READY FOIt INSPECTION. We beg to call the attention of the public to the fact that our annual shipments of trees are now coming In no that within a couple of weeks time we will have the entire assort ment ready for your inspection. The constantly Increasing patronage of our Nursery Yard has encouraged us to enlarge our already extensive as iortment so that thoro Ib little chance of not being ablo to supply our pat rons with everything that Is well adapted to the Valley or Bouthorn Oregon. Wo have all tho standard commercial varieties of Apple, Pear, Prune, Peach nnd Cher ry as well aB an exienMve assort ment of varieties of those fruits for family use. We have all tho boat varieties of Nectarines, Apricots, Quinces, Almonds, Walnuts, Chest nuts. Pecans and Filberts. Fourteen varieties of Crapes. All kinds of Berry Vines, besides a largo assort ment of 8liado and Ornamental trees MASyl'ICItADK HA LI,. ! I .'1 lie Looking Glass Grange ! will give a mask ball at the Orange hall In Looking Glass on the evening of December 31. Hupper will be served at Howard's. WALTER JONES, ' El'GENK OM.IVA.NT. I. M. MATTHEWS, d30 - Committee. and plants, Flower Bulbs, etc. Come and see for yourself that these are choice first-class stock. Also that the prices are right. You see before you buy, and our system of buying In large quantities enables us to fur nish the best of stock at the same or less price than the same class of trees can bo had elsewhere. ROSEDURG NURSERY CO. HW Kitchen and Black A Cabman's Experience By EDWIN BRINSLEY "Del Monte Brand" Everything that's good in can ned articles. Try them and be convinced. Better quality at stand ard prices. A Full Sack of Mt. Hood Snowfall Hard Wheat Flour at $1.25 Milledge & Pickens Perkins Building Phone 195 Poultry Exhibitors! Get Your Birds Ready for the Show, December 9 to 14, 1912 EMEM11EU entries fur the poultry Show positively close nt 8 p. m. Dec. 7th, 1912, and to entiles will bo recolvcd for competition after that date. Birds must bo In tho show room liy 6 ). m. on Dec. 9. Exhibitors c in Bend birds any time 3 or 4 days ahead If they chooso nnd blrdB will he received and cared for. En tries must ho on blanks furnished by Secretnry. Slngto birds 25c; pens $1.00 In addition to single ontry. All birds must bo leg band ed and entered singly, except ornamentals, which nro 20e per pair. Judges C. G. Wherry and T. A. Raffety Premium list now ready. Call on or address Secretary E. E. Winiberly, Rcseburg, Oregon ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BETTER GROCERIES!! This Model Food Store helps you to better things to eat, and no more to pay. -The natural instinct of folks generally is for good things to i-at. The Rochdale Store teaches a lesson tothe economical house wile. We show her how edibles are right ly kept to maintain pel feet sanitation and health properties. It brings to her larder the best things to eat at no additional cost. On a good many things this ''bet terness" bring to her a big saving. THE ROCHDALE CO. PHONE 115 Juku Hurn. tuxknb driver, was nod nliitf behind the meeting wheel of lih vehicle on one of the prinripiil street! of New York. It vus nearly mldnfcht and a line ulcet watt falling about Liliu But John Hums wun fur more Inter ested In catching u imp thiiu in lookluj. upon the marvelous electric dlapluy Hut soon he heard bis cab door open and shut and a man's voice nay: "Wake up!" John Burns turned and looked through the gins behind htm upon the features of a very old man. The onlj part of his apparel that was not cov ered by his cloak was his hat. which struck the eabmau as something re unirkable. It was what is called be! crown, with a lurse curled brim nnc covered with a short fur. The chnng In? electric display lighted the wear er's face, showing a not only old. but there was un evil twlnklt lu the eye. ".Northwnrd." mild the passenger. "On what street?" "The Bloomlugdale road." "The what?" "That oue." The speaker pointed to Broadway. Cubby put on the powei nnd. turning nt the corner, entered that part of Hrondwuy lying north ol Forty -second street nnd now the live liest part of upper New York. Aftei reaching a less crowded portion of the thoroughfare he asked the old gen tleninn behind htm Just where he should take him and received order to turn into One Hundred nnd Fortieth street. From that time the passenei kept pointing out the way til) he pull ed up before an old fashioned bouse situated among modem edllices. The "fare" opened the cub door nnd, sup porting himself with a stuff, tottered up the walk to the front door. From this point John Burns in tell ing the story appears confused. He doesn't remember whether the house was lighted or In darkness. lie can't my that he saw the old man go into the house. Ills Impression Is that there were no lights in the windows, unci If his fare went inside he must have gone right in through the closed door. The only thing John Rums re members distinctly Is tiiat tiie wind blew uslde the man's clonk, which reached to his nnkles and exposed a pair of legs no bigger than those of a skeleton. However this may be. the cabman, who. It has been snM. was In need of r"Ht. soon began to doze In his seal iie was awakened by a blaze of light coming through the doorway of the house before which he was stopping and saw distinctly two persons there. The ono wnjj bis passenger, the other n lady. Tho hitler was dressed very much In the present mode of high waist, panniers and clinging skirts. The man who was Ixtwing himself out nourished bis bell crown hat, bowed very low and scraped excessively wllh his feet. After a number of such en per lugs, which made John Burns wonder, ho came down tho wnlk, turn ing to throw n kiss to tho lady who still stood iu the doorway. Then the illumination seemed to go out nil of n sudden, and the passenger stepped into tho cab, closed the door and said: "Down the Bloomingdale road." Having learned that the Blooming dale road meant Broadway, cnbby nsk ed no questions, but motored south ward. He received no order to leave the thoroughfare or to go to any pur tleulur place, so he drove on past the junction at Broad way nnd Thirty third street nnd Madison and Union s(iiares and thence straight south ward through what is uow lower Broadway. The life of the city grew less nnd less as ho proceeded till It became the midnight of a great city. It livened up as they passed the City Hall pnrk, adjoining which most of the newspaper olhces linger, but died out as they npproacbed Trinity church, ot the head of Wall street Burns was directed to turn Into Hector street, bordering the churchyard on tho south. "Stop: said the stranger. John Bums drew up to the curb. "I nm under deep obligations to yon." said t he passenger lu a tone t hat sounded to John Burns very pompous. "You have taken me to cnll ou my wife at her residence, and I am now going to pay a visit to a gentleman whom 1 was reluctantly obliged to punish for some annoying remarks he made about me. (iood evening.' With a nourish of the bell crown hat. In lieu of a fore, the strange mnn seemed to (lit up the side of n stone wall, through nn Iron railing, nnd dis appeared beneath a monument located hut a few feet beyond the rati. Whether John Burns awoke from a dream or was so astonished that he didn't know whether he was n sloop or awnke ho falls to make It appear As to what he did the next day to clear up the matter he Is explicit He motored up to the dwelling where he had taken the stranger nnd asked of me passing who lived there. "Pou t know." wnt the reply. "That's the Juuiel house. She lived In the early part of tho last century and mar ried Aaron Burr in his old age." "Who was Aaron Burr" "Former vice president of the t'nlted States. He killed his political rtvnl In a duel." From the Jnmel house John Burns ! drove to Trinity church nnd. entering ; the churchyard, went to the momitiivnt j overlooking Hector street On the i stone is cut: I IN MTCMORT OF 1 ALKXANUbH HAMILTON. nfPTt-;- , Why 8h Callad. Am mfA Mald-Ind yon cull me, ma'am? Mme. I'lmim-Yc. I Jus! wanted to tell you Hint I dliln'l need yuu Just ut present.-Kliejrelide Matter DISTU.NU'EH KKMKDY. For distemper nnd coughs. Easy to give We have manufactured and sold this preparation for several years, and guarantee It to give satis faction. dsw MARSTBRS' DRUG CO. For mill work nnd his" quality lumber of nil kinds, mil on tho J. O. Flook Lumber Company, l'hone 100. "Wo deliver Hie comls" t' XOTICK FOH rl'llMCATlO.V Lepartment of tre Interior, U S Lund Office at Roseburg, Oregon, No vember 23, 1912. NOTICE) la hereby given that Anna Nelson, whose postofflce address is 3C4 Sixth, South Marshfield, Oregon, did, on the 7th day of March, 1912, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 07888, to pur chase the NEW NW14, Section 21. Towuiihip 21 S., Range 11 west, Wil :auilte .Meridian, and the tlmlw il ;vo( n, under the provisions nt the ac; oi June 3, 1878, and acts o.memla tiiry, known as the "Tlmbor nnd Stone Law," nt such value as talent he fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, tho land and timber thereon have been ap praised $100.00, the timber estimat ed 180,000 hoard feet at 50 cents per M. and the land $10.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in suppor of her application and sworn statement on the 7th day of Febru ary, 1913, before A. K. Peck, United States Commissioner, at M-ushfleld, Oregon. Any porson Is at liberty to prr.tes' this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest nt any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated af fidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. B. F. JONES df7 Register. WE WILL, MAIL YOU $1.00 u.ri'm'hsetnf Id KrtUeTeeth seat lis. Hlnh rut urli'u. I'nl'l inr old '.lol.l. Silver. n!il Wnt.-lir". Ilnken Jewelry Aii.l I'recloub Siom . Money Sent By Return Mall. PHILA. SMELIINC & REFINING COMPANY KMiiIiIUIhmI t2t Vcnm 863 CHESNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. TO JKNTISTS Wo will buy vtmrGnM KilltiK. (I old Scrap ami I'laliiium. Highest price 1'Lld. Fern Island Greenhouse I Mrs. F. D. Owen, Prop. I Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9FI2 Cut Flowers, rotted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bo quctrt, etc. Just Received Fresh Supply ol Ferns ol AU Kinds On Sale at Tho Rose Confectionery There Are Ten People I in This City Capable i 3 of filling That Job! r S ! i 4 I ft tOL' J jaF'tiW. X.-4. VS-. VVV 8B Perhaps not that many really efficient workers will read your ad on Its first pub lication. But those who are, at th monieni, "eligible" lor new employment, will read It and will be pretty sure to answer It. And to find a really efficient worker Is to And "good fortUD" (iet Your Hili Throuch THE EVENING NEWS PURE SWEET APPLE CIDER We Have The Well Known "BRISTOL BRAND" Cider Made From Choice Apples Only FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL UP PHONE NO. 186 ROSEBURG 50DA W0RK5 A PLACE WHERE YOU GET GOOD THINGS TO EAT We do catering. Try us next time you have a luncheon $ $ $ $ THE GRAND GRILL Opposite Perkins Bldg. HOME:--What Is It Without DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR The Best By Every Test Every Sack Guaranteed Per SacK - $1.50 Per Barrel - S5.90 Order a Sack Todav THE BENSON CROCERY 225 North Jackson Street Phone 184 LIBERTY'S 'LIGHT ? 1'ba.nku . 1: Is really the freedom that comes from independence, and independ ence can only belong to the thrifty rfnd saving. Young and old ought to Iiavo a bank account and here is tho place to have It, We welcome individual accounts and are most ac cnnimodating to our depositors. We offer liberal Interest combined with that security that belongs to solid Institutions like ours. AX Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings Bank V