The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 07, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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tali tor ana bH rriirltjr.
Hubscription 1CUji Duily.
Per year, by mail $3.00
Pw month, delivered 50
Pep year $2.00
Blx mont'jg 1.00
Entered as second-class matter
November 6, 1910, at itoHoburg, Ore.,
tinder act nf Murch 3. 1879.
HATUitiMV, ii; ioiiii:u 7,
(Continued from page 1.)
DtHtrict No. 4, of Douglas County,
Oregon, I have the honor to present
herewith an entlmate of the probable
amount of money necesHary to he
J raised for the maintenance of
athools and property of said District
No. 4, alto for taking care of the
Indebtedness for the ensuing year;
and therefore beg leave to present
the following figures as an estimate
Theie are 25 teachers em
ployed by School District
Xo. 4, 4 janitors, clerk,
and truant officer at the
present time, of a yearly
- suiury amounting to ap
proximately $26,625.00
Increase anticipated by ad
ditional teachers for en
suing year 2,000.00
Premium for renewal of
insurance carried on
Hchool buildings, and
additional Insurance on
Admirable for Holiday Presents
And Very Moderate In Price
Of all things suitable for Holiday presentation, we can recom
mond nothing moro highly than Art ISrass Ware. It is some
thing that is substantial in maku-up, attractive in
and very reasonable In price.
At our store you will find a very splendid gathering of Art
Brass Waro, in a wide rango of practical articles at all prices.
We have made special preparations in Holiday things, and
particularly invite your inspection of the assortment.
Here are Desk Clocks, Book Racks, Shaving Mirrors, Thermo
meters, Candle Sticks, Trays, Desk Sets and countless other
gift articles appropriate for Yulotido giving. Each Article is
beautifully made from soid brass, attractively finished and de
signed. If in doubt just what to give, Iirasa Ware will holp you solve
tho perplexing problem. . Wo will gladly lay aside any article
you choos9 until Christmas Eve.
$55.00 Diamond King Free You may be the lucky
one it will be one of ourciistomers jkul to show
it to you and ive particulars.
"The Quality Store"
re want to sec the people who
are careful about the ciualitv of
the groceries they buy. The busi
ness we have has been built on
merit and on merit we expect it to
stand. In buying we select only pure
wholesome goods and if they are
not just exactly as we represent them
to you we will checrfuly take them
back. On that basis we invite your
Milledge & Pickens
new building ' . . 300.00
Interest on bond Issue
for construction of Ben
soli school 2,10000
Principal of said bond
issue, due In 1913 ... 5,000.00
interest on old I-ane, and i
High school bonds .... 300.00 ;
Water and fight 1.000.00
Fuel 2.000.00
Supplies and incidentals. . 2,000.00
Improvements, wear and
tear; etc ' 3,000.00
illill I
Total J47.38o.0i)
At the last census, the school pop
ulation of this district was 1.5G0.
and Increase of nearly 200 over the
preceding year. A conservative es
timate at this time' will place the
census for said district at 17,000. I
am unable, however, to give a com
plete figure as the census has not
j been checked.
The amount of money derived
from .-e state and county school
tax, or per capita, amounts to $13,
600.. ., which would leave a bal
ance of $33,785... to be raiBed bj
Tho valuation of School District
No. 4 Is $2. 991. 220. 00. A 9-mlll I
levy tho preceding year raised $26.
920.98. I am therefore of the onln.
Ion that in order to raise sufficient
money to liquidate the Indebtedness
to become due In 191.1, It will be
necessary to levy a tax of ten mills,
unless the Board of Directors have
some other scheme in view whereby
they can liquidate said Indebtedness
and take care of the bonded debt
that becomes due.
You will note In thjs report I
have made no allowance for any ex-(
tended Improvements for the cnnuln?
year. Therefore, if additional Im
.provemcnts are anticipated, the levy
should bo accordingly made.
Dated at Iloseburg, Oregon, this
7th day of December, 1912.
No. 83.
Report of the condition of the Kirst
Trust & Savings Hank, nt Rosuburg,
In the Slate of Oregon, at tho close
of business November 2(1, 1912.
Loans and discounts ....$44,483.07
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured 741.24
Ilonds and warrants . . . . 4,668.92
Furniture nnd fixtures... 4,915.26
Duo from approved re-
Borve bunks 12,022.31
Chocks and' other cash
Items 101.36
Cash on hand 4.746.91
Expenses 2,593.34
Other resources 47.40
Total $74,319.80
Capital stock paid in ...$30,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses nnd taxes paid 1.484.20
Postal savings bunk de
posits 750.00
Individual deposits sub
ject to check .. ....... 32.905.47
Demand certificates of de
posit 430.00
Time certlllrntos of do-
Poslt 7.077.82
Savings deposits 1.672.31
Total $74,319.80
Slato of Oregon, County of Doug
les. bs,
I. Itobt. Smith, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swoav that the above statement Is
Irue lo the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to berore
me this 7th day of Dec. 1912.
Notary Public.
COKltKST Attest:
l' W. 1 1 TNT,
Come in and look us over. Anything from
clerks to goods with a Green Tag on is
marked at a big reduction to you. We want
money and you want the goods. You know
that when we offer a bargain it is a bargain
Now as an instance we offer you Alumi
num Ware on which we are overstocked at
au average of one-quarter less than the
price fixed by the manufacturers. They
may refuse us more goods because of cut
in price but what we have is ours and we
propose to realize from it. Nickle Plated
Tea and Coffee Pots and Tea Kettles at a
nice discount. Domestic Vacum carpet
sweepers at $10.00 restricted price is 519.00
We loose money and you get one of the
best and most useful cleaners made. We
. must close them out before Xmas. A big
cut a chafing dishes, alcohol Electric Per
culators. A few Electric Laundry Irons at
$2.00 to $3.00 less than regular price. A few
A few pieces of Libbv cut glass, copper egg
sets, electroliers. How aoout a Fireless
cooker. One, two or three holes, if you
are intvrested look for the Green Tag. Oh
well, we don't think of all the things that
will be tagged but come in often as there
will be something every now and then that
will surprise you.
"Oon't Forget The Green Tag"
kotick rou priiMCATiox.
Lepartment of tie Interior, X! S.
Land Office nt Rosoburg, Oregon, No
vember 23, 191 z.
NOTICH Is hereby given that Anna
Nelson, whose postoffice address Is
364 Sixth, South Marshfleld, Oregon,
did, on tho 7th day of March, 1912,
rilo In this office Sworn Statement
and Application, No. 07SS8, to pur
chase the NEK NW14, Section 21.
Township 21 S., Range 11 west. Wil
lattwlte Merfdlan, and the timber
tl riven, under the provisions n; ilu
ocf or .Inne 3, 1878, nnd acts ".menda
tory, known as the '"Timber and
St:r,e Law," at such vrflue ns mUht
he fixed by nppialsement, and tlir't,
pursuant to such application, the land
and timber thereon havo been ap
praised $1 00.00, the timber estimat
ed ISO. 000 hoard feet nt 50 een.s
per JI, and the land $10.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof In
suppor of her application and sworn
stntement on the 7th day of Febru
ary, 1913, before A. K. Peck, United
States Commissioner, at Matshfield,
Any person Is at liberty to pretest
this purchase before entry, or Initiate
a contest at any time before patent
Issues, by filing a corroborated af
fidavit in this office, alleging facts
which would defeat tho entry.
df7 Register.
N. J. Rowland today filed n suit
In the circuit court against Dorothy
.. Woolloy. of Drain. The plaintiff
seeks to recover the sum of $1.4.o,
alleged to be due on a promissory
nolo executed on October 2S, 1910.
C. F. lloehner today filed a suit
In the circuit court against tho Storey
. i.i.Miiifl vlHIIiNUl.t U1UI l. I.
! .lanuulh and wife I'lainllff seeks to
recover the sum nf $7,000. alleged '.v
be tlue on a promissory note, toueth
with Interest lii the sum of
$600. S3, bnrk taxes In the amount of
;l"7. . and attorney fees In the sum
of $700. To Insure payment of the
principal. Interest, taxes and attorney
fees, plaintiff nlso asks that a cer
tain mortgage be foreclosed.
Hear Pastor McConnel!
Christian Church
sr 11.1 HOTS: "Olhxciiimu II. I
l-'ltv find llriiiiatnti""
tin. m. ami 7:HO p. ni.
Fruits and Vegetables
That we are showing now. Everything
is fresh and wholesome
APPLES: Spitzenberg, Newtons
And Many Other Varieties
'We are headquarters for Christmas Nuts,
and Candies. Before placing your order
consult us. We continue with theAu to
Contest. Phone 91
Bee Hive Grocery inc.
Roy Roadman and R. C. Dunham, Proprietors.
I 1 1 '
Perkins Buililinjj
Phone 195