THE EVENING NEWS CAItL 1). BlfOITUAKKU. Editor aua Proprietor. ISHUKD DAILY KXCK1T HL'MlAY. Subscription lUilei Dully. Per year, by mall $3.00 Per mouth, delivered 60 Semi Weekly. Per year $2.00 Six montha 1.00 Entered as second-class matter November 6, 1910, at RoHeburg, Ore., under act nf March 3. 1879. FICIDAY, KMIUCH af, 112. mx Aix ok jl ik;i;s. Judge William L. Dickson, of the Common Pleas Court at Cincinnati, Ohio recently delivered an address on tile Hiibject of the recall ot Judges. Ho gives some clear and forceful rea sons against It. We deem his ad dress worthy of republication. It Ib as follows: In this country the foundation of law Is a constitution national or state. The constitution is the will of the people the will of the ma jority expressed In their sober mo menta, carefully and with intent to protect all the people, Including the minority. If the will of the majority, too often considered the will of the people, were always to obtain there would be no need of a constitution. It Ib this will of tho majority, the constitution protecting tho minority, which gives us the only form of gov ernment of nil tho people, for all of the people and by all of the people. This form of government in tho only real liberty and union, one and in separable. A union implies, means, restraint, mutual concessions, by all, for all. These mutual concessions, restraints, under a constitution, mean the law, and without which there can "be no liberty. The will of an unre strained majority Is tho rule of a mob, Ib a constant revolution, un certainty, national and state indiges tion, business depression and ulti mate ruin. We are nil in favor of tho rule of the people. But what kind of rule; and by how tunny people? Certainly some fixed rule, and certainly a rule 3iy all tho people. Any fixed rule of living Is a law. The fixed rule then Is tho taw. By nil the people means tho majority and the minority. That Ib, tho majority restrained by u rule -tho law. Hence It Is easily seen that a government of, by and for the people, liberty and union, can begin iiid continue only under tho law. The law must be supreme or all is lot. A judge Is required to take an oath of office. In this oath he sweara to support the constitution and the laws hanging upon It. This oath Is re quired by tho peoplo. The source and limit of his powers are the law j made by the people. He swears to obey the law as It Is, not as It should h lie tan.Tot go outside of or faster than the law. His duty Is to keep r breast of the law, not nbreust of the lines. AH that cu.n rightly be re ctii;vd of the Judge is reasonable con duct in his office, jtameiy, such con duct as an ordinarily reasonable man would do under the same circum stances, namely, common honesty and a common knowledge of the law. Tho judge Interprets the law. His' position Is and must be Biipreme In a land of law,, liberty, and union. Cnfortunuteluy the judge Is human. Hence ho must err or he would be devlne. The public must expect from hfm, therefore, only human, common honesty, common Intelligence and a common knowledge of the law. The law Is a science, a common knowledge of which requires somo Intelligence and some study. This study is want ing In the. majority of the people and in the majority of the press. The science of the Jaw, like the science of medicine, chemistry, engineering, astronomy, etc., can not be known by the masses. There Is a royal road to the knowledge of any science. A scientific man is made, not horn. Should this unrestrained, untutor ed (in the law) majority of the peo ple und of the press attack the judge? Criticize? Yes! Hut let It be just criticism und that, too, based upon some knowledge, l.vt It not be for gotten that an attack upon a Judge is easy and always hits ready, eager, receptive and sympathetic audience. When a Judge decides an Issue one side must lose. Fifty per cent of the litigants damn the judge, twenty-five per cent of the litigants, when they consider tho cost, pay the fiddler, Join the fifty per cent, and the othe twenty-five per cent of the litigant" always claim the case was won bv them on Its merits and forget the judge and dispute the lawyer's bill. Tho Indiscriminate attacking of the Judge by the press and the people Is one of the fads of today. Hence we see the horribl assassinations In Vir ginia a complete recall not only of the Judge, but of the entire ma chinery of Justice. Effective at least. One of the attributes of the judge; Is honesty. An ordinary judge of common honesty ought to respect his oath rather, must respect his oath or ho a perjurer. This oath demands obedience to tho law made by the people, tho unrestrained majority. the law that Is, as it is, not ns It should be, or as desired. Tho Judge administers justice according to law fixed known luw whether the siune bo right or wrong. If the law be wrong, the restrained majority in Its Rober moment must chango it, not the Judge. A judge who obeys l w unv rldled d wire of mi uner stralned demagoguo majority violates his oath, commits perjury and should be Impeached and Imprisoned. Shall a, judge who refuses to obey this un bridled desire of the cultltude refus es to be a perjurer be subject to re call? Do the people of this country want as judge a man who respects his oath of office, or a coward the mere puppet of a mob and the yellow journal? LOCAL NEWS. ANNOUNCMENT! Harvey-Eastman Grocery Company SUCCliSSOKS TO Harness & Johnson Corner Lane and Sheridan Sts We will conduct the business along the same lines as it has been conducted by our predecessors. Old customers are invited to continue their patronage at this store. New customers are asked to give us a trial. We will carry nothing but dependable merchandise, our prices will be right and we will not substitute, but if its in town we will get it for you. Come in and get acquainted. HARVEY-EASTMAN GROCERY CO. "Everything for the Table" Willliim Kmery, of Colea Valley, aiient the day in Hoseburg attending to uttBlnesH matters. Clayton Xegley and wife returned here Jaat evening after several dayB spent at Oukland. Attorney Kenuen Jlarstora spent the afternoon at Sntherlln looking after professional matters. Mrs. Charles White, of Myrtle Creek, arrived here this afternoon to spend a couple of days with friends. A. C HlHlop, of Eugene, owner of the shoe store situated In the Perkins building on Cass street, spent Thanksgiving In Hoseburg vis iting with friends. Charles Wonacott, wife and baby. of Portland, who have been spend ing the past few days in Ro&ehurg visiting with the former's parents, leave for their homes tomorrow. Kn route home they will spend a day in Kugene visiting with friends. The members of the Grants Pass basketball team arrived In Hoseburg this morning preparatory to meeting the Hoseburg high school team in u game at Sykes' rink tonight. The teams are said to be quite evenly matched, and a close and exciting game is promised those who attend. Following the destructive con flagration which gutted the Metho dist church this morning, Manager Ollphunt, of the Palace theatre, call ed up Pastor Maclean and offered the use of his theatre for the Sunday morning services or the church until tho congregation could make other arrangements. The Methodist poo pie greatly appreciate the spirit which prompted tho courtesy. Charles 11. Poole, n school teacher with headquarters at Glemlulo. and I Miss Nellie Stuart, a recent arrival In Hoseburg, were quietly married at the parsonage of tho church on South Main street, Inst evening. The wedding ceremony was perform ed by Hev. W. H. Eaton and mi? witnessed by ti few Intimate friend of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mi. Poole left for (Herniate this morning where they Intend to make their future home. Hev. Arthur Thomas, pastor of the M. E. Church, South, and fam ily, were Kreuny surprised i:isi even- j lug when a number of tho members ( and friends of the church stormed tho .parsonagci. The ?vcti.ig was I spent In pleasant social intercourse ' and In singing a number of the old I time songs. When the crowd dls- persed, the dining room table was found to bo loaded with all manner of good things to eat. This token of esteem was greatly appreciated by the pastor. IT ISA GREEN TAG SALE Willi mii" iihi' WITH US Come in and look us over. Anything from clerks to goods with a Green Tag on is marked at a big reduction to you.- We want, money and you want the goods. You know that when we offer a bargain it is a bargain Now as an instance we offer you Alumi num Ware on which we are overstocked at an average of one-quarter less than the price fixed by the manufacturers. They may refuse us more goods because of cut in price but what we have is ours and we propose to realize from it. Nickle Plated Tea and Coffee Pots and Tea Kettles at a nice discount. Domestic Vacum carpet sweepers at $10.00 restricted price is $19.00 We loose money and you get one of the , best and most useful cleaners made. We must close them out before Xmas. A big cut on chafing dishes, alcohol Electric Per culators. A few Electric Laundry Irons at $2.00 to $3.00 less than regula? price. A few A few pieces of Libby cut glass, copper egg sets, electroliers. How aoout a Fireless cooker. One, two or three holes, if you are intvrested look for the Green Tag., Oh well, we don't think of all the things that will be tagged but come in often as there will be something every now and then that will surprise you. CHURCHILL HARDWARE COMPANY "Don't Forget The Green Tag". MSI KitKixs m iuuv;, .IIOXK 15 Publicity Manager George Sehlos ser, of the Roseburg Commercial Club, late yesterday received a letter from nn Kastern gentleman to tho effect that he had made a careful Investigation of Roseburg and vicin ity and had decided to Invest a sum not to exceed $250,000 in a manu facturing plant for Roseburg. This amount, tho gentleman says, may be increased materially in the event hi? associates are satisfied with the prop-i osition. Mr. Schlossor refuses to di vulge the Identity of the writer of! the letter at this time. The gentle man further writes that he found j unaititidiHc l.ii-iHMiu iisiu prevalent In Roseburg on his recent visit here, and that several- local "knockers" were always alert to prevent mater ialization of any enterprise that would prove a boon to the city und Its inhabitants. In this regard. tb Umbrellas Repaired At N. E. Corner Rose & Casa Sts. ROSEBURG Shoe Shining Parlor Kentleman says the people of Rose buri! should forget their petty differ ences and worn Harmoniously in up building the town. Poultry Exhibitors! R Get Your Birds Ready for the Show December 9 to 14, 1912 KMKMHKIt entiles for tho poultry Show positively close at S p. m. 1ct 7th, HU2, and i;o entries will be received for -competition after that date. Hlrds must be In the show room by 6 p. in. on ive. l. Inhibitors can s'iul birds any time 3 or 4 days nheud If they and birds will be received and enn-d Tor. En trtea must bo on blanks furnished by Secretary. Single birds 25c; pens $1.00 In addition to single entry. All birds must be leg hand ed and entered singly, except ornamentals, which, are 20c per pair. Judges G. G. Wherry and T. A, Raffety Premium list now ready. Call on or address Secretary E. E. Wimberly, Roseburg, Oregon A wedding In which a former I uoseniirg j on up lauy was one oi me principals occurred In Portland yes- terday, when Miss Klhet Shape was I (united marriage to Earl Jackson, the, i latter of whom resides at Junction ; City. After a briof wedding trip: ', the couple will return to Junction ! j City where they expect to make their future home. Mrs. Jackson resided j in Roseburg for several ears prior; i to her removal to Portland and has ja host of friends in this vicinity, who wish her a long and prosperous wedded life. Mr. Jackson Is not -known In this city. Among those , who attended the wedding from Hose burg were Albert Abraham and fain-' I n'. Aftr brief consideration of the ev-, tdence adduced during the progress of the hearing, County Judge Ci. W. 1 i Wonacott late Wednesday even Ins dismissed the petition filed by Or- j vflle Thrush, who nked that he be appointed guaidian over his aged; father. Abraham Thrush. In arriving' at a conclusion. JuiIko Wonacott held that the elder Thrush was competent to transact his personal affairs, ami had not reached that stagy of help- ( lessiu'ss (hat he needed a guardian. Attorney Khmer Hermann represent ed the elder Thrush, while Attorney Huctuinan A- Porter appeared on be- half of the petitioner. The evidence adduced at the boring Vtt sonit-' ! what conflicting, and indicated that the petition was filed following n family dispute, and not for the reas-! on that the petitioner was sincere Inj iTctccitttg hs father. Green Valley Orchard Tracts In 5 and 10 Acre Subdivisions GREEN VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS axe all within a ten minutes walk of the S. P. depot al Green, Oregon, and only a thirty five minute drive from Roseburg. The tract is nearly all level land and beautifully situated. The soil is fertile and rich and full of productive elements. Roberts Creek runs through the subdivision JThese tracts are on the rural mail route. There is a general store and public warehouse, a freight and express office -at .Green. A number of dwellings are now under course of construction. Green is a live and up-to-date community in every respect. These tracts have been on the market tor only a short time. tjjPersons desiring small tracts for fruit, vegetables or poultry should see these at once. Low prices, easy terms. You buv direct fmmnwnw M. B. GREEN R. F. D. ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 2F13