The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 14, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    Christmas Candies, Nuts,Oranges,
And Cake Ingredients
e have used our best efforts to secure
an assortment that will please
Try Us and Be Happy
Why Fuss and Fume With Any other
Than the Electric Light.
No wick to trim.
No chimneys to clean.
No tank to fill with oil.
No mantels to break.
No pipes to leak.
Electricity Is the Best, Cheapest,
Cleanest and Safest Way to
Light Your House
Douglas County Light & Water Co.
For This
Be Different and up-to-date,
so send a Toilet
Set, or a Bottle of Per
fume or a Box of Candy
YOU will have no trouble in selecting something suitable from our
stock, as it was especially chosen for such a purpeous. All who
have seen our stuck declare it to be, without exception, the best
to tie. seen in this town. Here are some of the goods that were
selected for your Xmos needs, but you must see them to know what
pretty gifts they make:
French Ivory Toilet and Manicure Sets, all Prices
Genuine Ebony Toilet and Manicure Sets
Quadruple Silver Manicure Sets
Comb and Brush Sets Collar and Cuff Boxes
Shaving Sets Military Brushes
Xmas Novelties of all Hinds
Stationery, all Prices - Candies in Beautiful
Boxes Perfumes.
Maccabee Temple Cass Street
We Have The Well Known
Cider Made From Choice Apples Only
IW H Y ?1
The King
Of Christmas
BlckersUiff quarreled wltb bis wife
niid weut out from bU home into the
world wltb turmoil lu bis bead nud lu
bis heart He saw a troubled preseut
oiid a dismal future. FJe bad married
rather late in life forty having tak
en a womau tea years younger than
himself. The honeymoon wus pleas
ant, but as soon as it was over the
j groom who had become set in bis
1 ways, found the task of getting used
i to a woman, who wan fast beeoiuiug
i if she bud uot already become also
set in her ways, dllllcult. There wus
i frU'tiou. Friction makes Are. und tire
burns. Bickerstaff rued the day when
he bad married. At last he could
stand It no longer and went off by
But he bod tasted of the sweets of
matrimony as well as the bitter.
When be had ceased to quarrel bis
' mind settled back on the sweets. Be
I remembered bis courting days; went
j over the little nothings he had sutd to
his love: dwelt ou those feminine idl
; osyncrasies that bad so charmed him.
I And uow what a contrast was his
j preseut life to that brief, nappy sen son
i with one he bad loved and who bad
loved bitn! The charm had gone out
; of his bachelor freedom. He was
! minded to get a divorce and try raar
i Huge again with another woman. No:
If be couldn't live with the woman he
; already loved be certainly could not
lire wltb another.
Be speut a long while trying to get
used to the separation. He hoped
j some suggestion that might leud to a
; reconciliation would come from his
j wife. Then he began to dread lest
she would proceed to obtain a divorce
! in order to supply his place.
Christmas was coming and added to
How to Keep Young.
Hon ofton we hear men niul womei
bewailing the fact that they are nc
longer yomip! They speak of youth
wistfully as some elusive tliliitf which
has vanished like a summer cloud or
with Incredulity, as If It were a state
totally forelcti uml Irreconcilable to
their present one, like being an inhah
hunt of Mara or a three headed man
They do not seem to realize that what
nuikes people youus nud keeps then
yo is, Irrespective of actual years It I.
tlie capacity for retaining youth. u:
The man who rcKards his sou's nspl
rations with cynicism has siopiietl
growing and Is becoming old. The wo
man who sternly and coldly condemns
the follies of impetuous girlhood is los
ing that very thing which should keep
her fresh her sympathies and her op
timism. The elderly men who remain vital
and alive are those who keep their
hopes and desire and ambitions I'o
tore 'them nud uot behind und who will
always keep them so If they live to be
lltO. The women who keep the eluirai
of youth nre those who have a buoy
ant 1 spirit, nu Interest In the world
aliout them and a high idealism. There
Is no such thing as dropping buck
nud behind the procession if one's men
tality is continually pushing forward
and onward. What we cnli the spirit of
youth Is in reality n sanguine und con
rageous attitude toward life, and there
is no more reason why this attitude
should be confined to those below a
certain age than there Is that we should
We Guaraiw
your shirts, coll
cuffs to be perfoc
dered, when sent
laundry. We war
work and are' gum
yours, we glvo
finish to your
quick In dellverli
charge only fair
trial order will bi
m Sets
have false teeth at forty,
I his gloom. -Men ai uusiness ueguu iu ue gin wnu w utu sue n--ir nmnn
talk about getting this done and that
; done In order that they might be free
! to enjoy Christinas. This stung him.
i What In the world should be do, where
go to avoid the day which would be
! full of misery to him as it was of
: pleasure to others? He could not get
i rid of it: he must face it.
j Then something of the spirit of
1 Chr'-Mnns must have stolen into his
Eft I in .: i he wrote a letter to his wife
m j suggesting that they try to live to-
gother again or at least spend the
'Christmas holidays together. Doubt
less lie had been very impatient with
I bur; he had uot considered that her
! viws. habits, requirements were os im
, portant ns his own. If it appeared by
j the end of the holidays that they were
as discordant as before they could part
I again.
j At their separation ills wife had gone
j to her former home on a farm so se
cluded that he heard nothing of her
: through others, and she never wrote
him. He waited anxiously for her re
ply, and when It came was much
; pleased that she accorded with his
j proposition. She longed for their union
i as much as he did. "Try to think of
! some gift you can bring me." she
j wrote, "which will so please me that
it will make me more patient with
you hereafter something not of pe-
cunlnry value. Itead the poem of,
, 'Paradise and the Perl' and you will
' understand. 1 have something for you
that 1 hope will produce a like result."
! Blckerstoff read the poem. In which
a sinner takes a gift to heaven that
will be acceptable and Insure an en
trance there. He tried many gifts and
j finally succeeded by offering a tear of
: repentance.
Mrs. Bickerstaff wrote her husband
, that Christmas morning would be the
most convenient time to receive him.
. if they had a lot of children to hung
. up stockings Christmas eve would be
preferable. As It was. let It be Chrlst
! inns morning. The moment It wos all
arranged Bickerstaff licgon to fret over
t he period t ha t remained before the
visit. flu had not seen or heard any
i thing of his wife for months, yet the
few days" Interval before he was to
: meet her seemed au age. While read
. lug the poem bis wife hod recommend
; cd --thinking of hera tear had dropped
1 on the paper. He tore out the page.
resolving to take It to her for bis gift
i CbrlMtmas morning opened bright
and beautiful. BlekcrstufT tiad token
the Journey the evening before, so he
: had only to drive from a hotel to the
' farm. He was received by his wife's
parents, who seemed to he very happy
lie wondered If their joy was caused
I by the prospect of their daughter's re
; union. They led him upstairs to her
room and threw oMn the door. There
; site lay in bed. pale, but happy, while
a babe was pulling for his breakfast
My Christmas gift!" she cried.
Bickerstaff made one bound for the
ImkI and encircled his wife and bin
' child in a single embrace.
I "Now you have both got a governor."
snld .Mrs. Blckerstuff's father, "perhaps
; von will not take the law Into your
KWti hands and fight It out on thut
line. He will rale you with a rod of
Imn. And yet he Bholl serve as s
bond lietween yon stronger than steel
Your lives nre rhauiced in Ibis little ty
rant, and. although be comes to bis fa
' (her on Christinas morning, a day of
; pea e to all the world, yet shall he
i drug: you from your slumber nt mid
i ni-ilit und compel you to walk the flour
; with htm "
i "What clft did yon bring me. dear?"
j nt.-fH. the wife.
I "Something thnt Is now utterly ne-
i. n tenr of repentance There will
u future nt tea, he not Minn of wtiicb
nt reoeTit. Our nffjilrx nre of nn morf
imroru:ire. We h;il Ike for th re
jiilfemeiits of the king""
ceases to make any effort whatever,
mentally, socially or physically, be
comes dull and stupid before she
reaches even middle age. and the un
married woman who settles down Into
a rigid and narrow groove, measuring
all Hie world by her small rule of
thumb, becomes a tiresome prude who
might as well be a mummy for all the
enjoyment and spontaneity which she
puts Into existence or gets out of It.
Keep on looking ahead. There Is nn
pud fo the adventures of life. People
are Just as marvelous, their actions arc
Just as incomprehensible, just us beau
tiful, Just ns terrible, as they were
when you were eighteen nud were jtinl
beginning to realize thut the world wa
il wonderful place.
Keep looking abend and around you
Use the past only to understand thn
present and the future and you wll!
uever grow old, but will be n perpetual
fountain of youth'to yourself and to alt
those who are fortunate enough to
count you among their friends.
Cheer Up, Mr. Ma
Next time 3'ou'll send your Laundry
to US. , OU SURE WILL and
you'll not only get it back ON TIME
but it will be done RIGHT.
We take as much pains with a hand
kerchief as with a lace curtain. That
is OUR WAY. WHO does your
laundry? Try us we always please.
Roseburg Steam Laund
438 N. JacKson Streef Phone 7$
, China I
i and
tf in
Beauty Tipt.
Enlarged pores enu bo contracted by
applications of alcohol.
Just before retiring massoge tin
hands well with a good cold cream ami
without wiping a way any remululn;.
portion slip on the louse gloves.
Tetter and ringworm are caused h
Imperfect digestion and should hi
cured by proper diet. Local applicu
MoiM of Iodine will give temporary re
An excellent tonic for the hair 1.
made of one ounce of best castor oil o:
sweet oil, two ounces of bay rum am
two of I'reiicb brandy. Scent will
rose geranium.
People suffering from iudlgestloi;
should cut a very Unlit breuLt'uMt. A
raw egg separated and beaten iigh;
with a little cream or milk added Is
often sutliclent and easily digested.
Scrim is the most sanitary material
for face cloths. This cloth Is puro;i
and free from lint. allowing a free cir
dilution of air. It also admits of quick
nu effective washing and drying. h'1
that It can he cleaned after every f in
The best kind of exercise Is the kind
tint makes you forget thut you nre cx
crclshitf in other words, play, says k
;jh sicl;i it It's a good scheme to have
Mtiue more or lewd strenuous game for
a liobliv, golf or bowling or tenuis ot
ir hery anything that uppeulj. to yon
mm) :i;.-'Mi!s'exercls wllh interest. I tin
ibis I.- lu-t saying that systematic exe'--ise
not u good thing too.
k w Jw m
- d5
Work equally well on Level land and Hillsli
They are light draft and easy to operate.
We also carry in stock SulKy Plows, Gang Pit
and WalKing Plows with Stubble Bottoms, So
"BreaBer" Bottoms and "BlacK Sticky"
Bottoms. All good grades. v. '
Is. The
7:30 p.
Because our stock is complete in all lines. Our prices are a wiro
fnftira uvarv lima If voil lire fffiin ff nut. for n dfiv nr wonk 5
' , " - " ,".7 " . ' " nm tlie
let un fit you out for the trip, ; )c(;
To bo sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equippefi :
tandem, headlight, Renerator, magneto Bwitch, horn, and 3-incl 111 "T
auto tire. A goe"1. chance to Kt a good machine cheap. 'vlco11
se ai.T-
' -n Thnt
B w wm m ,,' lulnr-
1 ' tmon-
Eloctrio Sleep.
S'eep that by meuiiH of electricity cur
be tiirne.l ou and uff at will is the bit-,
est i-i,re for lu-tomulu. It 1m the inven
tion of a (M-rman doctor, who says tha
he Ii ih experimental wltit It on rabbit"
.t i if 1 dints wltb greut succe.
An ete trlc current of a new kind If
applied to till huxe of the hrnfn, and
the patient, be hujk. Instantly fulU
as Ice 1 1 tn:il reTiiiilitH so until the current
! n-. itclni otf. when he wakes up In n
ojiiw- uuniiul eoudltlou and much re
For the Eyebrows.
The eyebrows are apt to grow Hhaggy
or ftpfinte with increasing years, but
their bow nhape might have men pre
served Indefinitely had their owner
been carerul to brunt) them dally with
a no ft toothhruxb kept for the purpose.
Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning
and Heating
f3, cor-
a. m.
t .1 T ir k: - Jl.ll J T I
worm jaenson jireei, oujuiuiug reupics i"iruL 2:30
Works. Telephone 251.
j p. m.:
I .edncB-
pct-, to-
Work Done on Short Notice
the line
cen pnr-
" " --------. flJi .
i I "hrlatlnn
l In the
I ven one
Ceorge Kohlhngen, Prop. .. n,.
aa.------------M----- )Or(;''
A Good 8hampoo.
To make a good nhamrioo boll eastlte
iflp shiiveI to a powder atiout two
heaping tfbleqwonful In a llttlf. wa
ter, putting In about two aalUpoonfuU
of Wfluhlng soda.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the mar''
affords. All kinds of Stock" bought and soM.
Phone 58 .... Rosebuig(Oij