Mercy Hospital Buy at the New York Store Tomorrow. Ten per cent of the day's receipts go to THE EVENING NEWS caul i. siiokmakkk, KdJlor aim bum' rroprlrtor. IHtiVKU DAILY KXCKFT HUNIMV. Hubacrlptlon ICutcu Daily. Per year, by mail ........ $3.00 Pr mouth, delivered 60 gcmJ-Weekljr. Per year $2.00 flli months 1.00 Kntered as second-class matter November 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., under act of March 3. 1879. FJtlDAV, JK'KMUK!t Ul, 1012. THK KXOC'KKKH' CLLI!. For a number of years pant The News has been the only member of the Knockers' Club In this city. At toast this Is what our esteemed con temporary, the Review, has said. But now there are muny members of this dub In Roseburg.'. The News can put no other interpretation on an atriclo appearing In the Review lust Slight. At 'one resolution .of the press the Review has Increased the membership of the Knockers' Club to over a hundred. With this mem bership the club ought to he able to do much good for Roseburg and the surrounding country. These new in em lw re of the Knockers' Club are all good substantial business men of this city and with their combined effort they will do much for the un building of this community. The businoHB men of any town are vital ly Interested in their respective communities. They make their liv ing in it they contlrbute to its suc cess. They are prime movers In all that goes on within the limits of their town. Because the majority of the busi ness men of Roseburg are opposed to any Increase in the occupation tax they are branded "knockers" by The Review. Because they feel that an increased occupation tax Is an In justice they are said, by The Re view, to be Inviting disaster to the city. Mr. Business Man The News welcomes you to the Knockers' Club. Our commodious club rooms have been rather chilly with onjjy one member but now that there are many now ones we ought to have a pretty good Unite together and ought to be able figure out some plan for the raising of revenue tor the city something that the present adminis tration seems unable to do without BaddMng the greuter part of the burden on the business man. The Knockers C'mi'j should devel op into a Taxpayers League. Then ' WILL CAICKY DECISION TO HIGH Kit COURT. DURABLE OUTWEAR XMAS When Interviewed by a News representative this morning James Christian Alexander, who was one of the prime movers in the proposition to establish a park commission in Rosbeurg, stated that he was not surprls- ed at the decision handed down by Judge Hamilton late yester- day, In which the latter held that the vote taken on the 4 4 question of establishing a park 4 4 commission last October was 4 4 Invalid, "In fact, I had expect- 4 4 ed such a decision," said Al- 4 4 exander, "considering that there 4 4 are a few heavy property ownT 4 4 ers who were opposed to the 4 4 measure. Nevertheless I do not 4 4 Intend to lay down, but on the 4 4 contrary I will carry the mat- 4 4 ter to the United States su- 4 4 preme court for final setle- 4 4 merit if necessary." The vote 4 14 to establish a park commission 4 4 in Roseburg carried by a large 4 4 majority at the October eiec- 4 4 tlon, and in view of such fact, 4 4 a demand will probably he 4 4 made upon the council to call 4 4 a special election to take an- 4 4 other vote on the question In 4 4 the near future. 4 4444444444444444 In these days of frenzied advertising any old style is represented as the latest out, up-to-date, etc., arid so people are Decoming more and more careful in se lecting their. SHOE STORE. Our ever increasing'trade shows that well dressed people look to this store as the style center and authority in all that pertains to footwear. The name STEPHENS on a shoe is a guarantee of quality. Our endorsement of a style is absolutely un questioned. What is better for an Xmas gift than a pair of shoes which will give service for months to come? Special Prices to Those Buying for Charitable Purposes R. L. STEPHENS Quality Shoe Store 213 N. JacRson St. WW c 4 r . i f. j . v special ror Atnas iraae From The "STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY." We have just received One hundred Pails of Fancy Ram ona Candies. He fore buying lor your church or school trees Come in and see our goods and prices The quality of these candies are unex celled and sure to please. With every $3.00 Candy order we give you 2 pounds assoi ted candies free for your school or church. All kinds of nuts and Xmas gocds at the lowest prices. Step in and see our line. You are Weloome. Yours for Business Stllbbs, The Grocer. CM CM i "? G3 eg CM S3 DS & they might have a voice In the af fairs of the city. The article appearing In last night's Review is as follows: "Increase of city revenue of Rose burg for the coming year now de pends entirely upon an increase of the city license or occupation tax The time has lapsed In which it Is possible to call a special city election for raising the tax limit provided by i the city charter twenty days notice being required for such an election, and the levy must be made by Jan ! uary 1st of each year. While a gen eral tax levy Js really the only equit able method of raising city revenues, we are confronted by a condition that makes an increase in that line Impossible forf the coining year. Therefore, It seems that a decided In crease of city license taxes must he made in order to meet the actual necessary current expenses, interest on bonds, etc. "As The Review has stated In the past. It Is ten times easier to tear down than to build up, but the knockers are always busy and they will doubtless use every effort to j prevent any material Increase in city license taxes. The revenues in the past have hardly been equal xo the necessary expenses, and a reduction of $1000 in the revenue for the! coming year was decreed at the re-' cent election. Now the knockers will j doubtless use every effort to prevent! any Increase? of license taxes to help to meet that shortage. Unless some means Is devised to meet this loss of revenue, the decorative street lights will necessarily have to be cut off, or the city's credit will soon be Im paired and city warrants will be sold as a heavy discount, if they can be cashed at all. This would he little less than disaster, for the price the city would have to pay for everything would be Increased in proportion to the amount of discount demanded by city warrant buyers. It Is hoped that somte satisfactory method of meeting the conditions may bo devised by the j city council and citizens at the sjecial meeting to bo held Friday i night. j "However, if the city's warrants are j forced to a discount durintr the com-j ing year, the responsibility therefor; will lie wholly with those who have ' perSistenly deframed the city, and j Impaired its revenues and credit." gmmnminiTmifwinmminmmmwmww Have You Noticed our Line of Art Ivory Goods And also the Anco Line WE wish to especially call your attention to these, as they are especially desirable for your Christmas Gifts. Line embraces Hang ing BasKets, Jardiners, Jardiners and Pedestals, Vases, Mugs, Fern Dishes and Liners, Flower Pots . . . . . These goods are something new and attractive, and not high in price as compared with the common clay goods. . . . . . From the same factory we have also a few sets of CooKing Utensils, consist ing of Casseroles, Bowls, Cups, etc. Churchill Hardware Co. IMVl.NU KIUM IX THOlltl.K. (Continued from pnse 1.) whore the com'pany Is just complet- Ins a Inrse imvlnt; contract. Mr. Me- j lilnnls is confident that the fires- j ent etntmrrtiHsment of the comj-Any will soon bo relieved and that all claims will be paid dollar for dollar. At least, he says there is no need for immediate alarm among those who have accounts against the com pany. Mr. Mi-Glunis has already com menced the work of assembling the! assets nnd liabilities of the company. I preparatory to arriving at some set tlement with the creditors. WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON THE SPLENDID LINE OF Fruits and Vegetables That we are showing now. Everything is fresh and wholesome APPLES: Spitzenberg, Newtons And Many Other Varieties We are headquarters for Christmas Nuts, and Candies. Before placing your order consult us. We continue with the Auto Contest. Phone 9 1 Bee H ive Grocery inc. Roy Roadman and R. C. Dunham, Proprietors. Buy at New York Store Tomorrow. Ten per cent of the day's receipts go to MERCY HOSPITAL i