The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 11, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Kilitur and sole f'rtiprlelur. I
Subscription IUu Dully.
Per year, by mall 3.00 ,
Pr month, delivered .. .60
Per year 12.00 j
Bli months 1.00
Entered ai second-class matter
November 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3. 1879. '
WKIKKI.4 V, mX K.MIII.It II, 1112
i in: nri
Did you ever atop to think that
tUorekeupers and flielr Baletmien and
women are entitled to have a merry
JCinas just as well an the Bhopper?
They enjoy the glad Xniaa tidings
Juat as much as any one else. Hut
they don't If they have to wait on the
late shoppers the last few days before
Xmas. Make Xtnaa a real holiday
for the clerk and proprietor by do
ing your Xmas shopping early.
Ttbere is no real good reanon why
any one Bhould wait till the Monday
before Xmas to do his or her shop
ping. And there Is a real good reas
on why they should not. The early
shopper gets the selection of a big
stock. The late shopper has to take
what the early shopiier declines.
Don't be Mr. and Brs. Ulll Put-lt-off
4i nd rush Into the various stores at
t'e last minute and make your pur
chase. Be Mr. and Mrs. K;trly-blrd-
geta-the worm and IX) IT NOW AND
The donation day of Mercy hospi
tal is next Saturday, Many expres
sions of support have been received
by the committees In charge and It
la expected that many things of use
ful value as well as substantial aid
will be recelvevd. The places where
the donations may be left will be
announced In tomorrow night's
In these days of frenzied advertising
an7 old style is represented as the latest
out, up-to-date, etc., and so people are
Decoming more and more careful in se
lecting their SHOE STORE. Our ever
increasing trade shows that well dressed
people look to this store as the style
center and authority in all that pertains
to footwear. The name STEPHENS on
a shoe is a guarantee of quality. Our
endorsement of a style is absolutely un- ,
questioned. What is better for an
Xmas gift than a pair of shoes which
will give service for months to come?
Special Prices to Those Buying for Charitable Purposes
Quality Shoe Store 213 N. Jackson St.
arose another obstacle which had a
tendency to retard the marriage cere
mony for a day at least. And this
was the girl's age, which from her
own statement was a trifle over 17
years. Although quite perplexing
this question was quickly solved by
Singleton, who lilt upon the idea of
telegraphing to the wold-be brlde'fc
mother for legal consent. "I'll pay
for this telegram," remarked Sin
gleton, "for I am sure her mother
will consent. We must make this
couple happy, and marrtage Is the
one solution."
Believing taht Singleton would
make good County Judge Wonaeotr
and District Attorney Brown held
a brief conversation, at the conclus
ion of which the actress was again
turned over to Singleton pending
word from the girl's mother, who
lives in Los Angeles.
In the event the mother gives her
consent as expected, the marriage
will probably occur either tonight or
tomorrow. County Judge Wonacott
has promised to tie the knot free of
, O. Drake and MIkh Cm (irlffilh
Will Frolmlriy Many Tonight
At lxat They Claim to
He Ihctm.
Just Arrived By Express D M. C. In Balls. All Sizes
t Also Stranded In Balls
Although not conducting a mar
riage bureau, Edward Singleton,
Koseburg's well known constable, and
peace officer, today distinguished
himself as a man capable of bring
ing happiness to those in search of
wedded blias. Readers of yester
day's issue of The News will remem
ber an Item to the effect that t. O.
Drake, un ai;ter, was anc-svd at
Med ford on a charge preferred by a
Myrtle C'rM?k resident who claimed
that he (Drake) was living with a
young actress named Cora (irlfflth,
under the title of man and wife. Fol
lowing Issuance of the warrant,
Drake was arrested at Medford.
while Miss Griffith was brought to
lloHchurg and turned over to Juven
ile Judge Wonacott awaiting Drake's
return fnim the southern city.
Realizing that It would he itnuU
to place the girl In a local hotel.
County Jmtuo Wonacott thouuTit ov
r the matter at length, and finally
arrived at the conclusion that Con
stable Singleton was the proper per
son to watch over her en!iiig dis
position of the e;iM. I'oiiswiuenti v.
Hinglclou ivds Mini ni. meil. ;uni w it h
his usual smile, promied to care for
the girt until such time as Mio was
wanted by the court. A little later
the burly constabto escorted the ac
tress to hi home where she remain
ed until this afternoon.
Hheriff Qultu. in the- meantime
went to Med ford, returning here with
Drake at noun today. This afternoon
Miss Griffith and ('rake uero hroiuht
face to face at the court house, and
In less time than it takes to tell, the
friendship that wa kindle. I but a few
days ago w;tt conTted Into simerc
love. In order to determine the ace
of the girl. Pistrtet Attorney Hrewn
questioned her Uri-! . and It w as
soon learned that he was infatuated
with Drake and dcsiied to accept
htm as her husband Drake, nUo
displayed a disposition to marry the
Kirl, and It wis soon rM-nt that
prosecution of the alleged male of
""Scatter was out of order.
With Drake :uul Ms love" hM;
bent ou marrhige, the district at
torney soon bit upon the scheme ot
su tntmming Singleton, wl-om t ho ili.v
trict attorney concedes o l , u man
equal in g nt Itui'v to the "Good
Samaritan". A Situ: I :on t-ntered
th door and faced tie ombraetng
couple, the district attanie adlfe--s--d
the t onta!'!e and remarked .
"Then. U the man who stands le
Ivnvu mi and ha j -pine.-". Ai cei't
tiift the remark of the district a ;.--
ney as it was Intended. Singleton snui
ed and (tth.tmoil to a pi ice of v.-.n
(age. A brief con ver: at len fol'.m
d. wh-n Sinyieton h.iiit tl'.e coip),
permission to nun r mi1 thus end
the unpleasant coutroery In the
As Singleton said the word, which
In the rjes of the district attorney
and the court practical!) etfUd the
present welfare r t1" r0":'1". -.
Loss and Gain Act
Our Actual Loss$5.00 Your Actual Gain $ 1 0.
This is brought about by our necessity in closing out
stock of Domestic Vacum Sweepers. We have sold
some at the manufaciurers restricted price and some
at our cost but we cannot hold balance longer and to
make them an attractive Christmas purchase to our
friends, we offer them under the Green Tag at $10.00.
Now don't think we are offering a cheaply constructed
affair, for we are not, on the contrary they are the
Best Sweeper Made.
THE IKIKSTIC takes up all dust and all dirt aud trash not tob largo
for the nozzle.
THE DOMESTIC does away with necessity of beating rugs and carpets.
THE DOMESTIC does away with a layer of dust to be wiped from furni
ture and wood work. It doesn't make any dust.
THE DOMESTIC does not wear your carpets and rugs as do brooms aud
THE DOMESTIC works easily the only strength is that necessary to over
. come the suction.
THE DOMESTIC rolls over floors on two rubber tired wheels. J
THE DOMESTIC has no parts to get out of order or to wear out.
THE DOMESTIC works either forward or backward, saving steps.
THIS DOMESTIC Vacuum Sweeper cannot bo excelled.
THE DOMESTIC at 114.44 is a Christmas present that you cannot hope
to equal.
Churchill Hardware Co.
P. S. Don't forget to look for the Green Tag on
other goods. We vouch for the above statements
Every Coat in the Store at $9.95 IUMUUUmUUUUUMUMiMMMiMMMMCg
We offer for your consideration every coat that we
have in our store. Regular prices $15.0.0 to $20.00
All new fall styles, makes a good suit-(I Q
able present. Look them over Special JO
All Fancy Suits at One-half Price
Only blues and blacks excepted. Each garment is
strictly this fall's style and when you buy this suit
at one-half our regular selling price you buv the
garment at less then the cost of man- 1 O DrifP
ufacture. They are $15.00 to $35.00 val'"- I IvC
A Complete StccK of Toys
Visit the Wonderland of Youthful Joys
Womans Initial Handkerchiefs 12 l-2c
Womans tine quality Initial Handkerchiefs. You
would he well pleased to receive them as gifts. So
give them to your friends. HatuikerchieisjO O.
A woman never has too many Special at' l"v
Plain Small Handkerchiefs for Women 5c, 10c
12 l-2c, 15c 19c and 25 cents
Beautiful Jap Embroidery 1-2 Price
Grand Christmas Snap of Pure Linen Center Art
Square Drawn Work. Regular price 53.00 to $6.00
You can have vour choice of the lot I 1 Dptrn
at one-half of the marked price IV.C
charge, while nwspaermn an. I
; -ourt attaches will arr.m? (or thi
eddinz gifts.
j brake is a mere tad of '21 yean.
nl from hia appearance csesss
i more than ordinary Intel lis: -'fii-. Hi
In Mflho ii s,n. anil in thiri
I ! i (a onhcfiintituil hi- Iwrrrirn frnm
j hU mother. He claims he U an a
tor. and tn company wirh Mi. is
j rrr! frith has Len working at Myrtle
! (":vifk- He dontr-s illicit relation -
'Mt'i the Eirl. and blames his pres-
-nt trouble to a welf known Myrtle
Creek resident whom he says is jeal
tia of his iutended wife. Drake has
considerable money on his person
and talk freely. He says he ould
have been married before had hn
contemplated his present difficulty.
Mi.-sa Griffith, who is 17 years of
age is pretty, and rrom appearances
:3 welt ed united. She says she love3
Irak and is desirous of marrying.
'. n vie'-v of t:'.e 'irctim stances at
rndinz the affair, noth District At
torney Brown and Couny Judge Won
acott welcome' the conclusion which
apiears nothing short of marringo
and happiness. And to Con-itabl$
Sinijlcton is due the credit for the
happy culmination of tlia difficulties.
The Richardson Art Embroidery
Club will hold a Xmas bazaar at
Burr's music, store Friday and Saturday.
Sale of Womans Tan Shoes $3.50
All our regular $1.00 'an i?hoes we place on sale,
all trood styles and notwithstanding the advance
on all shoes we place before you shoe CO EZC
skills in. 11 v.. in i ue in.u. .c l in J
Christmas Sale of Dress Goods
We carry the best All-wool dress goods" in the citv
The following reductiens for our Xmas Sale:
$ .50 Wool Goods $ .39c $1.03 Wool Goods $ .79
$1.25 Woor Goods S .93c $1.50 Wool Goods $ 1.19
1.75 Wool Goods $ 1.39 $2.50 Wool Goods $ 1.69
Fruits and Vegetables
That we are showing now. Everything
is fresh and wholesome
APPLES: Spitzenberg, Newtons
And Many Other Varieties
We are headquarters for Christmas Nuts,
and Candies. Before placing your order
consult us. We continue with theAu to
Contest. Phone 91
Bee Hive Grocery inc.
Roy Roadman and R. C. Dunham, Proprietors.