The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 05, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Don't Forget
Eemovea! Sale
j The Roseburg Book store aiwayt
Hell goods of good quality at lowest
prices. tf
j William Ruxton, of Hrockway
spent the day la nose burg attending 1 1
j to various' business Interests.
; HliiU marie, to order. &I5.00 and
I upward. Acklcy, Tailor. Ill Cass
1 treet. tf. ,
. I
Judge J. W. Hamilton, haa return-J
ed from Corvallls where he held a;
We are selling oat our stocli of dressed dolls at greatly reduced prices.
Regular $7.00, 6.50, 5.00 at only S2.50
The goods alone to dress these dolls cost more than we asK for the doll com
plete. Other DRESSED DOLLS only
25c, 45c, 50c, 60c
MaKe your selection from our store window before they are all gone. .
i 3peclal term of the circuit court. j
Get your win Mr suit mucle now.
toco Acklcy, Tullur, 111 Conn street.
I). C. VWmr, a local real emate
jigcnt, spent the afternoon at Oak
land. Attorney HI hurt Hermann, William
Van Hurt n and Dr. C. . L. Pearson
Hjjent the afternoon at Suthciiiu.
U. O, MeGllvory, of Canyonvllle, It;
spending a couple of days in Itose
liiii'K looking after various buwlnet-b
Dr. Love, wife, and child, of Myr
tle Creek, arrived In HoHt'uurg thlb
nfternoon to spend a day or two visit
ing with friends.
For mill work and high qualify
mi her of oil kind, call on the J. . j
Mook Lumber Company. I'liono 100.
" o deliver the koouV' tf
L. P. Hyrno, of Redmond, Ore., nr
rlvud hero last evening to upend a
row duy vlnitliiK with friends. .Mr.
Uyrne fonneiiy resided in this city
whore lie lias many friemiB.
DiHtrlet Attorney Georno M. Mrown
lenvos for Cociiill City tomorrow or
Hutitiday where he will attend tin;
regular term of the circuit court Tor
Cook county.
U. H. Mathews haw chipped bin bar
fixtures to (Henduie where they hav
been Bold to a resident of that c!tv
who eontomplaton eiiiialiu in the
loon buslnesH.
Charlefl Vundcventer, of Portland,
arrived hi KoHetturg today to spend
ii weelt attciidfug to businoHH null
ters before the local United Slute1
lund oTfice.
The ladleH of St. (Jeorgo'a church
will Borvo ft Cafeteria supper In the
I'arltdi House, 211 Kast Ciihh Hlreeel.
Saturday afternoon from 5 to 7. A
cordial Invitation Is extended to ev
erybody. dr
At the regular met' ting of Alpha
Lodge, No. -17. K. of IV, held last
night the following officers were
elected to nerve during Ihe ensiling
year: Tree Johnson. C. C; It. W.
Strong, V. C; ,1. C. Alliln, P.; V. It.
Itucklngluim. M. of ; M. V, Wright.
K. of U. H, ; .lames A. Perry. M. of T.;
W. T. Wright. M. of 10. ; K. K. Wlm
herly, M. of A.; Frank lliown, I. 0.;
icoi-ge VY. Ktmhnll, O. 0.; Joseph
.Mh-elll. trustee tur three years. Sev
eral cumlidatcH were Initialed Into
V o have just received a large
shipment of California oranges of
the nawl variety. Sunshine from
the heavens andmoister from the
soil have Mended to make the
Calitornia orange the best, most
dclieiousand jueiest in the world.
Try them and be convinced. Von
will always tind a large assort
ment )f fruit and vegetables at the
the niynterlea of the order during the
Ralph Knight, of Canyonvllle, was
a bunlneHH visitor In Roseburg for a
few hours today,
II. A. llunsaker returned to His
home at .uyrtle Creek last evening a few days ujkjiu In Rose burs.
Sheriff Oeorgo Quine returned
here this afternoon after a few days
spent on his ranch at Riddle.
For mill work and high quail tj
lumber of all kind, call on the J. G.
Hook Lumber Company. lMionc 100.
"Wo deliver the Koods" II
.Mrs. R. P. Redlfer returned to
her home at Riddle this morning af
ter a few days spent In Rosehurg
visiting with relatives.
Healricc Staley left for Kugeno to
day after spending the past week In
Roseburs visiting with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorgo Staley.
I District Attorney George M. Hrown
returned here last evening after a
couple of days spent at Salem where
be had professional matters pending
before the supremo court. j
Mrs. D. llaupert and child arrived;
here this morning from Colorado,
and left later In the day lor Look-1
ing Class where they will spend !
some time visiting with the former's j
parcuiH, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klore, j
Mr. Chandler, who Is interested
v illi V. K. Wlllettc in the opcaitlon
of a local creamery, leaves tonight
lor Chicago and other lOasiern cities
where be will spend several weeks.
During his absence fro in Rosehurg.
Mr. Chandler expects to visit in Min
nesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Colo
rado and Oliio.
Apparently evidencing a desire to
get Into the limelight a number of
ItOHchiirg ladies yesterday bcselged
Cotinly Clerk Kdward Lenox and re
quested permission to register. Inas
much as the next election In Rose
hurg donn not occur until October.
l!Ht, the county clerk iieeessai ily re
fused the request. County Judge (1.
W. Wonacott, who Is one of tlje three
men who draws the regular jury pan
el today stated that he would not
tolerate tne selection of women for
Jury service at the time of drawing
the ventre in January. As a result,
the women of Douglas roiuily will
probnhly be compelled to curb their
ambitions to serve on juries In the
local courts for at least t wo year..
The only manner in which women can
erve on a Jury at the present time
is through a stipulation of Ihe oppos
ing attorneys and the court In which
they waive qualifications of jurors.
Mrs. Blanch Neighbors and child:
left for Portland this morning where
they will spend a couple of weeks,
visiting with relatives.
Friday evening, December 6, coin-:
menclng at 7:30, the West Side Loyal
Temperance- Legion will give an en
tertainment at the Kree Methodist'
church. Collection taken. Every-:
body welcome. I
The members of the Rosehurg Gun
Club held another of Its interesting
shoots at the range north of town
this afternoon. Quite a number of
marks men were in attendance und n
number of unusually high scorefc
were recorded.
Mrs. O. C. Stark and two sons,
Otto and P. E. Stark, arrived here
last evening from Kenncwick, Wash.,
pi opuratory to assuming charge ol
the McClallen hotel. Mrs. Stark and
sons are experienced in the hotel
business and will no doubt make a
success of their late venture.
The supreme court yesterday re
versed the decision of Judge Hamil
ton In the case of Emry Thrush vs.
A lira ham Lincoln Thrush and Eliza
1'h rush, and an order was issued
compelling the respondents to pay
the costs of defending the action,
which amounted to approximately
" i
Dr. G. W. Leslie, of Marahfleld,!
was living at Florence when thei
drowning of Dr. Barber, of Gardiner, j
occurred. The item and claims now j
being made by a seeming Impostor
;r Dr. Barber's property and other
effects, was mentioned in the Record j
last week. Dr. Leslie says Dr. liar- j
ber's body was fully identified at I
I lie time, before a coroner's jury and I
(here is little doubt the man now!
claiming to be Lr. Barber is trying
La gitin something which does not be- j
bmg to him. Marsh field Record. j
Some unknown porson entered ttie j
homo of John Wright, In North!
Ilosehiirg, yesterday afternoon and :
after ranRarkin the bureaus and
other depositories In the home left '
without niiproprUUlni; anyihiiiK of '
vulue. The family was absent from :
tlu home at the time of the attempt-
ed robbery, and not until they re-1
turned shortly before six o'clock lavl
evening was the "would-be" theft
discovered. The officers were noti
fied, but as yet the Identity of the
unwelcomed prowler has not been es
tablished. Kntraucc to the home wan
valued through an open window.
KnteriiiK the residence throimh;
the front door, an unknown man late
Monday ninht spent considerable
time ransacking the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. n. Zureher. on Kane street
W hen M r. Zurcher ret n rued home
late at nitfht he detected the fellow
standinn In tho kitchen enjoylni:
some delicacies which he had appro
priated. NotkiiiK Mr. Zurcher ap- -proaching
the stranger closed the
door between them nnd left the rel
deuce In baste. Nothing of great .
value was appropriated from the
homo. At Ihe time the Intruder en
t ered t he resilience M r. and M n
Zurcher were at the home of a neigh
bor. J. A. Ward, who came through from
the Interior last Saturday lea met)
that the N!)-ton steam shovel which
had been so long delayed by rough
weather, was brought into the I'mp
(jua river last Thursday and Is be
ing unloaded at the railroad leading
to the tunnel site. The machine was
brought down from Yaqulna bay on
a scow and towed by the tug Uos
coe. The- shovel will soon be ready
for work and wilt be throwing dirt
probably tomorrow, Tho Incline for
Its unloading has been ready for the
pust two months, and l.te .'oh should
proceed now without any further In
terruptions. The contract for the
f unnel was let to the Copetihag;
brothers early In the summer, but th
job of getting machinerv to the tun
nel site has delaed tho work from
four to tix months. It Is now esti
mated by the engineers nnd others
interested In the bore, that the tun
nel cannot be completed Inside of IS
men tin; which would trean sometime
9 No cold Btorago chickens
whon you buy at Jack Dbwhou's
poultry and produce market.
All chlckeus are dressed after
$ you order. Our chickens are
kept In a 'clean snnitary room
and are fed on clean grain. We
invite you to compare our raeth- !
od with others you have seen.
Order your Thanksgiving bird i
from us and be satisfied. Our
9 prices are right.
Poultry an Produce .Market
507 N. Jackson St. Phone 310
during1 tho summer of 191-1. .Marsh
field Record.
Sit now for your lioilday fotos. !
Clark & Clai k, I'o toy ra pliers. tf
Mrs. Kniiiy T. Whlttaker and two!
children arrived In Koseburg this
morning from Hood Kiver to spend j
a few days with relatives. J
Through his attorney H. W. Mars-1
ters, Robert Whlttaker. a well kuown '
Koseburg man. this afternoon filed j
a suit for divorce In the circuit court;
against his wife. Mrs. 15. C. Whit-!
taker. Mr. and Mrs. Whlttaker were
married in Koseburg on September
111, Hill, nnd according to the com
plaint the latter deserted him during
tho following October.
Exposition of Winter Footwear Styles
P 1
The Ideal Gift Store.
Hit now for your Xmas fotos.
Clark & Clark, Fotogrnphurs. tf
Remember "A Cheerful Liar" at
the Palace theatre December 12
and 13.
S. J. Jones returned here this af
ternoon after a day spent at Glen
dale end other Southern Douglas
county towns. -
For exclusive patterns In suitings
for ladles nnd mens tailored suits,
see Ackley, practical tailor, 111 Cnsn
street.. . tf.
Attorney John T. Long returned
here this morning after a couple of
days spent at Salem attending to
professional matters before the su
preme court.
Mrs. E. Y. Moore, of Portland, who
has been spending some time In
Koseburg visiting with her daughter.
Mrs. George E. Houck, left for Los
Angeles, Cal., this morning where
she will spend the winter.
With Christmas less than three
weeks off the several local stores.
;ire commencing to take on holiday!
attire. In Tact, the Xmas gifts are;
being arranged as fast 11s possible j
and within a few days prospective'
purchasers will have no difficulty in
selecting those articles which they
Is without a doubt the largest and finest
array of of up-to-date shoes and Hi-cuts
for men, women and children ever
shownJin this section of the state.
Mot only will you find our as
sortment larger but you will
find the value greater The
styles shown here are ab
solutely correct. On
the whole this great
winter display should
impress you more
than ever with
this stores pro
gresssiveness and the great
ness of bur val
ues. We cor
dially invite you
to call on Sat
urday and
view the
dosiro to purchase. As In previous
years the merchants anticipate a big
Christmas trade, and as usual urge
the people to shop early and thus
avoid the rnsn.
The "Ideal Girt Store," keeps the
largest assortment of Waternian'e
Ideal Fountain pens. You can't do
better than buy one at the Roseburg
Book Store.- it
The young ladles ot the Susana
Wesley Bible class of tho M. E..
church, South, will hold a window
sale of home cooked articles at the
Benson grocery Saturday, Decem
ber 7. dC '
The ladles of St. George's church
in tho Purish House, 214 East Cass
street on Saturday afternoon from
5 to 7.
J en ti.
Creamed Chicken with Hot Biscuits
Roast Reef with Hrown Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Fruit Salad
Shrimp Salad
If you want the highest prices for
all kinds ol furs, bring them to me.
T am buying for an Eastern house.
Box G01. Roseburg. Ore.
-'w a. a