11IG CROWD ATTEXD THE POULTRY SHOW OX CLOSING DAY lVcmlum Awards Conipk'ted By Oie ' Jugdm Thursday Kvi'n-iiig. With all the premiums awarded, poultry fanciers yesterday took advantage of their last opportunity to view the many birds on exhibit at the Armory, under the auspices of the Douglas County Poultry Asso ciation. While the show has been a great success from the standpoint of iihl bita, the attendance has not been as large as anticipated by th06p in charge. This can be partly explain ed, however, when it is realized that Christmas i3 near at hand and most of the' farmers as well as towns people are unusually busy. Nevertheless the show will be re peated next year, when even greater efforts will be made to interest tho public in the future of the poultry industry in Douglas county. Following are the' premium awards, in addition to those publish- A GIFT FOR EVERY MEM BER OF THE FAMILY Fine Toilet Goods, Perfumes, Games, Mirrors,, Box Papers, Fountain Pens, Safety Razors, Shaving Sets, Playing Cards, Chsistmas. Cards and Booklets, Confectionery, Traveling Sets and etc.' OSBURN'S PHARMACY 147 North Jackson Street Phone 162 Quality, fev Weight WS.MmJ2l i m Measure Value ' When you make a purchase at our Sto: e you are sure of getting ! WEIGHT MEASURE QUALITY ALUE Square dealing with our customers has made a reputation for this store of which we are justty proud. Get better acquainted with the i THE ROCHDALE CO. PHONE 145 LIWW'-M8IW'.IBJW') I'f I ww CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS! It is not too early to tnln your Clu-hdmnH shopping. Tho fart in the cnrljcp you begin tho better selection you net. We nro of-fci-i'ig some attractive bargains in tbe following articles: For Men For Women TIES NECKWEAR GLOVES HOSIERY SOCKS HANDKERCHIEFS HANDKERCHIEFS COMBS SUSPFNDESS BARETTES UMBRELLAS GLOVES WK M.1RK A SPIX-I.W.TY OP "3 I,1XK" IIAIII CHAINS. IIAIH CHAINS ANI I OI1S Foil CllltlSTMAS l'llKSKNTS. CIHM HK.VS TOIKKiOAX CAI"S KUj WIGS TO OKDKlt. TERCINS1FS I A "STORE FOR EVERYBODY' ed In yesterday's Issue of The News: S. C. Huff Leghorns. B. A, Km so 1st cock, 2nd pen; 1st and 2nd ben, 2nd and 3rd cockerel. S. J. McClanahan, Eugene 1st pen, 1st cockerel, 1st and 2nd pullet. Mrs. T. DeKoss 3rd pullet. ltoso Comb liulf liCborns. Mrs. F. DeRoss 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet. (toltleii PoMsli. John Young 1st cock, 1st hen. " Mottled Anemias. Walter Kruse 1st cock, 1st pul let. 2nd pen. Ernest Bar mini 3rd cock, 2nd pullet. Dewey Kruse 1st cockerel. Mrs. J. S. Northrop, Lebanon 1st pen, 1st hen,- 2nd and 3rd cockerel, 3rd pullet. S. C. White Leghorns. E. A. Kruse 1st and 2nd cock, 1st and 2nd cockerel, 1st and 3rd pullet, 3rd hen, 1st pen. G. W. Burt 3rd cockerel, 2nd pul let, 2nd pen. H. B. Church 1st and 2nd hen, 3rd pen. Warhorso (iumes. Seth Hamilton 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cockerel. John Young 1st cock. , Black Jap (innies.' 13. A. Miller 1st cock, 1st hen, 1st pullet. White Orpingtons. Casa GfnndR Poultry Co. 1st and 2nd cock, 1st pen, 2nd cockerel, 1st 2:id and 3rd hen. Mrs. John Hamilton 3rd cockrel. E. A. Kruse 3rd cock. L. B. Skinner 1st cockerel. H. B. Church 1st pullet. Black Orpingtons. Mrs, John Hamilton 1st cock erel, 2nd hen, 3rd pullet. Lester J. Jones 1st pen, 1st and 2nd pullet, 2nd and 3rd cockerel. Casa Grunda Poultry Co. 1st hen, 3rd hen. I'ckin Ducks. E. A. Kruse 1st old drake, 1st and 2nd old duck. Ed Schoel, Albany 1st young drake, 1st young duck. Thomas 2nd young duck. 2nd young drake. White Crested Ducks, H. B. Church 1st young drake. 1st and 2nd old duck. Indian Kiuiner Ducks. Earl Burr 1st pen, 1st old drake, 1st and 3rd old ducks, 2nd young drake. E. A. Kruse 1st, 2nd and 3rd young ducks, 3rd young drake. H. B. Church 1st young drake Buff Orpingtons. (Continued). Parker Bros. 3rd cock. Mrs. J. S. Northrop 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullets, 1st pen. Barred Kocks. (Continued). G. W. Speight 2nd and 3rd pul letu. The Cup Awards. The cup n wards for the show were made late Friday, the winners being G. W. Speight, of Hubbard, who won the handsome $100 cup awarded by Drs. Seely, Sether & Stewart for the highest scoring pen of Black Minor cas tho cup to bo won twice In suc cession by tho same exhibitor. Mr. Speight also won the Douglas Na tional Bank cup for the best pen of Black Minorcas, tbe Clark Bargar (New York Store) cup for tho best lien of Barred Rocks, and also the association cup for the largest and hest display on points. Mrs, J. S. Northrop, of Lebanon, won the Hard ing Land Co. cup for the highest scoring pen at the show. Mrs. E. L. Karrens, of Kdenbower, won the beautiful silver trophy shield do nated by H lines & Oliver for the high est scoring hen. E. J. McClanahan, of .Eugene, won tho association's Brown Leghorn cup. E. E. Ilardenty, of Eugene, won the association cup fnr Rhode Island Reds. A. E. Kruse was awarded tbe Incubator donated by E. J. McClanahan, of Eugene, for the best and largest display. C. W. Bradford won the White Wyandotte association cup, whllo Franklin Bar ker was tbe lucky winner nf the as sociation's Silver Laced Wyandotte cup. Tho Casa Grunda Poultry Co., of this' city, nan the pleasure of tak ing home the handsome challenge cup offered by themselves for any one having a higher scoring pen of Crystal White Orpingtons. In addition to the above awards, a modern sanitary drinking fountain was awarded to cnrti of the high school boys who exhibited at the show, they being Ernest Barnutn, Karl Burr, Fred Patterson and John nie Young. Officers are Klected, The following offlrors w"re elect ed to serve for the coming year: E, A. Miller, president; E. A. Kruse, vice-president; E. E Wfmberly, Her n'tary; H, B. Church, superintend ent; Ernest Bfirnurn, assistant super intendent: If. M. Btillwinkle, chair man; H. E. Gurncy, Dr. J. O. Fisk, C. W. Bradford, T. A, Raffety, 8eth Hamilton and Clayton Nefiley, directors. For mill work and fifgh quality lumber of all kirn!, call on the J. G. Flook LuhiImt Company. Phono loo. "We deliver the goods' tf For the Children A Merry Christmas Morn After Santa Clauf Visit. UfKlSi fa Si A by American lYess Association. Santa Clans has been very liberal with the little girl In tbe picture. When she, went to bed on Christmas eve she prepared for. tho good old fellow by banging several stockings on tbe foot of tbe bed. Santa was equal to the occasion, however, and filled them nil from toe to top. Per haps lie had to forget some other lit tle girl; but, sad though It be. that sometimes happens. This fortunate baby is yet too young to think of any thing more than that dolls and other toys and candy galore are her gifts from Santa Onus. Maybe when she grows older thoughts of others les happy will temper tier Joy and the pleasure of giving be made known to her. The Old Homo of tho Doll. The old home of the doll is Tuurln gia. especially the town of Sonneberg. twelve miles from Coburg. Most of the poorer families in and around Son neberg are engaged In this industry, which Is the chief source of revenue of tbe population, giving employment for the whole year. The work demands a great ileal of practice and skill, as well as time and trouble. The Inhabitants start making dolls while very young and by constant practice are finally able to work with astonishing accuracy and speed. In the doll Industry only some special part of the dolls Is made by each person. Some make the bod ies, others the heads and still others the arms, hands, etc. By this division the work Is dune much quicker and better. Tbe assembling of the different parts of tile dolls Is often very complicated. The best Jointed dolts have stout elas tic cord ou the Inside, to which the movable parts are attached. A special branch of the Industry Is devoted to tho making of dresses and hats. The latest Parisian styles are copied In dressing the larger sized dolls, and the creations turned out compare very fa vorably. In miniature, with tho origi nal. Christmas Decorations. Have the children gather evergreen and make long strings of It to reach from the gaslights over table to each window and door frame. Put ft large red 1hw of ribbon on one corner of tablecloth, set a tiny spray of hoily at each plate and one In the center of plum pudding. One cnu get a tiny pine lice, set in center nf table and run red and green baby ribbon to each side and .corner of table, ending with sprny of holly. Green and red cnipe paper cnu I used In place of ever green, where It cannot he obtained. Hang a large bell ou the light over the table and little ones at each window. South Deer Creek Garnge No; 440 will give an entertainment followed by a box supper on Friday evening, December 20, at their hall. A good program has been prepared by the lecturer, the main feature of which will be "The Golden Wedding." a rural play In two scenes. The school superintendent-elect, Mr. O. C. Brown, will deliver an address on "What tho Grnage Can Do to Im prove Rural Schools." If you want ( to have a good time attend this en tertainment. At the box supper, hot ' coffee will be served free. For th teams thura is nlentv of Rhari room. ari DURA LE FOOTWEAR Sulla innite to order. 933.00 anl;olIj : upward. Aeklcy, Tailor. Ill Oaijec'" street. tf.jnt"" ' ,ot ;wnlioi 100 choice Yellow Newton Pippin ;unij0 and Snltzburg apple trees tor sale re I at a bnrguln. Phone 15F21. tt 11) " M r6rW XMAS In these days of frenzied advertising any old style is represented as the latest out, up-to-date, etc., and so people are oecoming more and more careful in se lecting their SHOE STORE. Our ever increasing'trade shows that well dressed . people look to this store as the style , center and authority in all that pertains to footwear. The name STEPHENS on a shoe is a guarantee of quality. Our endorsement of a style is absolutely un questioned. What is better for 5tn Xmas gift than a pair of shoes which 'will give service for months to come? Special Prices to Those Buying For Charitable Purposes R. L. STEPHENS Quality Shoe Store 213 N. Jackson St. a! i te '! I Special For Xmas Trade Make Father a Spectacle Wiper. Cut two rounded pieces of chninoin two or three IwJicm across. IUnd thern wiih bright colored ribbon and fnwten the two pieces together with a bow of tiie sunte ribbon. Tho edircn may lo scalloped. If preferred. Print bitohk the top with pen and Ink, "1 make all thiiig clear." 33 CM u I I S3 S3 S5 3 S3 S3 S3 SJ 1 1 From The "ST0PE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY." We have just received Oiu; hundred Pails of Fancy . Ram ona Candies. Before buying for your church or school trees Come in and see our goods and prices The quality of these candies are unex celled and sure to please. With every $3.00 Candy order we give you 2 pounds assorted candies free for your school or church. All kinds of nuts and Xmas gocds at the lowest prices. Step in and see our line. You are Weloome. Yours for Business Stubbs, The Grocer. 5 Penny Toye. Two hundred new designs In penny toys are brought out each week in Whitechapel, London. A Small Order. Thle In all that 1 nxpct Srtntft Chitm to lirlnir to me: Otit Intif bout (my o!l nne'n wrecked ) One In rite, lovely Chriftmae iree; Thn I rrMfJ a hirer drum Tlmt enya "hootiit" Inttrn! of "tuml" And 1 want a nice I on if whip That will make our foment iklp; Thf-n hop- to Rt n ttnll That wilt dent the hardext wait And a bnt thiit v. 111 not epllt Kv'ry time ihtt It In hit; Next I'd rhonnu n pair of akatef Jut nle Klter KAte'a And a bright Inrtre monoplane That will carry rug doll jane; Then I'd like a lot nf thlnjta That are run hy hidden tprlnna ft la and fipIdTa and the like And 1 ned a brand new "bike" With n contr l.rnke that will Make woik eanf down hill. Theret Thet'a nil I nuked him for. Ill fl'm hoptna". alnce h' ttiteh) That h')l brlnn n few thlnga more, Aa I have not aaked for murh -St. Nleholaa. THE COST OF HIGH LIVING OR THE HIGH COST OF LIVING CAN be greatly reduced by using judge ment in buying. Ten cents worth of dry beans, when boiled and baked will make a quantity equal to lorty cents worth ot canned beans. You can buy many items of the best grade of groceries at this store in bulk for much less than' the price of fancy lithographed packages. Why pay for useless packages. Wcjstudy to give you the best qual ity, put up in the iranner most economical for you to buy. Try ouHOc Coffee if put up in tins, for 35c in bulk. The.35cgrade in tins, 3()c in bulk. Hulk Teas35 to 60c. Hulk Spices at a saving of 25. The some applies to Rasins, Currants, Rice, Tapioca, Sago. Coco nut, Crackers, Rolled Oats, and other things We suggest you call and let us show you how to save money on your grocery bill. HARVEY-EASTMAN GROCERY CO. "Everything for the Table"