnt girl I looked at bad t
scratch on her nose. But the second
also had a scratch, and the third. In
deed, every girl was scratched. I look
ed v.t the fellows and saw that the
' wr-e ail laughing at me.
j Now, among our guests there wn
one girl for whom my heart bad begin
to beat I would have given a kins
dom If 1 had had It for proof that Ma
' rla had done the kissing. Wboevei
j had done It had doubtless been dared
i Whether my preference for Maria hat
j been noticed by the other girls am
i when I was found asleep she had beei
' chosen to play the joke ou me 1 didn'
! know. If she had done the kissing sh
j certainly showed no evidence of tb
J fact that is, any more thnn the res
I of the girls a scratched nose. Bu
' there was one thing that led me to su
pect her. While every other girl li
tho room wns keyed up to the hlghes
pitch of mischief, their eyes dun fin;:
their lips, cheeks, every other featui
smiling, Maria seemed simply uncoi:
At '2 a. m. I went to bed no wiser i:
to tho identity of the kisser thau U
fore. But the next morning after h:n
tug dressed, noticing that 1 needed I
change my handkerchief. I jerked i
from the outside pocket of my coat at:
heard something land on the Hon
Stooping, 1 picked up a stickpin.
It at once occurred to tne that duriit
the sen tile of the evening before th
t i ii h:ul fallen from the lady's appan
probably from about tne neck.
caught on my handkerchief, ruforii
uatcly It was a very inexpensive art
'o with an imitation pearl for a lit'
mid did not Identity any partlen!:
i;!:-. I realized the Importance of kiv.
tin; my tlud a secret, fining down t
hre.ikfnst. 1 found that three dthVrei
;:lrls wore pins Hint were duplicates
the one 1 possessed. They were t!:
most likely to be suspected, and anion
r In -1 ti was Maria. Pniihtless If tbei
had been enough such artleles to l
round every girl would have worn .
sti. kpln as well as n scratched iiom
Hy and by It occurred to me that win-,
(he pin was In transit from the gill 1
my pocket It had made the scratch o.
her nose.
The pmbli-tn was now narrows
down iluee girls, for doubtless tb
-irl who had dune the kissing w:t
uuoinr thn.e wtin wore pins. It seep
td to me that I must make her betra
ii;;-oif or the victory would be wrt,
tho u.rl I s;it down to the breakfn
t;il'le. miiorlMt! my lirid But while ti:
'iriN were rliisinu their dainty linger
n tbi-lr linger bowls I said:
M h;ive found sMinethluc Hint belong
t-tl to the girl who kissed me las
inulit "
Kcry girl expressed by her hehavln
i keen interest in what I said except
Maria, wlui took advantage f rlusiiii
tier lingers to bend over the lltt'e gla
Iimwi before her. I made up my mlmi
that I was gcttlm: 'warm." an tin
children say In hide and seek, and eon
eluded on a bold stroke. I continued:
"You may think that a little stickpin
she lost when trying to get away from
me Is what I refer to. It Is not.
Every girl stopped smiling and look
ed serious. I could see Maria wince.
"The girl who kissed mo 1 love.' I
went on. "mid t am ready to proclaim
It here be to re you all."
1 fixed my gare on Maria. A hot
ilnme sprang Into her cheek. To eon
real It she turned away and presently
threw up the sponce by covering her
face with her napkin.
The next year Maria and I entertain
ed the same parij In our own bouse-
The Hotstslc cow Sadie Vale Koro
dyke, owued by a dairyman of the Dis
trict of Columbia, receutly made a rec i
ord of 055 pounds of milk In seven j
days, from whfeb SUJO pounds of but- ;
ter were made. This is close to If It i
dots not surpass, the world record ,
for a week's performance. j
The United States has tb past sea
son produced the largest cvru ervo tu
Its history, amouutlug to uvurljr S.'AW
000.000 bushels. Tn J0 ef tvtct
this crop cribbed U a hrvu.Va Mvt
and a costly on as wtt. wit &V
era charging all th way ttvm. tw y
cents a bushel, with tvrd o4 WvUtti
thrown In. ,
It Is reports! that TMaW rf
tillable land in th t v Xw w4
have been withdrawn frvwsi ccTtviiJ
since li). Thts favt Is jtwa frjr lb
Automobile Trad )Mfr.? a cva.vj
for the making of bettvr bUV l
being Its contention Tbat pxl rl
would put ouch farms nrr
murkets and at tbe same time beodt
the users of autos.
One of the marvelous natural provi
sions Id plant life, seen In tbe cas of
bouse plants, fruit aDd shade rrwa.
are the dormant buds. These remain
In embryo, as It were, awaiting heavy
pruning or injury to the tree before
they awake to life. Checked In the
above ways, tbe sap of plant or tree
exerts a pressure which awakes these
dormant buds to life.
In a county not far from where the I
writer lives there have been taken out i
over 1.0OO hunters" licenses this season.
With cottontails about the only species
of game In the county, It looks as it
these rodents were In for a fearful I
killing. It will be a matter of con- ,
grntulatiou If this horde of Nlmrods.
finding rabbits scarce, do not kill
hawks and owls of useful species.
which are among the best friends the !
furmer and gardener have.
Now and then old rats become very
cautious and will not touch the bait on
a trap on which they can smell the
scent of the human. If any of our
renders have such a proposition on
their hands they would do well to get
a brand new trap and put a new pair
of cotton flannel gloves on when they
bait It. A very tempting bait for such
rnts Is fresh meat, and the piece useu
should he fastened on to the tongue of
the trap with a robber band or piece
of wire.
Mnny a farmer who has worked hsrd
during his early and middle life and
has enrned a competence, so that be
no longer needs to stny In the tread
mill to keep the wolf from gnawing
the doorknob off, makes the very seri
oils mlstnke of moving to town ana
doing largely nothing. This quitting
work on high feed (for he usually
keeps his henrty nppetltel has been
responsible for the sending of more
retired farmers to an untimely grave
between the ages of sixty and sixty
eight than any other factor that could
be nnmed.
One of the big lenks on mnny farms
which are liable to lie short from the
standpoint of both soli humus and fer
tility Is In the loss of a large per cent
of the value of the liquid manures
through careless handling. The strnw
should be returned to the land that
produced It. and there Is no wny or
doing this that Is so good as In tlu
shnpe of bedillug used generously for
the definite purpose of absorbing the
liquid manures. The soil Is In grout
need of these two byproducts, and tin
good farm nmnitf:or will see to It that
both are returned to it with as llttli
loss ns itosslble.
Actinc on the order of the depart
miMit uf ant'lt'iiUim recently iiruimil
miU'd. litems of the department
short time Mure seized "JOO sacks ot
liermnii potatoes that had been re
refved by n New York Importer. Ai
the conclusion of the trial the federal
Judue ha vlnK the ease In charge order
id the tuhers condemned and destroy
ed. It Is calculated ton rouse our sense
of American self respect that at last,
after many years, there Is a federal law
In operation which makes It possible
to prevent tho Importation from other
countries of diseased fruits, vegeta
hies nnd nursery stock.
The shipment of Chrlstrans tree;
from the New England states, with
tho exception of Vermont, has been
prohibited hy the department of atrrl
culture In order to prevent the spreno
of the gypsy and brown tall moths, two
of the worst Insect pests with whlcn
horticultural Interests have to contend
This order prohibiting shipment U
made under the law passed by con
gress at Its last session, which nlso
enabtes the department to place an em
bargo on the shipment of fruit, flow
era mid nursery stiH-k from foreign
countries where noxhm pests of one
kind and nnoihvr prevail.
An Illinois phvsldnn. In n letter to
an pattern agricultural paper, report
that after no experience with treat Ins
Ivy kiNoiihiK covering a perUal of
more than forty years he has found In
the coal tar product, creolln, an ef
fectlve remedy for the jtoison. Ills
method of application Is to dilute the
creolln to nhout fi per rent strength,
then cover the affected parts with ab
sorbent cotton, saturating the cottoo
well. The treated portions should be
wrapped with n cloth to prevent n too
rapid evaporation of the creolln solu
tion. In n couple of hours more of
tho solution should be poured on. This
physician nUo reports that ft 2 or 3
per cent ohitioo of the same chemical
In excellent in the treatment of burns
of any kind.
Cheer Up, Mr. Man!
Next time You'll send your Laundry
you'll not only get it back ON TIME
but it will be done RIGHT.
We take as much pains with a hand
kerchief as with a lace curtain. That
is OUR WAY. WHO does your
laundry? Try us we always please.
Roseburg Steam Laundry
435 N. JacKson Streef
I WorK equally well on Level land and Hillsides.
I They are light draft and easy to operate.
We also carry in stocK SulKy Plows, Gang' Plows
k and Walking Plows with Stubble Bottoms, Sod
i "BreaHer" Bottoms and "Black SticKy"
Bottoms. All good grades.
Because our stock is complete in
I a itaiuru every time, n you
let us fit you out for the trip.
To be sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with
tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch
auto tire. A gocl chance to get i good machine cheap.
Plumbing, Sheet
North Jactison Street,
WorK Done on Short Notice R0SEBURG, ORE
Business and Resident Property.
Karma and Stock Ranches.
From Five Acres to Oue Thou
sand. From Five Dollars an Acre "p.
Real Estate & Insurance.
811 Perkins Building
Rnseburg .... Oregon
We Guaran e 1
your BMlrta. collars and
cuffs to be perfectly laun-1
dered, when sent to our)
laundry. We want morel
work and are gunning for Y.
yours. We glvo the best
finish to your linen, arej.
quick In deliveries and',
charge only fair prices. Aj;
trial order will be appro--?;.',
elated. I
Phone 79
all lines. Our prices are a winning
are going out lor a (lay or weeK
Metal WorK, Tinning
adjoining Peoples Marble
Telephone 5L
Keister Ladies' Tailor
ing College
Krerrtliin, IVrtnlnlnr to I)rp.
m.klnc nnd Tnilorln Taught
Wo Inrlte InvM(ra,lm
K. I.. MetNTOH
Instructor .n.l MnnnuT
MIssKLOKKSt RMcl rosil
Ttom. I,