The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 26, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    J'KltKINS lUTlMllNC;, TIIONK 10ft
lti;V VHI.
A reward will be )ald Tor lu
forrimlfon leading to the recovery of
three Btray lioundt (A black and tan
bitch, a white, black und tan Bpotted ,
bitch, lame In right fore foot and an '
orange and Riay yearling dog.) Lam;
seen running a coyote In Rock Creek I
district. Reply NewH Office tf 1
Shining Parlor
the only place In town for ladles
and gentlemen. You get a flrBt
clatis, permanent Bblne, with pure
polish. We also oil and dye
shoes of all kinds. Location: N.
K. Cor. Cass and Kose 8treeta
H. W. KAC.A1Y, I'rop.
The Man
That Watched
The Quality Store
The Pour Keys to Our Success
We are awake to your Gro
cery Needs. We have Quali
ty, coupled with Cleanliness.
Our Service is the best and
our Prices are always right.
The Roseburg Rochdale Co.
"What You Want When You Want It"
From Wednesday 27th Till Satur
day 30th Only.
From the Store that
SPECIAL on Coffee, Tea and Flour
10 per cent, ofl" on Flour, Tea and .Coffee in Ikilk
all this week
Read This List and Consider What
You Are Paying Elsewhere
A pure 11 ird Wheat Flour, this wook only, $1.25 per sack
4 SO Hi sacks, pr barrul $5.10
1G His. Dry Cranulatod Su(jar for 11.00
0 b.ira any kiml (if Laundry Soap, this weak only 25c
(iold Past, Citrus mil Hirax Chips, largo packages 20c this week
100 lbs. Hurbank Spuds $1.00
standard Corn per can 10c
Kunt-y eating apples, per box 10o
7 lbs. Sweet Potatoes 25c
New arrivals all kinds nuts except walnut) 20c pound
Walnuts per pound, 25c
Illack figs, pounds for 23c
Kinoy Smoked Halibut, pound 20c
Fancy Cod Fish, 2 lbs for 25c
Kellog Corn Flakes per package 10c
Sour Krout, home made, per quart 10c
Standard Tomatoes, 2 for 25c
Kiinklo Corn Flakes, 'J for 25o Tillamook Cheese 2.'!c
1 bottle puro maple sap, regular 50 cents, in this sale at
cost, 115 cents per bottle. Only a few of these left.
Armour fancy Star Hacon, per lb 35c
Armour fancy Shield bacon, per lb 30c
Fancy bacon hacks, per lb lite
Turo lard in 10 lb pail, 1.1.0
And many others all cut this week. Give? us a
call. We know that we will please you
Yours for Business,
The Grocer
Phone 317
After the waddlo' Cy Muvvkfun al
lowed he'd pot to go west to look urter
a farm uU father bad bought Home
time afo.e be died. Mabel a tie didn't
wnrit biui to go riKbt off. Jeat bclu'
roamed, but Cy be' uot out ' tbem
kind to throw thing a way, aud be
wanted to lease the farm for the uext
seii ho u. If he dldu't do uuthlu' to oucet
It 'ud bare to reyiuin vacant, 'cause It
was Jauuary, and there was souiep'o to
do afore plowln time. So Mabel she
didn't object
Cy. bavin' got a nice little wife, felt
as if he'd bought a thoroughbred colt
that nought be mhttreated or some
body mought get away wltb wblie be
n-OHn't urouud. He bad a speciui
friend, Tom .1 In Ulna, tbut he k no wed
be could rely on, and be says to Tom.
says he: "Tom, I'm golu' west to see
about ieasiu' my farm. 1 in gulu' to
stay till I lind a party to take ft. bo I
may not be back for several weeks
It's kind o' hard od me to leave a new
wife right after marryln'. and tfs
mud on Mabel too. 1 wish you'd go lu
und see ber oucet In awhile, take her
to Sunday eventn' meet I u' aud If a
bang up good show comes along take
ber to see it That way sbe won't be
ho lonesome."
"All right Cy. Anything else?"
"No said Cy thoughtfully, "uothln
part lee ler. You mougbt keep au eye
on Pete Owsley while I'm gone, I'ete
and M ubel were mighty thick onceL
I didn't know but she'd marry bint
'stead o' me. Course 1 have erfect
eon tide nee in Mabel, but I don't see
no use leavln' a stable door open wltb
out no good reason."
"Iteckou 1 catcb on, Cy. 111 Jest
keep my eye skinned."
"Course It wouldn't do to let Mabel
know about It She might not like It"
"1 understand. Mum's the word."
Tbe llrst Saturday night after Cy
went awny Tom slicked up and went
to see the bride, lie tbort she'd uu
derstaud bis comin better If be told
her Cy was afeared she'd be lonesome
nnd k no wed bo was comin'. So he
told ber so. 'i'hnt was all right She
allowed Cy was mighty tbortfut. They
passed n pleasant evenln' together,
and Tom said he'd drop in oucet li
awhile oiu.
The next time he did who should ht
find thero but Pete Owsley. Pete ami
Mabel bad I wen jlst friendly like, ami
Cys tblnkln' there was anything more
between 'em was within but natera
Jealousy. Mabel she done the best
she could to entertain two callers to
oucet but Tom be made It kind u hard
for ber, seeln ber h unban' bad tkl
him be didn't want I'ete banuln
around. Fact Is Tom tried to set I'ete
out Soon as I'ete got on to that he
jlst allowed he'd set there all night
nforo he'd be drlv out that way
The end of it was that Mabel had to
give 'em a broad hint to go, and thej
both went out at the same time.
"You seemed kind o' huffy tonight,"
nnld Pete to Tom as they went along
the road together under the starlight.
"Waul, Cy Mawklns is a mighty good
friend o' mine, and he asked me to
keep his wife from bein' lonesome
while he whs away. 1 dldu't expect
to see you there."
"Why not?"
"Waal. I heered yon nnd Mabel wns
kind o' thick nncet. nnd I allowed a
man that bad been thick wltb another
man's wife before she was married
and bad lost her wouldn't think It J 1st
right as soon as the man that beat him
went awny to go snoopln' around."
"Oh. ye didn't? Waal, all I got to
say is that when I call ou anybody 1
nlu't goin' to ank your iter mission."
J 1st then the road forked, nnd they
took different forks. Pete told Mabel
nil about Tom's interference, and she
sent rlKht off for Tom and wanted to
know what It meant Tom tried to
bike the 'sponslbility on bis own shoul
ders, but it wan't no use, Mabel know
ed Cy bad a Hers been jealous o' Pete
nnd that Cy and Tom was close
friends. Taklu' these two wltb the
fact that Cy had asked Tom to look
out for ber, she susected Cy had told
Torn to look out for Pete too.
Wimmeu Is kind o contrary. Ma
bel managed tbe matter lu her own
way. She played soft to Tom, nnd
Tom k no wed that Pete come to see
tier often. She got Tom all mixed up
so lie didn't know whether he was on
his bead or his heels. She was mad
at tjer huHban' for settln' a watch on
her. as she called It. and mad at Tom
for beln' the watch set. but she allow
ed she'd shove all the punishment on
rer Tom.
Cy gut home In the evenln. Mabel
kuowed he whs comin' and managed to
k'it Tom and Pete there at the tame
time. When Cy come up the walk to
tils home ho heered two men a Jawln'
nt each other. He heered his busum
friend Tom Jlnklns goln' for Pete, tell
In' him that If he ever come there up In
he'd ehnw him up.
Cy ni-nt In. and there was his wife
sot tin by the lamp sewiu as nncon
uiriied ns possible. Koib the men took
ed at him. surprised, and Tom. sudden
ly comin' to htmel?, looked as If he'd
like to git out through a knothole.
"Cy." said bis wife, "don't 1 okeer
ed You told Tom to take keep of me.
and he's been doin of It. Next time
von g;i 'way you better set Pete to tnke
keer o' Torn."
Waal, Cy. he tuk It good nnturcd like,
nnd his wife, seeln' she'd (ot the bev.
of m all, is r fed.
Nothing to It
reen and
Bruwn are hav
iu$ a terrible row
down the street"
"What seems to
he tbe matter?"
"1 don't kuow,
hut they are call
lug eHcb other
'thief aud Mlar'"
"lld you say
Oreen and
"I thought so.
They are Just
having a friendly
political discus
elou Come on;
let's go home."
Why, what are they, black mud or
aduby? No. Some hill top? No.
Oh, some side hill proposition, I sup
pose. Say will you pi ease read the
heading again before the next guess?
llcst Lou. Oh, is your lots In West
Roseburg this side of the State Sol
diers' Home on that nice lovel tract
of free river bottom on Harvard
Avenue? Sure, and its nicely plat
ted into lots 50x100 and an iron-clad
title of warranty deed and abstract
soes with each lot. Terms as you
desire. See me or phono 2I2-L. C. D.
Maynard, owner. Password, "Invest
ment." tf
Tf you want the highest prices for
all kinds of furs, bring them to me
I am buying for an Eastern house.
Box 601, Roseburg, Ore
Douglas County Creamery buttei
s the best on the market In sis
n your grocer supplying you wit!
his tome product, which Is always
trlctly iresh and guaranteed. Twt
lound roll. 85 cents. t
You know the 6tory the comb tells.
It'i a very diicou raging itory, too.
Day by day, a few more strands are add
ed, of hair that ii turning grey, losing its
vitality, its strength and its hculth.
Grey hair is as unbecoming as old age.
Natural pride should have its own say.
You wish to look young and it is your
DUTY to appear so. You can't even LOOK
young if the silver threads begin to show.
Be a "Young Woman" in looks, always.
The grey hairs belong to the chaperon end
to the grandmother.
Stay out of the grandmother class, until
your years justify it, by using
$1.00 and 50c it Dm, Store, or direct upon
receipt of price and dealer', nine. Send lGc t.r
trial bottle-Philo Hay Spec Co. Newark, N. X
Business Directory
A Directory of mich City, Town and
VUlaKd, Riving lU-ncrlptlvo (ketch at
each plnco, location, ixipulnlfon, tele
graph, hta)pln$ en.l bunk I riff point;
also Classlflt'd lO.rctiiry. compiled by
buine and profession.
Roseburg Shoe Shining
N. E. Cor. Rose and Cass Sts.
3 1 here Are unpeople i
i in This City Capable
of filling That Job! X
Perhaps not that many w
.... ... iv
Perhaps not that many
really efficient workers will
read your ad on Its first pub
lication. But those who are,
at the moment, "ollglble"
tor new employment, will
. read it and will be pretty
sure to answer It. And to
find a really efficient worker
Is to find "good fortune"
(iet Your Hrlii Throuarlt
We Have The Well Known
Cider Made From Choice Apples Only
We do catering. Try us next
' time you have a luncheon
$ $ $ $
Opposite Perkins Bldg.
HOME:- What Is It Without
The Best By Every Test
Every Sack Guaranteed
PerSacK - $1.50
Per Barrel
Order a Sack Today
225 North Jackson Street
Phone 184
Is really the freedom that comes
from independence, and independ
ence can only belong to the thrifty
and saving. Young and old ought
to have a bank account and here is
he place to hare It. We welcome
individual accounts and are most ac
commodating to our depositors. We
offer liberal interest combined with
that security that belongs to solid
Institutions like ours.
AX Interest on Time Deposits
First Trusfand
Savings Bank