NEWS WANT A TRAPPERS. II your want to get better prices for your furs than you ever got be fore, sell tbem to me. Highest prices paid for all kinds of fur at the DIll ard store every Saturday, or will meet you by appointment. dl2 CHARLES AUER. CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given all per sons holding county warrants Issued by Doling county, Oregon, and In dorsed iWJ; paid for want of funds to present rue same to the county treas urer at Dls office, Interest will cease thereon after the date of this no tice. Pated at Roseburg, Oregon this the 30th day of November, 1912. J, E. SAWYER, Treasurer of Douglas County, Or. dl5,1002 NOTICE. ' We, the undersigned taxpayers and ' residents of Road District No. 67, hereby give notice that a public meeting will be held at Tiller, Decem ber 31, 1912, in said Road District No, 57, of Douglas County, Oregon, on December 28, 1912, beginning at 10:30 o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of voting an additional tax upoi. all personal and real property sit uated In said Road District, for the purpose of Improving the public road in said Road District. (Signed.) C. DeF. Bartrum, Tom Rondeau, Jas. Dumont, R. A. Knlpp. Tony Erie bach, LL. Stevens, G. W. Rondeau, J, B. Rondeau, Joe Hutchinson, Isa dora Rondeau, G. E. Pennel. d28 Good Evening! Wouldn't You Enjoy a Delicious "Old Dutch" HOT CHOCOLATE To-night? Your Companions Surely Would "IT'S JUST RIGHT" AT 7 HE FOUNTAIN At The "Rexall Store" WXf& GIFT ) 'T'HE trouble wilh most practical gifts is that A thev carry no expression or sentiment, with out which, any article no valuable, is undesirable for a Christmas Gift. A piece of furniture from our store however combines every necessary feature of senti ment, good wishes, attractive comfort and utility. If you will only look over beautiful things that a few dollars will buy, you will at once appreciate the advantage of selecting at least a part of your Christmas things from our store. They will bring more joy and lasting pleasure to the person who receives them than anything you can buy. ROSEBURG FURNITURE COMPANY HOARD AND ROOMS. Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water In each room. MRS. CALLAND, Prop. . Corner Jackson and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate,' 0 Per Week. NOTICE. We, the undersigned taxpayers ana residents of Road Dis. No. 37, hereby give notice that a public meeting will be held at Soldiers' Home In said Road DIs. No. 37, of Douglas county Oregon, on Snturday, December 28. 1912, beginning at 2.30 o'clock p. m., for tlie purpose of voting an addi tional tax upon all personal and real property situated In Bald Road Dis trict, for the purpose of Improving the public road in said Road Dis trict. Not to exceed three mills. Signed: Peter Dldtel, H. C. Clark. W. Hogan, E. J. Spencer, Jas. Stoln motz, J. T. Epperly, John Goodbourn, John Pennle, C. G. Maynard, John Eladen, C. W. Bradford, R. M Burns, Alfred Cloakd, Richard Rltz Mann, E. Bauder, Ingram Harralson, E. Winston, A C. Kldd, Foster Buttn jr, E. D. Neely, G. W. Kruse, R. W. Vlarsters, C. A. Anderson, John Bishop, D. Hogan, ,M. L. Webb. A A. Bellows. L. Kohlhagen, Oe. Mc Clelland, Milton Lee, Frank Brown, A. G. Beals Al Teselson. J. B. Myers. L. P. Myers, M. W. Myers, E. P. McKee, J. A. Wlkson, I. I. Sharp. L. L. Bodle, Peter Balf. d27 REAL ESTATE Business and Resident Property. Farms and Stock Ranches. From Five Acres to One Thou sand. From Five Dollars an Acre Up. GEORGE RITER Real Estate & Insurance. 311 Perkins Building Roseburg .... Oregon H. J. DENN Transfer Company Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a gen eral transfer business. I!a2 gagecheckf palled for. All goods carefully handled, and charges reasonable. Roseburg. Office P. 102 Res. P. 196-L matter how useful or our stock and see the many The Looking Glass Grange will give a mask ball at the Grange ball In Looking Glass on the evening of December 31. Supper will be served at Howard's. WALTER JONES, EUGENE OLLIVANT, I. M. MATTHEWS, Committee. d30 RED HOT. Farnales, Enchalottes, Ravaoliasl, Freyoles, Chill Concarnne. SPANISH KITCHEN, 117 Soutn Pihfc. ABBAY 4 DALE1, Props. FOR SALE CHEAP. House partially finished, will finish It to suit purchuser. Terms: One-half cash, balance in monthly installments. PAGE INVESTMENT CO. 709 N. Jackson street. .MATERNITY HOME and PRACTICAL NURSING Phone 179-R . Call at 745 S. Stephens St. fll DR. II. W. HERMANN Eyesight Specialist Eyes Examined and Glasses Ac curately Fitted Without the Use of Drops Optical Parlors Over Roseburg National Bank ' i t MRS. H. JAY STONE Tencbcr of Piano and Harmony 4 Down-town Studio. 223 E. Lane Street. Home Studio 7 17 Hamilton Street. Phono 362-J. GOIItON A. FORY. Vocal Lessons. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. Phone 191-J Roseburg ... -Ore. MRS. CHARLES S. HK1XL1NE Pianoforte Instructor Mulscnl Kindergartener 3 ii! Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R - . DR. SI. ASIITON :Js Clilroprnctlc-Xeuropnlli. "? Nerve and Spine SpeciniM Chiropractlc-Neuropth Is a Nat- S ural and Advanced Scientific Art of Removing the Cause of -3 Disease. (Iirnnlc Cases n Specialty 224 Cass St. Roseburg, Or. UK. OkO. E. HOUCK, Physician inl Rnra-eon. Office, Revlrw Bldg., Phone II. Roseburg. Oregon. DR. S. L. DrLAPP ?t OReopntlip Pliynirlan Successor to P DR. J. L. CALLAWAY "f Perkins HiilMIng , is Office Phone 119 Night Phone 215-J LOST OrT Jackson street, a buneli ot keys. Finder please leave a' News office. SfiC STRAYED 1 chestnut mare, weight nhout lO.'O, aced 10, and unb'Ml; 1 bay mare, weight about 1000, nee 10, and shod; 1 bay rolt. with star on forehead. Finder please telephone ir,F3, or notify O. Mar tin, Roseljurg. who will call and pay cost of koeping. The ton! mals were last seen night of De cember 9 In North Roseburg go MASQUERADE BALL. ing north. 1037-tf FOR TRADE Nice tie acre tract of land In good town, suitable for sub-dividing; has nice cottage and Improvements, 'Will trade for home In Roseburg. Here Is a good chance to make some money. In quire News office. J17-ir VANTED. WANTED Man to haul garbage from residence. Phone 37-J tfl019 WANTED Good ranch hand, mar ried or single. Call Phone 19F5 dll-1026 WANTED To lease a small farm. Will buy crop and stock. Address Box 55, City. 1036-d2l WANTED Few more boarders at 112 Brockway. First class and home like. Phone 281. WANTED To do dressmaking and ladles tailoring. Call at 511 West Oak street. dll-1025 WANTED Wood choppers on shures or stumpnge. Excellent timber to work iu. Phone 19F5. tfl032 WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED To cut wood by stumpage or on Shares. Clyde E. R. Wallace phone 14F14, 3 V4 miles east of Roseburg. If WANTED Position as manager o! orchard or will care for large or chard by contract. Present con tract expires January 1. Refer ences. Aauiess T. E. A., enre The News. 653-dl5 WANTED TO EXCHANGE 1 have a large quantity of good new lum ber that 1 will exchange for a horse and buggy. Telephone 10F22 or address F. H. Schlugelmllch. Cloveland, Or. 1013-dl7 WANTED A photo or snapshot of a doe and two fnwns. Reasonable price will be paid. Any one hav ing such a picture' address "Nat uralist," care The News office. 1017-tf tor. itFT. FOR RENT Furnished rooms 603 N. Main street. d FOR RENT Good house in desir able part of city. Inquire at 450 Rast avenue. 60(itf FOR RENT Three rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. l.inser, 530 N. Pine street. dl7-1020 'Oil RENT Five room furnished cottage. No children, inquire n 54 4 South Pine. tf-502 FOR RENT Several good modern 'houses for rent. See Perrlno Real Estate Co., corner Cns6 and Plue. Phone 202. tr FOR RENT TFreo nlco unfuruiahcil housekeeping rooms.' No children. Apply 225 Mooro St. 1030-tf IUST LIKE RENT Wo will sell you a neat five room cottago, on pav- . cd street, close in, on small pay mcnt down, bulace monthly like rent, possession Decombcr II come In today and let us show this prop- . crty. (105U. McCllntock & Ccddes, 3 1 5 Cass street. mii; SALE. I-'OlCSALE IIouietlressi-d, corn-fed hnnH, whole or balf. For further Information, Phono 19F5. tf!0:i1 FOR SALE Household furniture Moving awny and goods must be disposed of. Inquire at 340 S Stephens. 6051' FOR SALE Trio of White Holland turkeys, also a few Bronze toms. Must be ordered boffwe Christ mas. Address E. A. Kruse, Rose bun;. Or. dl5 SNAP BARGAIN Will sell fine proiterty. In Riverside Addition to Roseburg at assessor's valuation. Inquire of Joe Schema, owner. dt I FOR SALE OR TRADE For sub urban homo. A good, newly paint ed six-room house, on paved street, Willi sewer, city water, well, wood bouse, store room, hen house. Lot 50200. set to fruit, nuts berries and for Rnrden. Inquire News or phone 325-.I. - 1024-14 ('IX)SE IN ACREAGE Owner hav ing tract of six or seven arres will sell In lots of ono or more Teres each to parties desiring sub ui'nn home. This land Is closi In, commands view of river and ritv. iies level, on main road to city and has every advantage to rommend It to buyers who prefer to live In Hie country and yet at-t'-nd to business nffalrs in the eliy. Close to school. Part of tills acreage Is In orchard, and one ttort'on haa a splendid modern home already built. These tractf can be bought on eaffy terms and at prices below what other parties ak for adjoining land. For par ticulars address M. D. (,'., box 60, r-lly, or Inquire at The Newa of fice. 1035-tf FOR SALE A new ten-room house. Modern. Will sacrifice on ac count of the sickness ot relatives In the East. Inquire for "Snap" at The News office. d24-1000 A B I gTsXAP FURNISHED, newly bullt, 7-room' bungalow, all con veniences, North Roseburg, for sale at bargain if taken now. Ad dress or Inquire at 1003 North Jackson street. 1027-d26 FOR SALE Alfalfa, beardless bar ley and wild grass hay for sale at reasonable price. Also a num ber of black mlnorca roosters for sale. Address N. L. Conn, Itosu burg, Ore., or telephone CF15. d30-1005 FOR SALE Grape roots; grapeB for this climate; fine roots every year; sure crop; good table grapes and good for wine. Crop guaran teed. Address, John Stockel, Rosbeurg, Oregon. CRESCENT Heights lots, block of paved street, beautiful view of city and valley, sold on terms of (25 cash, $10 per month, no taxes until 1914. Price of lots (50 to (300 each. Every lot a large one. Hlmes & Oliver, next to Grand hotel. tf FINK BUNGALOW Will Bell oi trade finest property In good rail . road town for Roseburg residence or farm near city. This bjngulow 1b new, modern, 3 large lots go with It, delightful view of rlvei and town, and rents for ( 17.50 per month. This is something ex tra line. Address, Owner, News. Roseburg, box 112. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place Just outside city limits, good six room bouse, barn, chicken house, yards, etc., all fenced aud In first class condition, grounds Bet to young fruit trees, some In bear, ing, big shade trees by bouse, all for only (1,800. Inquire News of dce. Jl-tf GOOD GARDEN SPOT Tract 230 ny 100 feet, one block to school, near siuro aud postofflce, River side Addition, otfued by non-resident, who will sacrifice it at (275 This place Is a bargain, being bent of garden soil. AddreBS N. K.. box 65, city, or inquire News office. 4tf TRADE OR FOR 8AL Nice tract of 10 acres only three miles from city, best ot roads, fenced, but no buildings, nice young orchard, spring, etc. Will trade for city proporty. Making fine suburban borne. Inqulra News office foi particulars. 41-tl (40 AN ACRE Farm of 136 acres prnctlcally all tillable Pie-fourth mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and the Qnesl kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build Ings, ind 8 miles from Roseburg Cheap as dirt at the price, inquire L, News office. 141-tt f ARM-HOME FOR SALE 16 acres close Jn, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, water plpoc to house, 12 acres young orchard automobile raods all yuar, and 1l every way a desirable place. Im provements worth (4,000. Ownoi will sell for (5,200, terms. Ad dress News office tor particulars box 65. TEN ACRE BARGAIN A hue lllUi place on best road in tho county fair house, ban., spring and well nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly In heavy bearing. Libs thai 8 mlleB from senior of city. Own er will sell on termR. Inquire a Newa office, or address Owner care News, - 199-tl FOR SALE Within 30 days. A 280 acre ranch, 120 acres under fence and Improved. 20 acres first class land under cultivation, 60 acres timber, i0 acres homestead. Good stock ranch, adopted tu dairying Lnrge back range. 1 3-4 miles from Drain, Oro. Price (3250.00 cash. Wrlto nenj. Huntington, Jr., Drain Oregon. d2I FOR BALE OR TRADE Highly Im proved 10-acro tract 1 mile front good town, new 7-room bungalow good barn and poultry houifes, ( acres In orchard and berries, splen did location, first class every way One of the fluent places In South ern Oregos. Sidewalks to depol and town; crop all In and will trade for Itosebnrg property oi farm near city. Address Owner News of flee, hot 1 1 1 AN INVESTMENT Severn! lots that are uncqualed In the city for beau (1 f til situation. Command view of entire valley nnd the cl!y. All In h'-atlnp; fruit of choice varieties. This Is offered for less than much Inferior property. Vnlnitlon will surely advance, end tho party who buys now can mako well on bis In vestment. Only a few minutes' walk from center of city, and near paved district. Inquire News office for particulars. 66 1-tf FOR SALE OR RENT Several niod- e n houses. Apply to 8. W. Sir mer, or ibH phone 177-L. FOR SALE Several large water tanks. Also storage room for rent. Inquire 456 Rast avenue. 607tt FOUR LOTS, 100x140, NEW BUN-' GALOW, best location lu North. Roseburg. (2,600; (500 cash, bal-' ance liko rent. P, O. Box 644. 1029-Jl FOR tfALE Four-loot nr corawooo. For carload lots write to Jonathan Richardson. Loona. Ore. Order now for fall delivery. Carloa lots (3.26 a cord. 46-ltt FOR SALE Berkshire pigs g weeks and 10 months ot age thorough. bredB, address or phone. Mountain View Ranch. R. 1 Box 62. Phone 12 F 25. DIS. BEAUTIFUL country home; 10 acres, 4 acres bearing orchard, 5 acres 2-year-old pear trees, 2 miles from Rusoburg, on stone road; electric lights aud city water. Hlmes & Oliver, next to Grand hotel. tt 480-ACRE stock and general farm ranch, liO acres under cultivation, all of which cau be Irrigated, ox cept. about 6 acres; water right deeded, fair Improvements; on main county road, 10 miles from Roseburg. Price (12,000. Hlmes & Oliver, next to Grand hotel, tt THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five fine lots, good view of city "i block to propLsed paved Btreet, good view, well drained, aid a property that will please the critical buyer, only (1,350. Terms. Inquire News office. 278-tf I'UK SALE lu Huseburg, 4-room house on Flint Btreot, No. f42,'all furnished is bringing. In (144; llghtB, wnter, patent toilet, Rawer connection, paved Btreet, etc. PrIW 'J (l.iuO; pnrt down balance (10 per month. Addror-s R. P. Simpson, Leland, Or 304-tfsw FOR SALE BY OWNER 120 acres timber land described as N. W. M of N .W. V, ; S. W. of N. W. and S. E. of N .W. U. Sectloa 20 Twp. 23 8. Range, 6 West, ' Douglas County. Contains 3,000, 00 feet. Prico (1400.00. One half cash. Address C. O. Anderson, Box 4C3 Ballard Station, Seattle, Wash. Jan. l.pd. EXTRA GOOD BUY Ton acres Just outside city limits, beet of Boll; water for Irrigating, chicken parks and flue chicken houses, fruit, ' fenced, and one of the finest Iocs ' tlons in the county for a home. This tract can bo subdivided and sold as city lots If doslrod. It la an Investment at prlcos asked. Ad dress D. K., box 65, Roseburg, o? Inqiilro at News office for Infor mation. Vtf-520 FOR SALE OR TRADE Very desir able farm of 75 acres, l'A miles from the city on good road. Good home, barn etc., fenced and cross fenced, splendid spring of water, orchard of about 3 acres of choice varieties In good condition. Is fact, an Idonl homo plnce. Will take unncumbored, denlrablo city home aa part payment, balanca long time at 6 per cent Interest. Ask Tho News. 542-tf FOR SALE Cholco orchard or gar den truck' Innd In five nnd te3 acre tracts. Plenty of water. Land will raise anything that uin be rnlsod In this vUcy T,ocate4 within 35 minute drive ot Hose burg. Rnllrond station within tc mlnuto walk of any part of the subdvlslon. Prices reasonable an sold on terms to suit buyer. Call on or address The News office for further particulars. BOOtf FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY A flue 480 acre wheat ranch, complete set buildings, on main road, only It miles from good railroad town, will bo sold on cany crop payments to responsible farmer. Would ac cept Douglas county property In exchange for a larue part of rnnuii value. Only small amount cosh required. By securing ponsesslun of ranch at once, fall crop cn.i h- successfully sown. Don't deliy, but inquire of R. R. Wood, News office for details If FOR MEN ONLY l or sale or trade, equity In ft nice, new, nifty, nobby, iip-to-the-mlnnto BUNGALOW. Ce ment wnlkN, cobble bapo, paved district, near school. A "home" not a "hoiiPe". Convenient Inter ior arrangement with "catchy" outaldo effect. Got this now and wear off the "first" paint. Wood In basement for a year. Will con sider anylh'ng useful from a "JACK-RABRIT to sn AUTOMO BILE". Address X Y Z, News of fice, Roseburg, Or. 622-tf