Wanted LOCAL XEWS. Rare Bargains Mrs. Ora Russell left for Port land this afternoon to spend Thanks-, giving with htr sister, -Mrs. George Burnettv. ' A marriage license was Issued to-. day to A. L. Howard and Miss Ethel liust, both residents of Douglas coun- in MEN AND BOYS in any number to take advantage of our removal sale. Prices slaughtered. Nothing held back. . H. Clark, and the formers father, Abraham Clark, left for Oa land this afternoon to spend Thanks- and 1 , giving at the home of relatives. Desks "W" .ad Us ook teases $24.00 Combination Book Cases and Ladies Desks $18.00 $21.00 Combination and Desks $15.00 Cases Other Ladies v Desks From $7.50, to $24.00 The famous Gunn Book Cas es without any unsightly irons on the side to mar the finish. We also now offer a large Sectional Book Case tor $18.00 The Furniture I-Ian la. 11 Moms fo r9 Low Sound Trip Fares Via the E On Sale Nov. 27-28. -J SUM SET lUSDE.NKbrlA'jTAJ Ik 8 D O I T?S f H Return Limit Dec. 2 Between all points in Oregon, north or south including branches. One and one -third fare for Round Trip 4 Trains each way daily 4 v Observation cars, Dining cars, Pullman and Tourist sleeping cars and big, wide, all steel coaches. Solid vestibuled trains. Call on nearest Agent for specific fares to any point, train schedules, etc, ' John M. Scott General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Clyde Faulkner, wife and baby leit here this afternoon for Portlar..l j where they will spend Thanksglvl'n; ; with relatives. ; Mrs. Charles Wilson Baker wis dismissed from Mercy hospital today Mrs. Baker recently underwent an operation which proved successful. ; Attorney O. P. Cosuow and famPy nnd K. H. Pickens and wife left this afternoon tor Portland where the. ; will spend Thanksgiving day wltl. fi lends and relatives. - Mrs. A. Aikln. of Riddle, who re-i r entry underwent an bpei,ition at Mercy hospital was dismissed from the Institution today. She will leave for, her home this evening. I The members of the Jloose lodj-e ; held a social session at the Macca- bee hall last evening. with a large i crowd in attendance. A number of candidates were Initiated Into mys- terles of the order, followed by a i delicious banuet. Brief addresses '.'ere delivered by local members of I the order and all enjoyed the occas 1 ion. W. L. Cobb, of the Cobb Real Estate Company, today received a let ter from Governor Oswald West, In which the former was notified of his appointment as a delegate from Ore gon to the Antf-Saloon League of America, which meets at Washington, D. C, on December 10, 17, 18 nnd 19. Mr. Cobb stated thlB afternoon that he would probably attend the meeting. The Berecn-Marx quartet of artists nlayed to a crowded house at the Palace Theater.' lust night. It was strictly a classical program and on joyed by a select audience. The en tertainment was given under the au spices of the Ministerial Union. Great care is exercised to bring only the best talent tli.it can be engaged for the lycoum course. While In the opin ion of some the nffalr last night vat. not up to some that have nppeare-1 here In the past, yet frequent ap plauses of the vnrlous numbers on tlit progrnm evidenced- appreciation ol the work. ' and we'll help you get good goods, at less moneylthan you have ever before been able to secure. Don't ta to take advantage of this opportunity to save money. SIMON GARO as for military drills, they have had much practice together, and expect to offer , their audiences excellent music. They are to give their first concert of the year In the Corvallis opera house, December 13, nnd are plan ning Tor their college audience some "CluB.sy collego stunts." I'XIO.N TIIA.VKKCilVIXU SERVICE. Five churcnes will observe Thanks giving tomorrow at 10:110, at the Presbyterian church. Rev, Eaton of the Baptist church will deliver the sermon. Come and bring an offering for the poor. Deputy Gnmo and Fish Warden' Charles Tabor, of West Fork, spent' the day In Roseburg attending to I various business interests. ! TOXKillT AT PA LACK THEATRE. The Orleans Coach a throe reel Path'o feature picture of exceptional merit. Admission 15c adults 10c children. A. ' 1). Bradley, George Burnotta and Edward Payton, who have been spending the past few days at Klam ath Falls hunting ducks are expected home this ovoning. DEAL AT HOME For good tailoring call at 137 Jackson Btreet. n 23. S. A. PHILLIPS. AI'I'I-E EXHIBIT OF It. W. HALL AT NOKTHWKKT LAX1 SHOW. NOTICE TO It. P. O. K.- AMI FRIENDS. The. Elks lodge of this city will hold its annual public memorial ser vices next Sunday afternoon, Decem ber. 1st at 2 p. m., at their Elks tem ple. Hon. Charles Galloway, of Sa lem, one of our most prominent orntors, will deliver the address, and a very interesting . and complete program Is arranged. Everybody p welcome nnd respectfully Invited to attend. lilt; Tl'KKEY SHOOT. Tho members of the Roseburg Gun Club will hold their annual turkey shoot on the rifle field 4- north of town tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. Everybody iB Invited to participate In this event. Participants will be al- lowed to use either rifle, shot- gun or revolver. Shooting will commence at promptly 10 o'clock. According to persons who have re turned from Portland where they attended the Northwest Land Show. 3 beautiful" photographs exhibited by Clark Brothers, of this city, at tracted almost universal aueniion. iii fact, Mr Cash, who was in charge of are much appreciated the exhl'iit sa.vB the photographs aroused considerable interest and that many questions were asked re garding Roseburg and the remalndtr of Douglis county and their efforts sr!,Kmi aim'm; kximiut at XOItTIIWKST 1.AM SHOW. H. M. Hall Kih'm Much Toward Atlvoi (isliiI D(tiif:liiN Counly nt Iterant liiind Show fn I(m(!:umI. The Evening News today rppro dures a phofntrraph of the ottractlvi apple exhlhlt of R. M. Hull, of tht Olenbrook farm, at the Northwest Land Show which rceontly closod af ter a week's run in Portland. The x';!j11 arranKed by Mr. Hal; Included twenty-five boxes of Spltzen berg apples, all of whlrh were Belect ed from his glenbrook oreherd. Tin farm owned by Mr. IfiJI and bsbo ciatea la altuated in the vicinity o' Riddle, and In probably one 'of thi nost imractlvo rouutry placcH In thn int're county. The ranch conslHta or 1G0 acree of orchard land, which will be increased to 200 acres during thn present winter: 900 acres of plow land, all In a body, with a stream Intersecting It with current sufficient for light nnd power. Other than rais ing apples Rlrullar to those exhibited at the North wfifi), Land Show and above photographed, .Mr. liall ; ahx.-; an abundance of peaches, plums, grain and hay. Mr, Hall Is also at present engag ed In setting out several acres of Urawberrles. Tho production of hese famous berries has boconio a permanent industry In Douglas coun ty, and Mr. Hall will find ready sale 'or his product. At least, strawberry experiments In tho past have proven that the climate and other advnutjiK" of Poiiglus colunty are exceptionally adapted to the growing of market able berries, and at prices which well repay tho grower for his trouble. Knrly next spring Mr. Hall will In stall an up-to-date ulectrlct light ttys tnm on his ranch, the power for which will be harnessed from a Brnitll t-treani which passes through hit land. This plant, Mr. Hull coutom pliitcs will fiirnlrih iimplo Illumina tion, and reduce the ever Impending danger of fire to a minimum. Mr, Hall 1b ono of Douglas county's foremost "booHtors" and his recent efforts In behalf of advertising tfaftt community will no doubt prove tho means by which hundreds of pros ppctlve lioniescekerH will ho attracted) to this locality. I'HKKINS l!l'IUUX;( lIIO.K 105 The New York Store The Store That Serves You Best .., This store wishes to extend Thanksgiving Greetings to our customers, and vvc wish yyju ij navw a uuuiuiiut i uaimaivin cuiu riiivvi nww mat the future' holds gladness, health and wealth to every customer who's patronage we enjoy. Again we extend to you a joyous Thanksgiving. The New York Store CLARK L. BARGER