NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS ,W., 1A1XjK DUiECTUR. lu O. T. M. Roseuurg r.tve. No. 1 holds regular reviews on Bret and third Wednesdays In the Maccabee hall. Sisters of othet cordially Invited to attend our re jblves visiting in the city are' views. Olive Green, lady com.; -)88te Rapp. R. K. l. B Kosehurg Chapter, No. 5. holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. M.; Free tphnson. secretary. o. E. HuBiuurg Aunt, No. 14U7, meets second and fourth Mondays in their hall on Jackson Btreet at 8 P. M. Ben North W. P.; B. P. Goodman, sec. MODE UN BROTHERHOOD O AMERICA Meets in Maccabee Temple every 4th Friday of each month. G. L. Wright, President; Emma McMulien Secretary. . O. O. V. Rising 3tar Loci pre No. 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting; brethren always welcome. Ed S. Cockelrease, N. G.; W. S. Powell, R. S.: M. Fickle. F. a. II. 1'. O. K Roseuurg Lodge, No 326, holds regular communlca tions at thei temple on second and fourth Thursdays of each . month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. Binger Hermann. E. R. WOMEN' .Of WOODCRAFT Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third Monday eenlngs of each month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In good standing are invited to attend. Mrs. Ethel Easton, G. N.; Clara Cawlfleld, clerk. I I. O. O. F. Phlletanan Lodge. No 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple corner of Jackson and Cass streett on Saturday evening of euch week Members of the order In sood standing are invited to attend. J R. Bailey, N. G.; M. M. Miller, R S.: L E. Milledge. F. S. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets -In Maccabee Hall, corner Cass and Pine streets, every Tuesday even ing at 7:30 o'clock Visiting brothers invited to attend. L. Wlmberly, Dictator; H. O. Parge tnr, Sc. , A. F. A. m. Laurel Lodge. No. . 13, holdi regular meetings on tin ..-.1 I, IVal. Vx nesdays of each niontu Sojourners invited to attend. N. Rice. W. M.: R. H. C. Woods, Sec. WOODMEN OF TIIK WOKI.U Hh Camp, No. 1S5, meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseuurg. ever; first and third Monday evenings Vlsi'ing neiuhhors always wul come. M. B. Germond, C. C; J. A. Buchanan, clerk. IMPROVED ORDER OF RE., ih Umpqua Tribe No. 44, mevu n.o first and third Monday of each month at the Eagles' 'hall. Vlslt ltlng chiefs welcome. J. W. Brown, Sachem; C. H. Terclnski, C. of R. 1IKOTHER1IOOD OF AMERICAN VKOMKN ML Nebo Lodge No. 1828, meets every second and fourth Wednesday ot each montl at the Eagles' hali. Visiting broth ers and sisters welcome. E. B. Perrine, F. 7u; S. E. Krohn, Cor. BELLE N. KIDD SHOW CARDS Advertising Designs and Nov- 4 eltles. Leave Orders at Kldds Grocery. HOARD AND ROOMS. Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water a In each room. MRS. CALLAND, Prop. Corner Jackson and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate, 6 Per Week. WOOD WANTED. The News office can make nt of kit- ! use of a large amou chen and stove wood. Subscrlb- era who are in arrears can re- celve credit for wood brought m us. Brine It In any time tf TV ) RED HOT. Farnales, Enchalottes, Ravaoliasl, Freyoles, Chili Concarnne. SPANISH KITCHEN, 117 South Pine. jABBAY & DALEY, Props. Douglas County Creamery ouuei is the best on the market, luslsi in your grocer supplying you with this home product, which Is alwayf Jtrlctly rresh ana guaranteed. Two pound roll, 85 cents. tf WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence ot an authoritative uornry, Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. Te Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 420,000 "Words. 2700 Pages. 0000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. ZiOt us tell you about this most remarkable single volume Write for somplo SM, full par ticulars, etc Name thlr. paper anil we will send free a set cl Pccfcct Maps iC.MermraCo Springfield, Mnit. The Collins Ho:el Main Street, One Door South J. F. Barker's Hardware Store Good Table Board j 4 4 With Home Cooking Good Lodging w.ih clean and comfortable beds By the Day or Week Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins THE WHITE IS KING The best all-round Fam ily Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both Rotary and Vibrator stvles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each machine. Sold on easy payments, bend name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 1460 Market St San Francisco, California PEP.KI.XS BUILDING, PHONE IBS DR. H. W. HEHHASX Eyesight Specialist Eyes Examined and Glasses Ac- curately Fitted Without the Use of Drops Optical Parlors Over Roseburg . National Bank MATERNITY HOME and PRACTICAL NURSING Phone 179-R . Call nt 745 S. Stephens St. til 9 MRS. H. JAY STONE Teacher of Piano and Harmony S Down-town Studio. 223 E. Lane H Street. Home Studio 7 17 Hamilton Street. Phone 362-J. Gl'RDON A. FORY, Vocal Lessons. Studio 312 E, Cass Street. Phone 191-J -Ore. Roseburg SIRS. CHARLES S. HEIXL1NE Pianoforte Instructor Muiscnl Kindergartener Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R DR. M. ASHTON & Chiroprnctic-NouroiMltli. ft i: Nerve nnd Spine Specialist $ Chlropractlc-Neuropth Is a Nnt- 9 ural and Advanced Scientific ft Art of Removing the Cause of Disease. Chronic Cases 11 Specialty ft 224 Cass St. Roseburg, Or. ft . ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft DR. UEO. K. HOUC'K, Physician and Surgeon. Office, Review Bldg., Phone 31. Roseburg. Oregon. -i? ft DR. S. L. DoLAPP ft Osteopathic Physician ft ft Successor to ft ft DR. J. L. CALLAWAY ft ft Perkins Ilulldlng ft ft Office Phone 119 ft Night Phone 215-J WANTED Teacher for district No. 115. $45 per month. Ad- dress W. S. Daniel, Oakland, Oregon. o Madam, Read McCall's The Fashion Authority McCALL'S b Urr, rtiitk, Wnd tomalr iiluatrtd lOO-pag monthly Mkfuin thai ia adding lo the Kappi- and Micitncr of 1,100,000 woman each PMBlb- Karh imin It brimful nt flutilmn, fnnry Wfirlc, IfitetTFtliiK nhort Mirlc-1. and arnrMi of larwir-raUng; and momr aviht; td. fr wumen. ThT mot Uian 60 m the nrwent fWinm ot th rt-ltrald MrCAI.L I'ATTKKNH In aacti 1mu. McCAlX PATTKHNS ar famous fhr tvi, flu imprUr and acuuoui. (July 10 and 14 emit earh. Tha TMihllhrn of KAf.I.'fl will trwid UinuMnds of dollar iiira in U)f rorninr rnoiiUis In order to kwt MrCAI.IH head and houlilen alxv all oV-r women MistniiltiM at any ir1r. However, Mi-4'AlJ.'ft li oiily too a rear; pmiuveir Worth 11.00. Tf1. W'J SWt 0 MrCn PHra Fra from your flnt ropy ot McCALL'S, If ymi ubucrlbo quK kly. , THI HcCAIL COMPAHT, 234 Wf 37 SL, Ikw Tki ' NOTH-Aifc loifrnpf o MrT A I.!. "9 oarl'r. Urn (ataJiue aiw irtt oo rtaa. TAKEN UP One red and white I FOR RENT Good house In desir cow. branded with what appears t" ' able part of city. Inquire at 456 be J on right hip. Cow can be seen at the Harper place in Nortb Roseburg. Owner is requested to call, pay charges and take nnlniui away. Chas. Peavy. 560-dl WANTED. WANTED Short hour waitress, at Everybody's Cafe. Call n27 WANTED Few more boarders ut 112 Brockway, First class and home like. Phono 281. WANTED A few more boarders at 211 West Washington street. Meals regular, good fare, rates moder ate, d 1 WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED To cut wood by stumpage or on Shares. Clyde E. R. Wallace. phone 14F14, 3V4 miles east of Roseburg. tl WANTED Position as manager or orchard or will care for large or chard by contract. Present con tract expires January 1. Refer ences. Aauiess T. E. A., care The News. BE 3-d 15 WANTED By thoroughly experienc ed office man open for engage ment December 1, 15 years exper ience in merchandising and lum ber. Address 563 News office, 01 phono 14F34. d3 FOR T TiADE Nlcefi ve acre tract of land In good town, suitable for sub-dividing; has nice cottage and Improvements, Will trad for home in Roseburg, Here is a good chance to make some monoy. In quire News office. 217-lf mi; rkvt. FOR RENT Furnished rooms N. Main street. 503 d21 FOR HKNT Good house, close in, large lot, nice garden plot. In quire 404 W. Douglas. 554tf FOR RENT Five room-furnished cottage. No children. Inquire at 544 South Pine. tf-562 FOR RENT' Modern 5 room cottage for rent, corner Roberts and Ham ilton Btreots. Inquire Weather Bu reau office, or phone 127. tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 3 unfur nished housekeeping rooms; also 5 room cottage for rent. Inquire 410 W. Douglas. 546-tf FOR RENT Several good modern houses for rent. See Perrine Real Estate Co., corner Cass and Pine. Phone 202. tr JUST LIKE RENT We will sell you a nont five room cottage, on pav ed street, close In, on small pay ment down, liulace monthly 'Ilka - rent, possession December 1, come in today and lot us show this prop erty. $1050. McCllntock & Geddoa. 315 Cass street. 246 Rose St. SPIRELLA CORSETS PHONE 82-J A Large Stock of Blank Books at the Roseburg Book Store WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 Inrew-h Mitof M Fle1olh wilt m. llliih CM prlc'c ii ,W lor oW 'iolit. Hllver. u!'l WaUlH-.. Kr tki-n JiMv.-lry 1'recloul Slouci. Hoaar nt Ir nnrn Hali. PHIL. SMELTING & RtFINIHC COMPANY KolnlillnlK'il '20 Vran 863 CHISNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. PA. TO IlKNTIHTH v. win v viiir (,olil Klllnim. OolJ Scrap ami l'utuimii. HIKh' t prli tr liMi H. J. DENN Transfer Company Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a gon eral transfer business. l!ap gage check? called for. All goods carefully handled, and chargea reasonable. Roseburg. Office P. 102 Res. P. 196-L euGtr l' Oil bALK. FOR SALE Flreless Cooker, "Cal oric," nearly new, bargain price Call at 137 No. Main St. n30 FOR SALE Good homestead near railroad and postotflce. Good soil plenty of water on outside range. Address 55 News. d7 FOR SALE Second hand rour-cylln- der automobile, In excellent' con dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at this office for Information and price. 281-tf SNAP BARGAIN Will sell fine property In Riverside Addition to Roseburg at assessor's valuation. Inquire of Joe Schema, owner. dll FOR SALE Grape roots; gropes for this climate; fine roots every year; sure crop; good table grapes and good for wine. Crop guaran teed. Address, John Stockel, Rosbeurg, Oregon. FOR SALE 1 good team of geld ings, wt. 2200, well broke; 1 good 314 wagon with good wood rack, going at a bargain. Clyde E. R. Wallace, phone 14F14, 3 miles east of Roseburg. d9 FINE BUNGALOW Will Bell 01 trade finest property In good rail road town for Roseburg residence or farm near city. This bungalow Is new, modern, 8 large lots go with It, delightful view ot river aud town, and rents for $17.50 per month. This Is something ex tra fine. Address, Owner, News, Roseburg, box 112. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place just outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, etc., all fenced and In first clasB condition, grounds set to vouna fruit trees. Bomo In bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only (1,800. Inquire NewB of fice, ai-tl GOOD GARDEN SPOT Tract 230 by 100 feet, one block to school, near store and postofflce, River side Addition, owned by non-resident, who will sacrifice it at $275 This place 1b a bargain, being best of garden soil. Addrcsa N. R.. box 65, city, or Inquire News office. 4tf TRADB OH KOR 8ALW Nlco traul of 10 acres only three miles from c'ty, best of roads, fenced, but no buildings, nice young orchard, spring, etc. Will trade for city property. Making flue suburban home. Inquire Nows office for uartlculars. 4 1 -tf $40 AN ACHE Farm of 135 acres, practlcully all tillable, one-fourtli mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, aud the fines! kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spr!ii, no build lugs, snd 8 miles from Roseburg Cheap as dirt at the prlco. Inquire L, News offlco. 141-tl f AKM HOMB FOR SALE 16 acres, close In, flue large house, good barn, windmill at well, water piped to house, 12 acres young orchard, automobile raods all year, and In every way a desirable place. Im provements worth $4,000. Ownol will sell for $5,200, terms. Ad dress Nows office for particulars, box 55. TEN ACRE HAROAIN A line little place on best road In the couuty fair house, barn, spring and well nearly eight acrut in uuoice fiult mostly In bouvy hearing. Less thai S miles from Benter of city. Own er will sell on terms. Inquire at News office, or address Owner, care News, 199-tl APPLES FOR SALE 3 boxos nice picked Baldwins, all for $1. Or dor by card, giving street and num ber, but don't take the apples un less they are entirely satisfactory when delivered. Poxes emptied, and retained. 11. i!onklns, R. F. D. No. 1, Dox 11, Roseburg, Ore gon. n23 FOR SALE OR TRADB Hlnhly In proved 10-acre tract 1 mile from good town, new 7-roora bungalow good barn and poultry houses, $ acres In orchard and berries, splen did location, first class every way One of the finest places in South ern Orcgoi. Sidewalks to depot and town; crop all In and will trade for Itosvburg property or farm n"nr city. Address Owner News offlco, box 1 1 1. AN 1NV K STMT: N T Several lotB that are unequaled In the city for beau tiful situation. Command view of entire valley and the city. All In hearing fruit of choice varieties. This Is offered for less than much Inferior property. Valuation will surely advance, and tho parly who buys now can make well on his In vestment. Only a few minutes' walk from center of city, and nesr paved district. Inquire Nows office for particulars. S C 1 -tf Rast avenue. FOR SALE OR RENT Several mod e n hoUBOB. Appl to S. W. Siat mer, or call phone 177-L. FOP SALE Several large water tanks. Also storage room for rent. Inquire 456 Rast avenue. 507tt FOR PALE Four-foot nr cordwooa. For carload lota write to Jonathan Richardson. Leona, Ore. Ordr now for fall delivery. Carloat lota (3.26 a cord. 146-dtt FOR SALK Berkshire pigs 8 weeks and 10 months of age thorough breds, address or phone. Mountain View Ranch. R. 1 Box 62. Phone 12 F 25. D16. GASOLINE ENGINE Eight horse power engine at bargain; am go ing East and it Is toe heavy to ship back. Enquire at News of fice or of C .0. Mason nt North Side Planing Mill. 656-dl THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five flu lots, good view of city "j block to propLsed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property that will please the critical buyer, only $1,360. Terms. Inquire News office. 278-tt FOR SALE in Roseburir, 4-roont house on Flint street, No. 242, nil furnished Is bringing In $144; lights, water, patent toilet, sower connection, paved street, etc Price Jl.iuO; part down balance $10 per month. Addrors II. P. Simpson, Lolnnd, Or. 804-tfsw FOR SALE BY OWNER 120 acres timber land described as N. W. M of N .W. V4 ; 8. W. of N. W. and 8. E. M of N ,W. Section 20 Twp. 23 8. Range 6 West, Douglns County. Contains 3,000, 00 foot. Price $1400.00, One half cash. Address C, O. Anderson, Box 463 Ballard- Station, Seattle, Wash. Jan. l.pd. EXTRA GOOD BUY Ten acres Just outside city limits, best ot soil; wator for Irrigating, chicken parks and fine chicken houses, fruit, fenced, and one of the finest loca tions In the county for a home. This tract can bo subdivided and sold as city lots it desired. It Is an Investment at prices asked. Ad dross D. K., box 55, Roseburg, or Inquire at Wows office for infor mation. tf-620 FOR SALE OR TRADE Very deslr able farm of 75 acres, m miles from the city on good road. Good home, barn etc., fenced and cross fenced, Bplcndld spring of water, orchard of about 8 acres ot choice rnrlotlcB In good condition. In (net, an ldcnl home place. Will take unucumbored, desirable city home as part payment, balance long time at 0 per cent interest Ask Tho Nows. 642-tt FOR 8 ALE Choice orchard or gar den truck land In five and tea acre trocts. Plenty of water. Land will ralBo anything that .an be raised In this valley J-ocated within 85 minute drive nt kose hurg. Railroad station within ten minute walk of any part ot the subdvlBlor.. Prices reasonable and sold on terms to suit buyer. Call on or address The News office for further particulars. SOOtt FARMERS' OPPORTUN1TT A fine 480 acre wheat ranch, complete set butldliiKS. on main road, only 6 miles from good railroad tnwa, will bo sold on easy crop paymeuts to responsible fnrmor. Would ac cept Douglas county property In exchange for a lnrgs part of ranch value. Only small amount cash required. Dy securing possession of ranch at once, fall crop can he successfully sown. Don't delny, but Inquire of R. R. Wood, News office for details. t FOR MEN ONLY For sale or trade, equity In a nlco, new, nifty, nobby, up-to-tho-mlnnto BUNGALOW. Ce ment walks, cobblo base, paved district, nenr jcliool. A "home" not a "house". Convenient Inter ior arrangement with "catchy" outside effort. Got this now and wear off the "first" paint. Wood In basement for a year. Will con sider anyth'ng useful from a . "JACK-RABBIT to an AUTOMO niLH". Address X T Z, News of fice, Roseburg. Or. 622-tf HERE IT IS About the finest home In the valley, all In cultivation, city privileges, modorn house of six rooms. kssoIIuh pumping plant, plenty of wotr (or lawns and gar den. If It Is o country home Just out of town ihi.i you want, do Dot mlxs seeing tuls. Will sell all or part of proporty. krlvat tele phone to city. It will pay prospec tive home seekers to Investigate this place, Inquire at Nows office for particulars, or call at premises, O. D. Maynard, Just west of 8al llen Home. 13 It