The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    Buy at the New York Store Tomorrow. Ten per cent MFttf V HflDTT A I
of the day's receipts go to 11JUIV1 lllJillILL,
Christmas Candies, Nuts, Oranges,
And CaKe Ingredients
e have used our best efforts to secure
an assortment that will please
Try Us and Be Happy
Why Fuss and Fume With Any other
Than the Electric Light.
No wick to trim.
No chimneys to clean.
No tank to fill with oil.
No mantels to break.
No pipes to leak.
Electricity Is the Best, Cheapest,
Cleanest and Safest Way. to
Light Your House
Douglas County Light & Water Co.
For This
Be Different and up-to-date,
so send a Toilet
Set, or a Bottle of Per
fume or a Box of Candy
YOU will have no trouble in selecting something suitable from our
stock, as it was especially chosen for sucb a purpeous. All who
have seen our stock declare it to be, without exception, the best
to b seen in this town. Here are Borne of the goods that were
selected for your Xmas needs, but you must see them to know what
pretty gifts they make:
French Ivory Toilet and Manicure Sets, all Prices
Genuine Ebony Toilet and Manicure Sets
Quadruple Silver Manicure Sets
Comb and Brush Sets Collar and Cuff Boxes
Shaving Sets Military Brushes
Xmas Novelties of all Hinds
Stationery, all Prices - Candies in Beautiful
Boxes Perfumes.
Maccabee Temple Cass Street
This matter must not be reprinted with
out special permission.
The totnl shipment or oranges from
California for the year from Nov, 1,
11H1. to Nov. 1, 1012, comprised iO.ttStt
Durlnjr the year 1011 It took 1,000
airloads of shelled peanuts, or the
equivalent of 1,000.000 bushels, to
make the peanut butter consumed In
tills country,
AerordhiR to statistics recently pub
lished by the government, the sand and
gravel output of too country for last
year was tiX.SlB.i."i) tons, worth con
siderably over S21.OO0.OOO.
The statistical experts in a western
agricultural college have figured out
tuat the housewife who prepares the
meals for her family for a year walks
a lota! of 1'25 miles. No wonder she
gets tired and needs a rest
willing' to take the pains to produce
sueh txriine beva&.
The highest price ever recorded In
the sale of n stalllou was paid the oth
er day by u syndicate of I'aris turf
men for August Uelmont's blooded
stallion Hock Sand. The amount In
volved in the transfer was $150,000.
It Is to be hoped that the farmers
who have frrnn 40 to 100 acres of corn
tu pick, running from llfty to eighty
bushels per acre, will get the job done
before n heavy snow comes. There's
grief ahead of them unless they do.
Sensible economy In the mannge
went of, the country school district Is
commendable, bui'this neTer lakes the
shape of hiring a thirty dollar teacher
when one a good deal more competent
can be got for $0, $8 or even $10 more.
The clam beds on the upper Missis
sippi have been so depleted by Ushers
In search of pearls and button mate
rial that the federal government
through the bureau of fisheries has un
dertaken to propagate clams In order
to renew them.
A satisfactory ration for the youug
sows that are to be carried through the
winter Is corn, ten parts, and high
grade tankage, one part If the sows
are not to be bred until Bprlng the
Utnkuge ratlou Bhould be decreased
about one-Uftb.
Grown people often lose Bight of the
exceptional food value of rich and pure
milk as an article of diet It is not
only worth all It costs for food, but for
building up a depleted and rundown
system It has patent medlciaes and
other dope doubly discounted.
There are scads of men who would
begrudge a quarter in cash for the
support of the church who toko it as
a mutter of course if a contribution
three or four times this amount la put
Into a pot of beans, pies and angel's
food for a ladles' aid social. Men are
sort o' queer anyway.
Hungarian or millet cut at the right
time and cured bright and fresh makes
a fair horse feed, but it should not con
I stltute more than one-third of the
roughage. While cows can handle
more of this kind of bay. It does not
give the results In milk (low that either
clover or alftiifa does.
While the writer has never bad the
privilege of eating a dish of October j
Btrawberries. he has somehow got thtt j
notion that they come quite a bit short
of being the equal tu either sweetness i
or flavor of the June grown fruit It ;
takes warmth aud sunshine to give
strawberries that richness and sweet
ness for whii-h they are so highly
prized, and these conditions do not ex
ist as fully us they should during the
A western farmer who not long ago j
shipped a hunch of steers to a central i
market wanted to save the hide of a
cei'lain steer, a Texas product that had
been Unified on a northern range. The
hide, weighim; eighty pounds, was re
turned to hi in with a hill lor .SKI.SO
or n tittle lietier t tin n 17 cents a p.unid
If packers the eomiiry over are getting
prices In proMtrtion for all tin hides
(hey sell H I rasy to see why they
ran sHl meats on a small .ur.vzin.
The last United States census shows
that there are 307.700 women farmers
In the country. This Is a considerable
gain over the number glveu in the pre
vious census and Is accounted for by
the Inrge number of women who In
the past decade have homes teaded
claims In western states.
Has It ever occurred to you that
you could add f 00 in appearance to
your home by giving tho lawn a lit
tle better attention? A shade tree
here, a flowering shrub there, a
couple of roses of some good vari
ety, perhaps a Wisteria or Clematis
vine to relievo tho plalnlessnoBS of
some portion of tho exterior of tho
house. Just a fow things, don't
crowd them, plant them NOW and a
few months hence you will wonder
why you had'nt done It long ago.
Notice our display right alongside
tho Roachdalo store. Wo have some
four-hundred different kinds of
shudo trees, shrubbery, vines and
roses, every one of which is perfectly
adapted to our . climate and local
conditions. We invite you to come
and see them. We will be glad to
toll you about them.
Kitchen & Black, Props.
Office Cor. Cass & Jackson St.
Cheer Up, Mr. Man!
Next time you'll send your Laundry
you'll not only Ret it back ON TIME
but it will be clone RIG HT. .
We take as much pains with a hand
kerchief as with a lace curtain. That
is OUR WAY. WHO does your
laundry? Try us we always please.
Roseburg Steam Laundry
438 N.'JacKsonStreer
Phone 79
Buy your presonts or s. K. Sykoa,
and you will get the best. tf
-o i.
We, the undersigned taxpayers and
residents of Road District No. 57,
hereby give notice that a public
meeting will be hold at Tiller, Decem
ber 31, 1912, In said Road District
No. 57f of Douglas County, Oregon,
on December 28, 1912, beginning
at 10:30 o'clock a. m., for tho pur
po3 of voting an additional tax upon
alt personal and real proporty sit
uated In said Road District, for the
purpose of improving tho' public road
In said Road District.
C. DeP. Burtrum, Tom Rondeau,
Jas. Dumont, R. A. Knipp, Tony Erie
bach, L. L. Stevens, G. W. Rondeau.
J, B. Rondeau, .Too Hutchinson, Isa
dore Rondeau, G. E: Pennel. d28
VVorK equally well on Level land and Hillsides.
They are light draft and easy to operate.
We also carry in stock SulKy Plows, Gang Plows
and Walking Plows with Stubble Bottoms, Sod
"BreaKer" Bottoms and "Black Sticky"
Bottoms. All good grades.
Because our stock ia complete in all lines. Our prices are a winning
feature every time. If you aro going out for a day or week
let us fit you out for the trip.
To lie sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with
tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch
auto tiro. A got"', chance to get a good machine cheap.
The trouble with the eleveo dollar
per hundredweight ateer for the aver
age farmer la Hint It la a price paid for
the very cream of the tweves shipped
to market and not for the average run.
However, the price quoted auould con
tain a jucze-.tlon Cor the farmer who. la
We, the undersigned taxpayers ana
residents of Itoad Die. No. 37, hereby
give notice thai a public meeting will
be held at Soldlora' Homo In. aald
Hoad DIs. No, 37, ot Douglas county
Oregon, on Saturday, December 28,
1912, beginning at 2.30 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose' of voting an addi
tional tax upon all personal and real
property sltuatod In aald Road Dis
trict, for the purpose of Improving
the public road In snld Hoad Dis
trict. Not to exceed three mllla.
Signed: 1'eter Dldtol, II. C. Clark,
W. Hogan, E. J. Sponocr, .las. Steln-
metz, J. T. Kpperly, John Goodbourn,
O. Maynard, John
iradford, II. M.
Duma, Alfred Cloake, Richard Rlts-
Mann, E. llauder, Ingram Harralson,
E. Winston, A C. Kldd, Foster Iluttn
or, R. D, Necly, O. W. Kruse.X W.
Marsters, C. A,' Anderson, John
Bishop. D. Hogan, M. I,. Webb, A
A. Mellows. Xj. Kohlhagen, Qb.
Clelland, Milton Lee, Krank Drown,
A. O. Deals Al leselson. J. B. VI vers.
h. V. Myers, M. W. Myora, E. 1.
McKee, J. A. Wlkson. I. I. Sharp,
L. L. Bodle, Peter Balf.
Plumbing. Sheet Metal Work, Tinning
and Heating
North Jackson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
Works. Telephone 251.
WorH Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE;
John Pennlo, CG
Kladen, C. W. i
George Kohlhagen, Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market
affords. All kinds of Stock bought and so'd.
Phone 58
Rosebuig, Oregon
Buy at New York Store Tomorrow. Ten per cent of the day's receipts go to JjJTRCY HOSPITAL