The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 29, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    i LOCAL NEWS. t
0. L. Arthur, the contractor, is
spending a few days at Portland at
tending to business interests.
y Judge Harris, of Eugene, arrived
ra, Roseburg this morning to spend A
fe days trying a number of circuit
court cases over which Judge Hamilton-
is disqualified to preside. '
My winter term in Vocal opens
Monday, December 2nd.
Studio, 312 E. Cass. u30
days visiting at the home of
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Oliver.
afhn nf th. MlnWi.J 1
'-' ski-Wollenberg cases, which have
been on the docket of the local circuit
court for several years, was heard
In the circuit court this afternoon
when the interested attorneys made
lengthy arguments relative to an ;
impending motion. j
In yesterday's shoot held under
the auspices of the local gun club
the following well known men won
the turkeys awarded by the organi
zation: Edward Payton 3, B. S.
Nichols 2. Fred Tolles 2, Roy Road
man 2, Walter Cordon 2, Joe Sykes
1, John Enger 1, Roy Kurtz 1 and
Mr. Mahn 1. The turkeys were
awarded following 10 bird contests, i
Jack Creason, indicated by the
grand Jury during its recent session '
in Roseburg, was arrested here today I
and was later released upon posting !
bail In the sum of Creason !
was engaged in the drug business at ;
Myrtle Creek, and according to re
ports, handled whiskey as a side line
He will be tried during the Febni'
ary term of the circuit court.
- C. P. Barnard, of the Roseburg
Marshfield stage lines, today receiv
ed a message to the effect that his
former partner. Ell Bangs, of Eu
gene, died very suddenly last night.
Mr. Bangs retired in apparently good
health, according to the message, but
died soon after without a struggle.
Mr. Bangs was one of the best known
men in Eugene and has a host of
friends who regret to learn of his
sad demise. Mr. Barnard will prob
ably attend the funeral which will bo
held at Eugene.
Two Judgments were rendered by
Judge Harris, in the circuit court
this morning. In both eases the
Roseburg National Bank was the
plaintiff, while H. Gt Sonneman, of
Glendalo was the defendant. In
one case the -bank was awarded
judgment In the sum of $150.00, to
gether with Interest amounting to
$133.28, and attorney fees in the
sum of $25. in the second action the
bank was awarded Judgment for $5,
000, together with interest amount
ing to $531.31, and attorney fees ag
gregating $250.
Thanksgiving was appropriately
observed in Roseburg, and fi-om re
ports, the day was spent mot int-id.-antly
by most of the citizen. A!'. '
places of business were closed dur
ing the entire day, and the employes
were given ample opportunity to en
Joy the day's festivities. Contrary j
to previous occasions, home gather
ings predominated and few public
events marked the holiday. Local
merchants and butchers report aver
age sales during the few days pre
ceding Thanksgiving, thus substan
tiating the contention that Rose
burg's citizens are a prosperous class.
The circuit court for Douglas
county convened In an adjourned ses
sion this morning, with Judge Law
rence Harris, of Lane county presid
ing. Among thes cases scheduled
for hearing before Judge Harris are
the following: Sanford vs. Day,
Booth vs. Parrott. Mclntyre vs. Wil
son, Sura L. Lidbarskl vs. H. Wol-
lenberg, and the State vs. The Rose
burg Brewing & Ice Company. Of
all the cases above mentioned, the
one of the Stnte vs. The Roseburg
J. W. Hopkins, of Portland, arrlv-,:
ed here this morning to spend a few .
Help Wanted!
Christmas Gift
Tags. Gummed Peals and Labels
Cards, Addre?a Stickers, Holly
Boxes, Streamers, Gummed Holly
Ribbon, Tisane Paper, Tinsel Cord
in Colors, Holly AVrnpping Paper,
Waxed Paper, Santa Clans Crepe
Paper, Holly Crepp Paper.
With all these beauti
ful trimmings to choose
from you can make every
one of your packages
beautiful at very slrght
You cannot appreciate
the beauty of these dain
ty little cards, stickers
and tags without seeing
them. Come early while
the assortment is com
plete. The Rexall Store. Perkins Bldir.
FuIIerton & Richardson
! Marriage licenses were issued yes
terday as follows: A. L. Howard
j and Ethel Rust, Charles Tabor and
I Mae O'Connor, and Charles Poole and
Nellie Stewart.
The Douglas Abstract and Trust
j Company, local agents for the Penn
! sylvanla and Northern Insurance
Companies today received checks
amounting to something over three
! thousand dollars covering the losses
; of Banks & Welkor, the Cobb and
i Hamilton In the recent fire which
! destroyed the livery barn on Wash
I ington and Main streets.
j Following the regular meeting last
evening, the members of the Elks
lodge sat down to one of the most
j elaborate feasts ever served in this
i city. The menu included turkey,
! cranberry sauce, salads and all the
other delicacies that go to make up
a first class repast. At the close
: of tho banquet the boys assembled
i In the main lodge hall where they en
: :":aged in "hlgh-jlnks" until an early
j hour this morning.
Hensley Brothers, owners of the
Golden theatre on Cass Btreet, are
today negotiating for the purchase of
the Palace theatre, located at the
corner of Jackson and Washington
streets and for the past two years
under the personal management of
Mr. Ollivant. Although' the formal
transfer papers had not been signed
at noon, it is believed that the deal
will be closed late this evening or
tomorrow. With the Palace theatre
In their possession, Hensley Brothers
will practically control the moving
picture business In this city.
MEN AND BOYS in any number to take advantage of
our removal sale. Prices slaughtered. Nothing held back.
Us Move
and we'll help you get good goods, at less moneyXthan
you have ever before been able to secure. Don't ta
to take advantage of this opportunity to save money.
county Jail will probably be given a
preliminary hearing before Justice of
the Peace R. W. Marsters some time
this evening.
S. B. Crouch,' tho Sheridan street Guy Cordon, of tho county asses
hardware merchant, leaves for sor's force, loaves for Portland Sun
Klamnth Falls tomorrow where he day where he will Bpend a fow days
will Bpend a few days hunting ducks, visiting with friends.
seeks to revoke the charter of the
brewing company from doing busi
ness In this state. Attorney Dexter
Uice this morning filed a motion
with Judge Harris, in which he asked
that the suit be quashed 'for the
reason that Judge J. W. Hamilton
neglected to give proper notice as Is
required in cases of this nature.
Judge Hurris 1b listening to the ar
guni' n 3 of attorneys regarding this
motiV-i late this afternoon. In the
eve:: i .ae moilon is overruled, which
i: ';:ible, the case will be called
fui ,.mal hearing some time tomor
row. William J. Becker, who resides a
short distance in the country came
to town this morning suffering from
the effects of a dislocated thumb. The
Injury was dressed by Dr. Hoover and
the patient will soon regain use of
tho member.
The Freshman class of tho Rose
burg high school entertained the
members of the senior and junto
classes- in the assembly room of the
high school building Wednesday ev
ening. About 65 guests were pres
ent and all had a good time. Games,
music and social converse comprised
the chief entertainment features, fol
lowed by a delicious luncheon.
A large crowd assembled at tho
rifle range, In North Roseburg, yes
! terday morning to witness the 50
' bird contest between John Enger, a
i local train dispatcher, and Harry
j Pearce, a local harness merchant.
I Contrary to expectations. Enger lost
to Pearce through hard luck which
pursued him from the time he stepped
on the field until the last bird was
shattered. Pearce shot his average,
and succeeded in shattering 40 birds i
out of fifty. Enger, who usually
records a fair 'score, fell down.tfnd,
was content with breaking 37 out of;
no birds. Another match has been)
arranged for Christmas day, when'
Enger and Pearce will again battle:
for lurels. j
While attending to the wants of!
an "Idle" customer in tho rear of!
his store early yesterday morning. I
S. R. Crouch, the Sheridan street
hardware merchant, was "touched"
by two transients who appropriated
two revolvers from a showcase sta-)
tloned near the front door of the es-1
tabltshment. Having hoard the Bhow-
case open, Mr. Crouch went to In-j
vestlgate, and true to his suspicions,
two firearms of modern manufacture,
were missing. The theft was report
ed to Sheriff George Qui no, who af-i
tor n brief Investigation arrested oncj
of the men near the Southern Pacific
depot. When searched, one of the
revolvers was found on tho fellow's
person. The other revolver wns un
doubtedly handed to a pal who has
hot been Apprehended at this hour.
Tho transient now detained at the
We are selling out our stocK of dressed dolls at greatly reduced prices.
Regular $7.00, 6.50, 5.00 at pnly $2.50
The goods alone to dress these dolls cost more than we asK for the doll com
plete. Other DRESSED DOLLS only
25c, 45c, 50c, 60c
MaKe your selection from our store window before they are all gone.
oseburg Book Store
The Ideal Gift Store.
All Shrlners Interested In the form
ntion of a Shrlners' Club, are re
Brewing & ice Company Is probably ouested to meet at Masonic temple.
the more Important. This suit was Friday evening
brought at the instigation of Cover-1 o'clock,
nor Oswald West, of Salem, who d6
December 6, at 8
Diamond Ring Free
We taKe pos
session of the
WANTED A woman to conk. Phone'
U 30C. dll
WANTED 50 facers at Tlllson'a 1 1
prune packing plant, on Saturday,
November 30. '
LOST On Jackson Btreet, a bunch'
of keys. Finder please leave at i
News office. f6('' I
WANTED A good, cheap residence I
lot, preferred location, center city
cast of Jackson. Address News
Box G64. dC
With each 50c Cash Purchase of goods
at Clingenpeel's Jewelery Store a ticket
will be given to you FREE. Drawing
to be Christmas Day, Dec. 25th, 1912.
The lucky number will be announc
ed in the daily papers Dec. 26. Keep
your tickets as some one will be the
owner of A Fine Diamond Ring.
FOR KENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. No children, 302 W.
Washington street. tf
FOIl SALE Household furniture, j
Moving away and goods must be...
disposed of. Inquire at 340 8. !
Stephens. 5G.Mf
ally new modern five-room bunga- i
low on Douglas Btreet. modern con-;
venlences. Party renting can hav '
the privilege of buying some al-!
most new furniture already instnll i
ed. Inquire of B. W. Bates, or
phone 370. d-d"
We find a high grade line of Groceries at hand.
But these we will improve, having in transit addi
tional varieties of staple and fancy groceries which
will make ours the best and most complete line of
up-to-date groceries in the city. We ask for your
patronage from the standpoint of SERVICE and
MERIT only.
We continue with the Automobile contest.
We will treat you right.
Bee Hive Grocery Inc.
Roy Roadman and R. C. Dunham, Proprietors.