The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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To Prosperous Rosebur
One hundred of the World's Finest Pianos to be sold at once in Great
Manufacturers' Demonstatioh Sale
The finest of Genuine Autopianos, Beautiful Player Pianos Even the
Costliest of all American Makes, the Checkering, as well
as the Famous Kimball, the Superb Lester, and
the old-time , favorite, the Smith &
Barnes, Etc., Included.
Tis surely
Piano Buy
ing Time.
Come and
enjoy the
every day
and evening
on the
Pay Cash By the WeeK, or Month, or Year
Manufacturers Will Show You How
We Will Show You How
What It Means to Buy a
No Institution buys Instruments more advan
tageously tlinn (loin Kllors Music House.
No Institution ship ami handles Instruments
morn advantageously than does Kllors Music House.
No Institution sells nil of Its fine pianos more
ndviiutnKoously to the buvers Hum does Kllcra
Musle House.
No Institution N In position to grant and does
Kraut more faoraMe terms of i;inient, mr more
generous treatment lhau (toes Idlers Musle House.
Ill li nutshell hulii! a piano of the Kllers
stores means t have the servlie of experts In mak
ing the seleetlon for ou. It means hluh quality In
tho plnno you reeelve. It means a binding guaran
tee that Insures ou against illsapitolntment In any
way. Hut. best, nf all. ft means that you get the
highest grade piano for the money that is usually
talil for an Inferior Instrument.
Tomorrow morning promptly at 8 o'clock begins the greatest
Exhibition and Sale, of the highest grade pianos and player pianos
ever witnessed in noBeburg. It Is unprecedented, unparalled and
Only tho tremendous resources of Ellers Music House in co
operation with a number of the largest piano manufacturers in
America makes this Manufacturers Demonstration Sale possible.
Now the whole proposition Is simply this. The 'House of
Oilers has been built up solely on tho quick-sale, Uttle-proflt plan.
The more pianos we sell the cheaper we can sell them. Our large
volume of business mnkes it posslblo to sell the world's highest
grade pianos for one-fourth to one-third less than obtainable else
where. Now If we can sell still more pianos, we cau reduce the prices
Btlll lower.
That's why wo, In co-operation with the largest factories of
America, have set out to sell In our forty Western stores twice
as many pianos as ever before. One hundred pianos are to be
placed In Roseburg and Douglas county homes at once. It is needless
to say that this Manufacturers Demonstration Sale makes possible
the lowest prices ever known.
Xever before has there ever been a more favorable
opportunity for an7 man or wqman to secure a fine piano
or player piano than now.
We start tomorrow by showing you how fine brand
new pianos such as have never before been sold for less
than $425, now for exactly one-half price, $212.50. Plainer
cases for only $18(5. '
See the beautiful player pianos for which $600 and
$650 is usually asked; now let us show ycyu how these
pianos can be bought for $386, music rolls included.
See the superb special exhibition styles, the very
finest of costly uprights, in choicest of mottled mahogany,
English burl walnut, Hungarian ash and genuine quarter
sawed oak pianos which have never before been sold
even in the east for less than $575 and $600; now the man
ufacturers show you how to buy these pinirqs for only
$378 and $365.
Bring the money if you have it,
pay so much a month if you
like. Pay on our new one, two
and three year payment plan if S
more convenient, but buy the fiW
piano now while Eilers Music
House is in Roseburg during
this great Manufactures Piano
Sale from the factory straight
to your home. Come at the earl
iest moment possible.
Happy is the home that Has a
116 Cass Street
Roseburg, Ore.
a TT
The Nation's Largest Dealers
Open Evenings
116 Cass Street
Roseburg, Ore.