The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 16, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Klttrrr lino Hole Proprietor.
Hiihurrlplion JUitcs Dull)'.
Per yoar, by mull 13.00
Per dmjii th, delivered 60
Pep jr 12.00
Six monthi I. on
Filtered as socon d-class matter
November 6, 1010, nt Koselmric, Ore.,
nder set of March 3. IS7.
MOMIAY, lnrK.MHKIt Iri7ll2.
l,0(.'Ali NliWH.
Hmiiitvl An her, of H-nltt, nrrlvo-i
In lloseburg IIiIh morning to spend it
row .In) pi visiting with Ills const
Ouy lllnck. Mr. Aichcr In mi olil
tlinn newspaper iiuiii, but uf luKi Iiiih
boon ciikiikciI In inIiiIiik. l''or sev
eral years hu lived In AIiihIm, lain:
Ioi.'uIIiik In Hoiittlu, Doing lonvur
Milt with tlin liitWMiiii ir gnuio he
naturally culled nt Urn local print
HhoiiH and muilo hlmaelf known.
Willi plenty of turkey In slghl.
local poultry dealers do not believe
that Christmas birds will bring a
lilllhnr price than prior to Thiinks
glvlng. lit fact, some of tho poultry
iliuilorn a ro of tho opinion that thous
ands of turkeys shipped to tho larger
and nioio Important markets prior to
Thanksgiving are now In cold utor-
ngo, anil will ho sold an choice Christ-
ma lilriU. Thla fact, alone. It la
contended will hnvo a tendency In
weaken tho C'lirlxt iiiiim market which
In furniur yenra him beuu firm,
a -
Interest la Increasing dally In tho
muoli-lnlM-of turkey alioot which
will bo held at tho rifle range north
of tho city on next Huuilny lifter
noon. Tho event will ho held under
tho auaplcea of tho Itnscburg dun
Oluli, and It la expected that u large
crowd will he present. Overshadow
Inic the ninny Indlvldiiul and roller.
tlvo ahoola, however, Ih the coulosl
lielwneii Harry I'eiire, the local har
nosuiniilior, and John longer, n local
train dlapatcher. rource recenlly do-
fnaled lOiiKer and Iho Inller la now
luokliiK for revenge. In lacl, Kngor
nra ho will defeat l'oarce1 wlthoul
difficulty, anil by a margin Hint will
surprise tho latler'a most nrilent nd
inlrora. l'earce, on the other hand.
aya longer la bluffing, and standi,
nn ohunco of winning, I'orHons WIhIi
lug to wltueaa this eventful hIiooI
ahould lie on tho iiroiiud not Inter
tlinti two o'clock Bundliy aflernoou.
IMeuty of tnrkeya will ho on hand,
and overyono will ho Klvcn a chance
to capture one of tho prise bird".
Tho memhera of tho nowly olecled
board of fire commissioners and lo
rnl flro deportment will moot at the
lty hull tomorrow evening for th"
purpose of discussing the question
of IntprovtUK the efficiency of the
flm department. .1. W.. IVrklns, one
tit the nieinhera of flhe hoard of
flro commissioners odvoentos the
purchasing of considerable new flci
fighting hppnrntus In I he near ru
turn. He savs that the purchase of
thla niHMled ctiulpiueut cantott b
termed nn unnecessary evpenso for
tho reason thai H will have Its ef
fort In reducing the Insurance rales
and thua prove a good investment
Tlw present fire flchtlng apparatus
la cousldoivd tnndotiuale by Mr. I'er
klna, who says It ahould be repluc
ed wllb Improved equipment at an
early dale. Olher than discussion
thla phase of the iiestlou, the fire
board will also consider the present
Certainly a most ap
propriate Gift for
a Gentleman
A new and novel Idea combined
with tho n hleh Rrade o.ulli
that la characlerlntic ot all our need
fMl.m) lMOMt KINO KltKK,
Xniaa oto. Vou may let It.
A. S. Huey Co. Inc.
tea11 ,i e
111 Mlllt IH DKNIKll.
Congressman lliialey Kays liose-
boric Will rrolinlily Ar
propi-fulfoii l-'or 1'nlcral
Completely refuting un Item
recenlly published In tho I'ort-
land presa under a Washington,
I). C!. date line, and, and used
aa the hasla for an attack upon
Congressman llawley by a local
newspaper, u telearam waa thla 4
4 morniiiK received from (.-on-
KresHinan llawley by J. W.
I'erklna to Iho effect that the
4 Item waa without foundation, 4
4 and that tho ilfHtc'd approprJu-
tlon fur a Koilrrul UulldliiK In
Kiirtt'lMirK would protiuldy n1-
Ci'lVt! KIUK tlOII ()f l)filh tllp 1 1 Oil HO 4
4 mid Hi'tiato durliiK (he jin-KCMit
kchhIoh which will nut adjourn 4
Imfon! r'iihniiiry, OoiiKn;HMinin
llawli-y Iiiih worked dillnoiitly
for tho upiiroi'rlallou, nnd tho
rcroiit atliuk upon hint ly n lo- 4
mil and "uiindinliln" nowHpapod
(h coiiHldTod nnJuHt hy tho rt'Hl- 4
dontH lr. ItoKoltnrK. In luct, tho
4 bimlncHKinon of tho town con-
Hl.-fr (ho attack unwarranted,
4 and hnvo no cxproHHcd thoui- 4
4 hoIvoh In lottoi-H and toloKruniH
forwiiided to Mr. llawley dur-
4 lug tho punt Tow duH. 4
ordinance RovornliiK t''o erection of
hnlldliiKH within tho flro IhnltH. Mr
I'orklnn huh tho prnsont ordlnancof
aro tnndc(uiito, nnd full to fflvo tho
coinnilHHlonoiH that degree of author
ity which thoy doHorvo. "Wo cnn'l
dt'claro n hulldliiK dofoctlvo undcr
tho proMcnt onlliuincoH," ald Air.
I't'ikltiH, "neither can wo condoinn u
wall which wo know Ih built con
trary lo tho hnlldliiK ordinances.
What good Ih tho board of fire coin
lnlKHlonorH If wo hnvo no power?"
Above are J nut a few of tho vltiii
niattoiH that will bo cotiHldorcd nt
tomorrow oveulnn'H ineethiK.
i;im;mhwi:u i i i:ik i ii-
i;iti;i nv 'oniti:sro.ii;NT
flev, JenkliiM llohU Serlow of llvaii
KdlMlr Me-(hiUN Sox-lnllst
I.ocjiI MeotN.
WatHon DiivIh dlwpoBed of IiIh
pninen last week to the TIIhou Pack
Iiik Company, of ItoHohurK- Ho re
ceived u K'hhI price and fee In well
paid for holding them until tho pres
ent time.
MIhs Anna MerkH han been re
elected iih lencher of tho Syhnon Va
ley dlrttrlot for tho coming HprhiK
J, Wilfred Penlney U expected
homo noon for hln vaciitlou, Ho hac
henii upending moiuo time In McMInn
rille, where he ha u good posltUm
MIkh Mary Altken, n teachur In the
Uom'biirg echooltt, Hpent tho week end
with her parent In Kruitvale.
Mrs. W. lnvin upent WV'dnesdav
In HinelMirg visiting with friends.
John Morety, who luitt been em-
ploed nt I 'end let on for Koine time
piiHt, linn returned to hU home In Kd
MIhh fatherluo l-'erguson has re
turned to her home In KoHeburg af
ter upending the past week nt tlu
Hewitt homo.
W. K. fail wan n huslnesH visitor
In UoselHirg Tneiiday, 1
Several of our young folks arc
preparing for the teachers' exams,
to be held In Hoscbiirg ne week.
Uou't fail to ttUn the petition nt
John Itoli'her'a store. If the peti
tioners get what they wish. It will be
great benefit to alt tho cltlrenn
of this community, people are onl
Just waking up to tho fact that "In
union there U ittrvngth". If wo
stand buck nnd wall for things to
onio to us be sure they will never
Members of the socialist IocaI of
Kdenbower met In business session
;t the Hewitt residence. Nustnoss of
importance was considered.
Kev. Jenkins is holding special
services at the Kdenbower church.
Special music at each mooting, Kv-
rxbody cordially Invited to attend
thes nicetlnss.
Mr. Harry Wililams. who has
been til at her home, Is slowly 1m-
I.OXDOX, Kns, IVc. 16
I ivn rivolvlnc nonl to the ef-
dvt thin Whiteliiw Keld nnd
il'od. the kins te,i;i dispatched
the f.'lie nig llifssiw to Pre-
Idem Tuft: "It In with th
deepest Ftn-ow that I inform
(nn of the death of White)
Held. His death Is deplored.
T!i queen nd mvaelf tymna-
thlie lth Mil, Held and th
people ot the Vnlted States.
On Oct 31 the Inteniatlnnal egx Uy
Ing contest, which hud been cointnctrd
for a full your ut tho KtoriB Agrj.-ui
tural college. In Connecticut, came li
a close. The contest, which has been
frequently retried In this department
has been one of unusual interest m
well as of treat prnctjcnl value. Pn
feasor Congrove, who ha bad super
vUlon of the contest, lu speaking of
the practical value of the contest culls
particular attention to the fact that
with projier care the tenderest breed
were kept In the severe and chuugenble
New ICuglund cllniuto In open front
hoimes night nnd day, with too few
birds In a house to affect Its tempera
ture. Only seventeen birds died dur
ing the year, which waa less thuu 30
per cent, which shows the healthful
ncHM of plenty of fresh nlr ns well hm
the splendid care nnd feeding whicb
the fowls huve. The dual count, as
kept, gives first prize for best pen ot
tlvo hens to tho White Leghorns of K.
G. Yost of I'enriH.vlvunla, bis fowls
having In Id 1.071 e'gs. or an average of
'JM.2 each. The owner gets as rewards
two $100 silver cups, n cash prize of
Jf.0 and several minor prizes. Swond
pln'e In tho contest was won by u pen
of White Wyaudottes owned by lieu
lab farm, Ontario, these birds making
a score of 1,011) eggs, but two eggs be:.
hind the winning pen. The Mar wood
farm pen of White Leghorns made a
score of 1.012 eggs and was tho only
other pen to umke a score better than
n thousand eggs. The next six places
In the contest were won hy pens of
White Leghorns with scores ranging
from KS2 dowu to 018 eggs each. The
remaining seven pens to make a score
of more than IK0 eggs were respective
ly In order of performance. Huff Leg
horns. Brown Leghorns, 8. (J. Itluxie
island lteds (two peimi. White Wyau
dottes, 1 1 n r red Hocks and White Plym
outh Hocks.
The best authenticated record of any
Individual bird was made by n H, C.
Uhode Island red pullet belonging to
Mrs. Harris Lehman or Kentucky, her
scoreca rd sho w I ng I'M eggs. I ro
fesaor Cosgrove contends that special
'mention should bo made of the pen of
Kngllsti White Leghorn belonging to
Mr. Itnrrnu. which led in the early
mouths of the race, and for some time
after until two of the the layers died.
It Is thouuht that had this pen remain
ed Intact It would have won tlrst place
with ease. Immediately upon conclu
sion of the contest summarized above
another contest, to last a year, was
started. Tho contest Is valuable chief
ly because It has directed (he atten
tion of poultry raisers to practical per
formance In oyg production rather
than to tine points and tine fenthers,
features that are unduly emphasized
lu tho average poultry show.
It Is quite natural that the Individual
creamery patron should consider It h
small matter that his cream Is of such
quality as to reduce the price of his
pro rata shnre of the butter product
a cent a pound, It Is true, perhaps.
(hat In his case It would not amount
to very nuiny dollnra a year. Hut when
all or a considerable number of the
dairy farmers of a state take this same
nttltude and continue to be careless
with their milk and cream the total
amount Inst runs Into a huge amount
In bulletin No. 220 of the Wisconsin
experiment station Professor Menken
dorf takes up this very question ami
proves iH'yond question that If the
quality of the lu",0OO,isiO pounds ot
luittfr which the farmers of that stilt
produce annually tvnld In improved
so that Its value would be Increased
1 font lor pound the butter output ot
the slate would I worth a mllltou
dollars more than It Is now. This Is
a nice Illustration of ttie old truth
"much In little."
In purl lens uf Kcypt the raising of :
wheat Is carried on in the Mine prlmi
live way thai was In vogue when the '
I'tumiolts were building the pyramids
The sell Is milled nlxut n bit with a I
primitive plow In Die sb.iie of a crook
ed slick. Ibe seiil wheal Is sown by j
hand mid covered by crude nikes, while ;
In ibe luirvesilng process the hand '
sickle Is still used, the grain being J
placed In piles and loaded by hnmi on i
Hie backs of camels for transportation !
to the ilimshlng places It Is a far !
cry from these primitive tilling and
harvesting processes to the triple Kits
tractor oulllts which turn over a win
bine! furrow fifty-four feet wide an
acre every four minutes and the reap
ers pulled In gangs hy tractors and cut
ting UuudrvOs of acres lu a day.
A nurtti Iowa reader or this depart
ment recently brought the writer a
sample of the variety of field com
known as the Cuban Qneoa. It l a
yellow dent variety, having a color nud
Kernel formation somew hat resembling
Rcld'n Yellow IVnt. However, tile
Kernels are coarser and not bo deep
The cars run from eight and a balf to
nine Inches In length and have a cir
cumference near the butt of eight
niches. The cob ta large, and the ear
rsper rather sharply at the tip ed
In our fneud'a ease this variety yleul
inI seventy bushels to the acre on bled
that up to a year ago had been pretty
vistenwtioally salnneiV A strong po'ot
in r:ivir of this variety seems to he
that It matur.- well In latitude 43 degrees.
I N. R. Automobile
Churchill Hardware Co.
of nbov
4 Mnsonlc
Ma. nre
Tcmplnra ami
AlTll MltMHlK.
Instiillution of officers
sj ordera on Tuesduy
December 17th nt
Temple. Hoseburg. All
Sir Knights nnd li.
invited to attend.
Bee Hive Grocery ire.
Roy Roadman and R. C Dunham, Proprietors.
Jan'y 15, we will accept coupon books
in settlement of accounts, and also for
all accounts settled before Dec. 29 we
will make a present in votes equal to
face of account; and on all cash sales
up to Christmas Day We will give 5
votes for one. Now, Mr. Contestant,
get busy. We want your money and
that of your friends, and you need
more votes. SO HUSTLE! HUSTLE!
That the merchantH of Roseburgi
will refuse to pay their occupation
taxes in the event the proposed in
crease is embodied in an ordinance to
come before the council for finnl
consideration tonight, was tho decla
ration of a well known merchant here
this afternoon. "Mlcelll and. his
council cannot Impose on the mer
chants of this city," said this parti
cular individual, "neither can we be
made to pay a legitimate debt con
tracted by the city through an illegit
imate tax as proposed. We have em
Now for Christmas
We are prepared to t?Je your order
for Fancy Dressed Poultry
Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens
Leave your order early. We will
deliver it when and where you
want it
Try Us For Christmas Candies
ployed Attorney Dexter Rice to rep
resnt us In this matter, and in the
event the ordinance Is adopted. It
will be enrried to the supreme court
for final settlement. The figures pre
sented by Attorney Rice indicate that
the city neither needs an Increase in
the occupation or property tax to
meet Its expenses therefore we in
tend to stand pat. We will not be
bluffed, and most especinll by a few
persons who are disgruntled over
the results of the last election."
"The Quality St fl