The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 10, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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VUHUtt am miprlfior.
Hubi( .l)II:m Itatea Dully.
Per year, by mall 3.00
Per nioiub, delivered SO
Per year ..J2.00
81x months , 1.00
Entered aa Hecond -clatie matter
November 5, 1910, at KoBelmrK, Ore.,
under ant of March 3. J 579
TUKNIIAV, l)i: K.MIll:lt ll, 11)12.
RoHehurg has grown. The city has
made wundorful improvements. More
3)uulnuHB hoiiscB are here. Many new
people have come to the Umpqua
Valley to enjoy living where work
iu a pleasure. But wo really do not
appreciate Just what has been ac
complished within the short space of
two years.
In 1910 tho publicity department
of the Commercial Club printed a
little booklet to pasa out to passen
gers on the trains. The first page of
the booklet Is headed "Ruseburg
Has" und then goes on to reclto the
'"following: 0,000 Inhabitants; 3
banks; 3 hardware stores; 7 grocery
stores; 4 drug stores; 2 bakeries; 2
shoe stores; 2 schools; 4 hotels and
A number of other businesses and
In the closing month of 1912 It
Is Interesting to compare tho figures.
Wo huve now 6,000 Inhabitants; 4
bunks; 4 hardware stores; 13 gro
ceries; 7 drug stores; 3 bakeries; 3
shoe stores; 3 schools, besides a high
school; and 6 hotels with a splendid
new on In process 'of erection.
Ponder over these facts Mr. Citi
zen when you feel blue over your
oily. They ought to cheer you up.
Docliut-H That The IN'opIe Have
KiHken uml Demanded
Their Kxociilion.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 9. Taking ex
cepllon to newspaier reports declar
ing that he had not yet made up
bin mind as to whether the five con
demned men at the pcnltuntlary will
hang or not, Governor West announc
ed this morning tbnt ho occupied the
saino attitude with relntlon to the
subject as be did 'Just after tho bill
to abolish capital punlHhment was
"Those men nre slated to hang,"
declared Governor West, "and noth
ing has arisen yet to causo me to
change my mind on the subject. While
poMUonn have conio In asking for
clemoney for some of thom, I have
not oven glanced nt them, and I can
truthfully assort now, that nothing
has come up which has caused me to
decide to extend clemency to any one
of them. What may come up I nm
not In n position to say, but I know of
nothing now to Interfere with the ex
ecutions as planned."
It was learned hero that attor
neys will likely secure today a writ
of probable cause, for an appeal from
the Harney county circuit court In
the enso of John M. Taylor. They
are confident of securing It, and If
they do, the supreme court will Is
sue a slay of execution ami that will
mean that his execution will not tako
placo on December 13.
There Is one lone chicken on
exhibit at the local poultry
show, which Is worthy of ad-
miration at tho hands of every
man, woman and child In Doug-
4 las county. This chicken Is the 4
4 property of Jessie Morris, of 4
4 this city, and Is of the barred 4
4 Itock strain. During the past 4
4 10 mouths and 19 days this
4 wonderful hen has laid a total 4
of 2CJ eggs, or seven eggs more 4
4 than laid by tltat famous hen 4
4 tutored at the Agricultural Col- 4
4 lege, at Corvallls, and advertls- 4
4 ed world-wldo. .Ti.e ben Is high- 4
4 ly prized by Mr. Morris, and 4
4 will probably be exhibited In 4
4 other shows during the ores- 4
4 ent season. 4
Aa the result of a derailed car on
an extrn westbound freight train,
near Greens, this morning the local
'wrecking crew was called out nnd
dispatched to the scene. Traffic wat.
delayed ubout two hours,
. W. J. Brand, who was stricken
with paraylsls yesterday Is still in a
critical condition today.
I'ennle McCchce left here this af
ternoon for points In th northern
part of the state where ho will speud
a few days with friends.
Ttlcbard Morris, traveling engineer
(or tho Southern Pacific Company,
spent tho day in Uoseburg attending
to business mutters connected with
His official duties.
Mrs. Lillian Ashcroft and daugh
ter, Esther, of Medford, left for Eu
gene tlills afternoon after a couple
of days spent In Rosehurg visiting
with friends.
Tho Richardson Art Embroidery
Club will hold a Xmns bazaar on
Friday and Saturday, Dec. 13 and 14,
at Burr's Music Store.
J. J. Scbllntz und wife, the form
er a Southern Pacific filreman, left
hero last evening for Portland to
spend a few days with frlendB.
Miss Evelyn LewlB, of Marshflcld.
who has been spending the pust few
days nt Days Crook visiting with her
parents, left for her home this af
ternoon by way of Portland.
Attorneys Elbert Hermann and
Dexter Rice, representing tho Rose
burg Browing & Ice Company, this
afternoon filed; a ,inotion In which
they seek an order of the court
striking out tho entire amended
complaint In the case or the State vs.
tho brewery for the reason that the
same contains two separate causes
of action, not separately stated.
II. S. Nichols and daughter, Lena.
Icnvo hole tonight for an extended
visit In the East. From Rosehurg
they go dlroct to Kansas City, Knns.,
thence to Illinois nnd later to Vir
ginia where Mr. Nichols will visit
with his mothor. Mr. Nichols and
daugher expect to be absent until
tho middle of February. With him.
Mr. Nichols Is taking a box of choice
Oregon apples which ho Intends to
give to Eastern friends.
With all tho birds In place, the
Second Annual Poultry Show form
ally opened nt the Armory in this
city today. The exhibits rnre un
usually huge, while the quality of
the birds displayed Is far superior
to thoso exhibited on former occas
ions In this city. Mr. Spnght, of
Hubbard, who has n state-wide repu
tation as a poultry raiser, arrived
here Inst night with suvornl lions of
8 fine birds as were over seen In
this section of tho state. In tall,
here are about 450 birds exhibited,
including all the varieties raised In
this local ty. Tho judges are on
hand, and the boo ring of the birds
will probably bo commenced early
tomorrow. Tho show will continue
until Friday night, and It behooves
svery resident of Itoseburg to attend.
Tho expense In arranging a poultry
exhibit Is considerable, and the boys
in charge are worthy of liberal pat
ronage. Mrs. K. V. Harris, of Glendale,
was brought hero yesterday after
noon and admitted to Mercy hospi
al where she will undergo an operation.
Considerable interest Is being tak
n In MIbs Sloane's concert to be glv
2n at tho armory on Tuesday even
ing, December 17.
M iss Sloane has been on an ex
tended tour through Alaska, where
tho Juneau Daily Dispatch saya: "To
MIbs Holene J. Sloane, of California,
must undoubtedly go the honor of
being the most accomplished singer
that ever appeared in this section
of our country."
Miss Sloane's tour extended
through British Columbia where she
ippenred before large and apprecia
tive audiences. Her work is devot
ed to assisting ctaaifUeiilo' Institu
tions and her programs, as well as
her donations have won for her a
splendid recognition in the hearts of
her hearers.
She will sing in English, Scotch,
Trfsh, Italian and Hawaiian, Inter
spersed wth readings from Longfel
'ow and Burns.
It Is hoped that she will be greet
ed by a large audience that a goodly
mm may bo donated lieito to our
charity funds.
(Continued From Page One.)
Mr. Wlllett claimed that the asses
sment was excessive when compared
with fiimluir Improvements lu the
City of Portland.
A similar ordinance levying asses
sments against the proerty benefit
ed by the improvement of Stephens
street, from Brockwny to Roberta
streets, was placed on Its first and
second readings.
Another ordinance levying nsses-
monts against the property benefit
ted by the Improvement of South
Pino street, from Hoed to Burke
street, was placed on Its first and
second readings. A remonstrance
filed by Mrs. M. h. Kennedy, who
owns property on this street, was denied.
An ordinance authorizing the im
provement of Rose street, from
Washington street to Snring Alley.
was placed on its third reading and
was adopted. Councilman Fullerton
cast the lono dissenting voto.
(Continued from page 1.)
this equipment we would necessarily
havo to employ two paid men, one
for tho day and one for tho night
shift. While some people consider
adequate fire apparatus a luxury, I
In these days of frenzied advertising'
any old style is represented as the latest
out, up-to-date, eteM and so people are
uecuminjj more ami more careful in se
lecting their SHOE STORE. Our ever
inereasing'trade shows that well dressed
people look to this store as the style
center and authority in all that pertains
to footwear. The name STEPHENS on
a shoe is a guarantee of quality. Our
endorsement of a style is absolutely un
questioned. What is better for an
-Xmas gift than a pair of shoes which
will give service for months to come?
Quality Shoe Store 213 N. Jackson St.
More Shopping
Loss and Gain Act
Our Actual Loss? 5.00 Your Actual Gain $ 1 0.
This is brought about by our necessity in closing out
' stock of Domestic Vacum Sweepers. We have sold
some at the manufaciurers restricted price and some
at our cost but we cannot hold balance longer and to
make them an attractive Christmas purchase to our
friends, we offer them under the Green Tag at $10.00.
Now don't think we are offering a cheaply constructed
affair, for we are not, on the contrary they are the
Best Sweeper Made.
THE DOMESTIC takes up all dust and all dirt and trash not too largo
for the nozzle.
THE DOMESTIC does away with necessity ot beating rugs and carpets.
THE DOMESTIC does away with a layer of dust to be wiped from furni
ture and wood work. It doesn't make any dust.
THE DOMESTIC does not wear your carpets and rugs as do brooms and
THE DOMESTIC works easily the only strength is that necessary to over
come the suction.
THE DOMESTIC rolls over floors on two rubber tired wheels.
THE DOMESTIC has no parts to get out ot order or to wear out.
THE DOMESTIC works either forward or backward, saving steps.
THE DOMESTIC Vacuum Sweeper cannot bo excelled.
THE DOMESTIC nt $10.00 is a Christmas present that you cannot hope
to equal.
Churchill Hardware Co.
P. S. Don't forget to look for the Green Tag on
other goods. We vouch for the above statements
believe that it will more than pay
for Itself in reduced insurance rates."
In further conversation Mr. Per
kins said the present board of fire
commissioners was an active one, and
that everyone In the city would be
used in common. "We intend to hew
to tho line, and will not be persuad
ed to change our ordinances to suit
the few. The ordinances were adopt
ed with the idea that they would be
enforced, therefore, I cannot see why ,
wo should have anything to fear. We j
will Bi m ply enforce these ordinances
until better ones can be recommend-'ed."
Mr. Perkins also believes tliat the
present fire limits should be extend
ed lu the near future and thus avoid
tho erection of structures which will
prove a menace in case of fire. In
this, Mr. Perkins has the hacking of
every progressive resident of the
low n.
This afternoon Mr. Perkins was1
busily engaged reading the ordln-'
ances pertaining to his duties In or
der that he may get busy with'out un
due delay.
That Mr. Perkins and his associates
will do the city and its inhabitants
justice in the roll of fire commls
sioners is the belief of every real
dent of the city.
You havte times for your Xmas
fotos. Clark and Clark. d!2
Fruits and Vegetables
That we are showing now. Everything
is fresh and wholesome
APPLES: Spitzenberg-, Newtons
And Many Other Varieties
We are headquarters for Christmas Nuts,
and Candies. Before placing your order
consult us. We continue with theAu to
Contest. Phone 9 1
Bee Hive Grocery inc.
Roy Roadman and R. C. Dunham, Proprietors.