WEATHER Today's Highest Temperature, 47 generally Fair Tonight and Thursday. IV. ItOSEUUItQ, OREGON, U KDMOSDAY, NOVKMllKIt 27, 11)13 No. SSI i VICE SCANDAL Promised Congressional Inves ' tigation By Lafferty LYKCHERS R03BED OF PLEASURE Intended Victim Dying frm Wounds Socialist Newspaper Exposes ; Gernutny's Alleged War Scheme for Raising Forty Million. XO PAPKH THANKStilVIXU. In order to Hive Tno ('ws' force ample opportunity to en joy the pleasures of Thanksgiv ing Day, no pajer will be issued tomorrow. (Special to The Evening News.) PORTLAND, Nov. 27.- The vice scandal that has convulsed Portland during the past two weeks has arous ed the investigative spirit In Con gressman Lafferty, who now an nounces that he will ask congress to institute an Investigation of the al leged nation-wide vice scandal, which recently resulted in the arrests of prominent men of this city charg ed with ruining boys. Lafferty says that there Is substantial evidence that a well organised vice ring fs nation wide- in Us manipulations, and he wilt introduce a bill at the next session asking for the appointment of a; special congressional committee to examine into conditions that are be lieved to exist. Intended Victim Already Dying. PALM OLIVE, Mtss.t Nov. 27. A mob that was intent on lynching C. W. Treadway temporarily postponed the pleasure today on discovering that their intended victim was prob ably dying from wounds received in a gun fight. Monday night Tread way and his sons engaged in a revol ver duel' with deputy sheriffs. The mob determined to hang Treadway, and went to his home for the pur- pose, but were told the man was dy fng. The self-imposed executors left, stating they would come again if the wounded man recovered. Alleges War Is Contemplated. BERLIN, Nov. 27. The Vor waerts, a socialist newspaper, makes the startling declaration today that a $40,uu0,000 fund porvided for in j the new budget under the heading of "General Finances for Administra tion Purposes," 1b really intended to pay for clothing, provisions for men ?A horses, and general army- and navy expenses in event of the out break of war. Attend Senator's Funeral. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. Presi dent Taft, members of the supreme court, many congressmen and for-' elgn diplomats were present at the j funeral of Senator Rayner, which was held at 2 o'clock tbls afternoon. j Chaplain Pierce, of "the senate, i " preached the funeral discourse. The pall bearors were men .who were as sociates of the deceased senator In public life. Interment was in the Rock Creek cemetery. Holland at Exposition. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27. Pres ident Moore, of the Panama Pacific Exposition, has received notice that Holland has accepted the Invitation of President Taft to participate it the big bhow in 1915. Minister Lou don, representing Holland, will ar rive hero December 9 to select a site for the national building. Where Many Roseburg People Dine a product of Southern Douglas county. Numerous Family Reunions are Planned fcr Thanks givingOthers Will Spend the Day Quietly Elks Lodge to Hold Annual Feast. The home of Mr. and Mra. J. F. Barker, at the corner of Lane and Kane streets, will be the scene of a delightful family reunion tomorrow, in all. fourteen persons will be pres ent, Including members of the Bar ker family and relatives. Mrs. and Mrs. B. B. Pengra will ! entertain Mr. and Mrs. Ole Ollsson, .Mr. and Mrs, M. M. Miller and little son, and William Bell, at their home on South Main stivnt tomorrow. A delicious turkey dinner will probably prove a feature of the day's festivi ties. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sanford will entertain Robert Olle and family at Thanksgiving' dinner, at ;heir home on Lane street. jA regular old fashion family, re union will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs. George W, Riddle, on East Lane street, tomorrow. Among those Invited are relatives from Rid dle, Myrtle Creek, Grants Pass and Roseburg. That the Judge and Mrs. Riddle will serve a turkey dinner fit for a king goes without saying. . K- B. W. Bates and family wll en tertain G. V. Sloper and wire, and Roland Agee and Wife, of Roseburg, and Mrs. Ona Royer, of Portland, at their homo at the corner of Douglas and ' Ella Btrcets tomorrow. The feast will Include turkey, cranberries and other delicacies of tho season. S. E. Krohn and family, and Mrs. Anglo Fenton and family will partake of Thanksgiving dinner nt the home N. Day and wife, of Grants Pass, arrived in Roseburg at noon today r.ntl will partake of Thanksgiving dinner at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. if i C, K. Root, on East Oak street, i ' .. ft ft of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Webb, in North Attorney Uexter Rico, wife and Roseburg. i daughter will spend Thanksgiving at r;: ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. George - Mr. and Mrs. George Bradjmrn, of i lioter. Wlnstons, will entertain Mr. and Mra I !: George Skiff, of Salem; Mr. and Mrs i Edward Singleton and wife will L. n. Wallace, of Roseburg, and the j ' ,entl Thanksgiving at the home of latter's mother. Mrs. Collier, at the.51''- Ulld Mr8- Ko' Uoo'h, "eat' Yon Bradburn home tomorrow. A delic- calla- The' loave fr llle 11' lous turkey dinner will be served at ,pr citV tomorrow morning, pocn. i ft .- ; t;; S j F. L. Calkins and wife will enter- Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Hume will on- ,nln thelr aon. Howard and wife at tertain J. E. Eager and family at Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. J '": ' Tho annual family reunion of the Thomas Cobb and wife will enter- Bellows family will be held nt the tain Dr. and Mrs. George E. Houck, at the former's home on South Main street tomorrow. I nome of Air, and Mrs. A. J. Bellows, In West Roseburg, tomorrow. Among the guests wlil be Roy Bollows and wife. Alva Bellows and family, and Georgo Brown and lamlly. The cus tomnry turkey dinner wlil be pre pared and served under tho direc tion of Mrs. Bellows. Tho Bellows family has held annual reunions for many years and tomorrow's event is looked forward to with delight by i those directly Interested. ft ft lev. K. M. Mears will bo entertaln- K. W. Page and wife of North Roseburg, will entertain S. E. Morse and daughter, Mi-s. Carey, and Mrs. S. H. Morse and two children at their homo tomorrow, A delicious Thanks giving feast will bo one of tho Im portant pleasantries of the day. III. M. Stephens, of Oakland, Willi be the guest of honor at a Thanks-; elvinir snrojirl In Im am-verl .,. tho 1 t tho home of M r. and Mrs. W. G 1 H.arth's oggery Wants You to Look! FITFORM Look at HARTH'S TOGGERY $15.00 Clothing t You'll readily see it's as good as any you are asked $20.00 for elsewhere. You will see, too, that the fabrics are made of wool; that the styles are good and that the tailoring is equal to that of higher priced garments. Harth's Toggery $15.00 Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats. Are superior in fabric, style and tailoring to other clothing sold at the price. The H ARTI I 'S TOG GERY system safeguards you in every way in careful selection in honest manufacture in low price. Your suit Kept pressed FREE for you. 16,000 Automobile votes given with each $15.00 suit or overcoat. homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. U Steph ens, In West Roseburg, tomorrow, & p Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mnrsters will spend Thanksgiving at their farm, in Happy Valley, Only members of the family will be present to partake of the appetizing turkey dinner to be prepared by Mrs. Marsters. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dillard and two children will spend Thanksgiving at the home of F. M. Sehring, at Winchester. Hughes tomorrow. Mrs. H. K. Pickens will entertain ::t a family reunion at her home on South Main street tomorrow. About twenty members of the family will be present, and a most enjoyable time is nntlclpatcd. ft - Of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fullerton leave jfor Riddle tomorrow morning where they will partake of Thnnksglvinj; '!innr at the home of Mr. and Mm. V. I. Nichols. Dr. (Pi mil ton will tomorrow en ("rtuln Henry Richardson and wlfq, Dr. Walter Hamilton and wife, and Charles Hamilton and wire. The home gathering will be held at th resilience of Mr. and Mrs. Richard son, with whom Dr. Hamilton has been living Blnce he lost his dwelling by fire. R. M.- Hall, the fruit grower, who is hi present at iho Orand hotel, will rrrtake of Thanksgiving dinner at his ranch, the "(lienbrook Farm," near Riddle. Mr. Hail says he Is hav ing prepared a fine 10-pound turkey, AUSTRIA HOLDS Out Against Arbitration Servia Disputes Of WARCL0UDSTILLK0VER1NGNEAR Tin-key Rejects Bulgarian ProjMKtuls Pence Counter Proposition ON fore.1 lighting At Adrian oplo t'lty Burning. Attorney Albeit Abraham and fnm liy leave for Portland tonight where they will partake of Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. G. Mark. ft ft M. F. Rico and wife will entertain at Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Oshorn, the former a dispatcher at the local Southern Pacific rullroad of fices. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haynes will en tertain at Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. llayne's mother, Mrs. Carrie Haynes. and J. W. Perkins and wife. J. D. Zlll'cher, of tile Commercial Abstract Company, will tomorrow en tertain Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Walsh and tho former's sister. Mr. and MrB. Earl Strong nnd the former's mother, Mrs. B. W. Strong will spend Thanksgiving at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John Met?.. County Judge G. W Wonnrott and wife wi'i entertain their son, Charles Woimcott, wife arid two children, uiul: their daughter, Mrs, Glover, of Rani FrunclHco, at a Thanksgiving dinner; tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Wonueott. and children have already arrived Trom Portland, while Mrs. Glover Is. oxpected here tonight. I ft ft ft ' Mr. nnd Mrs. II. G. Wilson will to-i morrow entertain their daughter, j Miss Mildred, who is attending the, t'nlverslty of Oregon, and two of' her young lady friends. Misses Maud and Mario Klnrald. The young BERLIN, Nov. 27. Germany sub mitted a proposition to Austria wherein it was proponed that the Austrla-Servla dispute bo referred to an intes-nntionnl tribunal for adjust ment. The Austrian government has rejected the suggestion, evidently pre ferring to settle the disagreement in her own way. Servia ust (iive In. PARIS, Nov. 27. Dispatches to tho Morning Matin from Vienna. Austria, Quotes Foreign Minister Borchtold as saying thnt war between Austria and Servia, and perhnps a general European entanglement, Is Inovllablo uiiIosb Servia ail limits to the Balkan peace proposals of Aus tria. - Turkey Reject lrOMNnls. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 27. Nnzlm PaBha. representing Turkey, has rejected the peace proposals of fered by Bulgaria, in view of this fact General Savoff, Bulgarian pleni potentiary, has agreed to consldor PidpoHiils from Turkey. . , Ailrhinople llumlng. SOFIA, Nov. 27. Fighting Is again progressing around Adrianoplo, despite tho ponce negotiations undor consideration. 1' iports state that Adlrnnoplo Is burning. l-'lun-y on Bourse. PARIS, Nov. L'7. Reports rrom Scbnstopol stair. 1'iat Russian trans ports for the I'i'rpose of moving troops are assembling In the Black Sea. ' Mutimc-H Kxcciifetl. ST. PWTHItSmtRG, Nov. 27. General strikes ' avo been declared among sillors o." Iho Czar's fleet on nrcount of the elocution of eleven members of I he 17 luck Soa fleet for mutiny. Four t iridrod sailors have been tninsferri"' from tho fleet to Raval anil Vlnd dok. (Continued on pago 4.) A. C. POSEY, M.D. Specialist for Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Diseases. Eyes Fitied With Glasses PARROT BUILDING ROSEBURG,' OREGON. Let us be Thankful. !, 111 -i IH'i ?3' il. Harth's Toggery, Inc.