HAVE YOU CON SULTED HIM eJfM&d&tS Pickens Good form I'kllKl.NH IlllI-DIXO, I'HONE 10.1 WE ARE BUSY SELLIG HLIMT1G SUPPLIES Because our stock is complete in all lines. Our prices are a winning feature every time. If you are going out for a day or week, let us lit you out for the trip. TWO NEW iqi2 INDIANS To be sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch auto tire. A goc". chance to get a good machine cheap. J. H. SYKES' GUN STORE WHY? Why Fuss and Fume With Any other Than the Electric Light. No wick to trim. No chimneys to clean. No tank to fill with oil. No mantels to break. No pipes to leak. Electricity Is the Best, Cheapest, Cleanest and Safest Way to Light Your House Douglas County Light & Water Co. TO YOU-OUR CUSTOMER Willi. K you live In our neighborhood we ImpH to keep von (in our cnatotner lint. To do this wu Itiinml to Klve yon the hH of service, tho boat of (Iruus ami the best PHiMiuMton that good intentions, gootl gooda and proper prices can nive. If there in hmv ooint In whtoh we fall short of our In tention, we hIihI) be pleated to know I'. K It can he rem cdled, it Hlmll bo; It not, it will not harm either ol ue to talk it over, WpHToin your community to Ml goods, and wo can not do that unleHH our trade it) untie tied : 'our trade meane you and a few others. When wo recommend DIKE'S remedies we are ofTor lni( to you the best that ran be obtained, and for these remedies we have the exeinstve ale In this neighborhood. Ksrh DIKE preparation that we pell should convin.e you that we mwHn to ive you excellent koo;Is. They aro made of the best iutiredieuttt, by skilled phHrnmcisttt, in well equipped lulxiratories, and each remedy is recom mended by thousands who have used them. Sole Agents For DIKE'S Household Remedies. Krohn's Drug Store Maccabee Temple Cass Street For the Hostess. You may have a dinner with tho best appointment and cuisine, und If your guests are badly chosen the dinner will be a social failure. Certain elements will not coalesce, and the woman who tries to force the process Is courting an explosion. Choose Kuests as you would shoes because they fit. You in u y be catholic In your taste and enjoy the buttcrtly without a brain and the womun who is alt bruin, but without social grace; the artist or musician, the snob who distrusts all the clever coterie, tho man who loves a guy story and the woman who Is easily shocked. Hut gather those friends around a common board uud you muy count on their boredom. If you must have a mixed dinner pray for tact in the seating. "A man cares what be eats; a woman cares whom Bhe sits next." Never sent your guests according to social position. The practice makes neither tho dinner nor the hostess popular. If you put the socially unim portant together your entertaining wilt never be a success. Custom bits it that those who sit on tho light and left of the host and hostess may feel themselves singled out for attention, but choose for rea sons. Do not give your guests a chance to gibe at you as a money worshiper or one with an ax to grind. Do not have dinners so large as to prevent general conversation. Not all who go out to dinner aro blessed with manners, and the hostess should have It In her power to go to the rescue of the guest who la neglected by her uclghbors. Introducing the Debutante. No young girl in society Is ever al lowed to accept Invitations to dinners or dances or anything, In fact, except children's parties or schoolgirl lunch eons or very informal festivities given especially for Juveniles until she has been formally introduced to the social world. Tills is done by her mother giv ing for her some sort of rather formal function, which usually takes the form of a dance or large afternoon or even Ing reception. To this affair are invited all the friends of the mother and nlso those young friends of the daughter win have already made their debut into so cfety. If an afternoon reception has been chosen as t he initial festivity of the debutante daughter the affair Is usually held at from a to 0 or from 4 to 7 p. in Promptly at the appointed hour the mother takes her place In the drawing room near the door leading to the en trance hall. The daughter who Is to tie introduced stands at her left and assists her mother In receiving the guests. If. as Is usually the ease, the young ghi Is a stranger to many of her mother's guests the mother after wel coming en eli visitor says simply, "Mrs Hurton, this Is my daughter Dorothy." or, "Mr. Carringtou. let me present you to iny daughter." Kaih person so pre sented should talk a moment or two with (he young girl nnd then pass on. Don't For Engaged Girls, Don't make unreasonable demands on your Ilnuce's time. Iteniember that his work must come first If he Is ever to earu an income sulllelent for him self and bis wife. So don't be dis agreeable to him If he Is kept late at the oltlee of an evening when he had promised to take you out. He will be Just as annoyed ubout this as you are and there Is no need to make matters j worse by having a scene. 1 Don't forget to pay every possible attention to his people, particularly Ids I mother and sisters. They may perhaps ; bo a little Jealous of you at first, and if t you are foolish enough to resent this i ttie situation may become very mi f pleasant Indeed. Don't "spoon" or quarrel In public, i for by doing so you would place your ! self In a ridiculous sltuatlou and the j onlookers in an embarrassing one. ! Don't drag your fiance's name Into 1 every conversation. It sounds silly, j Don't write afTectlonate postcards. ; If yon want to bo affectionate do it In a letter, which cannot ho read by any one except the man to whom It Is addressed. LONE STAR We Guarantee your shirts, cottars au 1 cuffs to bo perfectly laun dered, when gent to our laundry. We want more work and aro Running for yours. Wo Klve the best finish to your linen, are quick In deliveries and charge only fair prices. A trial order will bo appre ciated. LAUNDRY I'HO.NK 5S0 COR. PINE AND WOODWARD STS. Crowds of people aro thronging to see Professor C. Vance, the cele brated palmist and clairvoyant, who has been at the Grand Hotel, rooms 1 and 2, for the past 3 weeks. Tile professor Is doing a rushing business, his parlors being crowded with some of the most prominent people in this city. Every one who has called on the noted palmist and clairvoyant says that he tells them their life better than they know li themselves, and they are convinced when he tells their name and every v.lsh of their heart. No matter what your trouble is, he can and will help you, and if you still doubt that he can do all that he advertises, ask your neighbor, or better still, call and be convinced. Ho guarantees to reveal every incident of your life, tell when, whom and where you will marry, tell you just what you are fitted for and how to obtain money you ure In need of. The huppihess jf your future life may depend upon the right solution and proper ad vice.. The professor makes no mis takes, an all his predictions are true, and he may be relied upon. You may wish to know if It Is advisable to make a change In business, In love and marriage. WHOM SHALL I MARR .' HOW OFTEN SHALL I MAURY? SHALL 1 EVER HE J1VL...OED? DOES AN OTHER SHARE THE LOVE THAT RIGHTFULLY RKLOMfSS TO llff IP SO, WHO? IS MY DISEASE I CURABLE? WHEN SHALL 1 j LEAVE HERE? AM I LIABLE TO ACCIDENT? SHOULD I INVEST MY MONEY? IN WHAT SHALL 1 INVEST? HAVE I ANY ENEMIES? CAN I TRUST MY FRIENDS? IN WHAT TOWN OR STATE WOULD I BE MOST SUCCESSFUL? HOW CAN I SELL PROPERITY? ..HOW CAN I HAVE GOOD LUCK? HOW CAN I SUCCEED IN BUSINESS? HOW CAN I MAKE MY HOME HAPPY? WHERE AND WHEN CAN I GET A GOOD POSITION? HOW CAN I MARRY THE ONE I CHOOSE? HOW CAN I MAKE ANYONE LOVE ME? HOW CAN I CONTROL ANY ONE? Tho professor tells all of these things and many more. Ho Is ever ready to help those, with smnll capi tal to find a quick and sure Invest ment. If your business is unsuccess ful, If your health is not good, or if you are In trouble of any kind, you should see this truly gifted medium at once. Ho has helped thousands on the road to success, and he can and will help you. Offlco hours: 10 a. m. to S p. in Sunday, I to 4 p. in. Lady in attend ance. The reception rooms, locate. I Just at tho head of the stairs, are so arranged that you meet no Hlrangorii and you can walk right up, not nec essary to enquire at desk. Notice: All diseases dinguosed astronomically and clalrvoyantly. Come, all you sick people, and I win tell you exactly what sickness you have, and will also tell you where and when you can bo cured. Four times as much in first cost ; and five times as much in after cost you are asked to pay for cars no more comfortable, sure ; or speedy than the Vanadium- j built Ford. A rather expensive tribute to false ride isn't it? RUNABOUT TOURING CAR TOWN CAR $525 600 800 These new prices, f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment. An early order will mean an early de livery. Get particulars from Ford Agent for Dougias CouDty. G. W. Burnett, Roseburg, Or. Phone 245. All work flrMi-ci.. Commercial Abstract Cc Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property Perkins rtuUdlng ROSFBURQ. OHEOON HEADY FOR INSPECTION. V 4B34lA . f.: .. john JL DEERE REVERSIBLE DISC PLOWS WorK equally well on Level land and Hillsides. They are light draft and easy to operate. We also carry in stocK SulKy Flews, Gang Plows and VValKing Plows with StubbJ Kottoms, Sod "Erealier" Boitcms and "Elath iticKy" Bottoms. All good reces. ROSEBUkG FEED & FUEL COMPANY TELEPHONE 163. Art of Rsceivlng Compliment!. One of the tlrsi things it pirl tuts to lonrn tn thv art of wet v Inn compli ments, net t tier Appropriating nor (11 clttlmliiff them. It In sometimes dtflh'ult nml to blush in fa till. Oh. those youthful hhtshcit! How ills rtvsstm; they nre to their vexe-.i own ers, nnd yet whnt n clutrm tliey give to Ingenuous trlrltiootl The skillful eompUinenter embnr nisses no one. not even the shyest wtrl. He knows how to convey nn expres sion of his approctntlon without exactly vyintr It. Such n nmn enn flutter one's si-lf lovo quite sulhYlently In merely sny Inc. "How well yon hmk!" The tone and mnnner nre eloqumt enough to supplement the ovtrty of the words, ntid their men pom ess nl lows the recipient of the compliment j to neeept It without emhnrrassmeut. A florid compliment mnkes n iromnu look or nt least feel a nerftt coo Hut they betouu to a pait Wo beg to call tho Attention of the public to the fact that our annual shipments of trees ure now coming In so that within a couple of weeks time wo will have the entire assort ment ready for your Inspection. The constantly increasing patronage of our Nursery Yard has encouraged us to enlurgo our already extensive as sortment so that there Is little chance of not being able to supply our pat rons with everything that Is well adapted to tho Umpqua Valley or Southern Oregon. We have all the standard commercial varieties of Apple, Pear, Prune, Peach and Cher ry as wen as an extensive assort ment of varieties of these fruits for family use. We have all the best varieties of Nectarines, Apricots, ! Quinces, Almonds, Walnuts, Chest-1 nuts, Pecans and Filberts.. Fourteen varieties of Grapes. All kinds of ' Berry Vines, besides a largo assort ment of Shade nnd Ornamental trees i and plants, Flower Bulbs, etc. Come i and see for yourself that these are . choice first-class stock. Also that ' the prices are right. You see before ou buy, and our system of buying in largo quantities enables us to fur nish the best of stock at the same or less price than the same class of trees can be had elsewhere. j HOSKBUUO NTRSERY CO. ! sw Kitchen and Black. ! 9 Keister Ladie's Tailoring College! Everything pertaining to dressmaking and tailoring tnught. Tuition $25 for full course. This course offers Instruction In drafting of patterns, cutting and fitting of coats, cloaks, tailored and fancy dresses. $15 course gives drafting of patterns without sewing. $5 course gives 10 days sowing. We Invite Investigation J1I1S. K. I,. MoIXTOSH, SUSS FLORENCE McIXTOSH, Instructor Mgr. Assistant. Rooms 4, 5 and 6 Bell Sisters Building D. H. MARSTERS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone WorK Done on Short Notic ROSEBURG, ORE' DISTKMl'KK ItF.MUDV. For distemper nnd coughs. . Easy to give. We have manufactured and sold this preparation for several year, and guarantee It to give satis faction. dsw t MARSTEUS' nnvo CO. 100 choice Yellow Newton Pippin and Spltiburg apple trees for aale at a bargain. Phone 16F21. tt c3 THE ECONOMY MARKET George Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and so'd. Phone 5S Rosebui g, OrJ 'A t U