The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 05, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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Today's Highest
Temperature, 41
l-'alr Tonight Friday.
voii. iv.
No. 20
vmM P.PTQ N!
kijiihh uliu in
jtachment Russian Troops
Enroute to Mongolia.
Servia and Montenegro.
Shooting Follows Cm-ousel,
ert J. Widney, a prominent Los An
geles real estate dealer, was shot and
probably fatally wounded by Mrs.
Francis V. Lyons, an alleged para
mour, after a drinking bout here.
The woman is the divorced wife of
William E. Lyon, of Denver, and
denies that she intended to kill Wid
ney, alleging that the wound was
accidentally inflicted. Reports that
Widney had made a statement at
the hospital exonerating the woman
are denied.
re!iiauKlit.s For Canada.
OTTAWA, Dec. 5. Under the Do
minion's naval policy it is announced
(Special to The Evening News.) that the House of Commons and Par-
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 5. That ; "anient will be asked to vote an ap-
. . r. . , ,1 i i . ' proprialion of $35, 000,600 for build
war between Russia and China is not ! 1 1 ,'
j Ing and equipping three suier
improbable is shown In the fact that j dreadll(iUglltBt which are t0 be the
a detachment of Russian troops, tin- j largest fighting ships afloat. The
IMploiimts Suggest That Dispute lie
tween Austria am! Servia lie
Settled by Ambassadors
From Tlie Powers.
der orders to procede to Western
Mongolia, arrived at Urga today, ac
cording to advices from that section.
It is said that a strong force of
Chinese troops is also advancing i
against Kcbdo, Uliassutai.
Pence Conference Advocated.
PARIS, Dec. 5. Foreign Minister
Berchtold o(f Austria, . has endors
ed Sir Edward Grey's proposal that
a conference of European ambassa
dors be called to settle the dispute
between Austria and Servia.
After Turkish Territory.
ficial announcement has been made
that a state of war exists between
Turkey and Greece. It Is expected
that Greece will capture the fortresR
of Janina on . the Island of Chios,
within a week, and then King George
will be willing to suspend hostili
ties and send a tireecian represen-1
tative to attend the peace negotia- j
tions at London next week. j
Montenegrins Defiant, j
ANTIVARI. lec. 5. A flat defi-1
an eo of Austria's demand that Ser-1
win keep out of the Adriatic portal
was voiced by General Mart ivinlch, 1
premier commander in chief of thej
Montenegrin forces. The MontenM-1
grin said that if Austria attempted!
to carry out the implied threat
against Servia. that Franz Josef j
-would be cqmpelied t fight both !
vessels will be built in England and
maintained and controled as a part
of the Bltish navy, Canada footing
tho hills.
' Drunk 17 Days; Dead.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., Dec. 5.
Locking himself In his room for 17
dnys, Albert Riddell suicided by con
suming 12 quarts of whiskey. His
supply of liquor running short, and
burning up fr,om the effects of the
whiskey poison, Kiddell left his room
and staggered into the hall, calling
for water, but before aid could be
given him the man dropped dead.
Riddle was the son of pioneer par
ents and was well known in this
section of the state.
Bert Sutherland was a Sutherlln
visitor this afternoon.
Good Fellows' Club
Is Calling You To Help All The Needy!
Do you know of any man, woman, child or fam- j
ily that is in need. If so, fill out the Coupon below
Come to the front all you glad hearts, all 3rou that love
j'our home, yourself and help this wonderful cause, to
clothe, to feed the needy, the starved. Think what a
a joy it will be to know that on Christmas Day you have
made some one joyous. Come you, and join the Xmas
Spirit and play old Santa Claus. We want every man,
woman and child that can help, to help.
Fill out the coupon and see to it that ou make it
your duty to find some person that is need'.
Mrs. W. W. Cardwell, ' Mrs. A. Maddox,
Mrs. C. D. Shoemaker, Mr. C. W. Clark,
Mr. A. F. Sethers, Mr. C. L. Bargar,
ciliated to savovhimself from the
electric chair.,
Specialist for Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat
Eves Pitied With Glasses
Below give the names and address of every
person that is in need of food and clothing.
Turn this Coupon in to the News.
Be Sure and Give the Address
I a quiei weaning occurreu ul me
offices of Justice of the Peace Reu
j ben Marstera late last evening, when
j Ernest .1. Thompson and Ru4h E.
j Williams, both of Yoncalia, were
j united in marriage. The wedding
! ceremony was performed by Justice
Marsters and was witnessed by a few
! friends of the contracting parties.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompsnn left for Yon
I calla this morning where they con-
template making their future home.
Can Buy
At Harth's Toggery for
$ 1 5.00
Any Suit or' Overcoat. Kept i pressed
free for you, too.
Best in Good all wool fabric Best in
pattern and coloring and best in care
ful tailoring. "Service with Satisfac
tion" goes with every garment.
We want you to come and see
these Suits and Overcoats you'll
be glad to find out for youself how much worth and
wear $15.00 will buy here. 16,000 Automobile
votes with each $15.00 Suit or Overcoat.
Harth's To
Home of Regal Shoes Headquarters fot Stetson Hats
Comes in For Prob'ng-Posta
Law Invoked.
)m mam t jpg
CopttW 1911 I
The HowKpobetMr (Si?? I
( oiilidenl Tlml Turkey Can lie Whip
ped Single Handed Alienists
Declare Mickey 1h SIuiiii
Ing Insanity.
(Spoclal to The Evening News.) I
WASHINGTON, Dec. G. Prohlbit-
j ing stock and produce exchanges and
i certain clearing houses from tlie use
of the 1'uited SLutes malls on the
ground that they are "conspiracies
in restraint of trade, will probably
be the final result of the money
trust investigation now In progress,
according to members of the commit
tee conducting the work. The state
ment was made by Representative
I' ii jo that "the poHtal Iowh will he
Invoked to exclude crlaln exchanges,
associations, bankers and brokers
from the use of I'niti'd States malls
nnlcsn complete and radical re-oigan-izatlnn
of their affairs was mad.'
It Is rt't thought probable that fed
eral I ,(-;rporatlon of stock exchanger
will be attempted, but that federal
supervision of such concerns will be
demanded. The money trust prole
will be resumed again Monday,
(irrtfc Aggressive.
VIKNNA, Dee. 5. --According In
dispatches erceived here It seems ap
parent that (Jreece has determined to
! carrv on the war aualnst Turkey
strictly on her own account, believ
ing that victory will come to her ef
forts. Two Greek gunboats are said
to be bombarding Valonla, Albania.
The firing Is directed at buildings
flying the Mhanfan flHg.
Hoy Murderer Not Iiimimc.
nt.'KKALO. Dec. 5. Alienists who
examined Hlckny, confesHed murder-j
er of two small boys, allege that the;
man in not Insane, but that In their
opinion his recent act inns art only j
calculated to bolster up the plan of'
the def"iise. At the time of his
arrest Illckey stated he was ready,
to accept 'the penalty d-u (Mr his'
crime, but later started a fight ml-1
A 1110 SNAP -r'l'RNISHKI), nwly
Iniilt, 7-rootn bungalow, all con-,
veulences, North ftoseburg, for t
sale at bargain If taken now. Ad-'
dress or Inquire at 1003 North I
Jackson street. J027-dIi6
Panama Imposition Sites Aro Chosen
Ily Number of l-'oelgn
third meeting of the architectural
commission of the Panama-Pacific
international Exposition Is now be
ing held In the New Zealand build
ing, this city. The architects, sculp
tors and artists attending this Im
portant session a;-e Thus. S. Hastings,
William Sy mines Kichardsou, of New-
York; Karl Bitter. J, Stirling Calder.
Jules Guerin. Willis Polk, Clarence
11. Ward, J. Harry Blome, W, 13. Ka
vllle, h. C.;Mullgardt. Geo. W. Kol
hnm.'Thos. Hastings, W. C. Klchnrd
on, Henry Bacon, Robert Farquhar
uu Arthur Brown, Jr. -
One of the most Important mat-1
r?rs to ie discussed la the electrical i
illumination of the exposition
grounds und Daniel Ryan an electric
al engineer of New York, will make
suggestions to the commission. Ryan
'Humiliated Niagara Kalis and fur
nished the lighting effects for the
Hudson Kuiton celebrath n. Modch
have been prepared of the different
courts and buildings and will he used
in tho discussion.
SAN r uANCISCO, Her. G. Thirty
two states have accepted tho invita
tion to participate In the Panamn
Paciflc International Imposition and
twenty-one states have .dedicated
sites. New York und West Virginia
dedicated their locations last week
with impressive ceremonies.
Twenty-one foreign nations have
accepted tho president's Invitation to
participate and thus far Japan. Chi
na, Sweden and Portugal have dedi
cated their sites. Next week Amhav
sador Jonkheer J. London, Knvoy
trao:'d!:;.:ry and Xlnisler rientlpo
tentiary will be here to dedicate Hol
land's location at tlie Kxposltlou.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 5. Pami-
ma-Paciric I titer nr tional Fx position
will be well represented on the ex
cursion to Orovllle which Is to leave
here next Friday under the auspices
of the San Francisco Commercial
Club. The delegation la attending
tho Orovllle Orange and Olive Kxpost
tlon to aid the California Develop
ment Board In upbuilding tho state
of California.
SAN FRANCISCO, 'Dec. ii. The
vouchers for $15,000.00 eneh, repre
senting the third and fourth pay
ments on account of the Southern
Pacific Company's subscription to the
Panama-Pacific International Kxposl
tlon, and two for $10,000.00 each
on account of the Central Pacific
Railroad's subscription to the expo
sition, making a total of $.0,ono.on
were received by Comptroller Rod
ney S. Durkce. of the exposition.
This is one of the largest subscrhi
tlonR received by the exposition with
in the past month and fs evidence
of the Interest being taken by cor
porations and Individuals in the liHC
world's fair.
The subscription of the Southern,
Pacific Company of $250,000. no was
made on Juno K, 1!tl0. This sub
scription wns made conditional upon
the recognition of San Francisco by
congress, and the amount was divid
ed at: follows:
Southern Pacific Co $ t .-,0.000.00
Central Pacific Co 100.000.00
The first Installment of 1 0 per
cent on each subscription was made
In March, l!tll. a short time after
congress recognized this city as the
place for the holding of the exposi
tion to celebrate the completion of
the Panama Canal, and the second
payments were made a few months
In Turkey Turned Adrift on
the Public.
Southerner .Suggests Way of Dealing
With Jack Johnson Klectrtc
Cluiir May lk Installed
111 Oregon.
(Special to the Evening News.)
key's method of dealing with her
thousands of war refugees Is char
acteristic. The unfortunates are;
homo away from tho cltios on long;
trains, and n couple of cars of them
are detached at each station along;
the route until nothing but the en-;
gines nro left. It Is then up to tho
local authorities' of 'the towns receiv
ing the refuees to care for them us .
best they can. v .
Heavier Taxe For Britons.
LONDON, Doc. 4. Winston.'
Churchill, first lord of the admir
alty, announces that approximately
a fifteen per cent Increase would soon
he added to the pay of the officers
and mon in tho British nnvy. This
Is the first "raise" the navy has re-
ceived in Nfty yeni'B.
Southerner Knllghtous ChiengounH.
CHICAGO, Doc. 4. "I see Jack .
Johnson's to marry Luetic Cameron
In your city. I Just wanted to know
If the people of Illinois know what
sea grass rope's made for." This
telegram, signed J. Truddle, Shrovos- .
port, La., Is in the office of Chlof of
Police McWaeny.
Wants Khi Klcetrocuteil.
PORTLAND. Ore,. Dec. 4. Tho
electric chair will take the place or
the hangman's nonse In Oregon If a
bill being prepared by ex-Speaker C.
N. Arthur pannes tho legislature. The '
chair, If secured, will be the first
In tho West. "The chair can be In-
stalled with but llttlo cost," Mc Ar
thur declared, "and It is a far mora
(Continued on pa go 4.)
More Shopping
Membership to the "Good Fellow Club
Cost nothing to join, only your "Xmas spirit"
Fill out the space below with name and address
and the cemmittee will see you.
Turn this in at the News office