The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 12, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    Holiday Offerings - A Tremendous Assortment
Line of Morris Chairs
RICE & RICE, The Housefurnishers
Our Headquarters for Santa Claus in Home Furnishing
Goods. Call in and see this big and elegant line of
Xmas gifts for each and every member of the household.
Our Dining Room Sets
From $15.00 to $37.00
Taborits at $1.00 to $2.50
Rockers, at $1.50 to $48.00
1 B'ifets, at $17.00 to $45.00
fining Tables, $6 to $40.00
Couches, from $8 to 37.00
Davenports, at 18 to 75.00
Kitchen Cabinets, 4.50 to 35
Dressers' at 7.50 to 35.00
No Other Store in the
City of Roseburg is
as well Prepared to
attend to your Xmas
needs' as the firm of
We have the reputat
ion of standing back
of every sale made.
We - sell first class
goods at low prices
Our entire store is full of the most useful Xmas articles ever displayed in
Roseburg. Space forbids enumeration of all but a few of the articles.
' i ---
From $35 to $125.00
A Swell Line of Rugs, China
Ware at ail prices, Cut Glass
in all designs and at prices
to suit ail, Sectional Book
Cases, Silverware, Brass and
Ornamental beds. Never in
Roseburg has there been
such goods at lower prices
Whose Buttons !
Hoard of Fir! Commissioners Cannot
Even InsjHU't n Building Ciidcr
the Present Ordinances.
Hiillrond Employes Strike In Sym
pathy Ilnndits Are Arrested
'Following A Jlloody lSnttlo.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec. 11. Fol
lowing a battle with four train band
ftfi, whom they surrounded outside
the city of Memphis, detectives suc
ceeded in arresting three of their
number, while the leader, Kinney
Bergman, was killed. The gang have
terrorized the residents of this dis
trict for the past two years, and up
,ou several occatons Nave . robbed
banks, postorflces and trains.
First Witness Culled.
Walter Frew, President of the Corn
Exchange Bank, of New York, was
the first witness called in the money
trust probe today. Ho 'described or
ganization of the bank, and of how
other depositories wero absorbed.
He declared that his bank had 20
branches in the City of New York.
Strike Out Of Sympathy.
LONDON, Dec. 11. Rn'llroad em
ployes at Sunderland, Leeds and
York Btruck today out of Bympathy
for the Northwestern strikers.. In
all, more than 10,000 men are out.
Dixon Delivers Address.
CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 11. In an
address delivered at the Progressive
Conference here today, Senator Dix
on said: .
"We fought a great fight and ac
complished more In 90 days than
any other party In the history of the
country. . We forced the othe7 candi
dates to give heed to the Progres
sive principles. A leader must be
chosen, without regard for his per
sonal feelings, but in the Interests
of the people."
Will bo Dismissed.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. 11. It
Is reported hero today that defen
dants Patrick Farrell, of New York;
Frank Murphcy, of Detroit; W. B.
Drown and W. J. MClain, of Kans
as City; W. E. Reddin and H. S.
Seiffert, of Milwaukee, will be dis
missed on account of lack of evidence.
At Clark's studio.
Xmas fotos.
Sit now for
dl 2
Acting under instructions of J. V.
Perkins and Dr. Vincil, of the board
of fire commissioners, a number of
substantial and needed improvements
have been mado to the fire appara
tus housed at the city hall. The
chemical engine has been recharged
and is now in perfect working Condi-'
tlon. . Additional hydrant wrenches
have been purchased, while the axes
and other implements needed in time
of fire have been repaired and placed
In first-class condition. Mr. Perkins
says he IntendB to Bee that the fire
fighting equipment is kept in the
best of condition, and in readiness
for any conflagration that may oc
cur. Mr. Perkins, in speaking of the
duties of the board of fire commis
sioners this afternoon, stated that
the present ordinances governing the
erection of buildings 'within the fire
limits was inadequate and unworthy
of serious consideration. "This or
dinance does not even give the board
of fire commissioners power to In
spect buildings',' said Mr. Perkins.
"much less of condemning buildings
of faulty construction. In this re
gard I wish to say that -the board
of fire commissioners has examin
ed the south wall of tho new hotel
and has found that It doeB not com
ply with the city ordinances regulat
ing tho ercclon of fire walls. V1th-i
out any specme authority too board
of ;firo commissioners will submit
this defect to tho consideration of
the council at its next regular meet
ing. I consider the present fire or
dinance lame in many respects, and
In due time the board of fire com
missioners will submit an ordinance
to the council for adoption which will
prove sufficient. Wo must protect
the property-owners against fire, and
'he quicker we taku cognizance of
such fact the better for all concern
ed." Tho first meeting of the new board
of fire commissioners will be held
next Wednesday evening when a num
ber of; mattors of vital Interest will
be discussed. At this meeting Mr.
Perkins will call attention to the need
of more metropolitan fire ordinances.
and will urge their compilation at
an early date.
Look out for but ions.
We Have Mens,
Womens & Child
ren's Slipper
Soles, 25c,35c,50c
Christmas Cards 10 for 3 cents
New York Store
"The Store That Serves You Best"
for Men
75 to $1.50
SHOP EARLY We've had Eager Shoppers Early JOIN THEM
Gowns to Embroidery 98c
Just arrived by express, Beautiful
gowns already stamped to QO-
emhroidery, see them at "QL
$1.25 Silk Hose at 98 etc
-Womens high grade silk hose double
sole, heel and toe, wide gar- QQ
ter top, special for only ZOC
Kid Gloves Special $1.00
Womens Kid Gloves make excellent
Christmas gifts we have (PI ff
the best in town for a PX.UU
Buy Xmas Bells 3 for 5, 10c
Decorate your home with Christ
mas Bells. We have all "I f
sizes see them 3 for 5 and IVL
Christmas Stationery 25c
Box Paper 48 sheets, 48 envelopes
Look to your needs and yourO tLr
Xmas goods at special for wjv
Big AH Wool Sweaters $7
The finest gift in the land these are
German Knit sweaters
all colors special price
1IU lllCSC: CW C
Don't Forget the Big Reduction In Our Dress Goods
Katlirday, December 1 Itli, next Sat
urday, has been fixed ns the day for
receiving donations for tho hospital,
and J. F. Darker & Co. have kindly
offered their store for a receiving
depot. Rring whatever douatluns
vou wish to hinke or can collect
from others to tnls designated place
ind mnko this day n "red letter day'
for the hospital. People living quite
distance from town and unable tn
onie themselves can probably flnil
-4ome kind neighbor who will bring
fbelr donation to Roseburg. It Ih
hoK'd that tills article will reach the
notice of everybody in tho county.
who will give It their merciful at
For distemper and coughs. Easy
to give. We have manufactured and
sold this preparation for several
years, and guarantee It to give satis'
Lcpnrtment of the Interior, U &.
Lujid Office at Roseburg, Oregon, No
vember 23, 191 1,
NOT1C13 Is hereby given that Anna
Nelson, whose postofflce address 1b
364 Sixth, South Marshflold, Oregon,
did, on the 7th day of Mnrch, 1912,
(lie In this office Sworn Stntomont
and Application, No. 07888, to pur
chase tho NE NW, Section 21.
Towniihlp 21 S., Range 11 west. Wll
lainttie Morldlan, and tho Umber
theivcn, under tho provisions of the
net o! .Tune 3, 1878, and acta mienda
tory, known as the "Timber and
Stor.e Law," at such value as might
he lixed by appmlsement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the land
and timber thereon havo been ap
praised $100.00, the timber estimat
ed 180,000 board feet at CO coins
per M, and the land $10.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof in
supper of her application and Hworn
stntemcnt on the 7th day of Febru
ary, 1913, before A. K. Peck, United
States Commissioner, at Marshflold,
Any person Is at liberty to prr'.esr
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any tlmo before patent
Issues, by filing a corroborated af
fidavit In this offico, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
df7 Register
FOR SALE Team of good work
horses and harness, price $125. In
quire News offico. . 1043-tt
WANTHD To buy a good horse.
Not over $26.00, Address R. S.
enro of Tho News. 1046-dli
'OR RENT Furnished rooms for
housekeeping. No children. 302
West Washington St. 1040-dl9
FOR SALE Now, high grudo piano,
big discount off for cush, or will
mako terms to suit. Address
"Piano" News offico. 1042-d20
WANTED Man to clean out two
bricked wells; three miles out on
Parish plm-o. W. J. Clarke, Box
463, city 1038-dl7
FOR RIO NT 3 fumlshod rooms
with water, llglitH and phone. $12
pur month.. Inqtilro 4 20 N.
Jackson street or phone 122-Y.
FOUND Snlurdny night, ft purse
and a sum of money. Owner may
have Bamo by calling at Howard's
Shoo Hospital and describing
purso and contents and pnylng for
this ad. 1045-dl4
FOR SALE My new modern bun
galow on Stephens stroet. Fire
place, gas, etc. AV1I1 Bell cheap If
taken nt ouco. Terms If desired.
A. A. Wilder. Phono 177-J.
FOR SALE 1 span hnraos, weight
about. 2000, well broko and right,
4 and 7 yearn old; 1 sulky plow, 1
JohiiHlon mower, 1 spring tooth
harrow, all but liltlo wind; Jersey
cow and calf. Address "Farmer"
box KG, Roseburg, or Inquire News
offico. 1041-d20
Tho work of Installing an open
stairway In the lobby of tho Grand
hotel was commenced ycBterdny and
should be completed during the pres
ent .week.
U. S. Weather Bureau, local office.
Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending S
a. ni., December 12, Hi 12.
Precipitation in Inches and hun
dredths: illt'tieut temperature yesterday 50
.out nt temperature bint night 4
Vr- hli!iiiiin, Isst 24 hours ... .0 1
Total precipitation since first
or month 33
Normal preclp. for this month 6.92
Total preclp. from Sep. 1. 1912,
to date . . 9.64
Average preclp. since Septem
ber 1, 1S77 ' 10.24
Total excess precipitation from
Fp. 1, 1912 .60
Average precipitation for 35
wet seasons, (Sep. to May
inclusive) 33.28
In these days of frenzied advertising
any old style is represented as the latest
out, up-to-date, etc., and so people are
oecoming more and more careful in se
lecting their SHOE STORE. Our ever
increasing'trade shows that well dressed
people look to this store as the style
center and authority in all that pertains
to. footwear. The name STEPHENS on
a shoe is a guarantee of quality. Our
endorsement of a style is absolutely un
questioned. What is better for an
Xmas gift than a pair of shoes which
will give service for months to come?
Special Prices to Those Buying for Charitable Purposes
Quality Shoe More 213 N. Jackson St.