SCI'PIiEJIEXT TO THE EVENING NEWS CARL D. SHOEMAKER, Editor ana sale rroprletor. ISSl'Kl) DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Rates Daily. i vaar hv tnnll Aft r moaia, aenverea .bu 'iui-Vevky. year .$2.00 months l nn j0ntered as eecond-clau matter! rvemDer 6, 1810, at Roseburg, Ore., fcpr act of March 3. 1879. WOOD WANTED. XKSDAV, DECEMBER 18, 1!M2 oit COUXTV WARRANTS. Notice 1b hereby given all per sons holding county warrants Issued by Douglas county, Oregon, and In dorsed not paid for want of funds to present the same to the county treas nrer at his office, Interest will cease thereon after the date of this no tice. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon this the 30th day of November, 1912. J. H. SAWYER, Treasurer of Douglas County, Or. dl5,1002 TRAPPERS. If you want the highest prices for all kinds of furs, bring them to me. The News of lies can make 4 use of a large amount of kit- 4 4 chen and stove wood. Subscrib- 4 4 ers who are in arrears can re- 4 celve credit for wood brought 4 4 to us. Bring It in any time 4 now. tf 4 I am buying for an Eastern house. B. P. SHIELDS. Box 601, Roseburg, Ore DISTEMPER REMEDY.' For distemper and coughs. Eas to give. We have manufactured and sold this preparation for several years, and guarantee it to give satis faction. dsw MARSTERS' DRUU CO. 9 NOTICE. This store will Issue no more cou pons after January the first, 1913. All coupons that are out will be re deemed, but no mora will be given after that time. R. STUBBS, The Grocer. 1047-d31 You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalUs and Cement worll of any kind. 1 have five or six houses 1 will sell cheap, as I want to use the money in other business. See my burglar proof window lock, ls O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Four times as much in first cost and five timesas much in after cost you are asked to pay for cars no more comfortable, sure nan the Vanadium A rather expensive alse ride isn't it? or speedy tha built Ford. tribute tofal RUNABOUT TOURING CAR TOWN .CAR $525 600 800 livery. JJoug' These new price?, f o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment. An earn order will mean an eany ae- Get particulars from rord Agent for JJouglas County. G. V. Iiurnett, Roseburg, Or. ' SEE CALIFORNIA THIS WINTER , ITS ATTRACTIVE SEASIDE HKSOIiTS FAMOl'S HOTELS, MACVN I'ICENT HCEXERV, DKLKiHTI-TL CLIMATE. OUTDOOR SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. WITH MILES OK DRIVES THHOI'CJH ORAXtiE GROVES AXI) ALOXG OCEAN IIOI LEVARDS. THE 10)" SUNSET HAS IX EFFECT ROUND TRIP FARES $55.00 FROM PORTLAND TO LOS ANCELES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1st. 1013 $54.60 Eugene 50.20 Roseburg 44.30 Grants Pass 42.60 Medford 41.85 Ashland to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles to Los Angeles Same Fare apply to Colton. Pwuwlma, Riverside, and San Rjirnndlno. With Corresponding Low Farm from Intermediate Points ami Hop-ovr ffoing or return ing? and iontf return limit Descriptive and Interesting Literature on various Attractions of the Golden State may be obtained from any Southern Pa cific Agent, or by writing JOHX M. SCOTT, GEX. PASS. AGEX1PORTLAXD, OREGON. Woman's World I - : i Policewoman a Great Hit at Suff -ago Convention. Phone 146. f -mil I4 1" Vk$r J- 1CHS. ALICR 8TEBUIN8 WBLLS. Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells, tbe wo iiihu pullccnmu of Lus Angeles, In un udilresa uf the milTmKe coureutlon re cently held In rhliudeluhiu bad tbe lolluwitu; to any about tbe need for wuuieu in ber ratber unusual vocation: "One or more policewomen sbould be connected with pnch police department lor ine h--c .iit-oe ul iweivius coiil pliihil I ruin women IT Tor nothing Women liesitnto to pn to ft policem-Mi fur iuiui iiimU'.m itiut iitlvkt'. Tilts 1ft easily onueinWud. and us u rem. It it lie Uuovcm every inunicipnlity to provide women officers, who can render help In ninny ways wbere a man Is almost powerless. "Tbe policewoman Is particularly pd;ipt(d to preventive work. She is U-ai l) Ued to bundle juvenile offender, for a woman bau tbe motherly instinct that enables her to accomplish wonder ful tasks. 1 believe that every city siiuuld bave a womuu attached to lt lost persons bureau. She Is of great value In tracing missing persons tvbo have become separated from their fam ilies." .Mrs. Wells told of ber experiences In Los Anpeles in preventing tbe sale of ticket to moving picture theaters or any other public amusement to chil dren under fourteen unless accompa nied by adults. NEW YEAR GOOD CHEER. ITS A HOME YOU WANT ill tmurh liNvl. When buying lots for a home you want the best. Tho dif- ference of a few dollara cost between an unfavorable location and a locality that has everything to commend It,-will not be considered by the discriminating buyer. AH we ask is an opportunity lu show your our properties. Close in, within five minutes walk of Bchool, land Is rich river bottom and lies level, yet well drained. Particularly fine neighborhood, city water, lights and all convenience. Phone 212-L and we will call with auto and show you the properties. tf C. D. MAYNARD. Commercial Abstract Cc Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property ItORF KUltG. OKfWON MARK YOL'K PltKMISKS ATT It ACTIVE Has It ever occurred to you that you could add $500 In ap pen ranee to your home by giving the lawn a lit tle better attention? A shade tree here, a flowering shrub there, a couple of roses of some good vari ety, perhaps a Wisteria or Clematis vine to relieve the painlessness of some portion of the exterior ot the house. Just a fow things, don'c crowd them, plant them NOW and a few months hence you will wonder why you had'nt done it long ago. Notice our display right alongside the Roachdale store. We have sonic four-hundred different kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, vines and roses, every one of which Is perfectly adapted to our climate and local conditions. We invite you to come and see them. We will be glad to toll you about them. ROSEBURG NURSERY COMPANY, Kitchen & Black, Props. Office Cor. CaBs & Jackson St. dl3 H. J. DENN Transfer Company Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a gen eral transfer business. Bag gage checks called for. All goods carefully handled, and charges reasonable. Koseburg, Office P. 102 Res. P. 196-L A Littld Chat on Open Houte During the Holidays. A oup of tea and a box of crack ers offered In n third story hall room to the half dozen people on tbe same floor Ih a bospitallty which may bave in It all the spirit of kiudnesH which was demonstrated by tbe old time "open bmire." We are apt to grow supersensitive and self conscious when we are surrounded by strangers. We wonder If anything we cnu do will give pleasure. We stay alone and wish that ftome one would meet us halfway, yet we do not go out to meet them. We sigh for resppnslve ness and sympathy and are not con scious that the slightest indication on our part of a desire to be friendly might bring a cordial welcome from those whose coldness we have critl clscd. "Open house" in Us old generous sense may nyt he a possibility under modern conditions, but those of us wuo live In the city might touch the lives of the people who yearn for companion ship and bring to sad hearts a glow of delight in the enjoyment of our nei-rh-norliness. There in wareely n commu nity or settlement where one cheery and neighborly woman may not rouse a spirit of co-operation If she exerts herself sutilclently. It would be interesting if more of us would make the exterlmeut during the gray winter days, especially the days between Christmas and New Years, which hang so heavily on the hands of those who have no share In the merry making of others. If during thee days we would open our tiny apartment, or even our one room In a boarding hoii?e, to receive those less fortunate than ourselveH for an hour's Interchange of good will. Accordion. Plaited Net. Accordion net is ubiquitous for girls' dresses, the more luxurious materials tlng. of course, more or less reserved for their elders. There are lovely lltt.e evening guwua. too. simply made of aii'urdioit or gnuflered penrl white chif fon, into which is splir-cd a panel uf hiHlmv In v. Ilkpwlxe phi 1 ted to match. .o other trimming hut tbe lace Is re quired antes It be the heavy silver or gold bullion fringe which so many dressmakers employ as a flnlob to the soft swathed satin belts. f Fern Island Greenhouse ? Mrs. F. D. Owen, Prop. ; Roscbure, Ore. Phone 9FI2 ! Cut Flowers, Potted I'lanu, I'lincral DflslRns, Wedding llo- quets, etc. friffnrw THE trouble with most practical gifts is that thev carrv no expression of sentiment, with out which, any article no matter how useful or valuable, is undesirable for a Christmas Gift. A piece of furniture from our store however combines every necessary feature of senti ment, good wishes, attractive comfort and utility. ' If you will only look over our stock and see the many beautiful things that a few dollars will buy, you will at once appreciate the advantage of selecting at least a part of your Christmas things from our store. Thpv will hrinrf more iov and lasting pleasure to the person who receives them than anything you can buy. ROSEBURG FURNITURE COMPANY Jus) Received Fresh Supply Ferns ol All Kinds On Hulo at Th Rose Confectionery in Something Worth Knowing. Sometimes white trimmings on A col orwj arena look dinscy. Wring a white cloth out In thin starch, place on the trimming, then put a dry cloth over (list mid Iron with n hot Iron, mid th dirt will come off on to the st&nte! Hot. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 inrcnrh net of M KhIm-Teeth n-nt e. Illvh et mice jml't f"" "W . Silver, .. Wnt,:hi-. Hr iken .Icw.-lry mi1 ITeeltMi 8 to nc. Money Sent Dy Return Hall. PHIU. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY Kfltahllftlicd 'Hi Vpbm 863 CHESNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. TO DKXTIHT8 , Wo will litir your Hold KtlliiKi, Oold Bcrap and Matlnum. HiKtii-it priest tU. Christmas Dishes Christmas Candy Christmas Nuts Christmas Fruits OLIVES, PICKLES, ASPARAGUS, MINCE MEAT, SHRIMP, LOBSTER, CRAB SALAD DRESSING FRESH VEGETABLES of all DESCRIPTIONS AT TMK enson Grocery 225 North Jackson Street Phone 184 Good Evening! Wouldn't You Enjoy a Delicious ' "Old Dutch" HOT CHOCOLATE To-night? Your Companions Surely Would "IT'S JUST RIGHT" AT HIE FOUNTAIN At The "Rexall Store" A GIFT FOR EVERY MEM BER OF THE FAMILY Fine Toilet Goods, Perfumes, Games, Mirrors, Box Papers, Fountain Pens, Safety Razors, Shaving Sets, Playing Cards, Chsistmas Cards and Booklets, Confectionery, Traveling Sets and etc. OSBURN'S PHARMACY 1 47 North Jackson Street Phone 1 62