. WEATHER Jtain Tonight & Tuesda Today's Highest Temperature, 49 KOSEBURG, OKEGON, FltlDAV, XOVEM1IKU 21), 1013. No, a 000 VICTIMS Typhoon Sweeps the Philip pine Islands-Relief Sent.. WILL RECALL THEIR MAYOR Los Angeles People Tire of Alexan der Administration Steam ship Cioes on Willamette Bar In Dens Fog. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. The Bureau of Insular Affairs declared today that at least 15,000 persons perished or were badly injured in the typhoon which swept over the Philippines last Tuesday. A ship load of food and clothing, medicines and supplies for the injured is al ready on its way to the islands in the storm's track. The Red Cross society Is directing the relief meas ures. ' Weary of Its Mayor. LOS AXG ISLES, Nov. 29. Alleg ing that JSuHor tAUirfancK'r Js un fitted for the position at the head of the city government, petitions for his recall will be placed In circula tion shortly, according to W. E. Van deventer, who is reputed to be the secretary of the Citizens Good Gov ernment Alliance. It is alleged that Alexander is incompetent and inef ficient, and the petition cites the mayor's action in the Owen's aque duct and the San Pedro Harbor bonds matter. Steamer On Ilnr. PORTLAND, Nov. 29 The steam er "Beaver", the flagship of the Portland and .San Francisco Steam ship Co., ran aground in a dense fog at postofflce bar, 12 miles south of Portland last night. There were ninety passengers juboard, and nil Harth's Tog Wants You to Look! Harth's Toggery, Inc. J were transferred to the nver steamer Shaver and Henderson and brought to this city. The Bnaver Is not damaged, and tugs expect to release her at high tide. Mrs. Violet McCulloch, wife of George McCulloch, late Wednesday evening filed a suit in the circuit court for Douglas county. In which she seeks to collect damages in the sum of $10,000 from Dr. Harry Little of Oakland. The plaintiff claims that while ill she wbb attended by Dr. Lit tle, who through negloct, wrecked her nervous system. Attorney George M. Brown appears on behalf of Mrs. McCulloch. It is not probable that the suit will be tried before the regu lar February term. A transient named Doty, who was arrested at Leon a several weeks ago on a charge of attempted arson, and who was later released from cus tody on instructions of the grand Jury, only to be indicted two days after he left town, was arrested at Weed, Cal., last night, according to word received at the sheriff's office today. In the event the district at torney considers the charge against : Doty sufficiently important to warr! rant him being returned to Rose- burg, an ofUcer will be dispatched, to Weed to bring lilm back. Doty, It will be remembered was arrested in company with four companions,! three of whom were convicted in the circuit court during the recent term and sentenced to indeterminate terms of from six months to five years in the state penitentiary-! Through some misunderstanding the; grand Jury ordered Doty's release. i and he was headed for San Francis- co when apprehended. .! DEAL AT HOME For good tailoring call at 137 Jackson street. n 23. S. A. PHILLIPS. Suits, and FITFORM SLENDER LEASH Holds Dogs of War-Troops Mobilizing. TURKS MAKING LAST STAND Adi-luiiopto Expected to Full Feroc ious Fighting for Possession of "City Ituiminui Is Mussing Troow, (Special to The Evening News.) VIENNA, Nov. 29. The Reich- post publishes the statement today j that in the Servian and Russian pre paration for war, innumerable young boys have been Induced to enlist. In addition they also have resorted to the course of inducing Turkish pris oners of war to enroll for services against expected Austrian attack. Belgrade reports state that Servians have taken Dibra, thus completing the conquest of Mncadonia. Turkish troops throughout the provinces sur rendering without further resistence. Serviun occupation of Durazzo' is at present ignored by Albanian chiefs, but it is expected that as soon as Albanian forces can be mobilized that fighting will result. Fighting nt Ariiiuiioplc. SOFIA,' Nov. 29. Dispatches re port that the 'Servian army is clos ing in on Adrinnople, garrisoned by the Turks. Although the fighting is desperate the fail of the city is expected at any hour. Houiiuiniu Getting! Heady. PARIS, Nov. 29. Reports from the war zone state that Ronmnnla Is concentrating troops at the Russian frontier, and that a general mobiliza tion of the army has been ordered. This Indicates that Austria and Rou- gery Look at HARTH'S TOGGERY $15.00 Clothing- You'll readily see it's as good as any you are asked $20.00 for elsewhere. You will see, too, that the fabrics are made of wool; that the styles are good and that the tailoring is equal to that of higher priced garments. Harth's Toggery $15.00 Overcoats Raincoats. i Are superior in fabric, style and tailoring to other clothing sold at the price. The HARTH'S TOG GERY system safeguards you in every way in careful selection in honest manufacture in low price. Your suit Kept pressed FREE for you. 16,000 Automobile votes ('given with each $15.00 suit or overcoat mania will probably combine in event war materializes. ('Illume Joking For War. SAX FRANCISCO, Nov. 29. Chi nese newspapers here report that a Chinese-Russian war is Imminent, the point of dispute being Mongolia. Chinese consul here has received dis patches soliciting a war fund, ami money from the Chinamen in this country Is airend ypourlng into the treasury. iwriiAit itosui'.iHG covpi,k MAUi;ii:i AT GUAM'S PASS. Stntc Nrimtor-cU-rt George Xemicr mid Miss Myrtle Cnuipliell ure Married Lata Wednesday. A wedding In which two of Rose burg's popular young people were the principals occurred at Grants Pass Wednesday evening, when State Senator-elect George Neuner and Miss Myrtle Campbell were united In mar riage. Mr. and Mrs. Neuner will re turn here tomorrow nflernoon, and METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIICHCII. liipitiil fcawmH& Which Was .Uniaed to tlw ttxtcnt oi $'fc,00 in 'I his Mining's ... piie, Xw UuuiU may- lw- iirec(id.-I will Immediately go to housekeeping in the homo recently provided by the groom and located in North Itose burg. 'Mr. Neuner is one ot tho best, known men in Douglas county, and was only recently elected to the hon orable position ef C:.ite Senator. Mr. 'eu;...r Is a g.uuuaiv of Lite Sti-io .'nrm:il Sehoo at bii-in, and of the WUl.'imoLle University Law College' KHN.vrou ci;iit;i-: Nixxicit I VVIki U iin Mini'ird nt CranU liss ! lyiti. Weiim -!:iy to Miss Slyrlli' C'n.plicll, in Wl-t lliM'llli'j. (j at Ea'.cm. Folluwin!! his graduation from the latter in-titiitioii, .Mr. Neu ner took up the prai'tice of law in itoseburg, and for a tlnio was esco- I elated with ' Attorneys Cnshow & Ulce. lie served aa city attorney of Itoseburg during '1.9 administration nf ex-Mayor Kied llajnes, and proved himself a most efficient official. In tho year 1H10 Mr. Neuner was elect ed representative from Douglas coun ty, and while serving in Hiich a capa city v;as consid'.'rcd a leader in the House, llo wis a meinlier of Im portant lciir,!a(ive commiltfcs, and was tho author of the resolution creating the legislative tax commlt- lee. That Mr. Ncuner's service as i reiir':i(-n)ative w;is apreclated by ! his ronHtii"iit was attested In the !recc-ii general election when he was j elected state senator by n ovcr 1 wheimlni; majority. I Mr, Keuner's estimable bride Is a ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace f r-r r f , t u - i VICE SCANDAL Investigation at Portland En meshes Prominent Men." THREE FLEE FROM THE CITY Doctor mid Idiwyer Among Those Ar rested Today Murderer Con fesses To Strangling Hoys. 'i (Special to The Evening News.) PORTLAND, Nov. 29. The grand jr.ry Investigations brought about by published reports of alleged vice in high places in this city, resulted to day In indictments being brought against seven individuals who are well known in the business and pro 'fCESloiinl elides of Porlland. More lndlctmrnts are expected, and prob ably other men eiiually well known will no doubt be drawn Into tho tolls of the law. The men Indicted today are 11. I.. Howe. K. .1. S. McAllister, IS. Wldemeyer, 13. Van Ilulen, Earl ;!own. Dr. il. Start, John Doe Uos v.orth. McAllister Is a prominent at torney and Start Is a- well known physician. All of the others nrc business men. With the exception or Hrown and Wldenieyor, who are be ins held In default of bail, the mra were released under bonds of $1,000 'ch. It was byiind tiiat ithree ethers, suspected of connection In tho '?o practiced 'fearing tarrest, l:ave fled from the city. Confessed to Killltiir lloys. IlUKl'AI.O, Nov. 29. J. Krank lilckey, who was arrested recently tor the alleged murder of slx-yenr-old Jofcph Josephs, confessed to Dis trict Attorney Dudley today that he committed the crime, llo also said that ho slraiiKled Michael Kruke, a newsboy. In Central Park, N. Y a decade ko. lilckey calmly described tiie revolting details of tho crimes he lays ho is hiillty of, and assorted that the drink habit was tho cause of bis downfall. He said that llfo, since he killed tho Josephs boy, had boon a perfect hell, to him, and then he drank more than usual to escape, If pnssihlo, from the tcrrihlo memory of his crimes. WhJIn intoxicated ho wrote the postal cards which led to liis capture. He alleged that 'he of ten had contemplated suicide, but clang to llfo in. hope that he would finally he nlile lo forgot his mis deeds, lie sayB he Is ready to pay the penalty for his mlssdeeds. Campbell, of West Itoseburg, and a sister of Mrs. Knr! Strong, of this city. Sho is nccoinpllshed und is very popular locally. Of lute she has been spending some time in Cal ifornia In company with her sister, Yilss Cora Campbell, until recently employed in tho offices of tho coun ty assessor. Both Mr. and Mrs. Neu ner aro very popular in this locality and their many friends and acquain tances Join In wlnblng them a long and piospernus wedded life. IK lit V. ItOSK To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huso. In North Itoseburg, on Wednesday evening, November 27, 1912, a daughter. NOTK'H; Al-TOMOllll.K CON- TKSTAXTS. Cash coupon books will be sold from December 31st un- til close of contest. Change of color of tickets after De- comber 25th. 4 Following is list ot standing of contestants to Novomber 25th. No. 6 . . . 2.189,695 No. 8 . yl.665,425 No. 30 2,024,205 No. 59 4,864,290 No. 91 ... 287,060 No. 96 .... , 4,487,155 No. 106 ...2,565,660 No. 107 1,067,150 No. 114 2,648,965 MKTHODIST CllliltCH DAMAtilOD 11V AX KAItl.V MOKX1NU F1KK. Pile of SniciuldcrliiK Ashen IVibubl.y i l!esKinllilo For Illiuio Which ltctmltcd In ,0(H) Loss. Fire, which originated from some unknown source early this morning resulted in damage to the Methodist Episcopal church to the approximate amount of yi, 00b. The lo.,s Is fully covered by insurance. The fire was first discovered by iiedestrians short ly after six o'clock, and at the timo was confined to the roar ot tho struc ture. Marshal B. Kenton, who was one of tho first men to arrive at the scene secured a garden hose, and for a time it looked ns though ho would conquor the flames wlthuut the assis tance of tho fire department. Unfor tunately, however, the small stream of water 'proved Inadcq'uate, and the flames soon aprond to the roof and tower of tho church. , Aftor u brief delay, .the result of an erroneous re port to tho effect that the flames had been extiiiKU. ihed, the flromen arrived at the t.oao, and with throe linos of hose In pir.y soon extinguish ed tho blaze. Knrly arrivals on tho ground succecdt'ii in saving the piano as well as many of tho seats und othor fixtures. A survey or the Ill fated building this roronoon shows that the roof is practically ruined, while the Interior of tho church suf fered more or lci-s damago. Although mnuy theories have been advancod us to tho causo of tho fire, it Is goner ally believed that tho flumoa Ignited from a smouldering ash pile at tho rear of tho Btruc.uro. There was no fire In the chur.'.i yesterday, accord lug to Hcv, Macju.i, and consequent ly tho flames en 1 not have ignited from a defoc'.'.ve ilue a.i first suspect ed. The bo-.-d of dhtetors of the church nre today undecided ns to fu ture action, hut it may bo possible that a new stune or brick edifice will ho erected. The directors have con templated tho building of a new church for some time past, nnd as a result of this morn'ing's flro, the. work may ho commenced at once. Owing to tho fact that tho flro oc curred late this morning, a large crowd assembled to witness the efflCf lent work of tho department which reunited In curbing tho loss to tho minimum. 1 n. B. Mathews, until recently en gaged In the some drink business, today wild his stock of tobacco und cigars to A. .1. Huntley nnd Ben Fen no, both residents of Fugenii. The purchasers have also leased the building formerly occupied by Mr. Mathews for a torm of yonrs, and will Install therein flvo billiard nnd pool tables. Messrs. Huntley nnd Fenne are cxjierlenred in the cigar business and will no doubt make a success or their venturo in this city. Mr. Fenne Is at present In llosehiirg awaiting tho arrival of tho tables which havo been ordered through a Portland wholesale house. The re sort will profitably he opened for business somo time next week. A. C. POSEY, M.D. Specialist for Eye, ' Ear Nose and Throat Diseases. Eyes Fitied With Glasses PARROT BUILDING ROSEBURG, OREGON