The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 18, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Hush A. Ltmo pianos are not tin
cheapest lint the best. U
. A. C. ilinln;), the local shoe iijmii,
loft for, ,1'oilUnd Mast evening l
look after buliieH Intere-its.
H. H. Fancher went to Brock way
this morning to spend a couplo of
days vImUIiik with li its parent).
Al C reason left for Kugene thin
See Children's Rockers, Mothers Stools, and Brothers Magazine Racks) 1
morning where ho spent tho day
looking after business matters.
Mrs. BanHitt, of Drain, Is spending
a few duH In Kunehurg visiting with
her sister, Mrs. l-;ugene IJowort,
A ladies leather hand hag makes
a splendid Xmas present for a lady,
get tho best at the Rose burg Book
Btore, t
Dr. A. I- Hatha:' leaves for Port
land this evening where he has pro
fessional matters needing his atten
tion. For mil work ami high quality
lumber of nil kind, cull on the J. (J.
Hook Compim;-. Phone 100.
"Wo ilellwr tho goods" tf
Ben Bullwinkle returned to ils
home nt Hidrllo this morning after a
few dayg spent In Itoschurg visiting
with his parents.
For exclusive patterns In suitings
for ladloH and mens tailored suits,
hce Ark ley, putctlnil tailor. 111 Cass
Mreet. tf.
Mrs, Wugnor returned to her
home at Drain this morning after a
few days spent In Uoseburg vlalting
with friends.
A pocket knife for the lad and a
(Jem Safety Uaor for dad, aro good
Xmas gifts. Got the goat at the
Hosoburg Book Store. tt
David Clements left for his homo
at Portland last evening after nt
tending tho funeral of his father,
John Clements, In this city yesterday
P OXN'AUD, Cal., December.
18. A man giving his name as
Sam Smith was captured here
$ today by a posse after terror-
Iziug a nearby farming aettle-
inent with two revolvers and
two rifles. It Is believed that
the fellow la Insane. .
The Kosehi-r-; 1'ook Store .ire local
distributors for Waterman's Ideal
Fountain Pens. They make a Xmas
present with a future worth
while. tf
Thomas Cobb, of the Cobh Heal
Estate Company, left this morning
for points in the vicinity of (.Hen
dale where he will crulso several
tracts of timber.
Utile Dorothea Abrahams left for
Port bind this morning where she will
spend n couple of weeks visiting with
her grandpnrents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0.
Southern PaclTle Agent I,. II.
Mooro, who has been spending the
past few dny nt the home of his
tmrentH, near Greens, returned here
lust evening to resume his duties.
If you are w.-utllng something to
neml Hwny fer J.', dmft f:iil to!
Rend the beautiful h:ind painted nnv-j
cities, "Itnscbmg High Sclutol", pen-
ant c;il('inl:it'H,
land; Kdon Wood, Myrtle Creek;
F. Hale. Medford.
Got your winter suit miide now,
See Ackley, Tailor, 111 Cuss afreet.
A large number of Christinas trees
were brought to town today, and
were readily sold at tho prevailing
price of 2." cents each.
Charles Brand, of Garden Valley,
spent tho day In Koseburg attending
to business matters and Incidentally
greeting friends.
For mill work and high quality
timber of all kinds, call on the J. O.
Hook Lumber Company. Phono 100,
'-'Wo deliver the goods" tf
Joseph Pape, formerly engaged In
the confectionery business on Sheri
dan street, left hero this morning
for rklah, Cal., where he will locate
permanently. Mrs. Pape wll1 follow
her husband to the California city at
a later date.
Papers of final account were to-
dny ;filed in the estate ct' A, S.
Aderton, deceased. Mrs. Aderton Is
named us administratrix, Mr. Ader
ton was killed as the result of an ex
ploding locomotive on Hied Hill sev
eral months ago.
Ascalon Conimandery K. T. No.
1-1 installed Its officers last night
for tho ensuing years. "ao officers
are: K. C, It. II. C. Wood, Gen., J
C. Hume; C. O., B. B. Bullwinkle;
S. V., K. II. Billings; J. W. G. G.
Goodman: T., H. M. Bullwinkle; R
C. D. Shoemaker; P., C. W. Baker;
St. n., Bert Holmes; Sw. B., H. D.
Williams; W., A. T. Marshal; C. G
W, A. Spraguo.
Laurel Chiipter No, 31, Instnlled
its officers for the ensuing year last
night us follows: I II. Vinell, Ex
rollout High Priest; A. T. Marshall,
King; J. I). Zurelmr, Scribe; It. II. C,
Wood, Tresurer; It. L (ille. Secre
tary; ii. G. Goodman, Captain of
Host; Simon ("aro. Royal Arch Cap
'ain; S. S. Josuphbo'i, Prin. Sojourn
r; tU-o. K. Ilnuek. ;ird V. R- Slubbs
-1 V.; K. 11. willing. 1st V.; C. W
inker. Chap! u in ; W. A. Spraguo.
i. reeuugs nom me ..: iiui uiHi phiui i w
. y or K-tses , .nias letters, etc.
with envelop.- ami boxes to m:itcli. 1un
for mailing with each article, at I h1iii1
Graves Art Kmpoijum tf1
Installing Officer: Com pan
F. Cawlfield. Ciand Mar-
Following am today's arilvalH at
the Grand hotel: C. II. Aleander,
Sioux PalN. S. li,; R. T. Craig, Oak
laml; I,. Alditch, Salem; Trail
King, Itiil.U-; Vera JiiniM, Riddle;
Kldon Wood, Mrtle Creek; II. K
Wrv, (''an-en. Hie. W. H. C'inpiniiii.
Cnmas Val'ev; Utin-e Minrav. VmIU.i
Mut-rnv, Maiy Wilson. Winnlfred
Smith, Camas Valley; Miss Smith.
Oakland; K. S. Polbuk. Salem. J. L.
OittiinVll, Portland; C. L Sm inter.
Salem; Clay Grant, Pool; Belle ew
land. Ten Milr; Knury t;. Gurber. C.
Taylor, Portland; R. M. Gordon.
Port laud ; .lames Campbell, Port-
The Tocyery, clothing and gents'
furnishlni;s store owned by R. C. Her
run, has been purchased by Wlilder &
V:eo, who operate a larger store it
'i'biirg. The store is closed while
auktaUiug Is noiim on and will re-
en Tbursiliiy with a big a'e o i
! an en.arned utork arriving- Since
'. i came known that Mr. Herri n de
sired to letire from business In Cor
vallis. several firms bargained for the
establishment, and the Roseburg peo
pie finally got it. The Toggery i
one of tho best stands In tile city,
with an ideal location, and the Rose
nurgers are said to be hustlers. Cor
vallis Gazette.
Don't Forget
Removal Sale
Have you seen S. K. Syke'B show
windows? They aro the -best In
town. tf
Deputy Sheriff Floyd Eddy, of
Sutherlin, ieiit the day In Itoseburg
attending to business matters.
Toys, Dolls and Games, a choice
selection at moderate prices at the
Itoseburg Book Store. tf
J. II. Booth nnd .wife, who have
been spending the past few weeks
In the Kast uro expectod homo to
morrow or Thursday.
Attorney John T. Long has been
employed as special advisor to the
council of Sutherlin. Attorney LonK
spent yesterday afternoon at Suth
erlin preparatory to entering upon
his duties.
Editor News: As a cltijen, I would
like to express jny appreciation of
tho efforts of Mr. Perkins and his
associates on the fire commission to
provide better protection against fire
for our city. U. !,. KD1JY.
The Economy Market, of which
Ocorge Kohlhugcu Is owner, and A.
,. Hinkln today filed a suit in the
Justice court, in which thov seek to
ollect tho sum of $til.74 from Geo.
Godfrey and wire. The amount of
the claim is said to be due for mer
chandise sold to the defendants by
the plaintiffs, Tho Douglas County
Creditors Association represents the
A. S. Iltiey, the Jeweler, today fil
ed a suit In the Justice court in
which ho seeks to collect the sum of
4fi.60 from Charles Downing. The
amount or the claim Is alleged to be
due for merchandise sold by the
plalntirr nt the Instigation of the de
fendant. Tile Douglas County Cred
itors Association appears on behalf
of the plaintiff.
Some unknown person Inst night
entered the cleaning nnd pressing
parlors of Mrs. J. M. Spancake, sit
uated in the little brick structure one
door north of I. Abraham's store, and
tppropriated three suits of clothes. I
The officers were notified of the
theft this morning, but as yet no i
lew has been round. All three suit? j
tttuiti.d to Koseburg citizens ami ;
present a total value or about $75. !
Entrance to the building was effect- i
tnrough a rear window.
('. E. Parke, who recently arriv
ed in Rosvhurs from Clendale. Is'
? en ef'drt to leas, the room ,
llitil recently occupied l J. I Call's.
near beer emporium, on Jaeksmi
treet, Willi a view ol Installing -n
'noting picture hoii.-e. Mr. Drake is ,
til expert musician, while his wire i
s a sketch artist. In the event Mr. i
ihake is suceessl'iil in closing the
leal as nnliclpaled, the new house j
will probably be opened lo the pub-il
ic at an early date.
The Roseburg Book Store
"The Ideal
Gift Store"
Tho Xcu'cst Fiction.
R'lriiit Copyrights.
Illustrated Girt Hooks.
I'nddetl Lea t tier Poets.
Hoys liooks.
(tirls Hooks.
Prayer Hooks.
ladles Hand Hugs.
Manicure Sets.
Military Sets.
Sltavln Sets.
Travelling .Sets.
Music Itolls.
l'uil String Collar ltogs.
Hill Hooks.
Cigar Cases.
I'luyiug Card Cases,
Address Hooks.
Paper Garlands.
Silver Tinsel,
lied Paper Hells.
Xiiias Tree Ornaments.
Wax Candles.
Post Card Albums.
Post Card Hoxos.
French Panel,
lirass Hook Hacks and Candletsieks.
Tie Hacks, Paperknives, HI otters.
Parisian Ivory.
Quadruple Silver Plate,
AVhlto Metfll.
Heal Hbony. s
Tin. -Iron.
l'aint. Hoxes.
Tool Hoxcs.
PTltlP Ytric Qf rf inniftt The mQst elegant line ever shown any
1 H1C yviliab OtCttlUIldXy where any time at any price. Really
the Display tsa Handsome One. Buy all your Xmas Gifts at Dur Store and have
them wrapped in pretty holly decorated paper free.
The Roseburg- Book Store
"The Ideal Gift Store"
Books, the latest fiction, pretty Il
lustrated gilt hooks, fine Xmas sta
tionery, at the Roseuurrg Book
Store. tf
wkiss is ;uirv.
(Continued from page 1.)
limit. Error was also baaed upon the
admission by the court of evidence of
other sales made by the defendant
personally to another party. This
testimony was afterwards stricken
out, and the jury were emphatically
Instructed to disregard It, which un
der the circumstances cured the error
of the court, if one was committed.
'"In view of the contention of the
defendant that his Intent in k?p:ns;
I the beer In his place was an inno
i cent one, the testimony was probab-
ly relevant. Whatever may be the
i rule in other states, we have fre
quently held that, where the Intent
or motive of a party in performing
an act is involved, evidence of facts
tending to throw light upon that
intent is admissible, even though it
tends to show that the party has
committed other offenres.
"There were also exceptions to the
refusal of the court tn givo certain
instructions requested by the defend
ant, but so far as such requests were
applicable to the case at bar. they
were covered by the general charge,
and the refusal of others was proper.
"It Is clear from the evidence that
the defendant was absolutely and
without question guiity of the of
fense charged, and the record In
dicates that he had a fair trial and
that the law was fairly and fully
given to the Jury in the charge of
thd court."
See Manufacturers Piano Sale
Page 2 tills paper
Pianos $1 down and $1 per week
Xollro Is hereby given that th
cou my siipcrlntciiiltint of Douglas
county will hold the regular exanil-
aiion for statu papers at Koseburg
;is follows:
Commencing Wednesday, Dec
18th nt 9 a. in., nnd continuing tin-
til Saturday, Dec, 21st, at 4 p. ni.
Wednesday forenoon Writing, U.
history, physiology,
Wednesday afternoon Physical
geography, reading, composition,
methods in reading, methods In
Thursday forenoon Arithmetic.
history of education, psvchologv, I
methods In geography. j
Thursday afternoon Crammer,
Geography, American Literature,
physics, methods In language, thesis
for prim certlf.
Friday forenoon Theory, orthogra
phy, English literature.
Friday afternoon School law.
botany algebra.
Saturday forenoon Grammar,:
geology. j
Saturday nfternoon General his
tory, bookkeeping
School Superintendent, Douglas Co
dsw-dtS -
Open Evenings
Oppn Evening's
ffislop, the Shoeman
Perkins Building
Cihldrens Slippers,
40c to $1.25
Mens' Slippers, - Ladies' Slippers,
50c to $2.50
75c to $1.75
Perkins Building, Phone 125