Buy at New York Store Tomorrow. Ten per cent of the day's receipts go to ftj ERCY HOSPITAL t ; Mali 6QUXN ROD MINGO, A rare Combination: Something really good to eat and at the same time beneficial. Golden Rod Oats! AT ALL GROCERS PPKPML NOTICB Alphabetical letter In eWT7 pack- ire of M(i'.lilrn U-l" prwlurta. Kar tln iii till Jon can aill "CiulUcu iiud" and gut . fine lliiuer Set. 2 GOODS Are "Good" Goods Everything delicious in the line "of Canned Goods Will be found in the "MONOPOLE BRAND" Make Our Store your Headquarters For Everything to Eat Milledge & Pickens Perkins Building Phone 195 DEER CREEK STABLES II A LI. fc LA.M1IKIIT, Proprietor (tootl ItlifH nntl Twin. it Always llonily for Service. ('Arrfnl Drlvura Hunt with Tenuis whon Don. rod. Hunt o t'urti Ulvon (o Hon rile rn and Trftimlontn. We do a General Livery Business. Phone us 151 and Rigs will be Rbserved ior you MONEY? Did You Ever Need It? 1 do and to get it quick will make any suit in the shop at actual cost. So Mister you had better hurry if you want a bagain. ACKLEY C. KOOTIIALI. CAITAI.V x.mi:d its Washington l!oys Make Close Iture Kftr lliiy Alhlelic Honor- of f'nl. lego Veur. i: OREGON AGHlCULTUItAL COL- ' hKGK, Corvallla, Ors., Dec. 12. ! "Hunky" Shaw of Aberdeen, Wash.,! 4 for two years half on the O. A. C. I football team, has just been elected 1 captain of the gridiron squad for ! next year, after a close race against j 4 another Wellington boy, Don Kellog, of Iloaquam, who has played on thej team three years and Is extremely j A HOME YOU WANT When buying lots for a home you want the best. The dif ference of a few dollars' cost between an unfavorable location and a locality that has everything to commend it, will not be considered by the discriminating buyer. All we ask Is an opportunity to show your our properties. Close In, within five minutes walk of school, land Is rich river bottom and lies level, yet well drained. Particularly fine neighborhood, city water, lights and all conveniences. Phone 212-L and we will call with auto and show you the properties. tf . C. D. MAXARD. Church Brothers populur. Three ballots were taken before a decision between these two candidates could be made. The sixteen men granted football monograms, who elected the cap tain, are D, Kellogg, Hoaqitlm, Wash.; T. K. May, Portland; Paul Hofer, Salem; Robert Chrisnuin, ...... , r Danville, Ky.; O. Button, Carlton; vear8 ag0 He conducted a news- 'Prunes" Moore, Harrisburg; Ben- j,aer at Roseburg. When he invad- Jumin Roberts, Portland; George ed th Boige fIe,d ne was MBOclated Powey, Asnianu; Reynolds. hiiGninde; Ira Blackwell, Aber.' deen. Wash.; James Kvenden, War- ronton; J. N. Shaw, Aberdeen, Wash. V. S. Richardson, Salem; Gordon Rasmusson, Marsh field; A. L. Lar sen, Astoria; L. M. McKenzle, Sum mervlllo. Those given service stripes to wear on their arms are as follows: for four years play on the first team, Kvenden, Reynolds and SItten; three years, Kellog and May; two years. Chrlsman, Moore, Robertson, Shaw, ldmls 'and Rasmusen. Two representatives of the col lego will go to Walla Walla, Vbsh., for the "Big Six" conference, at with William John D'Arcy, of Sal- jem, and Editor Fisher, of the Eugene Guard. Fisher subsequently re turned to Oregon, but Sheridan re mained in Idaho. He is a brother of Thomas Sheridan, the Roseburg banker. TEACIIKU'S EXAMINATION. Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Douglas county will hold tho regular exami nation for state papers at Roseburg as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 18th at 9 a. m., and continuing un- whlch it will be voted as to whether) til Saturday, Dec, 21st, at 4 p. m. Haskell and Carlisle Indinns shall Wednesday forenoon Writing, U. bo ranked with other college ath- S. history, physiology, letes. The two schools are of an Wednesday afternoon Physical academy grade, but athletically j geography, reading, composition, equal to other colleges, and it is 'methods In reading, methods In bellveed that men who have played on their teams should be on the snme footing as those who have played elsewhere. The question of barring men from college amateur athletics for playing professional baseball to make college expanses. In Bummer, will also come up for discussion. FORM Kit ltOSKItl KG MAX TTKI FOR t'ON'TEMPT "Story" burg, Sheridan, Formerly of Kokc Crlt IH sok Idaho Supreme , Court. BOISE, Idaho. Dec. It. Readers of the Capital-News, the afternoon newspaper hero, did not so the text of Colonel Roosevelt's remarks at Chicago yesterday concerning the action of the Idaho Supreme Court In citing the Capital-News for con tempt of court. A full report of the Colonel'B speech, denouncing the court, was in the office of the news paper, but only the Introduction was printed with this a ldltlon: "ho Assort at Wl Prens rejKrt of Colonel Roosevelt's speech at this point contained his further reference i to the above derision nnd the fact 1 his message to the people of Idaho was published In the Capital-News j of Boise and the publisher and cdi I tor were cited for contempt. The re j port was submitted to tho attorneys I for the Capital-News and acting upon their advice that its publication in Idaho would bo a further and ad dltlonal contempt punishaM by the Supreme Court of this state as they construed the law as laid down by j that court and acting mum their in j struction the balance of tho speech j is herewith suppressed." ! Tho morning paper today printed I the full rvport of Colonel Roosevelt's 1 speech. R. S. Sheridan, editor of the Boise Capital-News, who has be cited for contempt by the Idaho Su preme Court for commenting on the' decision of tho bench which prevent ed tho Bull Moose Presidential Elec tors from being printed on the bal lot. Is a former Oregonlan. In his review of the Idaho situation In Chi cago yesterday, Colonel Roosevelt commended tho stand of Editor Sheridan and ur:ed the Progressives to stand with the newspaper man. Mr. Sheridan was a well-known newspaper man In Southern Oregon. Iteforo going to Boise, about 1? arithmetic. Thursday forenoon Arithmetic,. history of education, psychology, methods in geography. Thursday afternoon Grammer, Geography, American Literature, physics, methods in language, thesis for prim certif. Friday forenoon Theory, orthogra phy, English literature. Friday afternoon School law. botany, algebra. Saturday forenoon Grammar, geology. Saturday afternoon General his tory, bookkeeping. THURMAN CHANEY, School Superintendent, Douglas Co dsw-dlS NOTICE. We, the undersigned taxpayers and residents of Road District No. 32, hereby given notice that a public meeting will be held nt Dlxonvllle in said Road District No. 32, of Doug las County, Oregon, on Tuesday, De cember 31, 1912, beginning at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of voting u4i additional tax upon all oersonal and real property situated m said Roud District, for the purpose of Improving the public road in said Road District; not oer two mills. (Signed.) W. H. Brown, E. J. Howe, D. M. Smith, A. M. Gallagher. S. J. Thorn ton, E. Hatfield. II. G. McCormtck, O. C. Brown, W. L. Moore, J. V. Breinleson, G. A. Bonebrnke, S. C Bartrum, W. C. Davis, J. A. Worley, E. T. Bruce, Clyde E R. Wallace A. U McDonald, A. G. Roesen, Wm Agnew, H. C. Witham, R. E. Patter son, John R. Stephens, B. Hosklns H. Carrlck, N. R. Harrington, J. O Singleton, John Hamlin, K, Pargeter, Joseph Hoidenreich, J. L. Crooks, M. Howe, T. E. Hall, F. S. Lambert, W. R. Van Brunt. d3l Z40 nose 31. SPIRELLA CORSETS PHONE 82-J -v- v v v-v- : vv BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the ver' best of materials. Try them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. PURE SWEET APPLE CIDER We Have The Well Known "BRISTOL BRAND" Cider Made From Choice Apples Only FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL UP PHONE NO. 186 ROSEBURG 50DA WORKS Christmas Dishes Christmas Candy Christmas Nuts Christmas Fruits OLIVES, PICKLES, ASPARAGUS, MINCE MEAT, SHRIMP, LOBSTER, CRAB SALAD DRESSING FRESH VEGETABLES of all DESCRIPTIONS AT THE Benson Grocery 25 North Jackson Street Phone 184 LIBERTY'S "LIGHT . ,, ; AiPA. is rtwlly tho freedom tliat conies from independence, and independ ence can only belong to the tlirifly and Baring. Young and old ouijht t havo a bank account and here Is tho place to have it. We welcome individual accounts and are most ac commodating to our depositors. We offer liberal Interest combined kHU that security that belongs to solid institutions like ours., Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings BanK Buy at the New York Store Tomorrow. Ten per cent of the day's receipts go to MERCY HOSPITAL afc 4)