Don't Forget THE Removeal Sale?, . AT SIMON CARO'S 4 MX'AL NKWS. K. Jfl. Wells, of Olalla, was a visit or la Rosouurg over Sunday, Get your winter suit inufle now. See Ackley, Tailor, 111 Ciws street. George Crane, of Ten Miie, spent the day hi .voaeburg with friends. Hoy A. Giles, of Olalla, Rpent Sun day In KoBoburif visiting with frlendH. Wlllinni Kelllher, of Deer Creek, spent the day In town with friends. Frank Cain spent yesterday at Kiddle vlHlthiR with frlendB and rel atives. Karl Pnrkor of this city, underwent cn operation fr appendicitis at Mer cy hospital today. John Kernun, a local school super visor, spout Sunday at Oakland visit ing with friends. fleo us for prices on Xmas can dles, nutH and rrults. Hurvey Kastmnn C.roeery Co. Phone 103. or mill work nnl high quiillty lumber of all kinds, call on the J. O. Flunk Lumber Company. Phono 10(. "Wo deliver dm woods" tf Commandant W. W. Wider, or the Soldiers' Home, left hero this morn ing for Portland whro he bus busi ness needing his attention. A. 1). Ilradley and MlUon Church left here this afternoon for the .former's 'copper mines on Brushy Hutu. There they will remain until uliout Thursday. Mrs. .1. Klhn Perkins arrived, hero last evening from Portand to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. .1. W. Perkins. Mary K. Lewis has purchased four lot In Miller's Addition and h; alretidy ronini"nted the erection of u modern borne. Den. 20 and to noon of 21. Dr. Lowe, the optlelun will be In hotel MeClullen. This will be titu fit rt.u nil trln to Rosrhurt:. Re member the day and dates. Claud PiiUhen. of Drain, under went an operation at Mercy hospital this morning for uppr-ndliitis, Drs. Set her nd Hlowurt wi-re in attend unco. P. S. Younre hiu filed a suit In the cireult court to collect the sum of JlMut.lI from Nels Anderson, ta ul. Other than the principal the plain tiff also hs1s tor sttorney fees in the sum of fill), together whb Inter est at the li-gul rate. Tho imMi'bcrs of the Moose lodge are mak-ttpx elaborate preparations fur their annual ball, to be held at the Armory on December 1 S. The floor will he la the best of condition, while Ike Miiiicii rrcheslrn of seven pieces will furnish music, J. Brand, a well known resl dnt of Kosohurg lies in ft precarious rondlllon nt his home In this city as tho tVHutt (f an attack of paraly sis sustained lute yesterday. Al though very low the attending phys icians entertnln hopes of recovery. With only ten votes cast, tho voters of the Romhurg school district on Saturday levied n tax of 10 mills for maintenance of the local schools dur iiift the coming year. Of the ten mills east only two votes were In the negative. It Is estimated that ap proximately fHi.OOO will be neces sary to meet the current expenses of the schools during the coming year. VA HKAl'TI I-'I'Ij PRK.SF.NTS At Clnrk'a studio. Xmas fotoa. Sit now for dl2 hhlle n. kidd SHOW CARDS Advertising Designs and Nov- elties. Leave Orders at Kidds Crocery. a part of which will be derived from the state and county. Suits itindo to order. $35.00 and upward. Ackley, Tailor. Ill Cass street. tf, Order a sack of Hlue Ribbon flour of us. Longest on the market. Al ways the best. No prize packages Doesn't need the services of a so licitor. $1.65 quality sold for $1.50. Harvey-lCastman Crocery Co. Phone 10 a. Mil. and Mrs. (CuniUnghnm and children, who have resided In Rose burg for some time past left for Portland ' this morning where they will locate permanently. Mr. Cun ningham Is 'a Southern Pacific en gineer and Is well known in this city Mr. 4t ml Mrs. Cunningham expect to spend Christmas with friends In Okla homa, For more than 20 years Dr. Lowe, tho optician, lias visited Hoscburg professionally. His next, and final, trip will ho Dec. 20 and 21 to noon It Is with regret he makes this an nouncement, but Increased Portland business makes It necessary. In this connection, ho desires to thank the citizens of Douglas county for their uniform courtesy, patronage and con fidence. Joseph Sykes, of the local gun store, yesterday received a consign ment of 24 pheasants direct from tho state gnnio farm, near Corvallis. Following their arrival hero the birds were taken to the Curry ranch, In Garden Valley, a part of which has been set aside as a state game pre serve. More birds will bo received here next spring, according to Mr. Sykes and other members of the local gun club. Inasmuch as the Curry ranch has been made a state game preserve persons molesting birds In that vicinity hereafter wtll bo com pelled to pay tho extreme penalty provided by law, While loitering about the local Southern Pacific station this morning awaiting the departure of the north hound train. Commandant W. W. Kl ti er, of the Oregon Soldiers' Home, de tected a former member of the In stitution carrying n sack, which from appearances, was quite heavy. The fellow deposited tho sack In an ob scure corner of tho depot, and upon noticing the commandant ,of the Home hastened across tho street. Re lieving that something was wrong. Mr. Flder made a brief examination of the sack during tho purported owner's absence and was surprised to find that It contained a number of smoked hams. These hams, Mr. Flder contended were appropriated from tho Home sometime last night or early today, Mr. Kldor took pos session of the hams after admonish ing tho alleged thief In no modest terms. The members of tho "Campus Club", composed of local high school students are making elaborate prepar ations for the presentation of the farce comedy, "A Cheerful Liar." In this city on Thursday and Friday evenings, of this week. The cast Is composed of eight artists, exclu sive of the high school orchestra, which will furnish music for tho oc casion. On Saturday evening the play will be presented at Oakland, white later In the month the pro duction will probably be staged in a number of other Oregon towns. Oth er than carrying the high school or chestra, the troupe will be accompan ied by the ''Hungry Seven Hand." a musical organization of more than ordinary talent. The high school students are working diligently in an effort to please the public and should bo greeted by a larpe and apprecia tive house nt each performanc. LOCAL NEWS. i ' Remember "A Cheerful Liar" at ' ! the Palace theatre December 12 ; and 13. t Cliugenieel cjutIc a fine lino of ; I . .. ' Hull JSroiuer s bull tiue iiiiorcuus, j i witli guaranteed top. tf I i - ! j J. S. Cherrlngton, who recontly'; moved to this city from Riddle, spent i Sunday with his family at the lat-; j tor place. j B. F. Jones, wife and child re- j turned hero Daturday from Toledo, j j Oregon, where they spent the past f two weeks. j Miss May McClusky, of Junction j City, arrived In Roseburg yesterday' to spend the winter ut the home of' her sister, Mrs. I. R. Smith. j Miss Olive Davis returned to her j homo at Myrtle Creek Saturday even-1 ing after a brief" visit at the home of Ella Roadman in this city. For mi71 work and lilgh quality Ann her of all kinds, cull on the J. G. Flook Lumber Company. Phone 100. 'We deliver tho goods" tf District Attorney George M. Brown on Saturday received his cotlflcatc of election as district attorney of the second prosecuting attorney district, from the secretary of state. L. B. Wallace, formerly of the Harding Land Company, left lastev ening for Monta Vista, Colo., where he will locate permanently. Mrs. Wallace will follow tonight. Anls Love, of Myrtle Creek, re turned home lust evening after a couple of days spent lu Roseburg visiting with her sister, Helen Love, a pntient at Mercy hospital. G. W. Ritter and family, H. L. Hudson and family and Reuben Har ris and family, all of whom arrived In Roseburg from Oklahoma about two months ago, left for Myrtle Creek this morning where they in tend to make their future home. If you are wanting something io send away for Xmas, don't fall to send tho beautiful hand painted nov elties. "Roseburg High School", pen ant calendars. Greetings from the City of Roses'. Xmas letters, etc., with envelopes and boxes to mutch, fur mailing with each article, nt Graves Art Kmporium. tf About twenty-five Shrlners assem bled at Masonic nail Friday evening and organized a sociable organiza tion. Officers were elected as fol lows: Ulnger Hermann, president; Nathan Fullerton, secretary, and H. II. C. Wood, treasurer. S. S. Joseph son was elected representative to AI Kader Temple, of Portland, while A. T. Marshall was elected representa- j tivo to Hlllah Temple, of Ashland. j The Loyal Temperance Legion's j entertniumeut in the Freo Methodist j church, of West Roseburg, Friday j evening, was a success in every way. j West Roseburg has every reason to bo proud of the society which con-1 sists of about forty children and moots every Friday afternoon under tho leadership of Mrs. McGee. assist- j ed by Mrs. Lillian Boyd and Mrs. t Jeanetto Taylor. j Tho members of the Roseburg fire department met ip regular session j Friday evening, at which time action was taken In the direction of revls-l Ing the local fire wards. According to present plans the town will be divided into about 40 wards, each; of which will have a different alarm, The proposed chango In the present! wards will be submitted to the con-J slderation of tho council at Its regu lar weekly meeting to be held to night. In Saturday's Issue of Tho News It whs stated that the Roseburg high Bchool girls defeated the Athletic club girls by a acoro of 16 to 8. This was an orror. Tho Athletic club girls were the winners and suc ceeded In defeating the high school: girls by a score of 3 to 6. The game J in which the girls participated was i one of the most exciting ever wit nessed In this city, and not at any time during the exhibition could the result bo forecasted. After serving two hundred and seventy-five days In the Linn county: Jail for bootlegging. Pick Tnrpin, of! Ivebanon, was yetserday 'riven his freedom having completed his ten-! ton co. He was found guilty of boot-! legging In Lebanon last March and sentenced to pay a fine of $450 and serve 40 days In the county Jail.. He was unable to pay his fine which made It necessary for him to serve a '. total of 275 day In the county Jail, j Ho snys no more bootlegging for' him. Albany Democrat. (Turpln was BARGAINS IN RESSED DOLLS D We are selling out our stocK of dressed dolls at g'reatly reduced prices., C Regular $7.00, 6.50, 5.00 at only JS2.50 , The goods alone to dress these dolls cost more than we asK for the doll com plete. Other DRESSED DOLLS only 25c, 45c, 50c, 60c MaKe your selection from our store window before they are all g'one. oseburg Book Store formerly a resident of Roseburg, whore he Is well known.) Frank Maxwell, of Riddle, spent; last evening in Roseburg visiting with friends. Sheriff George Quine Is spending a couple of days at Riddle looking after official matters. Guy M. Hamlet, employed in the barber shop of T. D, Weatherford, spent yesterday at Drain. - H. C. Parslow and wife, of North Dakota, arrived In Rosbeurg last ev ening to visit nt the home of Mr. ! and Mrs. Lester Bell. It is more j than probable that Mr. and Mrs. Par-1 slow will locate In Roseburg per manently. A storm, the nearest aproach to a real cyclone ever witnessed in thfa section, passed over Myrt le Creek, Tuesday, about one o'clock. From a ragged hole torn in the skyline in the northwest, a, powerful gust of whirling wind, accompanied by floods of rain and hail tore down from Red mountain and swept through the town. Xo serious damage was done, hut those who failed to get under shelter were given a good soaking. Fences were scattered about and n section of the Myrtle Lumber Com pany's flume just east of town was blown down. The awning In front of Hurst & Vanbusklrk's store went to pieces and the wreck came near going through some valuable front windows. Myrtle Creek Mall. .. ijtfji In the C. P. Ford Shoe then in any other because of its flexible sole THIS sole, tanned by the Special Ford tanning process, is so Flexible that it conforms to the Every Movement of your foot, just as a' glove does to your hand allows you to wear a smaller size with a comfort you wouid'nt believe possible. See the Winter Styles in our window. They are smart models in all the Fashionaole Materials: Patents, Tans, Gun Metals, Vel vets and Buckskins. No matter what style you select, the moment nou try it on you will immediately be couvinced of the perfect and wonderful comfort of this shoe. r!h25e HIS LOP, THE S HO " The Ideal Gift Store. " TUESDAY DEC. 17th. LOCAL NEWS. " A. Henrickson. of Glendate, spent the day In Roseburg attending to business matters and visiting w-ith friends. K Mrs. J. McDonald left Tor her home at San Francisco, CaL, this morning after a few days spent in Roseburg visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Arthur. Mrs. Jesse Woodson, of Portland, arrived In Roseburg this morning toi spend a few days visiting at the homo You Can Wear A Closer Fit PRICES: $3.00 to $5.00 Button, button, who's got the button? da 4 of Mr. and this city. Mrs. Lane Thornton in Buy your Xmas presents where you can get the genuine article at prices every one can afford. No 1ml tations at Graves Art Emporium. . t Mrs. W. H. Adams left for her home nt Fotland last night after two weeks spent in Edenbower visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Speicher. EM AN Perkins Building M ) i r